BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Saturday, April 26, 1930 nge The Policy of Bluff in the JOBLESS TOLD TO LEAVE DETROIT Party.
Max Shachtman, editor of the Mulltant, has just returned from Europe, after spending a number of weeks with comrade Trotsky in Prinkipo, attending the unification conference of he German Left Opposition, and the International Conference of the Opposition in Paris. In coming issues of the Instead of sticking to the facts of the Militant, beginning with next week we will print a number of articles by DETROIT (FP) The automobile inpresent condition of the National Textile Shachtman on the international conference, the prospects of the Opposition dustry has been inflated to such an extent Workers Union, Clarence Miller, the third in Jurope, especially in France and Germany, on the visit to comrade Trotsky, that only a migration of labor will serlperiod secretary of that organization, in when many questions were discussed which are of interest and importance not ously affect unemployment here, says a re recent statement issued to the Federated only to the revolutionary movement as a whole but for the American move port 18sued by the Union Trust Co. The Press makes the usual bombastic account ment in particular. Watch for these articles and insure getting the militant re review tries to be optimistic in its outlook that has become the style in all unions gularly by subscribing for it now.
for Detroit but has to admit that the only and other organizations controlled by the grounds for its optimism, did not occur Stalinized leadership of the Communist in any branch of industry or trade, but were financial in nature.
Anyone who has the least knowledge of The report concludeg, Indications do BLUMKIN ISSUE WILL the past activities of the can which took place in October last finally not point to complete solution of the readily notice the Munchausen remarks put them in their places.
unemployment situation in the immediato made in behalf of the union by the inNOT DOWN Besides that, the company has broadfuture.
bompetent Miller. It is in line with the ened its policy of letting out parts contracts As though to give added emphasis to present policy of the Party to disregard In Bulletin No. of the of to outside firms that is, to sweat shops. this comment reports are current here that the true conditions and to broadcast those the 9th district (France) we read the In this way thousands of high wage work the Hudson Motor Car Co. has laid off 8, 000 things which ook good in print.
following: ers have been laid oft and the company is men. At the end of last week 2, 000 were After reading the statement in question, Blamkin Affair: In a few words, Meche getting the beneficial results of a day ladd off, it is known. Workers say that an the unacquainted reader gains the impres described what Blumkin had been a mil labor while getting none of the odium which additional 6, 000 were laid of this week end.
slon that the Is many times Itant Holshevik who, until the 24th of attaches to so frank exploitation.
Workers from the Ternstedt Mfg. Co. more powerful than it actually 18. It starts December, the date of his death, held a By such methods did Ford pile up his a General Motors subsidiary, have furnished oft by announcing that since the union responsible position in the millions last year.
the following revealing table: convention last December, halt million Abont the 15th of December, after having Spring 1929 Spring 1930 Joutlets have been distributed. Of course, pald a visit to Trotsky, he brought back 25 MINIMUM FOR GIRL dayweek day week the organization had distributed that a letter from the latter, a letter which was NEW YORK Confronted with the probTwo shifts One Shift many pleces of working class literature to intercepted by the It is believed lem of finding living quarters for many hours hours the hundreds of thousands of unorganized that Blumkin was thereupon condemned to girl workers who come to New York City Night and Day Reduced force textile workers of this country it would be death and executed. These are rumors expecting to find Jobs and live alone on on days quite an achievement. However, it is far which are neither confirmed nor dented by their wages, the Welfare Council has tg Nothing Dolag from the truth.
the Communist Party press. Meche be sued the following warning: Stay away Former workers who applied for Jobs The Southern Membership and Organizers lieves that it is the role of the Internationfrom New York unless you have an assured at this company were told that there won al Red Aid (in the United States the InThe Imaginative Miller adds that at income of at least 25 a week. This allows ternational Labor Defense Ed. to institute be anything doing for at least a month.
the present time the has 4, 000 only for rent, 10. 50 for food, 85 an inquiry for the exact facts.
Rouquin Downtown department stores have also for clothing, 25 for cartare, 40 for dues paying members in the Southern disobjects that Meche puts the question in a been forced to retrench on their already triotus of the union. This also is exactly the recreation and nothing for laundry, medpolitical manner. As far as he is conseverely reduced staffs. Two shifts are opposite from the facts of the case. From ical care or emergencies.
cerned, it is not at all the role of the being installed one from 1, the other the time that the Gastonia striko started, to make the inquiry, but that of the Opfrom 5. This will bring salaries of counter practically none of the Southern textile WINXJPEG (FP) The biennial conposition: that afterwards, it the rumors girls and checkers down to about 6 per workers who joined the union has paid any vention of the Canadian shopmen organare well founded, perhaps the will ized in the American Federation of Labor week. Salesgirls may be able to squeeze dues. Especially is this true in the Gashave something to say.
meets in Winnipeg Jude out 10 12 on the new schedule.
tonia section where the strike made it imWelfare department officials admit 20, posable for them to do so, due to the lack The Bulletin adds that discussion on NEW ORLEANS Union railroad train 000 families dependent on the department of funds. When the strike was ended, not the question will continue, for it has not men have protested the confirmation of during March an increase of 6, 000 over only did the workers find it impossible to been settled, and it seems to have deeply Yellow Dog Parker to the supreme bench.
Day dues, but they practically were un interested the rank and file militants.
the Poliy of buff in the National ext Union Figures assembled by the Union Trust able to hold any union meetings whatso Those of our comrades from the Opposition Co. Indicate February, 1930 automobile proever, due to the terrorist Committees of or sympathizers who are active in the POLICE CHARGE INTO CROWD duction as 33 below that of February, One Hundred organized by the mill owners. should take advantage of the 50 OF JOBLESS 1929. Bullding permits have declined 70 Up until several months ago, the na days between now and the National Con CLEVELAND (FP. Four workers were below normal.
tioned office of the had no gress of th to ask at the meetings hurt as mounted police charged a crowd The local situation bas become so acuto record whatsoever as to how many South of the basic units questions which should of unemployed when a speaker allowed a that the city council admitted the existern textile workers signed application be linked with the deportation of militant red kercblef to fly in the breeze for a ence of unemployment by adding five counblanks in the union. Actually the Communists to Siberia and the murder of second. The unemployed were gathered cilmon to an unemployment committee of had practically no Southern dues paying Blumkin. LA VERITE in the Public Square to listen to the eminent Detroiters. There is no labor members several months ago, or at the report of a committee which had demanded representation on the committee. Workers expect no help from that quarter comporedite na statement to the Federated Press Ford Makes Profits on Men its fundae rhe police werewalting for the mittees have been committeeing since last which, while it may make nice reading, is slightest provocation to charge the crowd.
October but idleness increases and hunger just hokum.
DETROIT (FP) The balance sheet of is ever more harsh. The workers want Mer also stated that the the Ford Motor Co. just made public, disWOONSOCKET, FP) Despite action.
at the present time has 40 full time organ closes that the company made nearly 82, business men promises to Hoover, wage Izers covering 15 districts, including 16 in 000, 000 during 1929. This contrasted with reductions of 20 bave been put into effect BANKERS MOVE PHILA. HOSIERY CO.
the South. Without going into detail as to deficit of 72, 000, 000 during 1928. Thus, at the Royal and Artic Mills of and SOUTH TO GET SCAB LABOR the rest of the country, it is sufficient to net gain of 154, 000, 000 was registered durR. Knight.
PHILADELPHIA Over 350 union hosremark that in the South, where the ing the past year.
iery workers will be Jobless here when the chance for real organization work is bright, This huge increase was in large part SAN FRANCISCO 1, 200 union taxi driv Cadet Knitting Co. recently purchased by organizers have been withdrawn from the sweated from the thousands who work for ers are asking a wage increase of to southern bankers, moves ite plant to Cofeld, so that at the present, only skel Ford. During 1929 speedup and wage cut a day and a hour day to replace the 10 lumbia, Tenn. At the new location the tton of the union remains, giving almost ting became notorious at the Rouge. So hour shift.
plant will operate non union.
clear fleld to the United Textile Workers much so that workers would go to the PITTSBURGH CAR MEN STAND PAT The purchaser lg Caldwell Co. InUnlos, with its policy of betrayal.
Rouge only as a last resort. It took the vestment Bankers, Nashville. At the preThe possibilities for the growth of the present depression to drive them there in FOR MORE PAY sent time they are operating an opeir shop ure good but only by fol thousands. Only workers who have never PITTSBURGH (FP) Ey a vote of 819 plant at Decatur, Ala. where workers are been in Detroit have a good word for to 112, union street car men are standing lowing a correct policy. To issue stateforced to sign yellow dog contracts. Propat on their demand for a cent increase ments such as Miller s, undermines the Henry.
ducts from both the Alabama and the Tenon men cars and a 15 cents boost for 1workers whom the union is appealing to. The speedup which accompanied the 5nessee plant will be finish processed in man car operators. The increases would Philadelphin.
Win the official Communist Party continue day week was so successful that Ford adIts olutt policy in the as it mean 75 cents an hour on the larger cars mitted himself well pleased with results, and 90 cents on the smaller. The union is also does in other unions which it controls, Workers, who were promised a wage inBOSTON. Over 4, 500 workers in Massalso seeking six days work with seven or start a real organization campaign? crease commensurate with their incres e in achusetts factories were added to the unThe continuation of the former polſcy production, were not at all pleased with redaye pay, employed army in March, according to will mean the withering away of the sults they got wage cuts instead of instate departmnt of labor figures. deThe latter policy will result in participating creases.
FURNITURE WORKERS GET 49 crease of 15 in hosiery workers emIn the day by day struggles of the textile Ford Cats Wages CENT WAGE ployment was caused by mills which shut WASHINGTON Average hourly wages workers and the building of the organiza The wage cuts took place in the following of furniture workrs in this country last down entirely for reorganization. In 19 tion. The issue is clear and a decision manner: Workers are promised a period autumn were 49 cents, and the average employed 50 or more of the workers full of 25 cities canvassed only halt the plants must be reached. It is up to the rank and ical raise when they go to work. Up until full time week work was 51. hours, acAle merabers to demand the adoption of the the beginning of last year these increases time.
cording to the report of a study made by second llue of action. FRANK BROMLEY took place rather regularly. Then the comthe Bureau of Labor Statistics.
pany not only stopped granting the increasIt the number on your wrapper 18 SAN DIEGO, Calif. Several San Diego es wut began cutting high wage men by ALBANY, Employment in replocals including the Culinary Allance re transferring them to another department. resentative New York factories continued port to the Federated Trades and Labor Thus, 20 workers found themselves get to decrease in March. Every month since Council that 50 of their members are ting and 80 day. Whatever grumb October has shown a decrease in employ Jobless. Machinists reported that the navy ling they might have on that, was quickly ment compared with the preceding month.
then your subscription to the Militant has Is using enlisted men for work formerly stilled when they saw the thousands clamorexpired. Renew. Immediately in order to lone by shore workers, alleging lack of ing for jobs when Henry had the Associated CHICAGO The bakers union has signed avoid missing any issues.
Press advertise for 30, 000 men for him. The up five hitherto non union shops in Chicago.
42 TEE MILITANT, VOI. III, No. 17, April 26 1930 Publisbed weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 28 Third Avenue, New York, Suborption rate: 00 per year; foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, centa per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Oangon, Max Shachtman, Maupoctor, Arno Swabeck. Entered as second class mall matter November 28, 1929, at the Post Once at New York, nader the set of March 3, 1879. Total No. 42)