BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Page Saturday, May 3, 1930 From Hillquit to Lovestone Ross Arrested in Minneapolis moversent for the program of a fraction of Billings Release «Postponed, upon the 18sues or groapings in the nor does it find its counterpart in any of these groupings. Lovestone. Now, what is the character of the socalled Communist movement in the United Pointed Parallel between Two Generations of National Socialism States? It is solely and almost exclusively JINNEAPOLIS Joe Rogg, member The heaviest blows we have dealt the by the Right wing groups which, as everya movement that lives by reflection from Russla. Oneal. the local branch of the Communist League Right wing bave been our attacks upon one surely knows, are mass organizations An international tendency of Commuand active in the Laundry Driver union its fundamental position: national social embracing millions of workers.
nism that makes its basis of concentration was arrested here and fined for disorderly ism, the theory from which most of its The sentence quoted by Herberg not the general living issues of internationconduct by the court for the crime of dis current anti Communist conceptions are from Trotsky read in the original (see the al( and national) class struggle but issues tributing leaflets issued by the League On drawn. It has not been difficult to point Muitant, October 1, 1929. To be at pre many of them outlived of ifferences in unemployment. The leaflets were being out that the banner under which the united sent a sectarian of revolutionary Marxism the Soviet Party is condemned to ultimate distributed in front of the City Auditorium forces of Stalin and Bucharin led the rein the eyes of philistines, of snivellers, of sectarianism. This is just what Trotskyat a huge unemployment meeting called by actionary crusade against the Left Opposhallow minds, is the greatest honor for a the iocal trade union leaders and attended sition. Trotskyites. the banner of 80real revolutionary.
ism does. The concentration of Trotskyist One need not have The fact that cialism in one country inevitably led to gone through a college coure in psychology forces on a world scale takes place prl. by some 14, 000 workers.
they had no program of fight to offer the the splitting of this united bloc and the to perceive why Herberg so diligently omit marily on the issues of Soviet polley in assembled workers and that the League which Trotsky differed sharply with the departure of its Right flank from the ranks ted quoting the whole sentence. He knows leadership of the Herberg)
leaflet proposed such a program and urged of Communism. Giving Lovestone, Brandbut too well, our friend Herberg, who is its adoption at the meeting, did not suft ler, Jilek and Ca. their due, we have meant by Trotsky when he says pbills Couple of Exceptionalists the labor bureaucrats. One of them Robert pointed out also that it is they and pot the tines, snivellers and shallow minds. Lit don believe that international Cramer, erstwhile progressive. had the Stalinists who are correct, Insofar as it is erary forgeries of this type are considered organization of the working class calling cops chase the workers who were distriba matter between the two of them, in the good form in the Right wing camp, where itsell socialist, claiming to represent the uting the circulars and arrest Rose. Never question of exceptionalism. That is, Lovefor years charlatanry bluff and swindle best of Marxian thought, can direct the theless, more than 7, 000 leaflets were band stone contends that if Stalin may erect were the principal weapons in the cam policies and methods of the workers in all ed out an exceptionalist theory for Russia. we paign against Trotskyism. Naive people countries of the world, regardless of the Th, Minneapolis League has called will complete a socialist society by ourthat we are, we still think these methods particular historical conditions that prevall May Day meeting for Wednesday, April 30 slves. then Lovestone is permitted to contemptible, no matter what period they In each and everyone of these countries.
but we go to prese too early for a report erect an exceptionalist theory for Amerare practiced in.
The development of human institutions and The leaflet also urged the workers to fois ica. From the point of view of the t:eory The Real Sectarians thought is by no means a uniform thing.
in the May Day demonstration at Bridge of socialism in one country Livestone and (Oneal the exceptionalist. Square the next day, not Stalin is correct; but from the point of But since we are speaking of sectar Trotsky, like Stalin, proceeds along view of elementary Marxism. of revolulanism, let us establish again who practices the line of mobilization of the international tionary Internationalism, they are both it: It is the Right wing in every country, wrong.
for they have cut themselves off from the the this is his internationallgm. international revolutionary movement and Trotsky, like Stalin, cares not a whit about SACRAMENTO, Calil. The same. egat The Impotence of Centrism turned their backs upon the Russian rev the specific conditions in the various point that formed the Lowell committee The reason way the official Party (the olution. Pry these steps they have doomed countries and brands as opportunism the excuse for confirming the martyrdom of Stalinists) argumenta against Loves Jue themselves to the life of national sects.
attempt to apply and adapt the general fine Sacco and Vanzetti may condemn Warren have always limped 10 balted 18 that They are following in the footsteps, not of to these conditions (Herberg. Billings to perpetual imprisonment. Chief they have been unable to show the work the Hillquits and Oneals of today who are All Socialists who fail to subscribe to Justico Waste of the California supreme ers who went with the Right wing what open Right wing socialists, but of the Hill every article of the neo Communist creed court has announced that the investigation was fundamentally wrong with the latter: quits and Oneals of yesterday who still are branded as traitors and agents of of Billings appeal for pardon 1e being held to do that would have meant the expo employed revolutionary phrases about the capitallet class and parties desiring up because the court is able only to study Bure of the anti Marxist roots of Centrism Russia and internationalism, and even the to affiliate with the Communist Internation th court records of the case and has no itself! The Centrists have thus enabled dictatorship of the proletariat, in order al are warned of the necessity of a com. power to subpoena witnesses who have the Right wingers to shift the whole con to retain the Left wing workers in the So plete and absolute rapture with reformism knowledge of the frame up.
tent of this historical struggle on to the cialist Party.
and the policy of the centrists and of The petition for pardon, says Justice secondary and tertiary questions, where Here are four documents: Herberg advocating such a rupture among the Waste, is based largely on affidavits obin many instances the Right wing adopts article. statement On the situation in widest circles of the Party membership. tained since Billing conviction and repudposition which, in appearance, is more the Revolutionary Age, Num. Hillquit. lating the testimony of a number of progcorrect than the fabulous Idiocies of the ber 11. From Marx to Lenin by Morris These question form closed sysParty chieftains. Only by re establishing ecution witnesses. There is no machinery Hillquit (1921. debate between James tem of dogma without any regard to their provided for investigating angles of a case the basis of the dispute upon the questions Oneal and Robert Minor (1921. Space unactuality or to their present relation to that happen subsequent to conviction. This of princpile, and proceeding from these fortunately prevents us from making comthe vital questions of the revolutionary is the same ground on which Mooney was questions to those that flow from them, can parisons at length but sufficient parallels the bankruptcy of the international Right movement. Trotsky, like Stalin, issues his refused a new trial when Trial Judge can be drawn between the Hillquits and Open Letters to serve as a basis for the Griffin requested it. Waste also pointed wing be demonstrated. But such a fight Oneals of yesterday and the Lovestones separation of the sheep from the goats, the leaves the Centrist helpless, or he is of today to show how close is the ideo loyalites from the renegades. Herberg. out that the petition is simply before the individual members, who have no executive only a person who has not developed to the Jogical rapproachment. And, unlike Her We are not phrase mongers nor obedient logical conclusions of the Right winger; or judicial power. Even so, he believes berg, we will quote literally. Emphasis rubber stamps. Lovestone. it will be some time before any decision his only weapon, therefore, is organization everywhere 18 our own, done to indicate startling and significant similarity! is reached.
al manipulation and terror. The burden of significant similarities between the old and the fight against the Right wing continues Both sets of quotations exude the same the. new.
overpowering odor of national fever and to rest upon the left Opposition. First want to say that am unreHUNTINGDON, Pa. On the surface contempt of anything but the most barmIt is when the Right wing attempts to servedly in support of the revolutionary less and least obligatory internationalism.
it might seem that the Soviet is within its answer our unanswerable argumentation government established by the workers and Both of them wallow in their provincial rights in setting up an anti religious govthat it shows how well the Left wing has ernment, says Bishop Longley, Eplg.
peasants of Russia, and that belleve that independence. In 1921, Hillquit and Oneal acquitted itself in this struggle. It flound those who call themselves Socialists and were proud of the fact that they were not copal, of Iowa, in a widely published syn.
ers, it evades, it swindles it is demagogic, don give that support who in any way a tail of any faction of the Russian dicated statement. But it is impossible, and above all, in its profound hatred for approve of the intervention on the part Socialists (Mensheviks or Bolheviks. in he continues, to have in existence a goto the genulne Left it exposes its own petty of the international imperialists, automat actuality as everyone knows, they were ernment of this sort without its effect being bourgeois philistine character. As good ically takes himself out of the socialist felt in Christian nations throughout the for the Mensheviks who represented the an example as any is furnished by the classification, and no one has spoken more class interests of the counter revolution. In world. certainly believe that a diploRevolutionary Age and its latest article, matic protest should be mad by the nations frequently than have in behalf of the 1930 Lvestone and Brandler are equally Whither Trotskyism? by Will Herbrg (No. Russian workers and peasants to work out of the world even though lead to bloody proud not to be the tall to any faction 12. We will pass over the amusing fact ther own problems and to establish of the Russian Communists. in actuality, conflicte that this same question was answered by own regime without interference on the to the extent that the Russian revolution the same Herberg only a few months ago part of anyone throughout the world. interests them, they share the political when he proved that we had quite thorthe same thing, and that is where u want to say however that support of a viewpoint of the Right wing (Bucharin) analogy fits.
oughy disintegrated and that there should social revolution in Russia, or in the which reprsents the class interests of the therefore be no reason to waste space The Left Opposition is a tall to Argentine, or in China or Japan, or any Thermidorian counter revolution.
in flaying a dead dog. We will rather where else in the worid, does not neces.
a Russian faction. 1t 18 an advocate of More than 12 years after the Bolshevik take up the washed trivialities that pass sarily carry with it the support of a parthe revolutionary principles which formed uprising. Lovestone dares to express hig for Marxism in the Right wing camp and the foundation of the Russian revolution ticular international organization, of which official, formal viewpoint of Russia thus: properly identify them as a political tenthe Russian workers and Communists are and are now embodied in the Russian Bol On the various questions at Issue quesdency.
merely only one section. want to make shevik Opposition. Lovetone separates the tion of tem o or methods we cannot, as According to Herberg, Eager sectar that distinction clear. Oneal. Rusalan question and the theory of 80 group. express definitive opinion becialism in one country from the estimate lanism is the very essence of Trotskylem The Soviet workers do not want war, cause we have not the material upon which of the world situation and the course the. Trotsky himselt welcomes the sectarianThy want peace in order to be able to such an opinion can be based! Under American Marxists mut follow in the United tem that is the essence of his system. To carry through the gigantic plans of so cover of refusing to be a tail to a RusStates. For us, all these questions are inbe a sectarian today, he declares, is an cialist construction. We American work slan raction and a pretended ignorance honor for every real revolutionary! This extricably combined. Trotsky proceeds ers and the workers of the whole world, of what is going on in Russia (twelve from an estimate of international econwould be a somewhat damaging quotamust close our ranks and stand by the years after the October. Lovestone has tion if not for three facts which are as omy and politice to an estimate of the and defend it against the blowe turned his back on the Russian revolution.
Well known to Herberg as they are to us.
national (Russian, let us say) situation.
of worla imperialism!. But (Oneal Nationalism and Internationalism Me The sentence is taken from its conStalin does precisely the opposite. but. precisely because of this gap the Hillquit and Oneal tried to separate the outline our course in the United States on text, and refers not to a political party crisis is not manifested in the same form estimate of the class forces in the Ru. Blan the basis of its place in the world revolu(the Communist Party. but to a faction in the as in the capitalist revolution from an estimate of the world tionary movement. Lovestone starts the within that Party.
countries: neither the political issues nor revolutionary situation and from the tac other way around. We remain revolution2. The word sectarian le put within the fractional groupinge are the same, in tics and strategy to be pursued by the ary Internationalista, De sense is the International opposition socialist movement not only internationquotation marke, as scornful cominent The Right wing to upon the term by which we are designated (1. e. Pight opposition) movement based ally, but also nationally. Lovestone does slipping back to a sort of Left wing Hillquitiem of the 1921 style. MARSH.