BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyLeninismMarxOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

THE MILITANT Saturday, April 19, 1930 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS THE ENTHONIAN PRESS HEWS TO answer at all, they become suspicious, disthe Communist Party and certainly not On the whole it was most amusing. It PARTY LINE THE RESULTS illusioned, and disappear from the ranks of is not to be expected that the Right could against it, but only under the condition the Communists.
be capable of understanding in the least de. that Communist influence in the trado Dear Comrades: Those few new members that were gree the nature of a genuine Left line.
unions becomes decisive. For this lesOne foreign language Communist parecruited in the recent membership drive As If in mockery of himself Lovestone son and conclusion in relation to the per that does not need constant coaxing are sure to stay out also, as they wrote their concluded his speech by emphasizing among role and significance of the Party for the and reminding by the Party to keep names on the dotted line as a personal other things the necessity for principled proletarian revolution we have had to straight on the Line. is the Esthonian favor toward their friends, without paying Dess.
pay too dearly to be able to renounce it weekly, us Ilm. This paper, in fact, tries down even the initiation fee. The majority Among the questions asked there were lightly or even to have it weakened.
its utmost to keep away ahead of the fixed of them are ignorant, indifferent or so to three which hit the mark. They were. Trotsky, Volume 3, page line, by multiplying all the exaggerations say set in their ideas, and would not why did Stalin borrow Trotsky platform; The same problem is dealt with in even of its eder the Dally Worker, in the hope listen to the argument that Communism what is the class basis of Stalin; what greater detail in the book, Whither England!
of putting its front beyond any question or does not mean dividing up all the money in compels Stalin to continually zig zag? To This book, from its very first page, is depossible disloyalty the banks, and that Karl Marx is not the which Lovestone gave no satisfactory rea voted to the presentation of the idea that When the Dally Worker reported after man who sells clothes on the instalment sans. even the British revolution cannot avoid the 6th of March demonstrations that a hunplan.
the gate of Communisin, and that with a dred thousand workers demonstrated in correct, courageous and intransigeant polUnion Square. and two were killed (in The weekly has not done anything in AMERICAN CAPITALIST DEVELOPMENT icy which steers clear of any illusions with Germany. the us llm came out and the line of class education in the past two regard to circuitcus routes, the English printed in large type over its front page: or three years, and does not intend to. All New York Communist Party can grow by leaps and 200. 000 workers fight police; four killed the more important articles start and end Dear Comrades: bounds and mature so as to be equal in In Union Square. Felieve it or not there with the familiar but much abused slogans The New York Sun of April 11, con the course of a few years to the tasks It stood, black on white, for the tomtoolery. for satisfying the Party that have no tained an article on the growth of Amer before it.
and misguidance of the Esthonian workers meaning to the average worker. The rest ican exports, which lends considerable The Left illusions of 1924 were forced who still read the sheet. And, remember of the text is taken up by lies and slander light on the new role of the United States up with the aid of Right yeast leaven. So that the last statement was made seven against renegades (whoever they are)
as the leader of world economy. The item as to be able to conceal the significance days after the demonstration 14th of March. translations from the Daily Worker, some traces the development of exports for three of the mistakes and deieats of 1923 from when all accounts, including the number of silly rovel and plenty of steamship ads.
periods of 100 years each. It traces the others as well as from oneself, the progress dead. were supposed to be checked up No wonder if such Line finally leads development of the United States from its of a Right swing that was going forward and gone over!
into the great abyes!
colonial period to its present position of in the proletariat had to be denied and the Such insane exaggerations and misHowever, the disillusioned Esthonian the highest develped capitalist country in revolutionary processes within the other statements, that hava systematically apworkers, and for that matter workers in the worla.
classes optimistically exaggerated. That peared on the pages of Uus Ilm for the last every other language group as well, should In 1730, the approximate value of Amer was the beginning of the down sliding from two years, and particularly for the last six not lose their hope and initiative. but ican exports was 7, 000, 000. By 1830, it the proletariat to the Centrist, that is, to months, ever since the Party strong arm join with the Communist League of Amerhad increased ten times, to the amount of the petty bourgeois line which, in the course squal forcibly took the paper and plant ica (Opposition. which is at present the 71, 671, 000. Today, one hundred years laof the further developing stabilization, had over from the alleged Lovestoneites, have only true standard bearer of Leninism in ter, th: exports amount to 157, 000, 000, to free itself from its ultra Left shell and brought the Cominunist movement among America, that will light the path of Comover seventy times the exports of 1930.
reveal itself as a coarse conclatory line, the Esthonian workers in this country near munism in the dark alleys of confusion. An interesting change has also taken in the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.
to its ruin. The paper which one time, in.
place in the character of the exports. In in China, in England, in Germany, as well the ear days of the Party, appeared 1730, during the colonial period, the exas everywhere else.
twice weekly, and boasted of nearly a thouLOVESTONE SPEAKS HIS PIECE ports consisted mainly of foodstuffs, horses, sand readers, has shrunk thanks to the tobacco, fish, etc. Today there is a complete SPRINKLER FITTERS TAKEJ DAY WEEK strict Party line to a mere weekly bulleDear Comrades: reversal in the character of the exports MILWAUKEE (FP. Local 183 of tin (and a poor one at that. with, accordLovestone is in a penltent mood these which indicate the huge development o the the plumbers, known as the Milwaukee ing to the last secretary treasurer, only days, as noted at a recent meeting of the United States as the leading industrial Sprinkler Fitters Union, signed a five130 paid subscribers; and it sinks lower Lovestoneltes that attended. The machin country in the world. Cotton is the lead year agreement with the bosses. The daily With every issue.
ations for which he has won such deserexport, just as it for the last rate is 11, an increase of 1, but the weekly Workers Clubs Disbanding ving notoriety when in the Party, have left hundred years. But its lead is seriously wage is 35 just as before.
their mark on his political reputation. The threatened by e: portation of machinery.
The Workers Clubs (headed by the This is the first union in any Milwauke.
honest workers who follow him cannot but There follows in regular order the export Party) are breaking up all over the country. feel some element of distrust toward the mechanical trade to win the day week.
of petroleum, automobiles, foods, iron and From Chicago it is reported that the last Lovestonelte leadership. Consequently the steel, copper, etc. Such is a picture of the two reds. who have been the readers of speeches of Lovestone overfiow with reUus Ilm for the last 22 years, since its pentant sentiments for the sins of the act.
recently establishment, have joined the But such tremendous development took I, too, was an expert in writing such LOS ANGELES, Calit. Western News organized nationalistic liberal society. In resolutions, remerked Lovestone in the and continues to take place only through Box 604, Arcade Station.
working Detroit, where about 150 known Esthonians the intense exploitation of the course of recent speech on economic SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. McDonald 65 masses. The immense wealth indicated in live, and where two years ago a relatively events in the Soviet Union. He was speakSixth St.
the export growth Jende additional light to strong communist group existed, only one ing of the complete ignorance which existWASHINGTON, Gale the concentration of this wealth in the ok Shop Party member is left, who writes in Uus ed among the leaders of the Party on the Tent St.
hands of the capitalist class, while the Ilm that all the res have drifted away five year plan in the early days of its appllPITTSBURG, Pa. A News Co. 320 masses become daily more impoverished.
into the great unknown, and asks what is cation. But this ignorance was no barrler Federal St.
This huge development of American capit.
he going to do about it? From Hamilton, for producing resolutions in wholesale guanCHICAGO, ILL, Cheshinsky Book Store, Canadn, another worker writes that where titles praising the five year plan. There working masses.
alism takes place at the expense of the 2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, formerly powerful Communist groups exist1623 Madison St. Walden Bookstore, were some words of regret for the resolued, namely in Winnipeg, Lethbridge and Caltion demanding the removal of Bucharin 311 Plymouth Ct. Britscke Store, 1611 gary, none could be found now. The small passed at the last convention. It is a good Kedule and on varlous newstands Boston group, consisting of petty bourgeois feeling to know one hands are clean, said SPRINGFIELD, ILL: Joe Angelo, 431 No.
elements, has gone with the Lovestonites, Lovestone.
We. ay St.
while Philadelphia is completely out of the Unprincipledness is an i1. separable at BOSTON, Mass. Shapiro s, Beach St picture, 80 far as Communist activity tribute of Right opportunism. All the connear Washington, Andelman 284 Treamong Esthonian workers is concerned.
demnations of former unprincipledness will mont St. Newsstand, 38 Causeway St.
The Uus Ilm with its strict Party line not change the situation in any way. To ROXBURY, MASS. Goldberg Store, 636 does not seem to be interested in mass remove this unprinciplećnesss it would be (Continued from Page 4)
Warren St.
work in deeds although words know no necessary to extirpate its roots. The op ganized in the trade unions was replaced DETROT, MICH. Aidas Book Shop. 1713bounds but appears to be primarily conportunist idea behind all of Lovestone by the hope for the swiftest possible util24th St. and on various newsstands.
cerned with its immediate business coils at manuevers was that the national tasks of MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News Ization of the ready apparatus of the trade home, such as running the rc taurant, havthe Party could be torn from their internaCo. 334 2nd Ave. So.
unions for the purposes of the revolution.
ing regular dance parties, etc.
ional background. In view of this it was Out of this false position sprang also the KANSAS CITY, MO. Bushles Book Store, When the writer of these lines called necessary to pretend loyalty to the Com 20 West 12th St.
later policy of the Anglo Russian Comthe attention of the Editorial Board to the intern in order to be left unmolested to mittee, which, after the defeat in China, ST. LOUIS, MO. Foster B Store, 410 fact, that nationalistic and patriotic organ execute the national task as one pleased.
Washington Ave.
dealt us the second heaviest blow, a blow izations are springing up everywhere, where The theory of national socialism is the baPHILADELPHIA, Pa. Newstands at 19th against the Soviet Union as well as against formerly the Communists had their strongsis or the opportunism of the Right.
and Market, Cor. 15th and Market, the English working class.
holds, and that immediate steps should be Cor. 13th and Market, cor. It is not at all a question of individtaken to counter that, the loyalites, with The Party and the Proletarian Warwicks News Depot, 262 11th St. 11th their self acquired reputation of being the uals, said Lovestone, but it was Rykov and Market, cor. 5th and Market. old guards, answered in the columns of who introduced the five year plan. HowRevolution cor. 5th and Pine Sts. cor. ever, the trouble started when the slogan us Ilm with seeming satisfaction, 9th and Locust Sts. cor. let them do it. we live in the third Five year plan in four or bust was raised, Already in the Lessons of October NEWARK, Alter Stand: 58 Prince period. now we know who they are. or in other words, the Trotskyfication of written in the summer of 1923, the idea of St the five year plan. Just as there is the an accelerated road an accelerated road Stalinism Wrecks Esthonian saying that Germany lost the war but won through friendship with Purcell and Cook, Store, 905 Third Ave.
SATTLE, WASH. Raymer Old Book Movement Also the peace, so Trotsky lost the Party but as a further development of this idea is TACOMA, Wash. Raymer 1317 Pacific St.
The Esthonian Communist movement in won the Party line. But here there devel rejected as follows: St.
this country is gradually but surely sinking ops something unexpected. Lovestone Without the Party, independently of TORONT. ONT. CANADA. On Into oblivion. It degenerates because of its quoted from Trotsky article, The the Party, in an evasion of the Party, newsstands.
various Isolated bureaucratic policies and its at New Course in the Economy of the Soviet through a substitute for the Party, the NEW YOR. :On various newsstands in tempt to keep with and ahead of the Party Union printed in the militant, March 15. proletarian revolution can never tri New York and Brooklyn; Biederman Book Line. Workers who have stood with the 1930, in which Stalin adventurist line is umph. This is the principal lesson of store, 2a Ave and 12th St. Rand movement for years, are now talking with criticized. Lovestone designated the article kstore, the last decade. It is true that the Eng East 15th St. The Milltant, 25 Third Ave, their feet: they drift into inactivity and as a monumental document. Mind you, he 11sh trade unions can become a pow CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News to certain fascist societies. More patient stated, Trotsky the Left of the Left, the god erful lever for the proletarian revolu Co. 109 8th Ave. West comrades are repeatedly asking: Why 19 of the Left, Trotsky, attacks ulra Leftism. tion. They can, for example, under cerTrotsky in exile? Why was Rakowsky re Lovestone expressed the greatest amaze tain conditions and at a definite period, The Militant also can be obtained tº In addition to the stores listi above.
placed by Bessedowsky? Why did Stalin ment. Then he wound up by explaining, even replace the workers Soviets. But ugh hoot Blumkin? etc. Failing to get any This is unprincipledness!
members and branches of the Communist they can never play such a role without 1A ni Aman huge development of American capitalism. Where To Buy The Militant The Ultra Left Policy on Right Dregs