BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Vol. III, No. 20 Telephone: DRYdock 1666 NEW YORK. Saturday, May 17. 1930.
PRICE CINTA The Labor Party Message of Peace Comes from the Mouth of Machine Guns WEEK The «Red» Guerilla War in China Whalen Forgeries The world of liberal and socalist refor Imprisoned in turbulent Bombay and vi.
The crude anti Soviet forgeries of Mr. mistu is deeply stirred with fear and chag cinity so that they can reflect in their cells Whalen have proved a miserable dud even rin. All its shabby principles and methods, on the Labor Party passionate desire to in Washington. The New York Graphic its prestige. its future are in danger free India. So can the 80 Indians that exposed their origin by tracing the forger of crashing on the rocks of the class strug were arrested in Calcutta. So can the relies to a New York printing shop where the gle in India. The British Labor Party and atives of the Indians massacred at Pesha Co nintern letterheads were turned out. its leader. Ramsay MacDonald, are again wur when the British troops (with the Besides, anyone casually acquainted with taking the great dispute between reform slogans of MacDonald pacifisin inscribed the Communist movement could see at first and revolution out of the realm of abstract on their regimental banners) retook the glace that no Communist or Communist discussion and testing the merits of the city from the insurgents. The pious Chrisorganization could possibly have concocted former in undisputable realities. And the tain Laborites are on a Holy Crusade 10 the letters. What stands out quite clearly test has resulted. as was inevitable, in a preserve the British Empire.
is that whalen must have been well aware of crushing indictment of MacDonaldism.
The international social democracy la the falsity of the documents when he Eightecen hundred British troops, the worried. Its prestige is being hopelessly first made them public. For his pains he soldiers of His Majesty and His Majesty compromised. The French Populaire writes: has been virtually laughed out of court by loyal servants of Labor Party, are pat Political opinion in England and in that most of the prominent capitalist papers.
rolling the streets of Sholapur. The country every government is obliged to reEut chat does not mean the ond of the mat Indian population is being persuaded of ckon with it is so attached to what it ter. There are indications that the roots the nobleness of MacDonald inevitability calls the integrity of the empire that the of the whole dirty business may be uncovof gradualness by the establishment of cabinet which would infringe this integered and men higher up involved. The martial law. The message of all hallowing Forgers International reaches from Riga rity, in which India forms the keystone for paciilsn is pouring out of Labor Party ma the English, would be immediately swept and Sofia, through Berlin through Macchine guns that point down all the thorDonald and Daldwin. to Whalen. Mathew away.
Nevertheless, these professional oughfares. MacDonald is insertng the slave traders add, the Labor Party looks Woll and Ralph Easly of the Civic Federsweet spirit of Christ and Laborism into upon the Gandhi movement with sympaation. and some noted individuals in the hearts of the Indian masses at the point thy. Certainly, for Gardhi who is strang.
Washington whose names may yet be known of the saber and bayonet.
ling the movement he is involutarily arous.
Nevertheless, Whalen attempt to put a From 200 to 500 indians have been ing but not for the movement itself.
crimp into the growing Soviet trade by in exposure of Amtorg has not got very far. American labor, suffering intensely from unempioyment will do well to demand credits to Russia that will enable it to place machinery orders bere d alleviate joblessness.
NOTE: This article by one of the leaders of the Chinese Opposition was received after our last issue was off the press. It gives a first hand picture and Tariff and Trade Marxist analysis of the guerilla warfare now going on in Southern China and he attempt of American captalism to serves as a thorough reply to the falsehoods and anti Marxist nonsense which the issue out of its profound crisis is involving official Party press (particularly Its Chinese expert Doonpirg) publishes on events it in the sharpest conflict throughout the in China, Our next issue will contain another letter from comrade Niel Sih. Ed. world. Hoover soothing syrup is obvious.
ly accomplishing nothing. The ill fated SHANGHAI of Communists arrive and begin to shout. engineering mind no sooner says that all To have an idea of the real importance Down with the Kuo Min Tang! Long live 15 going well than the Stock Market suf of the official Communist Party, it should the Communist International! and disfers its worst crash, Canada opens a bitter be noted that according to the official fig tribute leaflets. But this method gives no tariff war on the and a new decrease ures the membership in Shangbai does not serious results: the leaflets fall on the in New York Jobs is immediately re exceed one thousand. The organization sidewalk and street and are swept up with ported. The which can build cap has no active life; all is concentrated the dirt by the municipal street cleaners.
italism in one country just as little as Sta in the hands of the apparatus. The situ dozen demonstrators are led to the stalin can build socialism in one country) can ation is still worse in the provinces. tion house. Next day, the Party organ alleviate its body wracking crisis only by The recent congress of the Party at proclaims that the demonstration was magan assault upon the world market, which Dazhan Sus proclaimed that the revolution. nificent, with thousands of participants means primarily an assault upon European ary situation was ripe and appealed for when only bout one or two hundred Party. capitalism. headed by England, But the the general strike and the armed uprising members could be seen. Such demonstraanarchy of capitalist production, makes it in the cities, and for the development of the tions were frequently launched for the enormously difficult to reorganize American guerilla war in the country.
most futile motives.
Industry for this attack. Bad signs for Certain strikes imposed from above On the other hand, Communists are American industry multiply: steel and iron were terminated either with a lockout by sent to the Left Kuo Min Tang generals in are stagnant. Foreign trade dropped althe bourgeoisie or with bloodshed; in the order to help them in the constitution of most a third of a billion dollars in January beat case, by the economic defeat of the new troops. It is even said that the ComFebruary March. Canada is hitting back workers. spirit of passivity prevails munists sent a delegate to the conference at the Grundy bill by establishing a Britishwithin the textile industry which is the for a bloc against Chiang Kai Shek. This favored tariff that will cut American trade principal industry in Shanghai. The bour conference was recently held in Hong Kong.
with Canadá by 23 percent: France and geoisie conducts a systematic offensive It goes without saying that while it mainother countries are also preparing retaliaagainst the workers, replacing men in tex tains its collaboration with the Left Kuo tions, America will meet world competitiles by women and children.
Min Tang, the official Party and its organ, tion only by lowering costs of production, Two or three Communist workers can The Red Fing, conducts a rabid campaign which means the severest attack on sometimes be found in the most important against the Left Opposition.
labor standards, and the creation of the industrial enterprises. For a long time The situation is still worse among the most profound international social convulnobody took the trouble to keep in contact provincial Party forces. No cainpaign has sions and upheavals. The American crisis with them. But First of August saw been conducted against the Kuo Min Tang is not only lifting whole sections of the the beginning of a period of artificial ex for a long time. on the belief that was a working class out of capitalist minded plosions: the Party organized demonstra finished phase and that after their disswaps. but is blazing the trail for the tions, one after the other. Outside of the illusionment with the Kuo Min Tang the proletarian revolutions in Europe.
kernel proper of the membership, the de workers would rejoin the Communist ranks The Lynching Bee monstration only attracted some chance of their own accord.
ih uniformed defenders of law and passers by. For the most part they pro In reality thay did nothing of the kind.
order it. Sherman Texas stood by while the ceeded as follows: The Left Kuo Min Tang showed considerlynching mob burned to death George In a busy street, with many passers by. able flexibility, even taking the lead in nuIntinued on Page 7)
small merchants, buyers and idlers, a bunch (Continued on Page. Norman Thomas. the spokesman for American socialism who is also a mon of God and plety, expresses the worried hope that the (Labor) Party will find some honorable. way out of the tragically difficult situation which it has inheritel. in India. To be sure. Mr. Thomas, who has such ardent hopes of building a replica of the Fritish Labor Party in the United States so that he may himself becomes MacDonald, is more than a little embarras.
sed by the difficulties created for him in advance by his brother in Christ. MacDonald. Thomas is wiser than MacDonald only because he has not the cliance o exercize power and may Thomas God hely the Filipinos and Cubans if he ever gets the chance. There is no reason in the world to Believe that Mr. Thomas will act an better in Havana or Manila than Zocrgiebe!
in Berlin or MacDonald ia Sholapur or Cairo Puzzled and Powerless!
Thomas is not the only apolegetic and embarrassed socialist. His colleague, James Oneal ables the Labor Party: American workers puzzled regarding Labor Party attitude toward India. The evangel of timid progressivism Muste. declares that MacDonald has done things which leave his friends powerless to say a word in his defense. We know of no better characterization of these two men than the ones they themselves employ: Oneal is puzzled about how to defend the scoundrelly record of is fellows in India (he is puzzled in general, by any important question. and Musle is as powerless to defend it as he is careful not to attack it.
But what Muste is careful not to do, Lovestone does. He is, as he will cxplain, an enemy of British imperialsm and Laborism. So that on May 10, he called a mass meeting at Columbus Circle to DEMAND FREEDOM FOR GANCHI. Lovestone is bitter at MacDonald too. He wants to restore Gandhi to the Indian masses!
Lovestone is the most violent opponent of the permanent revolution in India. He does not want to skip any stages of development. Candhi has not yet had the opportunity to massacre the Indian masses like Chiang Kai Shek did in China. The only thing he has done so far is to be.
tray them in his own way, hand the militants over to the British jailors by dis.
owning their violence. Consistent Lovestone! For the alliance with Chiang KaiShek in the Chinese revolution in 1925 27 and for the defense of the strangler of the Indian revolution for the freedom of Candhi. in 1930!
As for the Daily Worker, and the rest of the Stalinist press, it is as puzzled as Oneal and as speechless as Muste from another point of view. It has an unusual opportunity to draw pointed lessons from the Indian revolts and the attitude of Laborite reformism. But it is strangely silent. Its Indian news is buried somewhere on an insignificant page. It fears to speak of a genuine revolutionary movement in India because there is no Communist Party there. AND THERE IS NO COMMUNIST PARTY BECAUSE STALIN HAS BEEN TOO BUSY PLAYING WITH INDIAN NATIONALISM ANI PETTY BOURGEOIS WORKERS AND PEASANT PARTIES TO BUILD THE COMMUNIST MOVEMTNT The Indian masses are paying heavily for the crimes of Stalinism. MAX SHACHTMAN