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Saturday, May 10, 1930 THE MILITANT Page Hillman and the Left Wing Bordiga Expelled IN THE AMALGAMATED the two factions. Hillman who didn like Stalinist Splitting to have a Right or a Left machine but always a Hillman machine, had to eliminate one of the groups in order to intrench himself. So after the Philadelphia peace convention Hillman with his Right wing Forward clique declared war against the Il Lavoratore, organ of the Italian fracprogressives (or Lefts. tion of the Party, has just announced the This is the second of a series of articles on the situation in the AmalFurthermore, Hillman took in Beck decision of the Italian Communist Party gamated Clothing Workers of America, the record of the Hillman Right wing administration, a criticism of the policies of the Left wing and the present erman, person whom he always disliked, Executive to expel comrade Amadeo Borand made him manager of the New York diga, on the charges of leading the Lefu tasks of the latter. The first of this series appeared in the last issue of the MiliJoint Board without an election. Hiliman Opposition and supporting Trotskyism.
tant, and the next one appearing next week will deal with the present regime appointed Beckerman as manager because The expulsion of the most capable leader in the union to which intellectuals of every stripe have sung such passionhe knew Eeckerman would do the dirty is of vital importance to of Communisin in Italy is one of the most ate songs of limitless praise. The series all work against the Lefts. Who does not irresponsible and severe blows yet struck militants in every industry, and particularly to workers in the needle trades.
remember Beckerman with his gang which at the Party by its own leadership.
By a regrettable error, the pen name of the author of this series, Schneider broke up meetings, black Jacked members, was omitted from last week article.
Comrade Bordiga is the founder of the deprived workers of their jobs, or threw Italian Communist movement. When about them out of their shops? Beckerman sucnine tenths of the present leadership of the ceeded in crushing the Left wing and kept Italian Party were still either in the camp After the 1921 lockout Hillman left for ation was a manouver to bind the Leftis in submission the discontented workers. Not Russia for his vacation, During his abof the social democracy or hesitating about in order to introduce standards of produce only were individual members expelled and the formation of a Communist Party and sence from New York a serious situation tion and reductions of wages. Hillman suc ruthlessly blacklisted, but local unions, a break with the yellow leaders of the Sodeveloped in the New York organization. ceeded in fooling the Left wing.
such as Local of and the Pressers cialist party and the Federation of Labor. Harry Cohen, once manager of the Hillman Fools the Left local of Rochester, under trusted organizers Children Clothing Joint Eoard, left the like Harry Cohen and with the help of the Bordiga was leading the söruggle to ſound the Party from which he has now been organization in 1920 and engaged in selling At the same time an unemployment underworld, were suspended and reorganexpelled. He was the principle spokesman situation developed in New York during sewing material to the clothing employers.
ized. Hillman, a shrewd politician, killed of the Left wing at the famous Livorno The union which was unattractive when 1921 22. Some of the old leaders who had individual activity in order that his group Congress of the Socialist Party in 1921, private profits seemed in sight became at. left the union during 1919 and 1920. ome should be kept in power, of whom were forced out by the rank and and was the acknowledged leader of the tractive when the profits failed to materialfile utilized this situation for their own Why were the Lefts defeated in the Communist Party after the Congress split.
Capitalist Corruption in the Union purposes while the Lefts were busy cauAmalgamated in a time when they conIn 1923, Zinoviev manipulated the execcusing in the General Office with Rapchik, trolled the largest local unions in and In September 1921, Cohen announced utive of the Italian Party in order to rethe lickspittle, and Salutsky Hardman.
his candidacy for office of manager of the Or half of the membership supported them move the Bordiga group from leadership, course they organized with the aid of the throughout the country? This power was Children Clothing Departemnt of the New even though a subsequent vote showed Forward, and they threatened to split the evident at the Philadelphia convention when York Joint Board. Cohen was promptly ninety percent of the Party to support the the Right and Left wings had equal New York organization and go back to the informed by the General Office that his Left, and practically the entire Youth FedU. Hillman was faced with two posstrength. As pointed out: The Left name would not be placed before the memeration. The coup Etat of the Centrists sibilities: either to accept the challenge gave Hillman time to make peace with the gers to be voted on unless he cleared himself and Righ wingers in the Party was finally and make a fight against the clique with the Cohen and the Forward clique. When on certain charges. These charges involved achieved at the Lyons Congress in 1926, aid of the progressives (or the Lefts) or to the fight began they had the machinery checks which H, Cohen had received from where the most outrageous gerrymandering make peace with the Forward and take in their own hands and it was easy for employers of our members. But Cohen and mis counting of votes enabled them to back the corrupt gang. Hillman chose to them to oust and expel the Left wing.
failed to appear before an investigation cinch their control. The Left did not develop leadership able Not only was the make peace with the Forward and its committee and opened fire upon the organivote of Bordiga own local Party group clique. He took back, in a quiet way, to cope with the situation. There was zation.
officially recorded against him at the ConWolff, Alex Cohen and Harry Cohen.
no unity among the Lefts; they fought. At the same time Cohen withdrew gress, but even the vote of Pordiga himself!
Not only did the Lefts not resist this among themselves instead of fighting the certain locals from the Joint Board and In November of the same year, comrade treachery of Hillman, but local under Hillman and Beckerman machine. They proclaimed himself boss of a separate union.
Bordiga was imprisoned by the fascist re devoted much time to eliminating each their leadership supported Wolff as manAfter a few months fight Cohen was gime for being a Communist and exiled to ager of the Joint Board. forced to appear before an investigation Hillman other as leaders. In other words there the island of Ustica, between Sicily and promised the Lefts that Wolfe would carwasn one who could dominate or hold committee and explain his acts. The comNaples in the Mediterranean Sea. Only on ry through the Lefu policies in the union, the group together, On the other hand mittee unanimous verdict was, the act of the occasion of the recent amnesty were and the Lefts took it for granted. Furtherthe Hillman clique had the whole machinany union official in borrowing money from he and a number of other comrades released more, the Lefte in local called a meeting ery in their control. They had the bosses, manufactureres with whom the union has only to be kept under the mist rigid in Cooper Union and Wolff outlined the police, the gangsters, the cash, and relations is, in the opinion of the commitsurveillance by the fascist police.
the Left policies he would carry through in above all they were united to crush the tee, unethical and to be condemned. man Not daring to expel Bordiga as a counthe union! It did not take long for the progressives, or the Lefts. They have sucwhose act of accepting financial favors at ter revolutionary while he was in fascist Left wing to find out that Wolff and lill ceeded temporarily.
the hands of the employers of our members exile, the opportunist leaders of the Party, is unanimously condemned by an investigman had put them in a trap and doubleThe question is: Have the lefts learn.
fearful of the great influence comrade Borcrossed them. This shows how the Lefts ation committee, cannot hold any office in ed the lesson from their pasti mistakes? diga would exert in the ranks of the Party the The General Office took allowed themselves to used as a tool by This can not be answered off hand. For one took the desperate measure of expulsion, the position that in the labor movement Hillman and his gang. The Lefts made a thing the isolation policy the Conimunist It is unnecessary to add that this will do purity must be even above unity. labor grave mistake by giving Hillman time to Party officials have lately adopted will not anything but prevent the progress of the organization that is unable to keep its make peace with the fakers and the For.
bring any results.
Left Opposition in the Italian Party.
hands clean does not deserve to live. See ward clique whom the Left knew would do That the expulsion will not pass by everything in their power to oust it from What Must Be Done the Advance editorial of Feb, 3, 1922, and without serious repercussions in the ranks the report of the investigation committee in the organization. Will this be a lesson for In order to change the present intolof the Italian Commnists in all parts of the Left wing in the Amalgamatel?
the same issue pages 9 signed Morris rable conditions of the Amalgamated memthe world, goes without saying. The first Rothenberg, Vladeck, Charles Ervin, At the same time conditions in the reports we have already received in New bers something mst be done. Conferences industry became deplorable along with HillFor other references see editorials Advance should be held in every clothing center.
York indijate a strong resentment in the of Dec. 19, 1921 and Jan, 13, 1922. man policy of more production (which he The Left wing should unite with progres.
ranks of the Italian Party members against called efficiency and reductions in wages During this fight the Forward and all sive workers, and put responsible leader.
the expulsion. We are confident that (which he called adjustments) to say those discredited leaders who were forced many of these comrades, as well as revolunothing of reduction in working forces ship in every city to carry through the out of the union supported Cohen in work. An educational campaign should be tionary workers outside of the Party, will where workers were thrown out of the fachis fight against the Amalgamated. They waged throughout the country to bring bemake their voices heard in protest against torice with the aid of the union.
knew that if Cohen won they would be this criminal act of the Italian Stalinists Son cching had to te ale to put a fore every local union in the and Canable to come back to the organization. But 13 unbearablo cituation. So the ada the following demands: All expelthe investigation committee decided against lucal na ty under the control of the proled members to be taken back to the orH. Cohen and he withdrew temporarily.
gressives and th Lits demandel certain ganization with full membrahip rights.
The investigation committee also rereformr in the organ. ation: 2. No discriminations against political afcommended to the Chicago convention a minimum wage scale: An aggresive and filiationg. Elections should be held in change in constitution in 1922 which states constructive policy against standards of every city and the members should decide specifically in Article 13, Section that who should represent them. 40 hour All readers of the Militant and their production. reduction in wages, and repeople who have had dealings with emfriends, who desire to get their copy of week should be established all over the duction in working forces each season, ployers are not eligible for office before the country with week work. To do away of Leon Trotsky, My Life. should make it Economy for the Joint Board, which lapse of five years after their return to the with plece work and standards of produc a point to order the bokk directly through meant reducing the staff. Amalgamatrade. Did Hillman or Schlossberg live the Militant. Shipment will be mado the tion. minimum wage scale for all tion of the two Joint Boards (Children and up to this clause in the constitution. No!
operations. Unemployment insurance to day the order is received, and the cost of Men clothing) and local unions. These Hillman, just as most chiefs, violated the be paid by the bosses and controlled by the book, fve dollars. 00. covers the demands were never carrted into effect constitution and still holds office, and the workers. New York must taka the lead postage charge. Send your order, together until the Amalgamatde officials were kicked Cohen, right after the Chicago convention in this fight because the loss of New York with money order or cash to into action by the fight the Left wing made.
was taken back into the union.
Hillman War on the Left Was decisive in the defeat of the Lefta THE MILITANT An interesting occurence at the Chithroughout the country.
cago convention was Hillamn reporc of When Hillman saw the Letts were de25 Third Avenue, New York, the Russian American Industrial Corpor termined to put up a fight for the reforms know the Amalgamated bureaucrats will not accept these demands. What is imation to help build clothing factories in (or demands) and were gaining strength, Russia The delegates unanimously ap he convinced himself at the Philadelphia portant, however, is that with the help of proved his report with the exception of convention in 1924 tbat the Right and Left the progressive workers, and with con SAN FRANCISCO Oscar Lilgeholm 75, Beckerman who spoke against it. The wings were equal in numbers. Hillman stant agitation, the masses will rally be ran out of money and was too old to get and his General Executive Board made a Leto wilg so rejoiced over the approval hind the Left wing. When the next battle a job. He dug hingelt a rough cave in of his report that they forgot to fight gesture of peace. Hillman declared that between the Left wing and idee Hillman yolden Gate Park, San Francisco, and had against standards of production and other he belonged to neither group and what he machine occurs, the Lefts and the pro Ilved there for two weeks before starvation reforms. Han going to Russia and wanted was unity. which, in reality, grossives, united and not isolated, will drove him out. Two boys found him halt the Tussian American Industrial Corpor. meant the beginning of a bitter fight between come out victorious.
unconscious and tegging for water.
atop «MY LIFE