BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismImperialismItalyLeninMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

THE MILITANT Page aturday, April 26, 1930 THE EVENTS IN INDIA The Naval Pact building by England, and consequently Ci. in Italian Fascism WAGE CUTS THREATEN DENVER LABOR DENVER (FP) While the state industrial commission is blocking wage increases on the basis of the request of Pres.
Tho final text for the Three Power Hoover, wage cuts and layoffs continue In recent weeks the struggle of the In Party. The Stalin leadership continues to Naval agreement is being prepared for its without interruption.
Lian proletariat and peasantry against the carry over the same policy that was resigning. The farce in London lends addi Union bakery workers have just been ntense exploitation of British imperialism sponsible for the glaring defeat suffered in tional knowledge to the fakery of the lm served notice that their scale of 32 a nd their homo bourgeoisie, and for in China. The organization of a Workers and perlalists in their pretentions of disarma week is to be cut to 26 a week on May ependence has been intensified. In Calcutta Peasants Party remains on the agenda of ment. The conterece could not overcome the During previous strike the union conix were killed and over 100 injured in a the Comintern in India. This flows from contradicitions of the powers present and ducted a cooperative bakery and whipped emonstration against the domination of its false orientation that the revolution resulted in a sham treaty of three nations. the bosses in a strenuous fight.
British capitalism. One killed and over in India must be accomplished through Even the capitalist press is forced to recog Re lroad shops are laying off men hirty three injured in Karachi. Similar and together with the national bourgeoisie. nize this. James in the New York steadily: the tramway has just consolidated onditions are to be observed everywhere. It led to the subordination of the Communist Times of April 18, cites as the shortcomings lines in such a way as to cut down its rolley cars turned over and burned, tele Party and its eventual collapse in China. of the conference, the following: fros: tgomery Ward has fired 140 raph wires cut, means of communication It can have no other result in India. Nel One, failure to achieve any radical o weeks; the building trades are estroyed, are evidence of the temper of the ther the big bourgeoisie nor the petty bour reduction in the war fleets of the world; hard hit.
288ses. The British government is using geoisle can lead a guccesful revolution for for limitation of the navies of America, very conceivable form of repression against the overthrow of British imperialism. England and Japan involves no great cute Indian proletariat. Armored cars, police Neither can this be done by the most revol and leaves the world facing additional MINNEAPOLIS (FP. Over loud and med with guns, lances, and sticks, militia, utionary trade unions. For lead construction by the other powers bo! protests of the American Legnd civil troops are mobilized to thwart the ership of a Communist Party, which central Two, fallure to limit the fleets of ion and several civio organizations, the truggle.
izes the political action of the masses, which the five nations as proposed when the Minalis Central Labor Union has obThus far the movement is under the gives it direction in the struggle, and pre conference began.
tained the city audttorlum for a protest Three, failure to make three power pares the revolution, is necessary. WithBadership of the Swaraji Party, the organout a genuine Communist Party capable of zation of the national bourgeoisie and limitation absolutely definite, since the mee. on unemployment April 23.
etty bourgeoisie. Under the head of Gandhi carrying out such tasks, one cannot hope contingent clause will permit greater Ith policy of non resistance, the movefor a successful struggle of the revolutionbent is being misled into channels that ary masses in India.
by America and Japan, should the French Hil open its death. When the Indian Nationand Italian building increase. Four, fallure to agree on the even( Continued from Page 4)
list Party, through the initiative of Gandhi. The persecutions of the dopted at their congress in January, the tual abolition of battleships, as desired shevik Party during the war, the first maße by the English.
solution calling for complete Indian Inmo. monts which accoinpanied the face of Indonesian Revolutionaries Five, failure to abolish submarines, ependence it only expressed the pressure Tsarism emanated essentially from the Gandhi march to the the masses.
as suggested by America and Britian.
We pea: in the army and countryside.
Hundreds of comrades in Indonesia ea, with the intentions of boycotting the The Safeguard Clause. Build Tiger know that the spontaneous tendency of (Dutch East Indies) have been deported in realt Laws, and in this manner struggle for Navles the movements, from the political point cent years to the island New Guinea for their a dependence, carried with it elements that The safe guard clause in the treaty of view, resulted in the defensiem of estroyed the original purpose. It must participation in the revolutionary movement which will permit additional naval conham nav and zipoviev, whose position was of their native country.
be remembered that the policy of Gandhi struction tears the vell from the agreement.
beaten down by Lenin in April, 1917, and nd the Party is that the independence of Immediately after the revolts of Nov The socialist Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the proletariat was able to intervene hdia can only be gained through a boy ember, 1926 and January, 1927 (In West Snowden, denies very sharply that the int: Bourse of events, to rise and conquer otting of the products of Great Britian Java and West Sumatra. the colonial gov clause had in mind the construction of in the name also of the interests of the ud a struggle for independence with ernment took revenge by the arrest of armaments by other powers thereby giving pea: nts.
dllcy of non resistance (non violence) to several hundred of comrades all over the permission to further construction by those The agrarian zone of capitalist econhe British government. Non resistance Archipelago. The greatest part of them were countries making up the treaty. The Amer omy is that destined to feel the first reo the severe exploitation that the Indian not involved in the revolts. They were icans are more blunt.
Ac. 1o the economic crisis by virtue of Lasses undergo, to the shooting of striking leaders of Indonesian labor unions, local Senator David Reed, one of the leading its secondary position in the economic tabad demonstrating workers, can only re leaders in the political movement. All of delegates of the United States declared: ric. On the other band the tentacles of the ellt in the betrayal of the revolutionary them have been isolated in a special camp It is perfectly reasonable that we should capcalist defensive apparatus on the Tovement in India.
derd kilometers inland on the be protected against a budden outburst coun! yulde are lighter and more tenuous The Masses Struggle Despite Gandhi borders of the river Digoel at Tanah Merah. of building by some other power. Yes, than in the industrial cities. Police forces Paradoxical as it may seem, Gandhi After some time the government split the without consultation. Great Britain would are very interior and at the same time the pobilization of the masses, on the basis camp and established a new one for the simply notify us and begin to build. Then fascist ranks are depleted by the developcumrades whose mentality was rreconcil.
non resistance has already taken the the United States and Japan would get in ment gi the economic situation and can no able. At least 1500 Indonesians have been frm of militant struggle and RESISTANCE touch through diplomatic channels and not loagar serve as shock troops of the rebrought to Tanah Merah, of whom some the masses to the brutal regime of the by a conference. Each of us would be action. In the cities the shock troops are hundreds are inside the new camp at Tanahtish Socialist government. The demonfree to build. want to say again that rer sed by the police forces and not by this agreement bas been reached in an at the fascist organization. Today Mussolini ting workers have taken the only posmosphere of perfect good will. Nobody authorized the free withdrawal from course in the struggle against the They have to stay there indefinitely; the dination of the British government open power of the governor general could deport was forced to give up anything.
these organizations. He remembers that in And so, we have disarmament. The them without any sentence (leure de cathe Matteoti case, many of the forces of 888le and resistance it has as always conference concludes with the greatest les Fasc::m deserted in the face of dancer.
o erstepped the limits which the policy of chet. The inferior quamty of the capitalist Gndht places on the movement for indesons for the working class. The proletariat In the most important daily paper of defense in the country provides a quicker pndence.
must be on guard constantly against the Holland, Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant of menace of war. The conference met only chance of explosion than the city. But India is the foundation rock of the March 7, telegram from Batavia was pubBitish Empire. The British Investment if in the country, revolt is easier than in to gauge the strength of the various capitallished. From this telegram we know that the city, resistance there is incomparably in India today is over four billion dollars.
1st powers; and to agree that their comsince August 1929 many efforts have been more a cult. local movement in the Over fourteen percent of the British exmon enemy was the working class of the undertaken by the deported comrades to country is fated to be rapidly strangled pets are sent to India. It is easy to under escape from the camp.
Soviet Union. The three power treaty In the so called carries with it all the explosives for the by the mobilization of another locality. In sund, then, why the struggle of the Indian People Council at Batavia, the representconflict, and was a last minute resort to ative of the governor general declared keep the conference from collapsing with the city the local movement has far greatpoletariat and peasantry for independence er chances of resistance.
wil meet the stubborn resistance of the (March 6th) that 61 comrades disappeared. out even a show.
Unite Faenza and Milan under Commoulst Bitish government. That stubborn resist Until now, all of them except have been Leadership for the Proletarlan Revolution axe 18 already exhibited in the present brought back, though 41 passed the boundary Torisals. One can easily see how much and may have thought that their march of SOVIET AMERICAN TRADE UP 61 For real results in Italy it is necessary fircer will be the resistance of the Brit more than 600 kilometres with terrible NEW YORK Soviet purchases and to coordinate the movements in botu town is government when the movement for difficulties and dangers had the result that and courtry.
sales in the from October 1929 to The fact that the event in Milan was inlependence outstrips its present stage and they had regalned their liberty.
April amounted to 98, 000, 000, a gain of raches the point of an open conquest for Demand the Right of Asylum 61 over last year first halt figures, acseparated from Faenza by only a few days, Drwer.
The authorities of Papua territory an cording to an announcemnet of the Amtorg Justifies us in establishing that a change The British Labor Government Defends is effecting itselt in the fighting capacity nihilated finally their hope. They were Trading Corp. The purchases of American of the Italian workers. But to organize its the Empire industries, agricultural thrown in all because. they had acted and automotive The role of the socialist government resistance, a force capable of leading to against the regulation for immigration! equipment and supplies, totalling 56 700, of Great Britain is highly Illuminating.
battle iu required. At the moment when The court sentenced them for this reason 000, were nearly four times those of the Tie policy of Paldwin and the Conservathe new offensive of capitalisin on the and decided their deportation. In this way corresponding balf year of 1928 29. Orders workers is opening, in a situation which tie Party and MacDonald and the Labor for industrial and transportation equipthe Dutch authorities got the chance to send compared with that of the Matteoti perlod, Party alike is the use of violence against ment, totalling 24, 800, 000, increased a steamer to Thursday Island. We earn 2 th Indian masses. Both defend the inis far more favorable to revolutionary from the Statesman Year Book of 1929 times, while purchases of agricultural developments, we must examine recent ex1 sts of British capitalem with enthus that the governor of that territory, who 18 eqquipment, valued at 24, 700, 00 increased periences objectively and without illusions.
lam. This is understandable, when we more than six times.
the responsible man, has to obey the orders They teach us that, bounded by the limits reall that one of the planks of the Mac of the governor general in Australasia. ObФ of social democracy and Centrism, the antiDonald administration is to save the totter viously, the power of the colonial depart PHILA, SHOE WORKERS AWAIT fascist movements in Italy are fated to In Empire. One cannot say that efforts ment, in London counts with these colonial MILITANT UNION LEAD of MacDonald and his socialist governresult in a new success for capitalism.
officials. Will the Labor Government of Eng PHILADELPHIA (FP. Shoe workers These experiences confirm for us that mount in this direction have been lackingland, of Ramsay MacDonald respect the in the Quaker City are awaiting leadership only with a communist program, and The role of the Labor government in India ight of Asylum regarding coloured revolu to unionise their industry. The example thonks only to Communiste (and not to 18 only an additional commentary to the tionaries? It recently abandoned and re of the Laird Schobler strike last year has the Right or Centrism which have been fak that the only solution for the proletar fused this Right of Asylum for politicals proved that cobblers can fight and stick. definitely compromised in the Italiau and ia is the complete destruction of capital in the case of comrade D. Trotsky who Never have conditions been worse than International movement) can the liberation ian and the establishment of the Dictator applied for admission to England.
now. Cutters are earning 18 to 25 a of the Italian proletariat be realized.
ship of the Proletariat.
Meanwhile, it is the duty of all work week, where formerly they got 40 to 60; To unite Faenza and Milan, the strugOne of the sad features in the present ers to declare their solidarity with the fitters get 15 to 25 against a previous gle of the proletarlat and peasantry, to give słuation in India is the almost total lack Indonesian comrades. Every effort Bhould scale of 70 80.
these movements the possibility of developof a Communist Party. The policy of the be made to prevent the return of these col Formerly wages averaged, year around, ing, can only be the work of the Communist Canmunist Internattonal in India calls for oured tighters into the hands of the Dutch about 32 a week for shoe workers but program applied by Communists in their the organization of almost every kind of government which viciously treate the pal now they feel fortunate to knock out an own Party.
y except that of a bona fide Communist tical prisoners.
annual wage equivalent to 20 a week. From PRO KTH Tinggi.