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Pre. THE MILITANT Saturday, May 1930 Trotsky Autobiography Free!
WE ALSO OFFER FREE COPY OR YOU CAN GET FREE COPY OF The Real Situation in Russia This book is also available free of charge to all workers. Here you will find the nly Englisa translation of the famous Platform of the Russian Opposition, suppressed by Stalin, and Trotsky letter exposing the falsifications of the story of the Russian revolution and the Communist Party. You will also find here the important Testament of Lenin. It is a 00 book but you can get it free from the Militant by turning in yearly subscriptions (at 00 each) or 10 six month subs (at 00 each. Rrewals are accepted.
Do you want to get a copy, free of charge, of My Life by Leon Trotsky? Do you want to get the book which is arousing such enormous interest in the revolutionary movement in Europe and America. Many worker anxious to have it are unemployed. They can get it in spite of that.
The Militant is offering a copy free to any worker who turns into its office TEN yearly subscriptions or TWENTY six month subcriptions to the paper, Approach your friends and fellow workers. The sub for a year is 00; for six months it is 00.
Collect the gubs and the money, forward the mto the office, and get your copy of the Autobiography, which has been called Trotsky greatest work, absolutely free of charge. This 00 book is yours for the little effort required to get the subs or renewals.
Since Lenin Died This book by Max Eastman was the first work in the English language to tell the truth about the struggle in the Russian Communist Party between the Opposition led by Trotsky, on the one hand, and zinovlev, Kamenev, Bucharin, Stalin on the other. You will have an excellently drawn picture of the beginings of this fight after reading this book. The Militant has succeeded in getting the last few dozen coples of this book, of which no other edition exists. It has been sent to us from England, the American edition being exhausted.
It sells for 00, but you can get it free of charge by turning in yearly subs (at 00 each) or six month subs (at 00 each. Send All Subscriptions and Funds to The Mintant, 23 Third Ave. New York City. UNDER THE LASH OF UNEMPLOYMENT The Crime of Being The Census Taker Reports He Starved Amid Jobless NEW YORK tarian policies, going so far as to unseat Plenty delegates from An Inkling of how devastating the exopposition Communist DETROIT There is one less Jobless PITTSBURGH There is a halt in tratgroups at its united front unemployment worker in line at the Ford Rouge plant tent of unemployment has become in pro: fic along one of Pittsburgh main streets.
letarian sections of New York City was The curious collect, a morgue ambulance now, well fed brute in the uniform of a given me the other day by the enumer The last unemployment conferences in arrives, and a policeman hauls from a mispoliceman killed him as be stood in line ator sent to chalk me up for the Wall New York, truly national in scope, was erable hole in a concrete wall one of the among 12, 000 others in vain search for a Street census. This nose checker revealed, an afterclap to March such as would have late unemployed.
Job. Not a word ot It has been whispered under questioning that in the single 17th awakened a dead and buried Marxist to Unmistakable signs show he was jobin the press. What one worker more or lass?
Street block between Avenue and the true state of affairs as regarls the less. His clothing was obviouly of the doEyewitnesses described the slaying as First Avenue, a typical East Side tenement Party leadership of the Jobless. The nated kind. He was shoeless. His hair was follows: Armed cops were walking up and street, the wage earners of 150 families American Stalinists, however, wandering white perhaps he died for the crime of down the line, they said. Where they out of the 230 canvassed are jobless. It boozily in the gases generated by the passing the age deadline. His frame, once couldn find trouble they tried to start it. what the mincing capitalist rage call Dally Worker, stick to their ivory tower powerful was shrunken. Idleness obtains on the same appalling They displayed their guns and clubs arroand chart another victory. Where were The Crime of Joblessness gantiy and abused the jobless without pro scale throughout the Fast Side, and the the 110, 000 unemployed New York workSince he made his home on a busy vocation.
chances are that it does, then more than ers whom the Party claimed to have ral street, they can call him a recluse as Clubbed to Death 55 percent of the workers in this slum Hled to its leadership when this conference they do other jobless who find qulet places area are now gorging themselves on Hooopened. It so happened that this one fellow Among the handful of unemto die, far from the busy profit making was slightly out of line, although he had ver prosperity.
ployed present, called to prepare for the that will bave none of them.
been there since the night before, He It is a foregone conclusion that the huge July meeting in Chicago, It required the most diligent kind of sleuthing Three steel workers were classed as kas tired, hungry, and cold. The cop got capitalist government will take mighty recluses.
to discover one face which had not been a Past the deadline, they subaasty with him and tried to pull him out of good care to hide its findings on the unBlated in a riverbank shanty, llving on what line. The worker refused to get out of Ine.
employment situation, though the number landmark in Union Square for years. they could comb from the water. One of He said he been there for many nights of radio owners abroad in the land will kind of wry humor was afforded us them died, and the other two cought the and he wasn going to get out just because undoubtedly be made public the day the by the spectacle of the demon theoretician poorhouse. cop told him to. The policeman raised his count is completed, as one more irrefutable of the third priod Earl Browder, coming Another feature story was Ramblers slub and brought it down with smashing proof to the world at large of the American out in the Daily Worker (4 13 30. against Row collection of pieced together torce behind the man ear. The man peepuls luxurious standard of living. But ultra Leftism and roundly scolding an over shanties along a railroad track.
lell like a log. He didn make a move.
The huperfume the crisis as they may, the shekel zealous rank and filer who had brought man interest included a picture of Stan.
The cop looked surprised and called for a swine cannot pollyanna an empty stomach forward the slogan of capture the city islaw, the bearded patriarch of the colonly wagon. They carted the dead man on and a damn worth; the jobless army exists, hall at a Party conference, possibly the ot misery. Stanislaw, 60, was frozen to Irove off while cops began busting up the no matter how often the prostitute press same unemployment meet. Well, and why death the morning Andy Mellon reached bis Une.
whoops It down in print. Furthermore, it not capture the city hall. Is this not 75th birthday. Spring has come and RamWorkers are returning from the Rouge is a gathering torrent thundering more and the third period. And if this period is blers Row is breaking up.
hattered and bruised with stories rivalling mora ominously about the dikes of money so close to the revolutionary situation that Pittsburgh one breadline has closed hose from the company towns of Pennsylbags as the need of relier becomes daily It is permissable for Browder and Com Its doors. The Pittsburgh Federation of ania Men have been making fire with more urgent.
pany to call for a mass, political strike Social Agencies branded it unnecessary.
waste paper to keep themselves warm, It is the job of the Communist vanon May Day, and to organize Workers De unwise and demoralizing to the commun.
or example. The cops have been assidfense Corps for battle against Whalen gaurd to direct this torrent of discontent ity. iously and brutally breaking up even these cossacks, and if the foundations of Wall Workers conmall gatherings of men.
overcome its diffusion and turn it, with the We are feeding every day an avergregated inside the fence around the em employed masses which likewise are being Street are already giving way, what is so age of 2, 000 men, said the line directors, whipped up by the winds of crisis, into one politically damnable in the over zealous loyment office have been driven out dally comrades slogan? Who shall say that what We know they are hungry. One man has y hundreds of sleek. cops armed with guns powerful stream. But the apostolic Stalin fainted from lack of food. Since the soup is sauce for Browder is not also sauce for nd clubs. Even workers who have stood leadership, secure from reality in its high kitchen has been operating, panhandling the rank and file, misguided by Browder?
or hours or more are being shown no ivory dome, sweeping the scene through the on downtwon streets has diminished. We And by the way, Browder belaboring utiratrick binoculars of the third perod. sees Smash the unemployed is tercy now absolutely know from careful statistics that this gathering torrent already as a raging Leftist adventurfsin somehow or other rehe order of the day. out of 10 are honest, hardworking men, flood washing out the very foundations of calls the equally delectable show given by There are in the neighborhood of 3, 000 unAmerican capitalsim. And the tragic part of Lovestone when he was furlously lain basting employed homeless men in the city.
LABOR CAMP JOBS 10TH OF FORMER YEARS it is that the self deluded Centrists are for the right danger between venomous at. tacks on the Trotskyists.
NEW YORK The shipment of men to mulating tactics accordingly, tactics calMASTER PLUMBER OFFENSIVE bor camps this spring is 10th of what culated, not to harness the power of the No unless the workers themselves PLAINFIELD, Master plumbers was in former years, the Salvation Army jobless and employed masses, but to ren drag Browder and his ilk down to earth of this city have incorporated themselves der it more diffuse. The chief slogaa raised and force the Party to adopt a coldly realports. The supply of odd Jobs is almost as Master Plumbers, Assn. Inc. Their on May Day for instance, was the mags n and around New York.
1stic policy, which can only be determined purpose. Is for the protection of trade and political strike. with fts connotations of with a correct political line, the jobless 1, 000 men waited two hours in the social purposes. What it really means is in for free Army tickets good for cent a swiftly appproaching revolutionary sit army will remain helplessly unorganized the bogg plumbers will soon come out for ten cent meals in Bowery retaurants. uation. At a time which calls for a united And will spend Its force to no purpose, the the open shop. Several shops have started or the first time we have allowed men front of all Left wing forces. to guide bureaucrate stupidly allowing its potenti and installed scabs on jobs. May is the sleep in chairs or on the floor in our and lead the fight for work or compensation, alities to trickle away Into futility, to the time set for the journeymen plumbers to ading room, says Lleut. Col. Win unemployment insurance, the hour day irreparable damage of the labor movement ask for an increase of 20 per day. It is ell. 450 have slept this way on the and the five day week, etc. the in this cutsetry.
expected that the battle for open or closed rage. Hundreds are walking the streets. persists bull headedly in its can sec. WILKES shop will start then,