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By ALFA the same speech.
Mysterious things are happening in But nevertheless we hold to our conthe headquarters of the Communis: Interviction, that everything in the world bas national. The Apparatus has grown so pure and transparent as crystal, and overthrowing Foster? It seems impossible its cause, and everything in politics its powerful that it does not feel any longer when there must be no room in our rela otherwise to understand the necessity of purpose. Is it possible to assume that this embarrassed to perform its secret functions for routen diplomatical tricks. slandering a recently appointed leader, mixspeech is being pubished for the first tions in the open. Articles and docuOr else we are not Leninists, and then. ing him with mud. Nor is the situation time only in order to prove once more the ments are being published that obviously simplified by the following words in Sta. and then, of course, everything is political incorruptability of Stalin?
have some very special one may say, In speech: permitted: intrigues, falsity, dark hints, in these articles the occult, meaning. Where is the solution? he asks What Next for Foster?
vile slanders, murder from ambush, priests of the first rank speak a language himself, and answers: Comrade Foster which can only be understood by the priests However, in so far as Stalin is a Lensuggested one plausible solution. AC Taken by itselt such an assumption is of the second rank. To those of the third inist, he is, according to his own attestacording to his proposition it is neces not absolutely incredible in the present circle, the occult ineanings of their lan tion pure and transparent as crystal. To sary to transfer the leadership to the third period a period characterized guage is unintelligible, and ordinary mor what extent this is true of him has been, minority (1, e. the Foster group. Can above all by its monstrous, arch American, tals can only guess what it is all about. as is well known, once and forever testithis solution be accepted? No, it can not shamefully indecent advertisement of the fled by Lenin himself in describing nig Number (1930) of the magazine Bol.
be accepted. The delegation of the personalities of the super leadership. Still character a9 disloyal, What then is the shevik the principal cook shop of SureauC. mado a mistake when it sbarply it is difficult to imagine that the reputations eretical mysticism and mystification, con meaning of this linexpected publication of dissociated itself with the majority of the as yet undeposed leaders of the sean old speech? For there must be a tains three speeches of Stalin, which he group (the Lovestone group) and did cond rank might be dragged in the mud meaning.
not at the same time dissociate itselt without any evident necessity just casualmade in May, 1929, at the Praesidium of the Was it done only in order to completeComintern and its Committees with the minority groupe. The proposi ly besmirched in passing. If this is really ly discredit the expelled Lovestone? Suption of comrade Foster with all its con 80, it means that a new phase of the The editors of the magazine have painspose we admit that. What then about Sequences falls of its own weight. Page Bonapartist degeneration of the bureautakingly emphasized, in the case of each Foster? Why does the pure and transpar 12. cratic regime has arrived a phase in speech, that it is being published for the ent moralist cast mud at the same time on which even the nearest associates are reBrst time.
It seems that in May 1929, Stalin flatly But they have not explained the present leader of this party?
for what reason these old and alas, very refused Foster the right to inherit Love garded in the same light as the mob.
Let us read further!
tone place. Was it quite flat, thouga, his But we think that the nub of the matter poor speeches are set up in type at all.
refugal. At that time it was understood that The speeches belong to the periode where The Mud upon the Crystal Is not only there. All the precedents Foster had still to show proofs of his and there are more than few point to Lovestone, being still a member of the Praesidium of the Comintern, was compet To characterize the way in which loyalty the conclusion that in Stalin faction the ing with Foster for the position of priest of pure Communist morals are being disFoster stock is volng down. Why? W: do the first rank. The description of their not know. We know only that it is not for torted and covered with mud in the pro Foster Proves His Loyalty competition, given in the speech, is not cese of factional struggle, we could rereasons of principle. In that field it is Here without a certain cynical precision.
Stalin was accusing Foster, as it infer to such facts ay, for instance, my doubtful whether Foster inclined to cidentally, ot having been ready, in the 1s how realistically Stalin bas pictured the conversation with comrades Foster and cause any difficulties. What is the matter interests of factional struggle with LoveLovestone. am talking about the conthen?
fight batween these two clans for the right The mystery has not yet energed stone, to use the hidden Trotskyists.
to represent in the United States the last versation which took place at the time from the keeping of the priests or the That was, in May 1929, the chief accusarevelations of Leninism.
of the Sixth Congress. It is characterfirst two ranks. But why not ask the tion.
istic that in correspondence with his The task of Stalin sermon, then, author of the speeches about it? He is the The Race Between Lovestone friends comrade Foster alludes to this was not to discredit but to intimidato Fos one who has no taste for mysteries. IS ter. And it was wholly succesful. Foster it so difficult to understand, that (he) has and Foster conversation as something mysterious, something that should not be mentioned produced in abundance all the demanded nothing to hide from the comrades? Is it proots of loyalty.
aloud. Where does this mysticism come In his struggle against so difficult to understand that (he) is al The Foster group, wanting to demthe Left Opposition he outdid himself. And onstrate its loyalty to the Russian Party, from? And what is it for, dear comways ready, at any moment to tell tc comin consequence, after a private conversation declares itsell Stalinist. Very well! rådes? What could there be mysterious rades, from beginning to end everyihing.
We, the Lovestoneites, will go farther about my conversation with comrades with Stalin in Moscow, Foster receives into everything. except, perhaps, lex and his own hands the American apparatus why he murdered Blumkin. We inn to than the Foster group, and we will de Foster and Lovestone? To hear these and. from being a minority became a macomrades, one might think that was have an answer to that question ton mand that comrade Bucharin be recalled jority. During this operation while oster from the Communist International. Let talking to them about things which But Foster, it seems, ought to be would be ashamed to tell you about.
was successfully covering with mud Comthe Fosterites try to beat that! We will getting ready for a change of Ille untera, 3ut this is absurd, dear comrades. And munist morals, Stalin kept silent. But now, show those people in Moscow how we indeed, the publication of this article when Foster has completely received int8 Americans can play the market! The what is all this mysticism for? Is it should save him.
so difficult to understand that have nohis hands the destinies of official CommunFoster group, wanting to demonstrate its thing to hide from comrades?
intimacy with the Communist InternaIs it ism in the United States, Stalin publishes Pravda on March 7th brings the his previous Sermon with a mysterious tional, demands that the decision of the difficult to understand that am always, note: Published for the first time.
news that Stalin speeches on the AmerCommunist International about the e at any moment, ready to relate to the ican question are published in the form The matter is complicated still more Very moval of Pepper be carried out.
comrades all the contents of my conof a panıphlet. The first edition is 100. 000 by the following quite unexpected attack: well!
versation with Foster and Lovestone We, the Lovestoneites, will go coples. Foster and Bittelman. the orator We were right. The maiter 18 further, and expel comrade Pepper from from the beginning to the end. Page 11, much more profound than it could have here becomes indignant do not see anythe Party. Let the Fosterites try to beat emphasis ours. thing improper in declaring themselves seemed to an outsider. However, such an that! We will show those people in Thus Foster is accused of no more and Stalinists in order to demonstrate their unexpected circulation of such inane MOBCow how we Americans can play the no less a crime than distorting and covloyalty to the Russian Communist Party.
speeches (except for cynical casuistries market. The Bolshevik, 1930, No. ering with mud the Communist morals.
But this is really indecent, dear comrades.
there is nothing in them. does not offer page 10. But Foster is the head of the Communist Do you not know that there are not. any key to the mystery. 100, 000! Then To value these lines adequately, one Party in the United States! Foster 18 it was really meant for the masses. But and there must not be. any Stalinists. a member of the Praesidium of the com Why should such indecencies be permitted must remember that the talk is not about what will the masses make out of this brokers, after all, but about two factions, munist International. How are we to unsudden commentary on the sudden career from minority. page 9)
one of which had been leading the Amer derstand this?
It appears that to declare oneself a of Foster? Is this new edition merely deican party for several years, and had put We do not demand that every Commun Stalinist is really indecent. Who would signad to show Foster that the boss is not through the renowned campaign against Ist, even though he belong to the breed of joking? Or is this apocalyptical circulation have thought so? In the same number of Trotskylgm. The other has subsequently the leaders, should be necessarily pure the Bolshevik, another crystal. smaller only a by product of the efficiency of the been placed at the head of the American and transparent as crystal. That would administrators as in the case of collectiviin size, but less transparent Kuusinen party in order to fulfill the tasks of the be too high, indeed a superhuman cri.
sation? It certainly becomes more and proves in 20 closely set pages that to be third period.
terlum. But still, between crystal and Stalinist is the first, and as a matter of more difficult to find your way, among the mud there are many intervening grada fact, tho only duty of every official seriously zig zag of the general line.
Why Does Stalin Publish These tions. How sball a simplo mortal explain interested in his own fate. The article of Speeches Now?
to himselt the fact that a player of the the incomparable hero of the Finnish revomarket, Lovestone, has been replaced by Jution of 1918, 18 even entitled: Stalin and POLICE HELP AUTO PLANT SUBDUE One can not help asking: What pur Foster, who covers with mud the pure the Bolshevisation of the Party.
NEGRO WORKERS Doge does Stalin pursue in publishing theso Communist morals. And why this is the MEMPHIS, Tenn. FP) TWO hunspeeches today, many months after they polnt of the question does the pure and Kuussinen Mumbles «Amen dred Negro workers, at the gates of the were spoken, and thus publicly placing on transparent ag crystal leader of leaders, Murray Wood Products Co. to With his usual brilliancy, the author protest Foster, who is holding so high the banner find it necessary to disclose this hidden against the abusiveness of white foremen of Stalinism, on the same level with Love disgrace so many months after the muddy proves that all its successes in China, and the brutality of company detectives, stone who was expelled from the Commun Foster has replaced the gambler, Lovestone, England and other countries, the Comwere forcibly dispersed and the mill placed Ist International? The mystery is great.
munist International owes to Stalin all at the wheel of government?
under guard.
Such an unexpected publication of speeches.
its defeats to someone else. On his part, made in the most secret conferences, would Arriving at a Decision Stalin praises Kuussinen highly in his Police clubbed one young Negro unde simply incomprehensible, if one did speech. But we have to belive that all conscious recently for arguing with an.
not assume some new machinations behind At least we learn from these speeches this is just a mere accident, which has other employee and on another occasion dewhat, to tell the truth, we did not doubt nothing to do with the case. If Kuussinen tectives hired by the company called for the Scenes, about which the priests of the first degree consider it timely to forewarn before that Foster won his victory, not at in January 1930 declares himself a Stalinist police ald because a Negro truck driver all against Stalin but on the contrary, with the priests of the second.
to the length of 20 pages, it is his private objected to being cursed by a white foreman the help of some conversation with Stalin But can one be permitted to make such business. But when in May 1929, Foster Murray Wood Products Co. manulacbehind the scenes. Where does this mysa disrespectful assumption? From other made similar announcements, he was try turers of auto bodies, does now believe in ticism come from, and what for, dear comremarks in the speech of Stalin it would ing to play on a rise of the market, and it rades. Precisely: where from and what wasting money on wages, Unskilled men appear not. The general theme of the was really indecent, dear conrades. are started in at 20 25 cents an hour. but for? Is it so ditlicult to understand that Can it be that all this taken together speech is although you might not believe even this apparently is not low enough Stalin has nothing to bide from the com1t revolutionary morals.
18 just a sad misunderstanding? It seems Yes, yes. No to suit Murray, which has been operating rades? Is it so dificuit to understand that joking. Here is what the gifted orator that we shall have to believe so. because in Memphis for nearly a year.
Stalin is ready at any moment to relate Comrades, the Communist International is large has to say about it.
number of colored women have been to the comrades all and everything from not a stock market, after all. The Com Either we are Leninists, and our brought in to do men work at half the the begiuning to the end all, decidedly munist International is the Holy of Holles relations with each other, as well as the pay. For nominal 10 hour day which in all?
of the working class. You must not con practise extends to 12, 13 and even 14 relation between the different sections In spite of our bewilderment, we can frise the Comintern with the Stock Ex hours, they get 25 plus a bonus. bonis and the Communist International, must not resist the temptation of a hypothesis: change. Such are the incomparable, pure however doesn amount to more than be built on mutual confidence, must be Isn this Just it first step towards ly Stalinist formulae. They are taken from or a week for women or 4 for min.