BujarinCommunismCommunist PartyLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

rage THE MILITANT Saturday, May 1980 Industry Bureaucracy Perfected!
Printers Privileged THE SEAMEN CONVENTION 200 Men Control Position Doomed Revolutionary developments in the Concentration of power over the living printing of your newspaper may within the conditions of 120 millions of people in the next decade swallow up the jobs of thouAbout 118 seamen and longshoremen, ists in the union and its leadership, organhands of less han 200 men was revealed sands of union printers, and within quarthe unest representative body of workers ized in fractions, good enough guarantees by Senator Burton Wheeler, Democrat, ter century relegate a craft dating from that have ever come together on South for Johnstone? No, he has to have one in speech before the National DemocraGutenberg days to the pages of history Street wound up the marine workers con million person, brass bound, choking con tic club. Wheeler quoted a banker as say books.
vention last week after a two days sitting. trol. The Party, after four years, was ing: Two Threats to Labor Skill There was no lack of enthusiasm. In afraid to trust leaders from the delega In my estimation about 50 or 60 large From two sides come mechanical threats fact this very enthusiasm prevented the tions like McGrath, Harvey, Morgan and companies in this country, each controlled seamen and longshoremen from taking the Hegeny, who were popular at the convento the army of printers who operate typeby two or three men, do about 80. through setting machines. One is the teletypesetter problem of building their industrial union tion, and had proved by their activity in their various subsidarles of the industrial which substitutes John Robot for the man into their own hands, a task which they the ports that they are able to work withbusiness of this country. There are hunout Johnstonian wet nursing.
at the linotype. Another is the photo comproved, throughout the sessions, to be more dred of thousands of small corporations and posing machine whch entirely scraps both than capable of handling.
Organization a la Mode individual business men in this country typesetter and typesetting machine. Both Jobntone Manipulations Another outstanding feature of the con but taken together they do only about 20 cesses reviewed before the recent But in the noise of their enthusiasm vention was the obvious ignorance of the of the country industrial business.
publishers convention in New York by they failed to consider the manipulations industry shown by Johnstone. Instead of Frank Gannett, owner of a chain of daiΦ of the leaders as represented simplifying the enormous task with which lies and owner of the teletypesetter pro mainly by Johnstone who was bent with the convention was confronted, he proceed ILLINOIS JOBS MUCH SCARCER THAN cess.
all his eloquence upon preventing the ed to complicate matters so that no delegate YEAR AGO Gannett now boasts that his robot type seamen from taking control of the conven. could conceive just how they were to CHICAGO For every available hunBetter has been at work in a small Illinois tion. This was clearly shown, for example, Bet about building the new union, dred Jobs in Illinois in February there daily newspaper for six months. At last, when motion came from the floor in He proposed as one of their main tasks were 245. persons ready to take them, he said, It is now ready for the market. accord with procedure, for the election of to organize Negro section, women sec according to the state employment office. large number of machines are now go a national secretary the opposition to tion, a youth section, and repeatedly stress This was a slight improvement over Janing through the factory and the complete Mink being unanimous. well trained ed their importance. This will appear good uary when 257. persons wanted every outfit will soon be available to publishers. Party member, whom the writer knows to in the Daily Worker, splendid in the available hundred Jobs but it was very The machine 18 operated by a perforated be in ardent opposition to Mink, took the and Party minutes, magnificent in the much worse than February 1928. At that tape produced by a machine printer for floor and amended that this task be left Executive Committee of the and the time the ration was 169. applicant for receiving telegraphed news. The machine to the incoming national committee. Oppo but ridiculous on the water evry hundred Jobs.
printer itselt displaced the Morse code altion to this insincere amendment was front. But Johnstone is superior to such he office makes the situation looß telegraph operator. To begin with the tele demonstrated in the heated discussion that little matters as the waterfront, or else he blacker by reporting that the little imtypsetter will handle stock quotations and followed when it appared that it was get would have known much better.
provement noted since January was not sports bulletins, but Gannett forsees the ting out of control and a few Party due to more jobs being open but to iewer The Party traction did not do itgelt day when the complete newspaper, includgot members made only half hearted stands applicants, indicating that people proud at all. Most of the comrades are ing wire and local news, will be teletypefor the motion, the big gun of the conventired of looking in vain for a job or perinexperienced, since the older ones have haps moved to other states in search of set. The teletypesetter tape, he said, tlon, Johnstone, rose to explain to the delbeen driven out or become disgusted. No can be transmitted with greater rapidity egates the meaning of centralized democone. Fewer boys were looking for jobs attempts have been made at training or in February than in January.
and the composing machine acts with great racy. a phrase with which many miners, textile workers and needle trades workers educating the comrades; none is needed, er accuracy than a hand operated machine.
That bosses seem to bave been cutting most likely in the Third Period. It was The only worker left when teletype have become very well acquainted in the wages appears from the detailed report for comical, if it were not so tragle, when it setter gets going will be the linotype malast fev years of Party mechanical control.
Chicago where employment in factories incame to the election of delegates to the creased but payroll totals Increased chinist. But even he will lose his job it The writer was very much impressed Congress. The ones in greatest only a tenth as much. More than three Gannett is correct in saying that feel on neeting one of the Party members after opposition to Mink approved of the slate times as many workers applied for jobs in confident that some day photo ntion who, in an apologetic tone, previously drawn up. Can Mink contribute Chicago in Febraury than could be placed.
will displace metal casting machines. This said: Well, we had to do it (that 18, sup anything at the Congress? It 18 doubtful device will photograph columns of type as port Mink) or it would have gotten out of it even Mink believes that. But the faiththey are set on a machine similar to a type the hands of the Party. ful must be rewarded. Nobody must be alON SEATTLE: CORRECTION writer backed by camera apparatus. The Johnstone, in polsting out why no of lowed to think or act independently of the comrade writes us from Seattle, corplate will then be engraved and given to the ficials should be elected from the floor, Party lash, for they might begin to think recting an error in No. 12 of the militant presemen.
stated that it was so easy for some one to of how thy are being used as chess men by We have 17 cases. Two comrades got May Scrap Pressmen, Too get into a position of power that he could the Party bureaucrats, instead of the Party 60 days: 50. 00 fine, one got 30 days: 50. 00 Revolutionary departures that will scrap in the course of time, with the greatest working in fraternal harmony with the and all others were fined 20. 00. All are press room workers are also foreshadowed ease, divert the organization into reac union.
out on appeal bond, their cases coming up in the prediction of Owen Young of Gen tionary channels. The test of this shame The Beamen and marine workers have next month. The 32 cases are the old ral Electric that you will read your morn ful proclamation of the legalized bureauc had an educational meeting, but not a ones from Armstice Day and are out on ing or evening paper through a device in racy can be seen in what the associated convention, They could learn from the bonds. Now we have more cases, since the living room, operated by wireless me Johnstones have made out of the Left wieg Bossions that so long as the they Just pick up the boys for having chanism miners, textile and needle trades unions leadership overteps the boundaries of legitdrink on 12th and Jackson Streets and The International Typographical Union shadows and wrecks.
for not working. wonder why the Oppoimate relationships to the uniong affiliated sition is not taking a more active part in facing in the day week dmand its stiffest It further shows the great tear the Party to it, jy not allowing it the necessary posbattle since 1922 when it fought out the leaders have of the workers, contrary to the D. We surely need them.
Bibilities to develop initiative and elbow issue of the 44 hour week in Job plants, the radicalization characteristics of the room to function as a real union of workers must reckon on a new type of strike break period which they claim to have analyzed Bo in the industry, instead of an advertisethoroughly, er in the robot designed by Gannett and IN OUR NEXT NUMBER and which says correctly ment for the latest Party line, there will now in actual operation, It the pressmen enough that we are in a period of sharpen be a cancer eating away at the organization Pressure of space compelled us to omit and other printing trades unions will follow ing class struggle when the militant elfrom this issue a number of very important from the beginning. The further realization the union polioy of working while the ements of the working class come to the articles. Our promised article on the develof its aims, the organizing of the marine printers are on strike, publishers will be fore. What Johnstone fears is precisely workers for a fight against the ship owners, opments within the British Labor Party able to make shift temporarily while as these elements. Isn the program and will surely appear in the next 198ue. We will be seriously hindered without the esBembling scab crews.
constitution of the leadership will also have an analysis of the new group tablishment of these proper relations beMeanwhile the scab recruiting goes on strong enough and clearly applicable to the that has been formed in the Socialist Party tween leaders and ranke, union and Party.
apace, according to reports by Chairman period? Isn the functioning of Commun JOHN HORN in New York, the younger elements who Flags of the open shop division obtained almost half the votes at the of the Amrican Newspaper Publishers Asen.
Ганнанні Вікнатилганларнинг инсоннингиомашнішніманннннннннннннннннн city convention. Then there is the introand Chairman Harvey Kelly of the speduction by comrade Trotsky to the Americial atanding con. mittee. Kelly speaks of can edition of his book The Permanent special defense preparations undertaken Revolution. which will appear. Further, by the committee, which are said to have a reply to the Chinese specialist who caused many printers unions to relinquish hides behind the name Doonping, and day week and other demands. In both who has written a particularly stupid arLawrence Mase, and Hamilton, Ont, these ticle in the Communist The Rising RevThe book that first told the inside story of the struggle between defense preparations were undertaken.
olutionary Wave and Trotsky Liquidation Discussing the day week, Flagg says: the Opposition and the bureaucracy Inthe Communist Party in Russia. The in China. Also an article by Max Shacht In all cases involved where the newpaper details of how the conspl scy was hatched against Leon Trotsky by Stalin, man on bis reeent visit to comrade Trotsky, has prepared in advance to take care of Zinovlev, Bucharin and others, was recounted originally in this excelIts publication in any case, a new agree Int volume. It is invaluable for an understanding of present day events ment has been reached with demand for If the number on your wrapper is in Russian and the world Communist movement.
the day week eliminated.
STREET CAR MEN DEMAND DAY WEEK Cloth bound: 00 PITTSBURGH This city is wondering Paper: 66 cents Send All Orders to whether it will walk or ride after May then your subscription to the tant has 3, 800 car men turned down a proposal of The Mutant. 96 Third Arente, Now York, expired.
Renew immediately in order to the Pittsburgh Railways Co. to rplace the avoid missing any issues, expiring wage agreement.
DIDRODILICORDIMWI CASINCE LENIN DIED By Max Eastman 158 pages 43 THE MILITANT, Vol. III, No. 18, May 3, 1930 Published weekly by the Communist LeaguO of America (Oppositions at 26 Third Avenue, New York, Subeription rate: 00 per year; foreign 50. Flvo cents per copy. Bundle raten, centaper cops. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Oannon, Max Shachtman, Maukce Spector, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mall matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Once at New York, under the act of March 1979. Total No. 49.