BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceImperialismLeninSocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

Τ Ε MILITANT Page. Saturday, May 10, 1930 AFTER YEN BAY Unemployment in Minneapolis The Inconsistency The Revolt in Indo China of the card.
MINNEAPOLIS KANSAS CITY Twelve thousand people jammed the The value of colonization from the placed between two fires. it has never It is amusing how the Socialist Labog Minneapolis Municipal Auditorium and five point view of the economic development been and never will be able to live its inParty decries revolutionary action on the thousand more were turnd away from the of colonized countries has already been dependent life. History has inscribed its part of the workers; and, at the same time, monster unemployment protest meeting stressed. The lovers of hasty conclusions oscillations now towards the imperialist pretends to defend the Soviet Union which called April 23rd by the Organization and will exclaim: But then we cannot under bourgeoisie (French) without this bourwas established by revolution. quote frong Education Committee of the Central Labor stand why you fight colonization. It is geoisie, at least till the latest times, unitthree separate paragraphs of a pamphlet Union.
to forestall this objection, as simple as it ing or allying itselt with one or the other entitled Americanism issued by the Unemployment Serere is stupid, that we have added: Eorn of of the two Indo Chinese social poles. It is self evident that it is the Proletarian Revolution in Russia which has After many gropings, the Indo Chinese This turnout proves positively the deep the brutal fact of conquest and not of the aroused the capitalist class of this country normal process of evolution, the industrial bourgeoisie is falling pitiably into the only growing inroads unemployment has made revolution brougbt about by colonization is to realization and action.
political formula that fits it: Franco Annainto the lives of Minneapolis workers and All means are demonstrates how they will respond to a thoroughly artificial.
mite collaboration based on a vague equalgood to a desperate ruling class, as long Ito aid themselves during the present It is now a question of drawing the ity, upon Justice and courtesy. in realas the hope is held out of prolongation of power. Referring to direct action propacrisis in industry. The rallroads are putity, upon the unequal sharing, but still most important consequences from this obgandists. sharing, of Indo China and the surplus servation.
When it is not possible to ting into effect a 15 reduction in payroll soften the worker brain by cajolery, or The building trades see no great pickup values extracted from the forced labor of It is obvious that without this political gouge It out by Jingoism, then by all means in spring building. Layoff, speedup, and the Indo Chinese masses.
conquest by the European, American and let it be beaten out by policemen clubs wage cuts are the order of the day. Only Japanese imperialisms, the present colonies Contrary to other bourgeoisies supportor shot out by Winchester rifles.
the Ford plant seems to be running full ed more or less by deceived masses, the would, as a result of a vital necessity of The author of the pamphlet did not blast with 3, 300 men, but they also are Annamite bourgeoiste has entered upon the economic evolution, have entered the path All conditions consider the fact that the Revolution in planning a short season.
of rational prodction, of machinism, any political scene without having first been Russia would never have been brought were excellent for packed meeting. The able to rally any part of the masses. This way.
about had not the workers of that country Auditorium was donated by the City CounOn the other hand, colonial experience explains the brutal, Inelegant manner dared to face clubs and rifles. Had LP.
with which the French government, conFloyd Olson, the Farmer Labor gives us an example of a country whose tactics been followed in Russia, the nation gcious of this fact, treats It. Twice the Candidate for governor was the big drawing Walter Frank, Cramer and rythm of development is manifestly rewould still have been prostate under the most authorized representatives of France, tarded by this political domination itsell: iron heel of the Robianoffs.
other labor officials scheduled to speak, importuned by the demand of our elected India. There, the presence of the alien Eddie Dunsteder, the theatre organist and The inconsistency of the is You has enabled Gandhi to build up and spread bourgeols, have told them flatly: further shown by the fact that its official the Kiddie Review, to amuse the crowd.
his ultra reactionary theory of non violence represent nothing at all.
organ, the Weekly People has, at the eame The stage was set. Amplifiers broadAfter this declaration that the native and non cooperation based on a sentimental time, been publishing a biography o? Lenis casted the speeches to every corner of the reaction against the machine, the devil of bourgeoisle, artificially born, is incapable and ridiculing Communists as comesoort building. Thousands roamed the corridors tho Occident, a reaction which unfortun of any revolt, we now hear Doriot propound ists. Communist alive is, according to trying to sneak in against the Fire Marhis colonial theory. Bourgeois democratic ately keeps the Indian masses, for quite reasoning, a hair brained fanatic shall orders. Yet with all these favortime too long, alas. closer to political revolution Arst, he recently said in the while one dead is a great proletarian hero, able circumstances the meeting lacked spirCivil Engineers Hall of rue Blaniche. There mysticism than to even a superficial examit. The speakers quibbled and hedged with immediately unfolds before my eyes with We wonder if both the purveyors of ination of the concrete conditions of the the main problems. the chain store bocapitalistic and Menshevik bromides are anti imperialist struggle.
blinding clearness the horrible scenes of kum was stressed. buy union label card torture in China at the time of the Chiang not attempting to soften the brains of the Forty years of military penetration to goods and solve unemployment. vote for Kai Shek Stalin revolutionary experiment.
workers by cajolery. One teaches them to esta lish a politial domination, which repFloyd Olson for governor:Labor friend, Cannot Doriot understand that the naacquiesce in robbery; the other fails to Walter Frank attempt at a real analysis resents a considerable loss of energies teach him the correct tactics wherewith to whi could have made marvels (bour tive bourgeoisie, suffering from congenital was weak and lacked any concrete propoimpotence, will not embark on a democratic eliminate the robber. In the present crusals for the solution of unemployment, geols, of course) in the economic and scicial moment, when class lines are being entific domain and which were wasted in revolution, but will allgn themselves on the which the workers could profit from.
drawn firmly and sharply, when the workthe guerrila fighting, the conspiracies and side of imperialism?
It is not surprising that over one hall ers are struggling for emancipation, the struggles of Interest between the ruling And besides, there exists a world sit continues to sit on the fence and the audience dribbled out before the main dynasty and foreign imperialism. And then, uation within which Indo China is included. make asinine quips at those who are genspeaker got the floor. The reason was obwhen about 1900, the French bourgeoisie Capitalism extends to the farthest corners vious: No program was laid down to comuinely laboring to overthrow capitalisin.
began its economic penetration into Indo of Asia. The world, despite the fact that Workers bat and abolish unemployment, China, it was the era of organized waste, politically it is still composed of many In the very words of the all know and no spellbinders can convince means are good to a desperate ruling powfor example, works of a million which cost nations, tends to form an economic whole. er.
them otherwise, that the union label hocusten times as much in the budget, the friends In addition, democracy is sufficiently exIf they ever examined history, the pocus is no solution for unemployment or writers would be forced to observe of the governors pocketing the surplus. pose so that there can no longer be any any other big problem of the labor movethat no ruling class has ever succumbed Moreover, the native agrarian bourplace for a democratic revolution, ment. Frank vague reference to an inwithout a struggle. The capitalist class geoisie, in conflict with the French indus Bourgeois revolution or proletarian sodustrial and political democracy which he is no exception to the rule as its past recialist revolution no other issue.
trialists from the very beginning the latter somehow picked up in his brief stay in the cord and present conduct show.
Communist movement is a cheap socialist having at its disposal a powerful military But it one can distinguish the real from HAROLD PREECE the formal, it can be said that in reality and political force, and still having the fig leaf concealing his seat on the Olson memories of the recent civil wars, removed the world bourgeois revolution parallels band wagon.
its opponent from the industrial and com capitalist expansion itself in all its forms.
Cramer Has Ross Pinched room of the international bureau. Step by mercial field.
There remains now the proletarian so step, we must follow the dynamic relations And behind the scenes what do we This struggle for the strengthening of cialist revolution, Of course, that will not of the united forces, the temporary harmony find? We find a connivance with the police the political power of imperialism, for the be achieved at one blow. There is a com among them, strengthened or destroyed by to prevent a real message getting to the legalization of an illegal act, the conplicated process, that is, stages which we the later developments of the struggle. We can fx only after having thrown light on workers. The only piece of literature on quest, contributed largely to retard the decan nevertheless say one thing. The revoupmeployment distributed at that meeting the situation created by the artificial blow velopment of the new economy which the lutionary party which will succeed is that was put out by the Communist League. French bourgeoisle wanted as a monopoly, of colonization upon the peasantry and the which, while maintaining an ideological inR. Cramer, editor of the Labor Review, proletariat, and after having explained the transigeance and fighting the opportunist especially at the beginning of its industrial who apparently has influence au poilce life where the narrowness of its economic manner of conceiving relations between concessions of the bourgeois democratic reheadquarters ordered the literature banned.
these two classes, as well as the role of field and the little emphasized character of volution type, will know how, in the field of The cops led us a merry chase and finally the intellectual revolutionaries.
the division of labor did not economically There 18 action, to pass over the revolutionary comArrested Joe Ross who is a member of cement the two bourgeolsies.
also the uneven development of capitalism. promises with the temporary allies and to Cramer own local, and well known for This is how the difference between This means that the actual revolutionary provoke splits within the heterogeneous struggle cannot be limited to generalizahis activity in the Brooks Parlor Furniture French Indo China, colonized country and camp of the enemy.
tions, to theories concocted in the antestrike. Cramer claims that these leaflets Siam, once vassal of Indo China, can be AN INDOCHINESE COMMUNIST were likely to disrupt the meeting. This established from the eoonomic point of INICHII proves Cramer lack of faith and hypoview. The latter, on a area of 630, 000 Fiнiктiriмiнкэнні напишітісніштирилиппоняшніt іnіtісациенісанні цокінці critical disbelief in his own program or square kilometers, that is, 170, 00 sq. kil.
lack of it. Eight thousand of the leaflets less than Indo China, and with a third of were distributed its population, has a railroad line 150 perIt should be noted that the Communist cent as developed as Indo China (Siam: Party in line with its latest tactics boy 2, 900 km. Indo China: 1924 km. cotted this mass meeting of workers as Thus the native bourgeoisie (we mean social fascist and went off to talk to Itself The book that irst told the inside story of the struggle between the. ndustrial and commercial bourgeoisie on Bridge Square about the Communist duty and not the feudal. born of an artificial the Opposition and the bureaucracy in the Communist Party in Russia. The to go to the masses.
clash, is basically incapable of properly details of how the conspicy was hatched against Leon Trotsky by Stalin, The success and fine spirit of the May fulfilling its historical role.
Zinoviev Bucharin and others, was recounted originally in this excelDay meeting held by the Communist League Smitten with congenital impotence, proved the correctness of our program of Int volume. It is invaluable for an understanding of present day events working among the masses of workers.
in Russian and the world Communist movement.
The May Day parade, what it lacked in 158 pages numbers, made up in spirit and the the tongues of Party bureaucrats these days Cloth bound: 00 Trotskyites contributed most of the spirit. ring rather hollow and stir resentment in Paper: 60 cents We introduced the singing of revolutionary the hearts of non Party workers, who on Serd All Orders to songs on the line of march.
revolutionary holidays like May 1st want The militant 25 Third Avenue, New York, The terms counter revolutionary and to see unity of Communist forces before the renegade which so sneeringly rolls of masters. CARL COWL ашнингтіснішвівсніцнонимиканнірна пенис признанински инсоннинг энг номіном SINCE LENIN DIED By Max Eastman