AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismRadekRussian RevolutionSandinoSocialismSovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

res THE MILITANT Saturday, April 26, 1986 ANews of the International Communist Oppositior. ميه با the step they were taking who saw the main stream of the Russian Opposition in the Moscow Opposition of 1924, We are a Trotsky Opposition, if we may say so without misunderstanding. We repudiate all admixtures of Zinovlevism and Maslowism, the theories of Souvarine and those of the Smirnov Sapronovists. In our Platform we justly recognize LD. Trotsky as the foremost living teacher and leader of Bolshevism, the foremost representativo of the legacy of Marx and Lenin, With the Russian Opposition we are in complete accord that the Rakovsky declaration was 110 gesture of capitulation but a necessary demonstration of the united front with the Party. In the rame sense do we regard the declaration of October 16 1926 of the Party loyalty of the Opposition to which Urbahns takes so much exception.
The situation in the American Communist movement has been immensely clarified since the Sixth Congress, and the greatest contribution in this direction bas been inade by the militants who formed the Left Opposition. None of the former Party groupings are any longer what they once were. Never was the lovestone group such an undisguised and ontspoken Right wing.
Never was the unprincipled swamp liko character of the Foster faction more apparent. Never was there the clear and outspoken conscious Left wing that the American Opposition constitutes today. The limits of the old unprincipled factionalism and intrigue had their rise in the ZinovievEucharin and Stalin regimes. The American Opposition has in the short space of its existence achieved a great revolutionary educational work for the movement that will sooner or later hear its fruit. For this the American Opposition recognizes its historic debt to the Russian Opposition.
MEXICAN WHITE TERROR CONTINUES. tullut hy of: Marisc By MAURICE SPECTOR S1. The Korch, all show that the ghost of Maslow The recently pubished theses on the. a botwie has not yet been laid and the evil of Zin Permanent Revolution are the re affirma1 and the Germs. oviev lives after him.
tion in the present period of the April Tably craz to a Maslow method of approach to ti Theses of Lenin in all their implications.
15. alunt turns. problems of the Russian and international They link up the national with the intertory is ftile. e revolution was essentially eclectic. It was national, the democratic with the socialist, A1 is lacens tis. a ro the method of the editorial writer who upon the agrarian with the proletarian revoluCiter with a being asked to compose an article on Chi tions. They re affirm that the emancipaSurica and hisi. nese Metaphysics read up the Encyclopedia tion of the peasantry can only come from ha s! Orale unity. The Britannica under China and Metaphysics the leadership of the proletariat. They revacica in ca and combined his information. Maslow repudiate the idea of two class parties and luy ti Sino Russian ccnt. learned that Lenin slogan in the revolu maintain the necessity of the independent a pomory well. The wor. Bustan tion of 1905 was the deipocratic dictatorship leadership of the Communist Party. YCPU, Lortion Conferer. ar (bourgeois democracy) and that there were Par. cnt. World unemeyecat two revolutions in 1917. He therefore in he misrepresentations and distortions. My at any time sub oottestructed his associates that if the world of the theory of the Permanent Revolution sition to 11 Coul test. The rin. revolution did not come to the assistance. which is Marxist to the bone was made stunities of the oficial Corn TO of Russia, the Bolsheviks would have to possible by the domination of the Party and it all the more cumbent on the retreat to the positions of 1905. that is, Comintern apparatus by the Right Center muni is to give Bonevik leafcrip. the bourgeois revolution. This fundamen Bloc under the pressure of alien class eltally Merishevik theory is the prop of Ur ements, the growing influence of the Kulak, bahn conception of Thermidor. If Kam Nepman and Bureaucrat.
The compass by which the revolution enev and Zinoviey would have had their IV ary vanguard steers through me www of way in 1917, the Bolsheviks would never, events, striking the necessary bali. ce iaof course, have advanced beyond the posThe American Opposition secs it the tween enthusiasm and objectivity is the tions of 1905 and there would have been establishment of an International Bureau analysis of class relations in dynamic ce an end to the revolution. The proletarian of the Opposition, an International Bullevelopment. This is the method of Marxism, revolution is not followed by the bourgeois tin and Conference. a tremendously sigind fo: decisive reasons the rich experrevolution, the proletarian dictatorship can nificant step forward in the struggle for lences of three revolutions, ceaseless ebe liquidated only by a Bonapartist or Fasthe revolutionary line and the winning of ccupation with theoretical fundamentais, cist dictatorship. To conceive of a Therthe Coinintern froin the opportunist Blanpre eminence of its leadership It finds its midor as the threshold of bourgeois democquist zig zag of the internationally organfinest living expression today in the Reg.
racy in Russia in the epoch of imperialism, ized Stalin faction.
sian Opposition. Because as against the and civil war the epoch of the essential hermidorian Right and bureaucratic Cen decay of bourgeois democracy is a gro The American Opposition was formed trist factions, its basic line is still that of tesque misreading of history. In conver under conditions that permitted no illuthe Party under Lenin the Russian Opsation with the writer comrade Urbahng sions of swift victory or capitulation. It position is the Left. The Russian Oppoonce confessed that he had learned was organized after the Sixth Congress, rition is the contemporary embodiment of great deal from Maslow. In retrospect, it that is, after the rupture of the bloc with Bolshevism hardened for decades in the would have been better it he had learned Zinoviev and the capitulation of the Zinstruggle against opportunism as the main less and forgotten more.
ovlevists. Our group in Amorica attracted danger inside the labor movement, but also militants who realized the consequences of 111 Against otsoviem against every form of ultra Left adventurism, The Russian OnThe concreto issue of the Defense of position represents the spiritual heritage the Soviet Union brought with it more than of October and the first four congresses of just a settlement of accounts with the the Third International. The three issues Leninbund leadership. It urgently raised which Trotsky proposed as the touchthe problem of the unification of the whole Taking advantage of the organizational stone of adherence to the Left. Angloweakness and demoralization in the ranks International Opposition, which was far Russian Committee, Chinese Revolution and of the Mexican Communist movement, the from homogeneous in its origins, its traSoviet Economy (national socialism) are ditions and ideology. Here the mature government of the native bourgeosie at no more merely tactical differences than Wall Street service continues its series of leadership of the Russian Opposition proved the divisions of Bolshevism and Mensheindispensible, and it exerted the pressure repressions against the Communist and the vism over the character of the 1905 revoluof its natural prestige in favor of ideological of arrests of the leaders on trumped up labor movement in general through a series tion. They go to the root of the Comclarity and against a bloc of motley oppomunist program. They involve questions charges and the regular smashing of labor sition tendencies. Already on his arrival of the estlinate of the epoch, the character organizations.
in Constantinople, Trotsky uncompromisof the Russian revolution, the role of the ingly put an end to all speculations on an vanguard, the significance of the soviets, On February the new presidentunprincipled bloc with the Brandler Right. elect. Pascual Ortiz Rublo was officially the national and agrarian problems.
In equally decisive fashion, he rejected the Inaugurated to office. Even the elements It is clear that between the Marxist contraband of neo syndicalism of the that supported him realized that the Left that is the Russian Opposition and Revolution Proletarlen (Monatte Loriot) election would not have been won on legal the Left groupings in the Comintern begroup. Concurrently, he sharply disso grounds over the two opposing candidates, fore 1924, there is a yawning guit. Conciated the Russian Opposition from frater Jose Vasconcelos on the one hand jointly with Lenin, in the period of the nity with those for whom the Opposition and Pedro Rodriguez Triana, candiSecond Congress, Trotsky demolished the entalled no obligations of mundane polit date of the Workers and PeaBectarian abstractions of Gortor and Panical activity, for whom Opposition had ants Bloc on the other. Terrorism was nekoek, the theoreticians of the German become stagnation, routine and a refuge used to keep the enemies of Ortiz Rubio Communist Labor Party (K. from Party discipline.
from the polls and then he was proclaimed Conjointly with Lenin, Trotsky at the Third But of supreme importance in the ideo elected by over two million votes as against Congress no less vigourously engaged the logical fuelon of the International Lett is ultra Left adventurism (the Offensive Thea tew tens of thousands for each of the the question of the Permanent Revolution, opposing candidates. As an expression of ory. of the ominent Leninists Bela Kun, which comrade Trotsky has placed on the Maslow and Thalhelmer. The severe corthe popular sentiment against this take order of the day for discusalon. The Op. election Daniel Flores, a youth of liberalrection proved such a shock to Thalhelmer position must be absolutely clear in the he loc his balance and ultimately patriotic tendencies, attempted to assassinsignificance of this question. Those who ate the new president on the very day of staggered into the camp of the extreme reject the opigone manufactured legend of his inauguration, inflicting several serious Right, whlle Maslow declared a permanent Trotskylsm must realize that the Por. wounds. But wild hogs and Mexican prestvendetta against the Third Congress as manent Revolution is the concentrated antithe work of the Mephisto Trotsky who had dents ofttimes have tough hides and the thesis of the revistontet program of nation Incident was utilized by the governmental seduced the innocent Maslowite Lenin.
al socialism, the bloc of tour classes, the forces as an excuse for a whole series of 11 theory of stages (colonial revolution. repressions against the leading elements in Workers and Peasants Parties, the peace. Opposition to the existing regime. Num.
These reminiscences of the Second and fut cobabitation of socialism and capitalism erous Communists, syndicalists, anarchiste particularly the Third Congresses, unfor the kulak growth into socialism (Bucharin. and Vasconcellatas, supporters of the tunately possess more than purely historical Why Is It necessary to bring the Perman candidato Vasconcelos (who was supported interest. They have a direct bearing on the ent Revolution up now, laments Radek, jussimultaneously by large elements of the subsequent fate of the Leninbund. For tifying his capitulation. During the period workers and peasants in spite of being years a whispering and press campaign wag of the first four Congresses of the Intersympathetic towards the catholics. Flores carried on among the Left Inclined workers national It was not necessary to discuss was tortured as were several of the other of Hamburg, Berlin, the Ruhr and else the theory of the Permanent Revolution be detained elements, including several Comwhere to depict Trotsky as the Right Dan cause its substance was the strategy of the munists, to secure a declaration that the ger and Zinovlev and Bucharin as the pat International. It is the revision of Lon. whole thing was a Communist plot. During ron saints of the Lett! This gross dis inism by the epigones that brings the a demonstration of the Left wing forces in orientation of the German Left, the obstin. Permarent Revolution into relief as the Mexico City where by a grent effort the ato Opposition to the Third Congress, the essence of Bolshevism. It is the attempt could mobilize 400 workers on March failure correctly to distinguish the tenden of the epigones who before Lenin April 20. still more comrades were imprisoned cles in the Russian Party, were bound up Theses had not advanced beyond the posi including several leading members of the with the ideological perversions of Maslow, tion ot the bourgeois revolution, and who Left Communist Opposition.
The blunders of the Leninbund, the Ur would now Inflict the international working Communist Oppositionists Deported bahne theory of the so called hybrid class with their reactionary theory that stato, Its Callacious analysis of the Ther has raised the question. It is the exper According to latest reports it appears that midor, its bankruptcy la tho Russo Chinese fences of the Chinese Revolution that hava due to the government inability to bring me, its oscillation betwcon Brandier agd raised the question.
concrete charges or the holding of a trial.
most of the comrades detained in the capital ani also the five who had been sent to the penal colony in the Islas Marias have been freed again, with the oxception of two foreigners, Esteban Pavletich, a Per uvian attacbed to the general staff of the Nicaraguan leader, Sandino, and Russel Blackwell (Rosalio Negrete) of the Left Communist Opposition, both of whom were doported from the country.
There appeared recently in the press of this country notices to the effect that the Mexican authorities had nipped in the bud a Communist revolution in the Stato of Veracruz. Although we have no definite information as yet it seems that once more the same method is being used to give an excuse to the government for continued repressions against the revolutionary movement. We do not believe that the adventurous course of the Stalinist leadership in the Mexican party can be so bad as to attempt an insurrectionaty movement at this time The candidate of the Workers and Peasants Bloc that took part in the last presle dential election in Mexico under direction of the Mexican Communist Party, in the midst of the regions against the move.
ment, made a public declaration congratulating Ortly Rublu for having won at the polls. and plodging the elements of the Workers and Peasants Bloc to support the present regime.
MOONEY INCESSED BY LIBERTY MYSTERY YARN SAN QUENTIN, Cal. FP. Tom Mooney is incensed by falsified accounts of the San Francisco preparedness day explosion contained in a mystery series in Liberty, reactionary weekly. Ile declares the article was prepared from prosecution records and that no attempt was made to interview defeuse counsel or himself. To them, Mooney remarked, it means money, a bit of public sensationalism, and perhaps a few extra magazines sales. To me it means vindication, freedom. Wby didn they bother to get their facts accurate and fair? Liberty has offered 1, 000 for the best solution to the Mooney Billings mystery. which 19 no mystery to those familiar with the frameap.