CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandLeninStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Saturday, May 3, 1930 IN THE RAILROAD BROTHERHOODS The Legislative Board Game KLORKEIT «Broad» May Day Conference (CLARITY)
of the many festering sores which run In the Firemen Magazine of Janthrough the American labor movement and uary, 1929, there appears a financial stateMONTHLY ORGAN IN THE JEW.
keep it weak, backward and unable to ment by the Secretary of the of ISH LANGUAGE OF THE EFT function, the Railroad Brotherhood Legis State Legislative Board of Pennsylvania, COMMUNIST OPPOSITION lative Boards may be classed as one of the covering the three months of the third This 16 page paper is of special most destructive.
quarter of 1928. This statement shows interest to all Jewish speaking Like the rest of the unions in our disbursements during the three months in workers! Number is al. craft system of organization the Railroad question amounting to 19, 106. 10.
ready out ond contains: Protherhoods are infested by swarms of Just these few figures cited above, are Lenin Testament, arhigh salaried bureaucrats, all seeking to enough to give the reader some ideas of ticles by Leon Trotkeep their easy Jobs and their big pay. The the enormous sum of money spent annually legislative boards have furnished an ex.
sky, Senin, by the Legislative Boards, state and nationcellent excuse for still more office holders al, of the four transportation Brotherboods, Obin, Emil. to climb upon the workers backs.
and others and the political returns for this outlay of The Make Up of the Boards workers earnings are practical nothing.
Ten Cents. Copy Each organization of the Conductors, To illustrate the complete uselessness of the One Dollar Year Engineers, Firemeu and Tralomen maintains Legislative Boards and their lobby, we cite Order from its own State and National Leglelative below a literal quotation taken from page The Militant Boards. The State Boards are made up of the Biennial Report of the Railroad 25 Third Avenue, New York, of one representative from each Lodge or Brotherhoods State Legislative Board of Division (meaning local union) with Minnesota, which shows what happened to Chatrman Secretary, and Executive Com their legislative program at the 1929 Minmittee elected at stated biennial or triennesota Legislature Note carefully: one year, 1939. Legislative Program Nearly all of this sum niat meetings provided in the Union landed in the pockets of the four lobbylets constitution. The National Boards are made The following legislation was sponup entirely of Grand Lodge Officials, as in Bored by your representatives: who spent a pleasant winter in St. Paul.
About all these Legislative Boards the of E. or of Grand Officers and the Cearance BI. Indefinitely Postponed amount to, 1s, that they furnish excuses Chatrmen of the several State Boards, as is Terminal Bill. Diod on General for more office holders to collect dues the case in the of F.
Orders Each one of the Four Brotherhoods Consolidated Primary from the railroad workers for their personal benefit and enjoyment. In addition has these boards organized in each one of Ballot Bill. Indefinitely Postponed to being extremely expensive these Boards the 48 states and the several Provinces of Pllot on Light Enginesindefinitely ostponed are an actual obstacle to progress and inCanada AS general rule each board Minimum Passenger dependent labor political action.
maintains a febbyist at each of the sessions Crow Bill. Died in Committee The useless and expensive Legislative of the State and Provincialegislatures. Train Limit Bill, Boards and Lobby are part of the rubbish The salaries of these lobbyists run various of and which will have to be removed to clear the from twelve to eighteen dollars per St Dled in Committee path for labor political party.
Walks on Bridges. Dled in Committee This task day, which accounts for the fact that these has already been started by the progressive lobbyists are constantly finding more and Switch Lights on all wing of the Engineers and Firemen in the more excuses to lay off to perform some Main Lines. Died in Committee State of Minnesota with the slogan, LAimaginary service. and Warehouse bor Party Instead of a Labor Lobby.
On account of the big pay which the Commission Bill emmembers of these Legislative Boards have powering it to deal. HEDLUND helped themselves to, there is always pre with various operating ent the strong temptation to prolong the conditions on railOther readers of the Dally Worker will As a general rule the Board sessions.
roads feel with us, we are sure, when we say it Died on General Orders.
members are also paid for coming and gopalns us to announce that Earl Browder ing to these meetings which is supposed to The above program cost the four tran has been made editor of that journal.
compensato them for actual time lost at sportation Brotherhoods in the State of Relatives and friends of the family are their daily work and this orivilege is often Minnesota approximately 10, 000 for the invited. Omit flowers.
Abused at the expense of the rank and file dues payer.
How the Racket Works The last session of the Minnesota Stato Legislative Board of the of can Three militant workers are facing the authorities stated that he was wanted for be useu to illustrate how the beneficiaries electric chair. They aro II. Powers, a murder committed there in 1925. Tils of this legislative board system work the Communist Party organizer, Joe Carr is an obvious frame up, for Doherty was game. The whole board was kept in sesYoung Conmunist League organizer, of At not in Canada during that year.
sion for three days. The executive committee held a session on the fourth day.
lanta, Ga. and Leonard Doherty, marino Information was received on April 24, The only actual work done was the auditing worke, now living in Boston. As a result that a federal warrant to deport Doherty of the books and the elction of officers, all of their working class activity among the to Canada is in the hands of an officer of of which could have been done on the first textile workers of the South and the needle the superior court of Boston. Ilowever, day. The auditing committee was ready to tradeg workers of Boston, these three men the day previous, Doherty was given a two will burn unless the labor movement is report at noon the first day. The board inonths sentence in the Superior Court in passed a resolution cuologizing the legis.
mobilized in their support. The Internaa charge of beating up a scab during the lative record of Senator Shipstead and tion Labor Defense is conducting their needle trades workers strike. Therefore hired an expert Denman for five dollars to defense, but to the present, its participants the warrant will not be served until after write the resolution before presenting it to are almost exclusively Communists and he has served his 60 day sentence. IT the senator. The board members charged their closest sympathizers. Even the Coindeported to Canada, Doherty will be tried the dues payers for going and returning munist press is giving it a minimum of for: murder, which with conviction, will from the meeting regardless of no time publicity, apparently not realizing the sermean the electric chair.
lost in doing 80.
John Collins, Chief ious charges abainst the three men.
Facts of the Case Suppressed of Division No. 369, who also represents Electric Chair for Leaflets that Division on the legislative board, Ilves Powers and Carr were arrested after At the present time, the facts concern.
At St. Paul and runs a day switch engine they had spoken at mass meetings attended ing these two frame up cass are practically at that point. He had only hall as far to unknown outside of the limits of the terby Negro and White workers and had distribgo to attend the board meeting at St. Franritory with which they are concerned. In uted leaflets issued by the Communist Party cts hotel as he had to the round house the Carr and Powers case, several Southern and the Young Communist League.
where he gets his engine. Still he received newspapers print the details. In the Doare charged with leading an insurrection pay for one day coming to the meeting and herty case, only part of the New England Against the state of Georgia! According one day for returning from said meeting press publishes tbe news of the case. In to the laws of that state conviction can at the rate of 16. 00 per day, a total of result in their being sentenced to the elecaddition, of course, the Party periodicals 32. 00 when as a matter of fact he was with their limited clrculation from time to tric chalr.
running an engine on both of those days, When the case came up for a hearing time publish inadequate accounts, but apor should have been if he was not parently have not taken either case very In one expense account of the Minneon Monday, April 21, Assistant Solicitor Beriously.
sota of Board we find the following General John Hudson who is leading the Is It part of th third period point of prosecution, stated that the state would items: TO Martin, days work lookView to allow militant workers to go to ing up a picture for the of E. Journal ask for the death penalty. At that time the electric chair without putting up a of a depot, 11. 00. and again: T9 the ball of the two workers was withdrawe serious fight? Most criminal of all, 18 Martin, days work securing a picture of by the state. They are now in prison the lack of any attempt to organizo a Magnus Johnson for of E. Journal, Awaiting trial, scheduled to begin May united front movement in their behalt. Al 11. 00.
One of the reasons given by the assistant From May 14th 1924 to December 18th, though the Gastonla defense was sectarian attorney general for demanding the mat.
1927, three years and seven months, the the dramatic incidents connected with the imum sentence for the two workers is that police raid on the tent colony, resulted in of LE. Legislative Board of Minnesota it released they would participate in.
alone spent 19, 451. 87, of which 5, 861. 54 May Day demonstration.
large amount of publicity in the capitlanded in the pockets of the Chairman and allst press and the mobilizing of certain lobbyist, Royster. This sum alone Leonard Doherty, was arrested get sections of the liberals and the labor morespent by the Board is enough to pay the eral months ago in Boston when he was ment for their support. In thọ present affilation fee of the 27 of E. foca!
marching on the picket tine during the cases these factors are lacking and usunions to the state to the state Farmer.
strike of the Neodlo Trades Workers Ia. less the Communist Party wakes up, it will Labor Party for 81 years dustrial Inten. At tirat time the Canadian have three corpses to bury. These aro Another of those farcical conferences, euphemistically designated as United Front out of respect to traditions former days, was held by the official Communist Party in preparation for May Day on Thursday night, April 24th at Manhattan Lyceum.
There were 985 delegates present who, it was claimed, represented many working class organizations and stops. But a sube sequent examination the list of organizations, which were announced to participate in the May Day parade, reveals only the Party auxiliary organizations and the new unlong, both of which have long lost whatever mass character once had, due to the false policies of the Party.
Most of the delegates, it could eastly be Been were Party members. The admission of the political bureau of the central committee two days later, that the United Front conferences were not sufficiently broad testifies clearly to the narrow character of the May Day Conterence.
Oppositionist Ejected The delegate of the New York branch Communist League of America (Opposition)
comrade Russell Blackwell, who had been Bent with the idea that perhaps on May Day at least, the divided forces of the Communists might be united in demonstration against capitalism was forcibly ejected the moment he made his appearance at the door. Jack Perrilla, guradian of the Party line and formidable Trotsky killer, was commander in chiet with the proper orders and slogans, and directed the strategical operations of the anti Trotsky defense force from behind the lines far behind, in fact.
The proceedings of the conference were another demonstration of the current Party methods which kill all initiative, stife ho.
nest discussion, and destroy Communisti influence. The Party controversies imme.
dlately made their appearance when a Lovestone follower, delegate from a shop, asked for the floor in the discussion, and was denounced for his Party opinions and not permittd to discuss. Later, perhaps to relieve the conscience of the Party, the credentials committee announced that it had beon discovered that he represented no one and was accordingly unseated as a delegate, All the talking was monopolized by the Party bureaucrats, even when at last discussion was opened, only three delegates from the floor were allowed to speak, and right away again commenced a torrent of bom.
bast from such staunch protectors of the latest Stalin line as Wagenknecht, Engdahl and Salzer. Eventually, when the delegates had become fatigued from the steady dripping downpour of oratorial tripe, and were hurrying out of the hall, the chairman Darcy thought it an opportune time to adjourn the meeting. Unemployed workers who wonder where their next soupbone is coming from can read nevertheless for the price of a daily newspaper about Mr. Morgan 2, 500, 000 private yacht. This is the most palatial yacht ever built. It possesses the dimensions of an ocean liner 343 feet long and 48 feet beam. The Corsair is expected to develop 16 knots. Teak imported from the Orlent is used throughout the ship except in the crew quarters. It is reported that Mr, Morgan will not work in the stoke hole.
Shall Three More Workers Burn?
They not the kind of heroes wo want, which would be used to show the growing of plass conflicts in America to the Stalinist regime in Moscow. Powers, Carr and Do.
herty must be saved! Let the International Labor Defense make the campaign for their defense broad united front move.
ment in which all sectiong of the labor movement can participate. Its refusal will mean that the Engdahls and the other Stalinist generals of the Red D. are more concerned with the prosecution of their idiotic formulae than with the proletarian defense of three militants.
The memory of Sacco and Vanzetti is yet too green to allow the American workers to remain with toided arms whlle the capitalist savages pollah of their chairs to receive thres more workers in their deadly embrace. FRANK BROMLEY