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Saturday, May 3, 1930 THB MILITANT Page 1 Throughout the World of Labor tion beyond the domain of the appar: Reactionary Maneuvers EXIT MONDE! EXIT HENRI BARBUSSEI and his journal will not signify an evoluWe have not hurried to give our oplaatug towards a more consistent revolutioncapitalist society in which we are now livion on the journal of Henri Barbusse, ing. That is to say that we, he Marxists ary activity, but quite simply the removal in Spain Monde, the darling of Humanite in France and Communists, who ask it, for evidently of a veil which concealed from the eyes of as well as the Dally Worker and New rumor has been recently current that a pretty numerous public the essentially the editor of Monde, lost in his abstracMasses in the United States.
a crisis within the Berenguer government We wanted tions, does not. Doesn he write further rotrogressive, petty bourgeois and confuslonist nature of Barbusse and his enter was provoked by the resignation of three to wait serenely to see this journal adopt that he intended to submit to his readers of his ministers. The head gneral of Cat fairly clear line of conduct prises. Today only one mask gives them a Now it the opinions of the most qualified repre proletarian revolutionary aspect and that seems that we have waited in vain, and olonia, general Barrera, made a trip to sentatives of the tendncies confronting each that Monde continues to be what it al other in contemporaneous socialism, right is about to undertake the unmasking.
is the Stalinist bureaucracy which itselt Madrid where he conferred with several ways was, that is, a literary publication as well as left, in the seond and third Important personages and then returned of the democratic, whining phrase monto Barcelona. They discussed against Berinternational. Unfortunately, a certain working class gering petty bourgeoisie who are so well public lets itself be taken in by the phrases enguer, led by Barrera and Martinez Aadlo.
personified by Barbusse. There is no For Monde, then, the only difference and the literary Jargon of Monde. DoubtBerenguer issued a dental but the conspirdoubt that Monde is not a journal of the between social democracy and Communism lessly this corresponds to their very comacy was nevertheless an actuality.
Communist Party, neither 19 tt a social is that of being the right and left wings of prehensible need to read something besides General Barrera filled the post of head democratio publication; it something soolallam. This statement would be their ordinary political press, to educate generalship of the formemost military reworse and more inoffensive at the same quite in place from the pen of an editor themselves while being amused. Journal gion of Spain (Catalonia. during the entime, that 18. a miscellany of the swampof Temps. But one wonders what it is doing with such a goal cannot be a bad thing.
tire dictatorship. He was one of the priniest, the most confused, in short, the most in the pages of a journal which speaks in But it must be realized seriously and with cipal supporters of the policy of Primoanti proletarian slops produced by the pothe name of Communism and the teachsincerity. It is these two qualities that are Anido. After the fall of the dictatorship litico literary circles of the petty bour dags of the Russian revolution. Moreover lacking in Monde. At present it 19 nece he did not for a moment, together with geoisie.
Monde has not been able up to now to sary that the revolutionary workers know Anido, cease maneuvring among the torpublish anything but propaganda texts from that Monde is an organ of petty bourgeois The quality of the principal editors Vandervelde, De Man, Renner, Deat and a mer ministers of the dictatorship and the literature and education and that, if it can already tells a good deal. Of course, the few others, that is, of the theoretical leading elements of the Patriotic Union; sometimes divert them. It can aid and supDirecting Committee which appears under screens for the bankruptcy of the second but their maneuvres came to naught bethe head is only a pure front. The direct International and its Irrevocable passago port them in no wise in their struggle.
cause of the unpopularity of all remnants or, Barbusse, is already known as a notorThe bureaucrats of the Party who supportto the side of the democratic bourgeoisie, of the dictatorship.
fous anti Marxist. For some time this luc The opinions of the theoreticians of the ed and encouragd Monde know this as well rative iterary activity has been divided as we. And perhaps they are now preparing Berenguer was frightened for a moCommunist movement are still forthcoming to say so. For they must certainly answer ment fearing that the garrison of Catlalonie between works of a Christian mysticism ing This could only be the consequence (novels, critciems, plays on Jesus) and this question: Why is Monde, prohibited in might solidarize with Barrera. The latter of the fact that the best leaders and theo the and therefore poor reading was forced to present his resignation in crude plagiarisms from the official Soreticians of the Communist movement are viet economic press in praise of Stalin.
for the Soviet citizenry, recommended in order to take over other duties.
today expelled from the International by France by the same bureaucracy which His post was taken over by the Prince The politics of the journal are directed by the Stallnlst apparatus, in which BarPaul Lou a veritable living statue to the leads the Russian and French Communist Don Carlos of Bourbon. This appointment glors of democracy. a scribbler at the busse participates directly, while only the Parties. PIERRE NAVILLE was well received by the Catalonian pluts perverters of Marxist thought have the service of every political sheet which ofParis, April 10, 1930.
ocracy and by all the monarchist elements.
right to speak there today. But such is ters, a trough, be they republican, radical, not the case, for no Communist belonging The new head captain of Catalonia will ats socialist or Communist, from Soir to Monde, tempt to save the monarchy of his cousin.
to the Left Opposition movement would traversing a multitude of sheets of every want to soll himselt in the Barbussian pot. The «Red Peasants. Meet Alfonso XIII. Berenguer was wise enough species. This venerable leader of the It is to win over the good will of Cambo and reality the result of another Socialist Communist Party spins out a fact whose developments we shall soon the Catalonian plotocracy.
vaguely radicalizing and pacifist prose every The Peasant Congress would have pas.
see: it is that the bureaucracy of the Inweek in Monde on international politics.
Darrera attempted to organize several ternational is beginning to tire of the lucused unnoticed it the Berlin police had not demonstrations: the Berenguer government The economic questions are dealt with brations of Barbusso, of the hotch potch interfered on the last day, so as to give iu forbade them. Despite that he issued two in the pedantic manner by Delaist and of slops of the revolutionary movement some notice. Incapable of creating a gen appeals to the garrison of Catalonia and Laurat. The arst of these two authors is which he has made of Monde, and that it uine mass movement, the bureaucracy which to the Province defense corps, which shownotoriously ignorant of the ABC of Marxhas begun the rupture with this journal. is installed in all the leading international ed his narrow ties with the former dic1st economic science. In his recent works, like The Two uropes. amiably commented We are not afraid of any denial. The Soviet bodles (1. W, Profintern, Kres tatorship and his desire, together with bureaucracy of the has despised Dar tintern, etc. bas specialized in calling Martinez Anido and Sanjurjo, of reinstiupon by Monde, he shows himself a combusse for a long time. This coatempt re Congresses to create the illusion of cap tuting the dictatorial regime, even moro placant critic of some imperfections of arose at the time when Lenin was astound turing the working masses and their allles. brutal and violent than that under rimo imperialism, which according to him, the ed because the French Communist Party disNot long ago. very costly Congress was de Rivera.
trusts and alliances between the capitalists can remody. Monde publishes from time to tributed so idiotic a pamphlet as The held in Berlin, the juridicial congress, at It is quite evident that the initial Retime comic, economic controversies beKnife between the Teeth. Dut now this which no one spoke, and whose chic ac publican onlliusiasın has greatly dimiaisit tween Delaist and Laurat, the one explaincontempt for the man it utilized has taken complishment aside from the squandering ed. This movement deceived many. TWO on a new form.
ing himself in the liberal and free trader of a great deal of money was to enable months slipped away in complete confusion tone, and the other replying with extracts In the Ylestnik Inostranoy Literaturi tuose belonging to the International League and disorganization, no one being able to from Das Kapital purged of any cat. No. 5, December, 1929. Bruno Jazhinsky for the Rights of Men to protest against the Icad this niovement towards tealization, astrophic consequences. If we add that administers a superb bureaucratic reproof application of the dah penuly in he 12. Many naircly believe today that the Repui the other collaborators are people like Hab to the director of Monde. This reproof is The bankrupcy of this juridical congress lic will be peacefully achieved through arau, Borl, Alrard Bernard, etc. etc. naturally accompanied by organizational in no way hindered the calling of an in clections. Tho Berenguer governnient sus.
the question arises as to how how, why, measures: The sale of Monde is prohibited ternational Pensants Congress in Berlin tains this illusion. In opposing the dieta in what respect and in what manner Monde on the news stands and the book stores in at the end of March. hundred delegates torial maneuvers of Barrera and Martinez can really be a journal which speaks, if Russia and the journal no longer comes to participated. Old man Martel represented Audio, he wished to attempt the recapture not to the revolutionary proletariat, at the subscribers in the Mezhra France. a new crisis has broken out bein part of the confidence of the people least simply to the proletariat.
pom has even offered to reimburse the subtween the Peasants confederation and the which he had lost completely.
Bcribers for their money. This time it is The real face of Monde, its pseudoParty. The delegates from the other We have never had any great illusions theoretical countenance, appeared at the clear: Molotov has bad enough of the fourcountries were in a class with Martell. concerning the Republican movements nal of Paul Locls and Delaisi. With the time it undertook socalled Inquiry On In concluding the work, the creation of which followed the fall o Primo de Rivera.
The the Doctrinal Crisis of Socialism.
same gracefulness he excersized in eupan International Peasants Committee was The petty bourgeois republicans are not manner in which this inquiry was presented porting Monde when it was first established decided upon.
and cannot be genuine rerolutionists. The he is preparing today to issue a bull against and the replies that were made to It, put it.
For what purpose. To maintain an are afraid of the Revolution and of the onde in its precise place. In the introducproletariat and hope that the Republic wit tlon, one could read: In speaking of the It is likely that our new Christ Baroffice. That all. Another problem imfall from the sky. That is why from the doctrinal crisis of socialism, we understand busse will suddenly cry out at dictatorship, mediately arose: did the creation of an first moment we have set ourselves the the term in its vastest conception, detach bureaucracy, dogmatism. After having held International Peasants Committee mean in task of fighting against the monarchy and ing it from the dally struggles to which tho his tongue till 1930, he will denounce the substance the liquidation of the Kreatinat the same time unmasking the false revarious proletarian organizations devote Bectarian spirit of the leaders of the Com tern! Or would this Peasants Committee publicang.
themselves in the name of their respective munist Party, etc. Under such conditions, be substitute for the Kretintern, or would We have confidence only is it nec.
doctrine. This phrase has only one mean It is also likely that Monatte will be as it come out against it or would it relegate essary to mention this? In the exploited ing: The doctrinal crisis of socialism is tounded that we are repulsing an eventual itself to fnactivity?
worker and peasant classes. We must be at above the class struggle. We are therefore ally, an Opposition to the Party. But for not wrong in saying that Mende placed it us the matter stands differently. We are their sides in order to enlighten and direct In this respect also, an alarm must be them. The Communist Party must above Belf outside of revolutionary Marxism, out not with everyone who is against the Party Bounded. The country, the peasants are Bide of the proletarian struggle, in order or against the International and the Soviet all fix upon its proper characteristics, its separated from the workers; in the country to take refuge in the Debulous world of 1lt Union. Wo are not with those who desert it is the forces of reaction that speak to slogan of the proletarian vanguard, and erary dlacussions. This does not prevent the sinking ship. with those who abandon the peasants. It is an immdiate and urgent must energetically fight in the defense of the editor of the Introduction to the in a freely embraced cause when It no longer duty of the Communist Parties to penetrato the interests of the working class and for quiry, who is no longer Marxist It he profits them. We repulse and Alght against into the country: this is the sole guarantee a Spanish Workers and Peasants Republic.
those who, after having wholly appproved of success in all the revolutionary strugever was one from writing: The doctrin HENRI LACROIX (soclallst) 1s passing through a crisis be up till now the methods and the action of gles of the workdog class. Tho bloc of the THE XAY DAY MEETINGS cause it is in fact or in appearance our the turn sharply upon it without workers and peasants must not be empty The Militant goes to press just before inquiry will enable us to judge in con sertously founded political reason. For we talk. It the peasants are not united with the May Day demonstrations are being flict with reality on a goodly Bumber of know that this type of capers always conth working class, the latter will find them held, and can theretoro publish no details potte. What reality? We ask because ceats a retreat Ared long ago, and more in the enemies lines, enrolled in the forces In this 1991o Tho next fasue will print it 19 not. question of the reality of po or less bashfut return into the petty bourof reaction.
geols democratic ring. Wo know that the 3itical parties, por consequently of classes, adequato reports of the meetings and an Berila, April 19, 1930 whole evolution in this sense of Barbusse zor, Anally, of the principal elements of analysis of the resulta