BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyOpportunismSocialismSovietSpainStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

Saturday, April 19, 1930 THE MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor In the Soviet Union realize the expectations and hopes of the struggle of the Right and Left against the time that it reduced the taxes on the corworkers, there does it suffer defeats which Center.
are sometimes disastrous. Let us take, for The final developments will be a bitter Paralleling the rationalization of inexample, the case of the Berlin Trans pill for them. The Left which is regroup dustry by the union of a number of enterFirst Flutterings of a port Organizations where on the 15th of ing itselt once again, will in the future fight prises in single branches of production March the elections to the factory councils the Right as bitterly as it has in the there was created mass unemployment, and New Course for 1930 took place. They were a heavy past.
to this permanent industrial unemployment defeat for the Party. Against 10, 797 votes there was added that resulting from the The recent address of the Central Comф in 1929 it obtained but 6, 317, whereas the stopping of work in the tobacco manumittee of the Communist Party of the Sotrade unions leaped from 6, 934 (1929. to Strikes and Peasant facturing of Maceonia and the raisin proviet Union has two principal objects.
It 10, 146 votes.
duction of Peloponesia.
furnishes the directives in the collectiviThe results of the elections to the fac. Uprisings In Greece Thus the zation Campaign and for the atheist number of discontented tory councils in the red factory of Leuma, struggle. It will smash the mounting opworkers and peasants increase without limwhich has, with good reason, until now, Athens, March 12 timism of the official press which, each it; the illusions which arose as a result of passed for a stronghold of communism, are The last two strikes of the gas and the access of the liberal government day, carried figures and percentages of the almost as catastrophic, Here the party transport workers were caused by what we The letters progress of the collectives.
are vanisbing: everyone seeks means for dropped from 9, 256 in 1929 to 4, 763 votes, call the third order (end of year bonus) defending himselt against the worsening from the Union of Socialist Soviet Rewhereas the trade union list which had re granted thus far at the beginning of each publics, printed in the Militant, have alexploitation.
ceived 5, 914 in 1929 attained 5, 093, thus year and which certain enterprises wished ready established the nature of the reenThe necessity for a strong Party which recording but a slight loss; the decrease in to do away with, at one blow, although they trance of the Kulaks into the collectives by should have for its task the complete dethe number of workers evidenced Itselt represented an acquired right of the workexamples of the slaughter of live stock and masking of the government and the gather.
almost exclusively by the decrease of Com ers. The Venezilos government naturally the statements of the Kulaks to the effect ing of the workers and of crystallizing munist votes; whereas the fascist lists took the part of the companies and placed that the collectives are a refuge. But this their discontent into a struggle having congained 500 votes.
at their disposal its police who were parcriticism, which takes into consideration the crete objectives is today clearer than ever These results are all the more alarm ticularly brutal toward the strikers. But realities of the class struggle, is not at all before.
the act of bureaucrats, hungry for crushing in that they refute in a very definite It was under this very same Venizelos govmanner the theory of unceasing revoluernment that this custom, now defended by ing figures The Adventurist Party Course tionary advances. But this is not all. the workers, was established a few years Such a Party cannot be other than the Rebirth for the Kulaks!
The figures in these elections should not go.
Communist Party of Greece. Unfortunately, The address of the Central Committee be considered alone; in relation to the fi These strikes, wbich were not move there is actually in Greece no Communist comes out against the methods o violence gures of the syndicalist movement they ments of a day, but lasted for a long time, Party capable of carrying through a Come employed against the peasant class, which, characterize the fundamental processes were finally put down by the government munist course. The small group which under the cover of increasing numbers, which are taking place among the masses. and the companies, who subjected the leads and still exists as the Party, is comartificially accumulated class antagonisms.
workers to a regime of implacable terror, The Party Falls to Lend posed of loud mouthed sectarian and pettyDoes this address mark a change in the large number of workers were impri bouregolse lements who oscilate unceasingface of difficulties of which they cannot be Despite the rapidly increasing unem soned and deported and all the leaders ly between opportunism and ultra Leftism ignorant? Does it mark an apparatus. xigployment comprising more than three were discharged.
but are always incapable of laying down zag from Face to the Country. to Liquidmillion workers, the number of trade union The chief functionaries, sailors, offl a Communist course. Deluded by the vision ation of the Nep. In any case, what can adherents is constantly growing.
cers in the navy and students in the upper of a third period of capitalism they call one expect from contradictory orders 18 This turn does not at all signify that classes of the polytechnic school took part upon the workers, almost every day, sued without an effective analysis and the evolution of the masses toward the in the repression. The students did not through the central organ of the Party, to without a concrete study of the class pheLeft (which we have already noted on se however take part of their own accord: take part in demonstrations which collapse nomena wbich impose their inflexible laws? veral occasions) is now moving backwards.
they participated only under the threats of in ridicule and compromise the communist The close of the address shows a desire On the contrary, this turn proves once the school directors. This corps of strike movement. They have provoked the trade for conciliation with the better off sections again, still more conclusively, that the de breakers soon found itselt reinforced by a union split and thereby have separated from of he peasantry: the rule regarding nongree of maturity of the left ward evolution group of adherents to the yellow trade themselves a considerable number of workadmission of the Kulaks into the collectives is quite different from the appreciation of unious confederation who from the outset ers who today furnish the cohorts for the should no longer be strictly applied. Hencethe role of the Party. The gathering of divested themselves of all Ligns of sym monarchist or democratic leaders, The forth members of families in which there hundreds of thousands of workers around pathy for the strikers.
enormous majority of Greek workers is acare red partisans or soldiers in the Red the trade unious characterizes the initial The attitude of the government is nei tually outside the trade unions and forms Army can be admitted, provided that they stage in the Leftward development, the ther new nor surprising to us. We had human material which the bourgeoisie vouch for the members of their families.
very first form of class consciousness the learned from its actions in a number of know well how to utilize.
The door opens wide. Taking into considconsciousness of the necessity for class orformer strikes (the metal workers of Laur Our Opposition group has struggled eration the study of Trotsky, who ganization.
ium, the workers of Elefsis, the transport agninst the trade union split; it is now strishowed that because of their inadequate Il, during the past two years, when workers of Piree. Thus, its reactionary ving for a unification of the trade unions technical base the collectives could become these processes become more and more dis role was exposed and its liberal mask torn an for the organization of the unorganized.
a secret point of the renaissance of the tinct, the Party leadership had known how away when it betrayed the workers at the. GROUP OF MILITANT Kulaks, it can be asked whether this turn to follow a Bolshevist course, we would August 1927 elections; where it clearly GREEK OPPOSITIONISTS in the bureaucratic strategy does not make have today a mass Party, measured not by showed itself to be a capitalist government a step towards a Bucharinist course under election figures but by its capacity for ac whose purpose was to stabilize the forces a cover of the liquidation of the Nep. In tion. Instead of forming a strong Left wing addition the address forbids the closing in the trade unions, and gathering withproletariat.
down of markets and authorizes the mem out regard to the question of parties the International Conference Rationalization and Suppression bers of the collectives to sell their products conscious elements into an organized minon the market.
ority on the basis of the class struggle, The carrying through of the projected We have been informed by the Comthe leadership, by its lamentable oscillaplans in this field under the former min munist Opposition of Spain on the project The Changed Course Toward the Church tions, has led the Party into a state of istry of Kafadaris (a bloc of all the bour of an International Conference. Our SpanBesides this, the address forbids the extreme confusion.
geois and democratic parties) could not be ish comrades write: closing down of churches except in cases Already on several occasions we have Under these conditions the Leftward accomplished except through the most inwherein an overwhelming majority of the The push, expressing itsell through the infiux tensive exploitation of the workers. clearly stated our position with reference peasants actually desire it.
to the necessity of a conference of the inIt this were into the trade unions, has resulted at the heavy taxes bearing directly on the people, concerned only with a letting up in the me same time in a weakening of the Party and the successive measures directed against ternational Left Opposition, The immedichanical struggle against religion this par its capacity for action. Moreover, it is the workers (increase in productivity, main ate preparation of this conference is abso graph however mild could be sanctionlutely necessary.
becoming more evident from day to day tenance of the twelve and fourteen hour It must clearly fix our ed. It has as its purpose to put an end that the masses no longer have any conday, frightful exploitation of women and position, especially as the opposite of the to the bureaucratic excesses which can fidence in the program of the socialist children, reduction of wages, etc. this was splitting attitude of the Comintern, that is, align the backward elements of the peait must cleary state our desire to establish party. Dozens of Communist functionthe course of capitalist stabilization.
santry against the regime. But published unity and to revive Communist democracy aries, determined opponents of social de Peasant uprisings broke out simultanat the time of the infuriated offensive of within our organizations, mocracy, have been expelled from the eously in all parts of the country: they the clergy of all religions against the Party, but have refused to let themselves were extinguished by the same methods em The International Communist OpposiUnion of Socialist Soviet Republics and be pushed out of the trade unions, by ployed in the strikes (Aeropolis of Messina, tion must work out its international platagainst the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, obeying the Party which gave them child Messaria of Crete, Langada in Macedonia, form immediately. The critical examinait appears like an effect of the pressure of Ish and stupid orders.
etc. tion made by Trotsky of the Program of reactionaries on the revolutionary state of The Left Is Assembling Its Forces In proportion as the stabilization wi the Communist International should serve the workers and peasants. It is, besides, dened, those enterprizes which did not have as a basis for our international platform.
Up to the present, the Right wing only normal that the Centrist apparatus, which. solid foundation, which were basing them This platform should be the central point has benefitted from the growing dissatisthrough its mechanization, is deprived of faction in the Party, but during the imselves on inflation, on hazardous specula of the conference. We must clearly fix our the influx of revolutionaries from the tions, or on fluctuations in the stock estimation of the international political sitmediate past, significant symptoms have masses, should be exposed to the influence market, began to falter. It was in this uation, of the trade union problems, of our of external public opinion whose tunes are appeared: new oppositions are forming manner that a certain number of impor position toward the Union of Socialist Soplayed by the world bourgeoisie.
within the Party (especially in reaction to tapt bankruptcies came about: banks (Bank viet Republics and of socialism in one its trade union policles. which absolutely of Thessaly, Anglo American Express Com country, etc. We must not forget also refuse to unite with the Right wing.
pany, etc. corporations (Kyrkinis Wool, to stats our position toward the oppo tunThe Elections to theThe first attempts of the real Left Alexopolus Soap and Oil. certain commer ists of the type of Paz and Urbahns. The wing in the Party to reassemble once more, to free themselves from the traditions of cial enterprises such as the Pallos MariFactory Councils in Germany Spanish Oppositionists, among whom there time Society.
are no differences, believe it necessary to the past and to adopt a new orientation on Berlin break immediately with all types of opMarch, 1930 the trade union question, provoked comMass Unemployment Develops portunists.
The elections to the factory councils motions in the Right wing. In their daily In order to put an end to these bankhave begun. The results already known Die Arbeiterpolitik of March 13th, they ruptcies which disturbed the economic sitΦ fully confirm our previous prognostications, make a strong bid for a rapproachment uation in the country, the government LETHBRIDGE, Alta. FP) Militarist In many shops where the Party put for with the supporters of the International adopted certain measures which increased propaganda is responsible for the restoraward red lists for the first time, it met Left Opposition who are still in the Party. still further the pressure on the working tion in the high schools of cadet training with appreciable success. But where it the Wedding and the Palatinate Oppositions. masses; It expunged from the order of the against the Opposition of Lethbridge orrecordel dazzling victories last year, and They give themselves up to the vain hope day in the Chamber the debate concerning ganized labor The majority was 123 in a Ansequence it should at present that some day there will be a common the plan for social insurance at the same city referendum of production on the backs of the Greek Spanish Opposition Endorse