CapitalismCommunismEnglandLeninMarxSocialismStalinismTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, May 24, 1930 Saviors of Reformism Capitalist Monstrosity The Fight for Harry Eisman The workers who would otherwise have no obUnemployment stacles on their road of march from disillusioning reformism to militant Communism. That does not make Mnxton and his colleagues revolutionists, but rather The detailed reports that have ar the inost skillful deceivers of the working rived about the Birmingham conference clase, the Swiss Cuardsmen of reformism. study of the world wide unemploy is a real economie basis on which of the Independent Labor Party enable In a word, from the point of view of the ment which faces the capitalists of all revolutionary working class driven to desus to judge its decisions with greater ac leaders in contradistinction to the countries reveals some very interesting peration by hunger and starvation can curacy. As the first cabled reports already progressive ranks. Birmingham marked facts. Capitalism in its development has unite.
indicated, its most important act was the only a clever and temporary shift of front.
come face to face with a monster of its Capitalism has no salvation to the decision to organize as an independent facThe Incapacity of the own creation, the monster of unemploy. problems of unemployment and low wages tion the loyal representatives in ment. The breakdown of the capitalist because (first) unemployment is caused the House of Commons Labor Party group, Were there in England a Communist mode of production and distribution has come by the fact that when the workers is, emwith a program and a discipline separate Party capable of understanding and action, to be an awful and compelling truth. The ployed he receives about one sixth of the from that of the Parliamentary Labor Party instead of a sect that chases hopelessly worker is beginning to realize this, to re product of his labor which in turn produces as a whole.
after Third Period mirages, this capital all that it is not a matter of the personal a huge surplus, an era of capitalist overTho Diserediting of Refornism situation could be utilized to the utmost merits of public officials but that the cause production, so that the worker is turned for the revolutionary movement. But that is fundamental and that the true offender out to starve while the boss finds a marThe reasons for this radical step will is too much to expect of the Murphys and best characterize its significance. The seis nothing less than the system of class ket for his surplus goods. Second, on the Rustu. Eritish Communisin nevertheless cond Labor Party government has been rule undor he is exploited.
question low wages we find that capflasco not only from the point of view of has an excellent opportunity to tear aside italism, beinp competitive, is forced to sell the contemptible tatter with which the new But if the worker is beginning to have the revolutionary working class, but from its goods in an open competitive market saviors of reformism have clothed them some faint conception of these things the the point of view of reformism itself. So and the manufacturer who sells the cheapselves in an attempt to rig up in England capitalist class has a much clearer conest will be the one who get the orders.
reactionary has been its course, so essen.
a weak tea Imitation of their Austrian pro coption They realize that not only have tially similar ordinary Tory regimes But in order to decrease the cost of prototype, the professional capitulators to re. they no solution to the two problems which has it been, so nobly bas it defended the duction, he must either increase production action. Maxton and his clique will never chiefly effect the lives of the vast majority empire on every occasion, that it has a wakthrough the speed up or he must cut wages, blaze the trail of revolution in England of workers today, unemployment and low ened the enimity of wholo sections of the That the worker is being victinized by. it is not in their blood. But the British wages, but also that there is being estal.
working class, or at least laid the basis both of these methods of exploitation is Communista can. They need only to un lished through the existence of these two for such an awakening.
a fact too well known to deserve menlearn Stalinism and learn Marx and Lenin. legitimate, inevitable offspring of capital tioning to any extent here. In ten months, said Allen Young, one of the delegates to the conference.
During the recent unemployment pare Mr. Thomas has done more to enthrone ades the capitalist dictatorship, especially in itocratic power the financiers and in America. has shown its fear by its bankers than the previous Tory adminisbrutality. Every move of the working tratton in its four and a half years, and had class which might contain a germ of reymade intensely more difficult the tasks of The ruling class has few seruiles in future one of servility and docile obedience olutio:ary spirit is met with the club and future Socialist Governments. In the field its umisliment of Communisis. It picks to capitalism bayonet. Giant steides in the class conof foreign affairs, the great pacifist Macfrom the ranks of fighters for the workscions a wakening of the proletariat will llarry Eisman sent to prison for five Donald conclusively demonstrated that in ing class and his with equal severity al bring lu their train a series of repressions years: two students, Max Weiss of City perialist interests could be defended as well all challenges to its rule. Now from the of a hitherto unheard of character. The College, and Sol Wellman of Boy lligi and as violently by hin ng by Chamber picket line, now from the Party, and it does American capitalist class is the most agSchool, are threatened with expulsion: lain or Baldwin. Al the Hague, Snowden not hesitate to send to its prisons even the gressive, arrogant ruling class in the world eleven mothers are giveu jail sentences roared for Britain blood money like a tender youth. Harry Eleman, a member today comparable in brutality only to the because their children took part in working Shylock unleashed. At the London conFerneh fendal lords of 1789, and will not of the Young Pioneers has been sentenced class doinonstration. The authorities grow Lerence, MacDonald ardor for our naval make any retreat except it be a forced one.
to five years imprisonment in the Hawthorne red in the face denouncing the Young supremacy was indistinguishable under Reformatory for participating in the March However, as the machine age and the Pioneers and the Young Communist League.
the micriscope from that of Lord Grey 6th unemployment demonstrations, dawn of the super machine agu forces moro From the ruling class como cries for the In India, Laborito machine guns fire preand more workers into the ranks of the suppression and smashing of there cisely the samo bullets as the Tory type. It Depends on Whose Holiday It Is unemployed to face destitution and starmilitant youth organizations. Drivers are At home or abroad, for the miner of South The ridiculous farce of the charge vation, and as the class struggle becomes heralded all over the press to counteract Wales as for the Egyptan fellahin, the sharper, this inevitable acceleration of the truancy against school children participatthrough the Boy Scouts any influence the Laborite government has run up a record masses toward revolutionary concept will ing in working class holidays and lemon.
Young Pioneers have among working fully as black as any of its predecessors, so Bivations is quite apparent. Countless times take place. It would be idle to make any class children.
black indeed that even wet nosed liberals predictions as to how long before a de throughout the year holidays are officially of the New York Nation type have felt conproclaimed by the authorities bag day, de In face of this increased persecution the cided development of this phase takes strained to mew a mild protest.
place coration day, Lincoln Birthday, etc. Here working class must not remain quiet. Only The socialists in power are thus prothe students are turned loose into the odganizations like the PS. , long in Super Machine Age ceeding to accomplish one of their most streets and forced to sing and cheer the potent in the interests of the working class. War is of course inevitable. Modern important if not involuntary tasks: the deg. Star Spangled capitalist and land of the can fail to respond. With increased un capitalism however, has at its command ruction of working class faith in the efficaslave. The boy scouts oamp fire girls, etc. employment running into the millions, the the inventive genius of the world. Never cy of reformism. The P, conference deare released from school almost any time speed up and the wage cuts forced on the before in the history of humanity has cision is a reflection of this fact from two the jingo militarists want to show their working class, the cry for organization Le insensate mechanism been able to perform diametrically opposed directions.
masters what gracious and valuable ser comes louder and more imperative We the tasks of both brawn and brain as it First: it is a result of upward pressure vice they are rendering them.
must consolidate our forces to give impetus dues today. One of our radio engineers from below, the demand from the ranks for But just let a working man son or to this process.
a few years ago wasing enthusiastic over a more militant and aggressive struggle daughter walk out to demonstrate against the sucess of some experiments in radio.
against capitalism and its most willing unemployment and the storm breaks loose.
Especially the working youth which is control. predicted that not only was the lackey, the Labor Party. There are thou.
Expulsion, terrorism, and even imprisonmore exploited, has the great need to ally driverless automobile and the manless bate sands of revolutionary workers in the to the banner of Communisip. Any unment awaits the working class children.
tleship here, but that the workerless face who are moving towards Communanswered blow on any section of the workThe capitalist class knows well the phrase: tory was just around the corner. Predic ism, confusedly and unconsciously, but ing class seriously weakens the whole The youth is the hope of the future. All tions of this type are usually dismissed nevertheless they are moving. The pressure movement. The case of Harry Elisman forces are brought into play to make this by the average unimaginative worker as they excercized on the Birmingham condoes not stand alone as an isolated sign 80 milch bull until the dream becomes ference was a step in this direction. From of the cruelty of some city official. On a reality and he fiads himselt out of a the point of view of the ferment in the the contrary, it is just one of a long chain job as the consequence. Quid recently ranks, the Birmingham decis is unquesof blows dealt both to adult and youth one of big ric companies was demtionably to be greeted as a reflection of a movements. Thus the slogan of Free Harry onstrating the tele vox. or mechanical man, powerful molecular process.
Etsma: should become for the Communist so that we see that the human supervisor Maxton as MacDonald Saviour youth a centre for mobilizing the workof the machine is about to be replaced by BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN OPPOSITION Secondly: the decision is a result of ing youth and student. The liberation of the machine supervisor of the machine.
downward pressure from above, the desire Published in the Russian Language this young student is the task of working Reflecting on the tremendous davances of the leaders to save the class youth irrespective of political be of this inventive genius an on the driving miserable face of reformism to set up a Summary of this issue liefs and towards this end a broad united force of various capitalist nations to see front should be created. The Communist new wall against the forward march toL. Trotsky: The Party situation and the cure the world markets, it is casy to comwards revolution of the workers who have League (Opposition) pledges its wholeTasks of the Left Opposition (Open Let prehend that a gradul introduction of hearted support to save the movement for been jolted out of their belief in reformiem ter to the Members of the this super machine era will take place.
by the brutal realities of its treachery.
Harry Eisman from isolation. Let a strong Yes or No. The First Reply on the Searching for a way to have itself from Maxton, in his keynote speech, adequately movement be the response to ruling class Assassination of Blumkin. Markin: The extinction by competition, capitalism will showed that he was against the Communist provocations.
Dissolution of the Party into the Class.
pive the way for its extinction by revolu GEO. CLARKE movement because he is against the protion, Trotsky: The Five Year Plan and World Trying to save itself by avoiding letarian revolution, but against the Labor Unemployment. Course but Not a Polone road it will be hopelessly lost by takParty only because it brings discredit to, 1cy. on the New Course in the ing nother. Under no circumstances is it let us call it, Intelligent reformism. Just We see from the papers that a little Correspondence of the Opposition. Lottery possible for a return to the periodical reas the Labor Party opposition to capitalist while ago the Lovestone group sent a letfrom Russia. Alfa: Pure and Transparent surrection of capitalist proseperity in the parties is developed rigidly within the ter to the Senate Committee protesting senge of giving part time employment to as a Crystal. Well: The Split in the trame work of capitalism, 80 Maxton opthe Houver nomination of Judge Parker to nearly all the workers. We must organize Leninbund. The International Unification position to MacDonald is with equal rigor the Supreme Court, evidently with the deof the Left Opposition. Berg: The Labor not to stop the onrush of the machine age confined to the limits of reformism, Maxsire of getting some one into that position but rather to stop any further advance of Movement in Lithuania. Etc. etc.
ton and Co. have set up concentration who would be fair to labor. Not many the machine age slavery. You must fight 25 cents each 18c in bundles camp two miles to the Left of the Labor days later, the Senate voted to reject Park for th) abolition of the capitalist ownerParty, and two hundred miles to the Right Send orders and funds to er. The American bourgeoisle must sim ship of the machine and the emancipation of the proletarian revolution, in which to THE MILITANT ply have been scared out of its wits by of the working class through the dicta 9: Tbird Avenue intern for as long a time as possible ihose New York, NY. Lovestone orship of the proletariat. ROT: No. 10