AnarchismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismFascismLeninMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

Baturday, April 19 1930 THE MILITANT Part Five Communists Framed Unite Working Class Forces for May Day Demonstrations DISPATCHERS NEED SHORTER HOURS Atlanta Threatens Death to CHICAGO (TP. Nystagmus may be the al that will help train dispatchers to a shorter workday and workweek. Nys Communist Organizers tagmus is not a welcome assistant but it insists nevertheless. It is the name for a ATLANTA, Ca. Charges involving or pathological condition of the eye and is ecution or, if the jury recommend to lieved to afflict dispatchers because of their mercy. to 20 years imprisonment, under (Continue from page 1)
stronger forces of the enemy. All efforts eyestrain as well as nervous strain of their a post civil war statute regarding inciting.
Youth Conference for May Day, called by in the next days must be concentrated in exacting duties, made much more onerous to insurrection. have been returned by the the Young Communist League of New York going to the masses with this issue.
by peeding up of trains and by substitution Atlanta grand Jury against Powers, refused to seat the delegates of the Youth of the telephone for the rail telegraph in and Joe Carr, Communist organizers. They Section of the Communist Lague of Amermany offlces.
will be held without bail. At present they ica (Opposition) on the ground that they The Hoover government and the cap Dispatchers belonging to the American are out on 1, 500 ball on charges of unlaw were renegades. The idiocy of the Party italist class continue to do everything in Train Dispatchers Assn. are now being ful assembly and distribution of insurleadership evidently knows no bounds. their power to hide the facts about mass examined medically not only regarding rectionary literature. which involves a penIt leads to further isolation of the Com unemployment; to lie about and distort their eyes but generally as the basis for alty from to 20 years.
munists from the labor movement, and the situation of prevailing misery; to cover new wage and hours presentations to be Their offense was holding Communist lowers steadily the prestige of the Commun up the failure of capitalism to solve the un made in new negotiations with the rail meetings of white workers and Negroes to ists in the eyes of the workers. Among employment crisis as well as other ills of bosses. Men at ew York, Birmingham, gether, advising them to join forces in the other things, by rejecting the delegates of capitalism.
Ala. and Omaha have been examined as struggle against boss oppression, and to do the Left Opposition from official participa Reports are given in other columns sample lots and others are in line.
fend themse against lawless attacks by tion in the May Day demonstrations, the of the Militant of the huge profits during Wage boosts of 27 cents a day to police and lynching by private citizens Party objectively plays the game of the bos the past year made by the numerous cor 10. have been won by union dispatchers ses, who are indeed pleased to see the porations throughout the country. ot on the St. Louis Southwestern. 50, 000 MINIMUM BUDGET FOR YOUNG Communists forces divided.
course, the workers got, Instead of profits, N. BANKER low wages, long hours, speed up and then WASHINGON GOVERNOR PARDONS NEW YORK (FP) You can save on. joblessness. The census reports now beCROOKS, REFUSES WOBBLIES 50, 000 a year. That the experience of.
It is imperative to unite all possible ing compiled by the United States governSEATTLE (FP. While Gov. Hartley young New York banker, under 35, writing forces for May Day. The slogan of the ment itself indicate that in round figures declares he is not empowered to free the in Fortune. The Park Ave. apartment United Front remains valid as the means there are 7, 000, 000 unemployed workers Centralia prisoners, Prosecutor Charles to rally the workers and their organizain the United States. The panaceag of the alone costs 7, 000 a year, he writes, and Greenough of Spokane charges that the house expenses are 650 a month. The tions with their various economic and pobourgeois apologists and agents for unstate parole board acts under orders of litical views for a united and solid demon employment have proved just nothing. Gov. Hartley.
nurse gets 120 month, the cook 90.
stration. The issues around which to unite Frances Perkins, the State Industrial Com Convicts are being paroled faster than the maid 80. Theatres and night clubs the workers are many: The solidarity of missioner of New York, now hopes for a they can be convicted because members of take at least 1, 400 a year, the doctor grabs labor against capitalism.
solution struggle on 2, 250, the wite must have 3, 000 for clothes.
in the next quarter century. the board act under orders of the goverbehalf of the unemployed, taking the form Other apologias for capitalism are equally The suminer house expenses run to 5, 185 of demands for: work or compensation, valueless for the needs of the workers Advocates of the release of the elght for three months.
the seven hour day and five day week, so now without a job and the means of livello Centralla prisoners are glad to see HartOther little expenses, including charity.
cial lusurance, abolition of the speed up ley allbl that the matter is entirely in the run the total up to 48, 475, the frreduciblo system, the unity of the cmployed and unhands of the Parole Board punctured by minumum. The young banker hopes, when employed workers, the establishment of such a respectable witness.
his income runs to 75, 000, to be able to sayo wide scale credits to the Soviet Union by Vaster trade relations with the Soviet some money.
the government as a practical means Union, extensive credits to the Soviet Union to aid the unemployed at once, and recog by the goveroment, should be vignition of the Soviet government by the orously put forward by the workers, by the United States. militant campaign for Communists, as practical measures to al great writer has here set forth his fantastic life in such full civil liberties unrestricted free speech, leviate the unemployment situation in the free press and assemblage for the workers United States and thereby also to aid the way as to make me wonder why people still read novels, or. now being ruthlessly taken in various development of the Five Year Plan of the even write them. The book begins like Hamsun, and closes ways the Communists workSoviet Union. Of course, no measures ers groups by the capitalist class. under capitalism can solve the unemploylike a third act. Emil Ludwig.
broad campaign to mobilize the working ment problem which develops out of the class against the repressions of the workers system of capitalism. The basis for the and their organizations by the employing complete elimination of unemployment can class and the government. Mobilization only be laid under a Workers Government, of the progressive and Left wing move a Soviet system. But it must be impressed ment for the organization of the unorgan upon the workers that broad economic reized masses into labor unions. To lations with the Soviet government are one rouse the masses for the Defense of the of the ways to aid the present situation, and Soviet Union.
that demands must be inade upon the Thee are a few of the immediate issues government accordingly. It is particularly around which to rally the workers on May unfortunate that the official Communist Day. prerequisite is the unity of all Party does not utilize this concrete propoCommunist elements to conduct a campaign sal as a major slogan in the unemployment along these lines.
My Leon Trotsky Life 1, The slogan of the official Communist in New York a small demonstration Parly for mass political strike on May against the murder of the anti fascist, Carlo Day is without validity under the prevailMazzola, took place in Union Square on ing conditions. As promulgated now by the April 12 under the auspices of the SocialCommunist Party, its only results will be ists, at which anarchist representatives also to mislead the workers, particularly the Communist workers and sympathizers, spoke. Mazzola was killed by one of Whalen policemen at an anti fascist about the true situation today. Its inevitable failure will only bring discredit to meeting in Cooper Union. The Communists the slogan and to the Party. Phrase monwere not permitted to participate officially in the memorial services and anti fascist gering is the most dangerous gaine for demonstration. For this the socialists derevolutionaries.
serve the severest condemnation for dividing the workers and refusing to unite all in New York, reactionary organiza working classes forces against the fascisti tions of World War Veterans and similar and their murderous acts. United Front groups have secured Union Square for May movement against Mussolini, against FasDay and propose, with the full support of cism is capable of organization and develthe Police Department, to prevent the opment. Those serve Fascism who refuse workers from their accustomed uge ot to permit the unity of workers forces and Union Square for working class demonstra organizations in demonstrations, meetings tions on that day. Here is another direct and movements against Fascism. That is the offensive of the capitalists and the govern manner in which the Socialists acted at ment to smash and limit the workers and the Union Square meeting. Honest antiCommunist movement.
fascist workers who think the Socialist May Day is Workers Day: Union Party 19 the enemy of fascism should ask Square on May 1st, by usage and tradition, the question why the most militant fighters fought for and gained by years of deter against it were excluded from the demonmined organization and struggle, belongs to stration.
the organizations of the working class. The Communists and the Left wing must EASTON, Pa. FP. Hulmeville Hoappeal to the masses of the workers against Biery Co. has applied for an injunction tho insolent provocation of the reactionary against the South Langhorne local of the forces, the militarists, the White Guardiets Hosiery Workers Union, to prevent pickagainst the whole gang of anti labor ele eting of the plant. About 65 workers are ments with the New York City government on strike, following the lockout of several in the foretront. The Party cannot fight workers.
this battle alone. It must appeal to the masses. Upon the volume of support which LYNN, Mase (FP. Unior carpenthe masses give to this appeal, clearly man ters here bave adopted the day week, in itested beforehand, depends the question an attempt to provide work for the unemwhether the Communists should accept the ployed. There is no change in the wage challenge to fight for the Square on May sale. The agreement between employers Day, or make a temporary retreat hefore and the union expired March 2L exile on an obscure Turkish island Trotsky writes the story of his fantastic life. his country boyhool, his revolutionary passion, his friendship and work with Lenin, his seething participation in the brooding plots that transformed Czarist into Communist Russia, his leadership of the Soviet Army, his opposition to Stalin, and his banishment.
Trotsky avoids theoretical discussion. He describes the events which and characterizes the men who brewed a mighty drama of world Listory in our own times the transformation of somaolent Holy Russia into a country of experimentation, ethical and economic.
Trotsky has a flair for narrative, power in description, shrewd humor, even when the joke is on him.
Born in a remote village in Little Russia, he was arrested at nineteen as a revolutionary and spent two years in unspeakablo Czarist prisong. He was exiled to Siberia, escaped, wandered through Switzerland into Paris and London, and then returned to Russia for the unsuccessful revolution of 1905. Prison again, exile again, an in.
credible escape by reindeer. The war came, Paris, expulsion to Spain, and forced deportation to New York, and then the revolution!
Power, tremendous power, as the directing head of an army. Intrigue, dissension, Lenin death, and a conspiracy, and Trotsky began bis third exile. At fifty, as he writes his autobiography, he is marooned on an island, on a planet without a visa. 00 Il bookstores Charles Scribner Sons, New York City