BolshevismCommunismGermanyKaganóvichLeninMarxMarxismProfinternSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking Class

THE Baturday, April 18, 1930 MILITANT Page The Lessons of Capitulations BOOK REVIEW the costrines of the proletariat. Xurx Continued from Page In this way, like any other secondary and superstructural factors, the Party regime in known and very wide limits acquires an independent role. Moreover it becomes the center of all deviations, errors, dangers, contradictions and mistakes. It now becomes that link in the general chain, through the medium of which it is possible to get to its other links. Maybe it is still more correct to say, that the Party regime became that Gordian knot which the Party must disentangle at all cost, so that there may be no chance for Eonapartism to cut it with a sword. It is understood that Kaganovitch in his time went through the whole policy of Stalin to the Right. In 1926 the Stalinites condemned the Profintern to liquidation, through its unification with the Amsterdam Trade Union International, Every reference of the Profintern was eliminated from the constitution of the Soviet trade unions.
Getting scared of the Opposition, Stalin retreated at the very last moment. Kaganvitch succeeded, however, to read a reporti in Charkov, in which he defended the entry into Amsterdam with arguments that would do honor to any social democrat.
But no sooner did the book with the speeches see the light of day, then retreat was sounded from Moscow. Kaganovitch then declared in the press that. the stenographer understood him wrongly and that he did not at all have intentions of entering Amsterdam, but burdened with work he had no chance to edit his speech. Since then Kaganovitch got the additional name: the Amsterdamer. EXPOSE REVOLTING CONDITIONS In CANNERIES NEW YORK Conditions in fruit and vegetable canneries in New York state are This these 47 years, rises and walks before bus. Harvester Profits Soar; Lay shastly and revolting, it is revealed in the off Men more than a decade is pure fantasy. He Marx the Teacher on in For the exiles grouped around him in Lon lon Marx was a teacher who forced could tolerate no blunting of their weapons, them to respect knowledge as indispensible whether from ignorance or any other cause. in a revolutionist and to labor to acquire it.
Karl Marx, the Man Unworthy personal considerations were not In such an atmosphere his first disciples even within his comprehension, to say roth were trained. While the superficial revoluKARL MARX: Biographical Memoirs, By ing of their actuating him. Marx was tionaries, like many who have come after Wilhelm Liebknecht, 181 pages. Chas. the most generous and just of men, when it them, were substituting wishes for know Kerr and Co. Chicago.
came to acknowledging the merits of others.
ledge and reality, intoxicating themselves For envy and jealousy as well as for con with phrases about the revolution which The great figures who have helped ceit, he was too great. Only the false greatwas to start tomorrow, Liebknecht tells to shape the course of history and to mould ness, the artificial fame inflated by incom of the pupils of Marx sitting in the British human thought are always the object of petence and vulgarity, he regarded with a Museum and trying to educate ourselves and insatiable curiosity to living men. This deadly hatred as he did everything false to repare arms and ammunition for the fs particularly trae of those who leave a and adulterated.
battles of the future.
heritage of ideas on which the minds of He was no man of mush, as Liebknecht This was Marx way to train the leaders men are fed. Light on the personalities draws him, but a doughty fighter and an of the proletariat and make them fit for of the great doers of the past stimulates irreconcilable hater of the false, the supertheir occupations. To learn! To learn!
interest in their work and aids in an understanding of it. Hence the great popularity ficial, the pretentious. Windbags were an This was the categorical imperative he abomination to this man, whose words al frequently enough loudly shouted to us, but and the great value of biography.
ways stood for facts and deeds. Woe to it also was expressed by his example, yea, In this little volume devoted to memorhim who indulged in phrases. There he by the sole aspect of this forever strenuies of Karl Marx, the elder Liebknecht brings the founder of the Communist movewas inexorable. Phrase monger was in ously working mind.
ment nearer to the proletariat as a man his mouth the sharpest censure and whom These are golden words for the guidand father. Incomplete and inadequate as ever e once had recognized as a phrase ance and inspiration of the young Communmonger he ignored forever, To think these sketches are, in consideration of the ists and not only for the young onesmagnitude of the subject, they have a double logically and to express your thoughts who are enlisting in the great battle for clearly this he impressed on us young merit. They come from one who lived restoration of Marxism under the banner of almost daily contact with Marx for nearly fellows on every occasion and forced us to the Opposition. Phrase mongering ignortwelve years of his most fruitful activity: study.
ance has had its evil day in the ranks of and one who, in a lifetime of struggle bore Marx In Exlle at London the workers vanguard. Disorganization and the proud name of Soldier of the Revoludefeat are the frult of it. Those who aspire In this book, Wilhelm Liebknecht paints to re form the disrupted movement will be tion. Thus he speaks with an exceptional an unforgettable picture of the group of successful only insofar as they master the authority.
exiles who gathered around Marx in London basic truths of Marxism and learn how to This is not a treatise on his doctrines. in the years 1850 to 1862. During that apply them as a guide to action.
Liebknecht in the book under review, con period he was almost daily in the company knowledge will not fall from heaven; it fines himself to a series of reminiscences re of the great teacher, and his reminiscences will be acquired only by those who have garding him as he revealed himself at work are a treasure to the present day disciples the inind and the will to study, as Marx and play, the circle of his intimates, in the of Marx who seek to know the man behind required of his first disciples. Wilhelm bosom of his family in short, Marx the the doctrine. In these pages the legendary Liebknecht little volume of reminiscences man, whom the world, seeing him from afar, figure is brought near, made real, alive will be an aid and stimulus in this direction.
did not know. He draws, if not a full porand human. We are drawn into the march It ought to have a place on the bookselt of trait, at least an outline of that great figure of the author charming narrative and every revolutionary worker.
which grows in immensity as the world move in that immortal company.
moves to its remoulding on his ideas. And what a man emerges from that outline!
The first genius of the proletariat, dead Marx forged the incomparable weapons We see Marx as Liebknech saw him thru of the workers emancipation struggle in a his days and nights of systematic and unlifetime of the most assiduous and painsdeviating labor on his monumental works; taking inquiry and labor. Guesswork had we wat his furiou concentration on a no part in his philosophy; Ignorance, especCHICAGO In the face of record proially in one filling the role of leadership, ation when he fails to win; we see him a game of chess and his chi:d like exasperfits disclosed in the annual report of the was anathema. Politics, to Marx was a play mate of his children and a plaything in International Harvester Co. the farm mastudy and the business of a proletarian to their hands; we walk with the group of chinery trust is laying off men by hunknow, to understand. How wild Marx family and friends on a holiday to Hampdreds in its various plants, according to could Lecome when speaking of those hollow stead Herth, feast with them from the plenie union reports. The 1929 velvet of Alexanskulls who arrange matters for themselves basket and slake our thirst with them in der Legge corporation, the presidency of with a few cant phrases. Reading these unforbidden British beer; we are with the which he resigned to adminisier farm rewords of Liebknecht one can imagine the lion at the grave side of his son and see liet for Hoover, was 30, 779, 998. This unlion rising from his grave to storm against him broken and humbled in the dust of precedented net profit was just about is those who transform his science into a large as the entire gross profit in 1927.
syster of catch words devoid of reality grief.
At the Milwaukce division of the larand a Hen to his method.
The Marx that Liebknecht describes vester half of the men have been laid off was a pure hearted lover of children and in some departments he employment Scientifie Truth Was Marx Guide his own and of all. The sight of a helpis in a still worse state. The crankMarx was affected not a particle by less child in misery tore his great heart shaft department has only 16 out of 46 men the superficial Judgment of the majority at with pity. Time and again he would sudleft and in the pistond and sleeve departthe moment. Scientific truth was his guiddenly tear himself away from us on wander ment just three men are working in place ing line. And, rejected in his own day while ing through districts of poverty in order to of the former shifts of 48. Tlie trust reBCNDS won the applause and favor of the stroke the hair of some child in rags or to fused requests from the workers that the world, he solaced himself with the selfslip a penny or half penny into its little work be spread on a hour day, day week confident motto of Dante: Follow your hand, He mistrusted beggars. But when a basis. The men still on payroll are being course and let the people talk. He was beggar or beggar women with a whimpering worked hours a day and Saturdays.
concerned only to establish the wisdom and child accosted Marx, then he was lost withTotal assets of Legge trust rose from verity of that course and that, thereby, out fail. He could not withstand the 346, 120, 486 at the beginning of 1929 to it might become the course of humanity imploring eyes of a child. 348, 078, 322 at the beginning of this year.
In Marx day as now, socioty bestowed From his evaluation of politics as a its honors and rewards on charlatans, NEWARK JOBLESS HAUNT NEWSPAPER science came bis contemptuous disregard of cheats and swindlers; persecutions, hard OFFICE TO SCAN WANT ADS agreements on a false foundation and ship and poverty is the coin with which it NEWARK, FP) Mcbs of raghis intransigeance in questions of principle paid those who served it truly. Such was ged and hungry men, sometimes as many as a quality which marked the course of Lenin the lot of Marx. He who held up to society 1, 500 of them, crowd the street around the when his bolsheviks were but a handful the picture of its future and charted the office of the Newark Evening News, day against the world and which now marks the way towards it worked with humiliating after day. They gather at dawn and wait, leadership of Trotsky in the struggle to rewant and privation as daily companions. clutching pennies in their hands, to purform the disrupted ranks of the proletarian In his ability to endure all this, and to chase the first edition and search the helpvanguard. It was on this point that lebcarry on his work and hold to his course in wanted columns for possible jobs.
knecht himself came into conflict with his spite of it, he has set a stern example to all Shortly before noon, when the first teacher not once but twice. The first time, those who follow his path. For years, even papers are carried from the building and in the days of his London exile, it led to an when the worst of this was past, the pound offered for sale, the mob presses in and estrangement there, and the seond timesterling he received every week for his fights for papers. Many who havn even some twenty years later, on a much larger articles in Horace Greeley New York cents to buy a paper crowd around their scale it led to Mars trumpet blasts Tribune was his only certain source of more fortunate brothers to read over their against the Gotha Program a compromise income.
knecht on this decisive question was surely The News, in a full page message in his greatest shortcoming a shortcoming be On Capital he was at work forty years Editor and Publisher, addressed to potential did not recognize, for he attempts to justify. and he did work! Only a Marx can work advertisers says: Always plenty of work And am not exaggerating when say: it in his book about Marx. But history has and money to spend in Newark. Periodical already answered this question in accents, The worst paid laborer in Germany has reHard Times Are Practically Unknown, An which all revolutionaries must hear. On ceived more wages in forty years than industrial Status such as this accounts for the welter of confusion which besets the Marx cid for a salary.
the perennial condition of prosperity with Communist movement of the world, intrans The economic hardships suffered by which Newark is blessed.
igeance must so their motto no less than Marx and his family were not a solitary it was the motto of Marx and Lenin.
case of want, such as anybody may meet WISCONSIN FEDERATION MEETS Marx knew his value, but the legends with, especially in a foreign country where JULY 15 sprend by his eneznies about envy, spite, points of recourse are scarce; the misery LA CROSSE, Wis. The annual convenconceit and vanity all this, says the author of exile lasted for years in its most acute tion of the Wisconsin State Toderation or who worked under his direct guidance for form for Marx and his family.
Labor will open in La Crosse July.
report conducted last summer by the Consumers League of New York. The report was read at the League annual meeting.
Conditions since an official state investigation in 1911 are virtually unchanged.
The illustry largely is carried only overworked women and girls, working in unsanitary and unheated shacks, for from 10 to 12 a wc. Illegal overtime is comnon an. housing conditions are wretched, the lease reports. As a result of the overwork, the women are too fatigued to make proper selection of the fooil, and much is cannel that shuld not be eaten.
More than 5090 women do seasonal work in New York cannerics.
2012 he Militant. publisice weekly it New York, for April 1, 1930.
State of New Yo County of New Yg isefore me. alia for the and county aforesaid, leersonally amezal Mariin Ale!
iliy swot acondits tu, uc poses and says that hat he is the Business Manager the silicant and that the follows is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a ce sticment of the ownersiti, aliagrement, etc. the ainiesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption required by the Act of August 24, 1912, emisolied in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the revee nanies and aldresses of the publisher, of this editor, managing editor of business hors are: Publisher: Communist League of Aurica (OpThird Avenue, New York, Editor: Managing Blitor: Max Shachtman, 25 Third Ave.
New York, Business Manager: Martin Abern, 25 Third Avo Due, New York City. That the owner is. Communist League of Martin Aber, 25 Thuird Avenue, Cataa non, 25 Third Avenue, Max Schacto 25 Third Ave. Maurice Spector, 25 Third Avenue. Ame Swabeck, 25 Third Ave. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and om total des owning or holuling per cent of mortgages, OR other securities are: None. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the fiduciary relation, the name of the perenn or corpora tion for whom such trustee is acting, is given also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stock.
holders and security holders who do not appear upon of the ce company as trustees, hold glock the boorities, in a, capacity other than of a bona and ſide owner and this afliant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation Has any interest direct or indireet in the said stock, bonds, or other cerurities than as so stated by him.
Martin Abern, Business Manage Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29 day of March 1930 Geo. Lambert, Notary Public. My commission expires March 30, 1991