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THE MILITANT Saturday, June 7, 1980 Page Our National Tour DENY AID TO THE BLUMKIN MEERUT VICTIMS Shachtman Tours for Opposition ASSASSINATION Watch This Schedule for Your City The national tour by comrade Max and Superior, Wisconsin have been added In Moscow, only the narrow Party cirComrade Maurice Spector, member of Shachtman, arranged by the Communist to the schedule. It was not possible, be cles know about Etalin assassination of the national committee of the Communist cause of the crowded schedule, to fill a last Blumkin. By these circles rumors are sysLeague (Opposition. is one of the eight League of America (Opposition) is meeting with marked success wherever comrade minute request from Winnipeg, Canada at tematically spread that Blumkin committed witnesses for whom leaders of Indian trade Shachtman reports on his lengthy visit to this tme.
suicide. Stalin still does not dare to admit union and revolutionary movements on Leon Trotsky at Constantinople, the contrial in Meerut, have applied to the Briference of the German Left Opposition held In connection with the mass meetings, openly that he shot the counter revolu tionary Blumkin.
comrade Shachtman is also holding special tish viceroy hitherto without success. The and the preliminary Internatonal ConferIt is highly remarkable that the world sessions with the Branches of the CommunDaily Worker, organ of the British Comence of the Left Opposition ist League of America (Opposition. At capitalist press did not at all hurry to utilmunist Party reports in its issue of May at Paris, France. Comrade Shachtman was these meetings comrade Shachtman is ize the case of Blumkin. It calculates, and 7, 1930: the delegate of the Communist League of giving detailed reports of the recently con quite correctly, that the defense of the Left Over five weeks ago some of the America to both of these conferences.
cluded Plenum of the National Committee Cominunists from the Stalin atrocities is Meetings have already been held in Meerut prisoners, whose trial still drags of the Communist League, and is taking up not in its interests. Al the more persison, although the censorship allows no word New York City, New Haven, Conn. Philawith each Branch the expansion of activittently and uncompromisingly must theredelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Montreal, Canof it to come direct to Britain, made an fore the Left Opposition carry on the camles of the organization in the next period.
ada and Toronto, Canada. In Boston in application direct to the Viceroy.
paign of exposing the Stalinist crimes.
audition to the mass meeting, comrade The tour of comrade Shachtman which Their application was for permission We informed the comrades previously Shachtman also spoke before Independent commenced in New York on May 15th will to call as witnesses eight workers in the that besides Blumkin, two more oppositionWorkmen Circle No. 18.
cover approximately 25 cities, extending as revolutionary movement in England, CanAdditional Cities Added far west as Kansas City. It will conclude ists, the comrades Siloy and Rabinovitch, ada or Australia, the list being: Harry have been shot. This question, therefore, Requests to hear comrade Shachtman with meetings in Pittsburg, Pa.
Pollitt. Potter Wilson, of the Indian takes on exceptional political acuteness: came in from additionall cities with the As the Militant goes to press, th: folonly tho ocho of Stalin crimes among the Workers Welfare League. Dutt, result that Youngstown, Taluth Minn. lowing cities are yet to be visited.
advanced workers of the world will stop Saklatvala, Ryan, director of the Sydhis bloody atrocities against the Bolshevikney Labour Research Department, Australrevolutionaries.
ia, Tanner. A, Maurice Spector.
The former Communist Souvarine las Communist Party of Canada, Campbell, hastened to come to Stalin aid, declaring Out of the prosecutions 320 witnesses, that Blumkin was carrying out the directives from England have already been examHAMILTOX, CANADA WORKERS ITALL, Tower Avenue.
of the Opposition inside the and They have ined, and one from France.
Tuesday, June 6th.
that so long as the exists, it given evidence as to the actions of coDETROIT, MICH.
must assassinate agents that break faith, Friday, June 20. Mass Meeting at conspirators such as Harry Pollice. But Saturday Sunday, June 8. HALL, 914 Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Souvarine draws the conclusion that on the India to Pollitt is not allowed to go CHICAGO, ILL.
thirteenth year of the revolution. the answer this evidence and to give evidence Monday to Thursday, inc. June KANSAS CITY, MO. must be destroyed.
for the defense.
9, 10, 11, 12 Thursday Saturday, June 19 and We have no basis whatever for enterMINEAPOLIS, MIXX. 21. Branch Meetings. These police spies, who have brazerly ing into a political discussion with Souvaradmitted in court their system of opening Friday, June 13, Mass Meeting at ST. LOUIS, MO.
ine. We consider it sufficient to make the letters in the post, photographing them. COOKS WAITERS UNION HALL, Sunday Monday, June 22 23. Place following declaration: 520 Hennepin Avenue (above Unique to be announced. sticking them up again and sending them Comrade Blumkin never carried out, Theatre. SPPRINGFIELD, ILL.
and because of tho very nature of his work on, have produced volumes of printed evThe MINNEAPOLIS, MIN.
Tuesday, June 24. Place to be never could carry out the directives of the idends to prove the conspiracy.
Saturday, June 14. Twin City announced. Opposition either inside the or workers who wrote or published many of Membership Meeting.
CLEVELAND, OHIO through the Suffice it to say that these documents in England, Australia or ST. PAUL, MINN.
Wednesday Thursday, Plumkin spent a considerable part of the Canada are not allowed to enter India to 23Sunday June 15.
June Mass Meeting 26. Place to be announced. last period in the Far East, primarily explain, defend or justify them.
YOUNGSTOWX OHIO Mongolia Readers of the Militant should bear DULUTH, MINN.
Friday, June 27. Place to be anTo prohibit workers of the in mind that this procedure, characteristic Monday, June 16, Mass Meeting at nounced. as well as workers of the military instituof the most brutal persecutions of the CAMEL HALL, 12 Superior St. PITTSBURG, tions from holding views differing from capitalist class, is being followed by SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN Saturday. Sunday, June 28. 29.
those of the Central Committee, means to His Majesty Most Servile Government, the Tuesday, June 17, Mass Meeting at (Place to be announced. deprive Communists working in the above Labour Party cabinet of Ramsay MacDonnamed institutions of their elementary Parald.
ty rights. Only Stalinist bureaucrats can dofend such an outrage.
Comrade Spector was the leader of the Canadian Communist movement and chairThe is the organ of self defense man of the Political Bureau of the for the proletarian dictatorship. In so far as the October Revolution on its thirteenth there, as well as member of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, The convention of the Amalgamated year is still surrounded by a world of enem ing industry. Growing misery, economic until his expulsion from the Party some Clothing Workers which met in Toronto ies it cannot give up such organs the dice insecurity, the delivery of workers to 18 months ago for Trotskyism. He is tatorship cannot cease being a dictatorship.
received the usual tribute of liberal plau speed up and more grinding exploitation; dits.
now actively engaged in the work of the The liberaly whose miserable task Only liberals and liberalizing social and simultaneously the intimidation of the it is in our times to try to soften the Opposition.
workers by expulsion and similar threats democrats can pose this question on a sharp edge of the class struggle, feel, formal plane.
to the point when rank and fle democracy We raise it on a class deep affinity for Hillman and his as has been replaced by the rule of the offi.
plane: In the name of what are repressioos BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN OPPOSITION sociates They have been thoroughly cap cialdom, and its staff of hired experts, both applied? Against whom are they applied. tivated by the whole pseudo scientific ap of the gangster and the research variety.
Whom and what do they serve? It is Published in the Russian Language paratus of production standardis union It is high time for the militants in the matter of revolutionary expediency, and not ism, Amalgamated to renew their struggle. The super class justice. CONTEXTS The convention in Toronto was or anathy of the workers will quickly disThe assassination of Blumkin, as well Big Step Forward; Trotskyganized to present the most plausible front appear once they sense that the Left has 88 the repressions against the Leninist Towards Capitalism or Towards to the world of labor! The Left wing again thrown down the gage of battle to Opposition in general, weaken the prolet.
Socialism. Some more on comwhich has been craftily outmanoeuvred by the bureaucrats. But for this it is necesarian vanguard, undermine the Party and rade Blumkin. Trotsky. the honest Hillman machine realizes sary that the Left wing should base its strengthen the class enemies. The struggle Squeak in the Apparatus; Gret fully how false this front is. Perhaps it policy and leadership on the tried and against this treacherously cowardly murder. The Collectivization of the Vilwill impreses some impartial workers tested revolutionary strategy of Marx and of Blumkin by Stalin, we carry on in the lages; Collectivization in more it instead of merely repeating our Lenin. It is folly of the most dangerous name of the proletarian dictatorship.
Central Asia; Apparatus Falown root and branch indictment of Hill kind to set up old prejudices of American Let this be known to our friends and sity and Reality; Kote Czinczadze manism, we can cite the testimony of one syndicalism and De Leonism as the latest enemies. Letter to Okudszava; Let80 remote from Communism as Schneid evangel The Left wing has practically in the socialist Wecker (May 31. In ters From the Soviet Union.
surrendered the workers to Hillman and THE PROBLEMS OF THE INTERall the fine speeches of the officialdom his well oiled machine. Schneid sideNATIONAL LEFT OPPOSITION any reference to that whch is the heart of lights on the convention make clear that Trotsky An open Letter to the the matter the consideration of living and even at this convention organized without Italian Communists of the Proworking conditions of the workers. was the participation of the Left there was meteo Group; Manuryn and the studiously avoided. For a considerable considerable rank and file discontent and All readers of the Militant and their Comintern; From a Group of Fortme, he goes on to admit, conditions in Bal unrest, although it has been driven by the friends, who desire to get their copy of mer Red Army Slovaks to all the timore Boston, Montreal, Toronto and Chi absence of the Left and the suppression of Leon Trotsky, My Life. should make it Former Fighters of the Red Army; cago, not to speak of New York have been of workers democracy, to seek expression Mayakovsky Suicide; Zaslav.
developing from bad to worse. All you in the lobby corridors and not on the floor a point to order the bokk directly through sky The Prop of Stalinism; need have done at the convention was to Itselt. What is the policy of the Com the Militant. Shipment will be made the Voice from the Apparatus Ranks; put the question to a delegate. How much munist Party under these circumstances? day the order is received, and the cost of The forgetful Mlasnikov; do you earn and it would have opened It is expressed in the statement issued the wound.
and other importnat items.
Here is another most sig.
the book, five dollars. 00. covers the by the of the Needle Trades Work26 cents each 18c in bundles nificant fact. Of the two hundred delegates ers Industrial Union (Daily Worker May posuge charge. Send your order, together with 80 resolutions before them, only one 22nd. That statement is a direct appeal, with money order or cash to Send orders and funds to delegate took the floor, apart from the which if followed would have the immedofficial machine.
TIE MILITANT THE iate effect of isolating an insignificant MILITANT Such is the balance sheet of the Hill group of Left wingers from the main body 25 Third Avenue, New York, 25 Third Avenue New York, man Beckerman regime in the men cloth of the masses in the union.
Rank and File Unrest in the Amalgamated 받 Number 11 MY LIFE THE MICITANT, Vol. III, No. 22, June 7, 1930 Published weekly by the com munist League of America (Opposition) at 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subeription rate: 00 per year; foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, cents per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Cannon, Max Shachtman, MauIce Spector, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mail matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879. Total No. 47.