BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismItalyLeninMarxismOpportunismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT Paturday. Mag Page In Italy In the Party District Plenum a completely bankrupt; the bunding trades pened to the general silk strike you were boasting about. Our women department has collapsed; the Negro department Crisis in the Communist Party The Pittsburgh Expulsions fraction is impotent and unorganized; our It the Plenum of the C, demon demonstrations were not utilized at all; strated the utter bankruptcy of the present the same forces that are alway with us MOSCOW chang, is begining to take place in the genParty leadership and its line, the New were there at the May Day conference, It seemed that the Italian Communist eral state of mind of the working populaYork d:strict Plerum can be said to have but no new ones (why didn you adopt Party was an exception in the Communist tion. But what still characterizes the gurpassed it in that respect. Needless to the Trotskyists proposals for a broed International by its escape from the crises Italian situation in the very grave state of say, the session was held up for hours on united front. the department work is which have up to now ravaged its sections, disorganization of the workers, their conSaturday (May 10) while the best think uncoordinated; etc. etc. The only And this fact way very disquieting for the dition of passivity and terror. It suffices ers in the Party were working out the success Benjamin mentioned was the leaders of the How is it possible, to consider the following fact: even though most proper thesis. Then came the re elimination of the language branches. they said. that in the Italian the the wage of the Italian workers has been ports of Hathaway, for the Central Com only he forgot to say that the members phenomenon of opportunism can be limited reduced to almost 40 percent only in these mittee, and Benjamin for the district. were eliminated too.
simply to the case of Tasca?
last years, the industrialists today can perHathaway report gave neither anal Comrades, let us demand a real disons Italy is the country of the most fer mit themselvey a new reducson of 10 ysis nor perspectives. There is a dis sion, not of trifles and not bureaucratically ocious capitalist dictatorship: the country without meeting open resistance. Unemparity between the resolutions adopted and but on the basis of the vital questions of where our Party, by great and constant ployment has asumed such proportions their execution by the Party members, ag principle, of strategy and tactics that our bloodshed has been terribly decapitated. that the workers accept these reductions well as between these resolutions and our expelled Trotskyist comrades have raised. All the old directing cadres and also all out of fear of seeing jobless hired in cheir organizational strength. There must be a And let fight to reinstate them. ROGER the intermediary cadres of our Italian places. To adapt the tasks and the work bharp turn (again. in the Party orientaParty and then the cadres successively of he Party to the situation means to untion because so far all decisions are acformed after the exceptional laws, have derstand in the first place, where the masscepted in words but not in deeds (because been swept away, destroyed by the enemy. es are, so as to have the possibility to movthe comrades have no real beliet in your PITTSBURGHOpportunists, Real and Faked ing the forward. But the tasks of the Party idiotic decisions. Discipline is needed towards the masses are not independent of The latest news in the Communist Now however, the Heckerts, the Ferand there cannot be any neutrality on dethe internal condition of the Party, in the Party is that John Kaspar has been expelled raus and their friends can be satisfied by cistong, as for example in our Czecho Slofrom the Party and Gariigel suspended the discovery that, within the Italian working class of its effective bonds with the masses.
vakian organ which accepts all the critifor six months. Unit No. protested in also a strong current of Opportunismi cisms made of it but refuses to publish If the Party is not connected with the favor of Garifigel and Kaspar with the re has manifested itsell, which has literally critical articles. It never occurcal to factories, it can have nossing but phrases sults that a squad of officials, headed by shattered in two the leading organs of this bim to explain that the disparities rethe acting district organizer, Salzman at same Party.
when it speaks of the political general Every comrade, no matter sult from the fact that his decisions have strike and the insurrection. If the Party tended the meeting to pass the resolution how little initiated in the practises of the little if any relation to the realitles of the against Kaspar, Salzman is the boy who life in recent years, can guess imis not in a position to organize the workers situation.
in the struggle against the bosses for their walks around with a diploma from the In mediately that you will not find among the Our Negro department is bankrupt, defense ct their wages, it can have nothing ternaticnal Stalin School and won bis spurs opportunists the Ereolis and Carlandis he reported. Then why does he print all but hrases when it speaks or guidin; tho as a leader by wrecking the Pittsburgh who, in the same way that they spit on the lies in the Daily Worker about the masses in the civil war, in the battles of district of the The unit elected the corpse of Bucharin after having been successes with Negro work, and then tell the street etc.
its own chairman but Dunne took the chair its moso fervent lackeys, have, themselves, only the assembled bureaucrats the truth Another discord involves the dispostwithout asking the mombership. The mem hoisted the flag of the struggle against behind closed doors? There are no new tion of the forces of the revolutionary blog bership was terrorized so that they were opportunism.
cadres or forces in the Party. The In Italy today, declares the Ercoli maFirst of all, a preliminary remark: the even afraid to speak. 19 really going through a crisis and jority, every body poses the dilemna: tasSalzman read my article from the last fact that in this minority are the best there also there are no cadres for leadcism or Communism? Everybody? Yes, ership. Why then do you expel and reissue of the Militant to the memberslip in elements who after the exceptional laws, all occupied the most perilous posts ir the everybody: workers, peasants, city Detty order to show that Kaspar is connected move all the capable comrades, just bebourgeoisie. So there is nothing more for cause they fight your weekly zig zags of with the Opposition. After long speeches illegal work in Italy, as well as the proour Party to do for the conquest of the policy? Why do you crush all our initifrom Salzman, Dunne, Overgaard and the letarian elements of the former leadership eles. ed by the last congress of the Party working class, its allies the peasant, to neuative in the Party ranks, killing every rest they approved the resolution by eskitralize the middle sections, etc. since every. Lyons, 1925. and the fact that on the possibility for the development of meming the members one by ons to say Yes body in Italy poses the dilemna: fascism bers and poisoning them with your misconother side there are all the petty bouror No.
Eight comrades didn say e ther geois elements who made their revoluor Communism. How could all this have ceived theories? Why don you really Yes or No and now they are also in danger happened when our Party, since the excepcarry out workers democracy in the Party of expulsion.
tionary career in Party offices (these eleThese elght com lades are tional laws has been reduccil to absoments are under the direction and guidance Instead of just writing Junky resolutions old members of the Party, real proletarians, Iute illegality, has been chased from the of the attorney, Ercoli, precisely defined very active in the Party work, leaders about it? When you do that and change factories by the harshest reaction, has lost the present Party course, maybe you will of the unit and well acquainted with the by comrade Trotsky, as the attorney for all causes. these facts are therefore already its contacts wth the country, etc? It is a not have to admit so shamefacedly to a burcaucrats of this district. All those that filied with significance by themselves to matter, as all can see, of the theory of the Plenum that in the membership drive we voted in favor of the resolutions spoke revolution that matures of itsell, the theory 800 1, 400 applications (in the press you against it when the meeting was adjourned, pred to us where the home of opportunism really is in the Italian Party. The very of the spontaneous revolution, which is at which indicates how fearful they were to exaggerated again. and only hall remainthe basis of the whole system of these Sus discords that have cut in two the lead ed. We got these applications at mass express their real opinions openiy.
ers. ip of the Italian Party which had up creators of revolutions who think that meetings and demonstrations but not from All honest comrades must see, and to now retained its unity at all costs, reit is enough to write in a paper which elements in the shops.
that soon, that such a leadership only reaches only a very limited number of late a. once to political and to organizaAs for his analysis of the American wrecks the movement. It must be got rid workers that the insurrection is maturing tional questions Bivuation, it was miserable. We sent him of. The comrades know what a failur? the The major)ty, headed by Ercolt in in order for us actually to face the insurto school in Moscow to get a Marxist educa My Day demonstra con was, for which an endeavor to have his past errors, his Tection.
tion and he came back to tell us that there Salzman and the rest of his crew are to Bucharinist and Tascan loves forgottenThe Role of the Vanguard is fascization of the state here because the blame. At the park demonstration, there has repaired, as usually happens, to the Against the ridiculous infantilismot government has become super organized, were about 400 people and only about 200 most advanced position of the Lettest those who announce everything ripe, easy because Hoover conferred with the busin paraded in the street. At the evening mass Leftism. In accordance with the decisions ready for success, the minority affirms the ess men, because financial capitalists are meeting where there were only 50 or so of the 10th Plenum on the famous Third need of fighting bitterly against the social the government, and power is being Salzman spoke, and without blushing, told Period. Ercoli and Co. say they see the democracy because it is not true that the concentrated in the president and Judiciary. the workers who had participated in that coming to maturity in Italy of all the democratic illusions (which, a9 Lenin Nor did we need his trip for him to re day demonstration that there had been elements of an acute revolutionary situa taught find their most favorable ground port the crisis in America is deepening 2, 500 workers on the streets. When heard tion. The formula is typically opportun in every reactonary situation) have disapwithout adding a single word of explan that said to myselt that the Stalinist ist for it affirms: seeing the coming. peared in Italy because iu is not true that ation, elaboration proof or analysis to school in Moscow sure graduated a good to maturity. that is, a process is in the dilemna is today posed: fascism or those six words.
diplomatic liar. JAMES SIPAKIS dicated which may last months or years. Com. nunism. but on the contrary, it is If anything, Benjamin only painted But it is for the coming months that Ercoll the role of the proletarian vanguard orthe coal blacker. The district has failed May Day in Youngstown and Co. put on the order of the day the ganized in the Commur. ist Party to see to here and there and everywhere. We are YOUNGSTOWNanti fascist insurrection in Italy. The it that this dilema: fascist dictatorship still lagging behind the masses. In PatTens of thousands of workers and bus catastrophe is imminent. The crisis sharp or proletaran dictatorship becomes the erson, a spontaneous strike, but the Party iness men gathered in the streets of ens every day. The masses are on the dilemna of the whole toiling population, is nowhere to be seen. What has hapYoungstown to see our small parade to streets. We must accomplish a political The minority characterizes the ultrahear the speakers in the Public Square, and organizational turn. The organiza Lett position of Ercoll and Co. as a position terest us. But this form was never creat but the slogan ot a mass political strike tional work, they say, must be adapted of real capitulation in the face of difficult ed, by the author, and was not selected by failed entirely. Not only did the steel the new situation and to the new tasks ies. To substitute the revolutonary phiase hlin voluntarily. It was imposed upon him workers not respond at all but even the posed by the situation that being precip for the old opportunist positions held in the partly by opponents, and partly by the very Party members largely failed to act. The itated.
past by Ercoli and Co. does not mean to course of political development. Even the official Party here failed to mobilize the The Minority Viewpoint give the Party a more radical policy. Petty truths of mathematics, the most abstract members and sympathizers with their fam The minority objects, in the first place: bourgeois opportunism can mask its wares of the sciences can best of all be learned in ilies in order for the parade to be more Is it possible to accomplish a turn, no by revolutionary phrases: if it is under connection with the history of their dis successful, and there were neither women matter which, without taking the Party the banner of the official leadcoveries. This holds all the more truly por children in it. Which doesn prevent situation into account? turn which takes ership of the that the endeavor is of more concrete, that is, historically con the Dally Worker from publishing its cus no account of the Party situation instead made to introduce these wares into our ditioned truths of Marxist policy. The his tomary monstrous exaggeration about the of bridging the gap existing between the Parties, then the fight against opportunism tory of the origin and development of the May Day demonstration in Youngstown. Party and the objective situation, can only appears once more as the fight for a firm progaoses of the revolution in the condi Ed. The way to make the workers un make it deeper, extend it. This is the sad really Bolshevik leadership of the Comtions of pre revolutionary Russia will, wo derstand our political slogans is to organize experience that the Italian Party itself has munist International.
think bring the reader much nearer and far them on the basis of concrete Issues in the had in the years of absolute illegality folmo concretely to the essence of the revo class struggle, and through hard fighting lowing the exceptional laws.
If the ni: your wrapper is Bary tasks of the world proletariat against the capitalist class to develop a in the second place: The signs of milrool like and pedantic exposition working class understanding and political itancy of the working and peasant masses clitical ideas, torn out of the maturity. The Party leaders don seem are multiplying, it is true, every day then your subscription. le Milltant has mtances that gave birth to to understand this at all. Faenza, Sulmona, Avellina, unemployment expired. Renew immediately in order to DENIS PLARINOS demonstrations etc. are a proof that a avoid missing any issone 45