CommunismCommunist PartyOpportunismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers Party

Hace THE MILITANT Saturday, April 19, 1930 OF CONVENTION Illinois Elections Ignore STALIN SILENT Worker Needs ON BLUMKIN; CHICAGO On Tuesday, April 8, the JACQUEMOTTE SPEAKS on Hour Day PROGRAM OF ACTION FOR THE ENGINEERS By HEDLUND state of Illinois held its primary election.
On Monday morning, June 2nd, the realizing any profits from their former in record has been established in a peaceful In a recent number of the Red Flag, Sixth Triennial Convention of the Brother vestments in stocks and bonds, but the election in the city of Chicago, not even a organ of the Belgian Communist Party, hood of Locomotive Engineers opens in the officials had to have still more money single killing or kidnaping. How much there appeared an account of a public city of Cleveland. There are many impor and the B, of and its membership stuffing of ballot boxes took place or vot meeting at which Jacquemotte, a Stalinist tant tasks confronting this convention, constituted the only source from which the ing by sovereign citizens residing on henchman, replying to the questions of one which it correctly performed would im officials had any hopes of getting it. So cmpty lots or the spacious quarters of a of our Opposition comrades concerning the prove the of tremendously.
new schemes had to be devised to pry more street vender push cart, one may not assassination of Blumkin, made an apology Among the 21 Railroad Craft Organ money loose from the membership. The know.
for this assassination and declared rolntizations the of E. occupies a strategic idea of floating a 10, 000, 000 B, of bond There was no lack of contest, however. blank that Blumkin was a counter revoposition and if properly led with a progres issue was now proposed by the officials and During the present economic crisis and lutionist who was struggling for the oversive program would become a powerful fac their henchmen to the 1927 convention and gloomy business prospects a political job throw of the Soviet regime. If such a tor in helping to solve the ever growing thés proposition was actually put over. may appear very enticing to any hard pres. reply by Jacquemotte did not astound us, problems of the railroad workers.
But they succeeded in selling only a little sed merchant willing to serve the masters; we would ask why Stalin does not reply to However, in the last six years the of over two million dollars worth of these and hence there were in cases as many as the question of the International OppoL has been mismanaged and betrayed by bonds which were also worthless, and to twelve contestants for one office, particu sition, its officials on a scale which challenges stimulate the sale of these bonds, they were larly within the Grand Old Pariy. The Jacquemotte, by such Alth, hopes percomparison in all labor history in this or labeled Loyalty Loan Certificates. The offices to be nominated ran all the way from haps to recover his leading role in the any other country. During this period the Loyalty Loan however, did not furnish senator, representatives in Congress, Communist Party of Belgium This slanorganization, as well as its membership, the required amount of money needed by the state legislature, county offices, Judges der concerning Blumkin is accompanied in have been swindled out of millions of dollars the officials, who by this time had become of municipal courts and party committee the same issue with a flaming headline over of its hard earned money. The officials regular gluttons for jack. More and men. The Republican Party primary bal an article about a strike: Police, Trotskyunder the leadership of the late Warren still more noney was needed and there was lot was feet long.
ites, reformists against the workers. No Stone, started out to organize one pri only one more way of getting it, and that Contest Between Groups further enlightenment concerning Blumkin vate corporation after another and pro was by arbitrary assessment of the memberThe hottest contost centered around is produced. It is clear that objectively ceeded to sell the worthless stock, running ship. So a 00 special monthly assessour Belgian comrades are in league with into millions of dollars, to the of ment was levied on the members for 24 the most cherished job S, senator on the republican ballot, between Charles Dethe police, probably because the leadership members who were trained to think that months as a starter, and to sweeten this neen the present incumbent and Ruth Hanof the movement escapes from those whose their leaders, or rather misleaders, could assessment a little they gave it the namo policies have resulted in the virtual liquidna McCormick, daughter of the once noof Loyalty Assessment. The word Loyal.
do no wrong.
torious politician, Mark Hanna.
ation of the Communist Party of Belgium.
The lat.
Floating Wortbless Stock ty and even the secret work were being ter won in a landslide of over 200, 000 After the officials had unloaded all the used by the money gluttons to popularize plurality. She represented the typical worthless stock they could on the member the fraudulent Loan and Assessment.
viewpoint of middle western industrial Railroad Workers to Meet ship, they then proceeded to float equally The Real Estate Rnchet magnates and made her main issues: no worthless bonds in the name of these worthIt is with this background of experience international entanglements and against less corporations and put on a campaign to that the of Convention convenes adherence to the world court. Whatever palm them off on their victims. After the at Cleveland on June 2nd. However, the that could mean tu workers participating in MINNEAPOLIS The proposed mergers officials had obtained all the money they officials have done their utmost to keep the the primary is still a puzzle. Otherwise of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific could by the sale of worthless stocks and inembership in the darkest kind of ignor the important campaign Issues were pure roads has aroused the railroad workers to bonds they helped themselves to the large ance concerning these socalled Obliga Republicanism in the one camp and de the necessity of action, it great number funds which belonged to the various detions which the members are being calleil mocracy without entangling alliances in of them are not to be placed permanently partments, such as insurance, pension, etc. upon to pay. Gaglaws, obligations, secret the other. There and there some sympathy in tho army of the unemployed.
and mortgaged the two office buildings work, censored magazines, threats, and even was expressed for the distress of the far The next meeting of railroad workers is which the organization owned in Cleveland, expulsions have been used by the official mers, but that cost as little as catering to to be a delegato conference to be held on presumably, to get around the Insurance dom to keep the membership suppressed the colored vote by McCormick through Tuesday, April 22nd, 1930, P. at Woodlaws in the state of Ohio. Mind you, they and in line. It is hard to tell to what ex her support of De Priest, the colored con ruff Hall, Prior and St. Anthony Ave. St.
mortgaged the of buildings in order tent the intelligent and militant minority gressman from Chicago. All candidates Paul, Minn, bach local union of railroad to get their hands on the of LA funds.
is organized and prepared to carry out a tried to be in favor of the waterway from workers is called upon to send three deleThese mortgages amounted to about 7, constructive program at the coming conventhe Great Lakes to the Gull. Nach accused gates to discuss the six hour day and five 000, 000 at the time of the last convention in tion.
his opponeots of shiftiness but only those day week.
1927. Since that time these mortgages, Program for a Rank and File luion could clinch their point who made best The above meeting is being called by a which ran to the different insurancu deThe writer of this article circulated the use of the accusation entangling alliance provisional committee elected for this pure partments of the Brotherhood, have been recent St. Paul of union meeting with the city hall machine. In the midst lifted in the air and another first mortage pose at a meeting on April 3rd, which was with a convention program containing of the campaign, the Chicago Tribune came attended by 125 railroad workers reprehas been slapped on these same ofico lumbering forward with the paramount the following proposals, to wit: buildings to secure another loan of 4, 000, seniing various crafts, including Switchissue wet or dry. Of course one may not 000 from a private source. So there is now Fire all the piesent Grand Officers and men, Legineers, Trainmen, Stationary Fireforget the importance of this issue as con men, Conductors, Electricians, Carmen and mortgage on the two office buildings drive them from the of E, in disgrace; siderea by the official Communist Party in amounting to approximately 11, 000, 000. cut officials salaries to the level of the Locomotive Firemen. This meeting was platform plank of hybrid opportunism The Officials Loot the Treasury wages received by the engince. on the enthusiastic for further meetings and disin the last presidential clections.
best paid runs, not to exceed 350. 00 per cussion to consider the problems of the But the process of looting had only be.
Labor Fakers Play Usual Game month plus necessary traveling expenses; railroad worker. Nearly 20 workers took gun. The officials needed more and more election of all officials at each convention Otherwise these elections and the prethe floor to discuss the six hour day and money, so they started to help themselves to and no six year terms as at present; all ceding campaign produced not one word five day week and kindred subjects.
the cash in the Cleveland bank and in its in regard to the inmediato issue confront COOVER officials, after serving two terms in office, stead shoved in worthless paper, until the to be drafted back on the job to run a locoing the large population of industrial workbank reached a condition where it was ers in the state the issue of unemployabout to be closed by PITTSTON, Pa. 2, 000 jobless men and motive for a period of at least one term bethe bank fore they are again eligible for election to ment. Thus could the capitalist parties women appiled for 260 available Jobs ag examiner at the time of the 1927 conoffice; establish a definite system of represhow their baughty contempt for the poThe officials then induced the census enumerators in Luzer:0 Co.
sentation at conventions so that the Grand Iitical backwardness of the American workconvention to obligate the of LE. for the necessary amount of cash to put into the Officers cannot juggle the representation ers. But to those who are now beginning as at present; election of the editor of the to learn, it also becomes a proof that capbank in place of the worthless paper, and subject partisan politics. There were still Journal instead of appointment ly the italist parliaments cannot function in the as a result the closing of the of those among the delegates who thought Grand Chief interest of the workers. So called labor that something could be accomplished bank was avoided.
candidates and frlends of labor were not through the old policy of rewards and puBut the of officiels needed Repeal of the gaglaw section No. 84, lacking, however, on both capitalist party ishments; but they were not listened to still more money. They had sold all the page 73 of the statute, which prohibits the tickets, The Illinois State Federation of very attentively. The acclaim of the house worthless stocks and bonds they could get issuing of printed matter concerning the Labor and the Chicago Federation of Labor organization by a member; have a free was for those who spoke detinitely for a rid of to the membership: they had helped ran she whole gamut of indorsing friends break with the parties of the bosses and themselves to the various funds of the or. speech clause inserted in the constitution; and punishing enemies in perfect harmony for a labor party. To the gullible who ganization, they had taken all the cash they elimination of membership obligation towith the of policy. The actual think of the labor party in terms of. 0could out of the of bank. What gether with ritualistic and secret work; working out of the indorsements and punlution even for the immediate needs, we could they do next to get more money? have the convention tale definite steps to ishments 19, of course, becoming an ever must of necessity say: Take a good look They had not yet given real estate a trial. amalgamate with the of have tougher task. few reversals had to at bis majesty 1cbor party governn:ent of the new administration stand instructed not So they proceeded to get 30, 000 acres of be mnade since it is now so difficult to disGreat Britain and its relntion to the uremFlorida real estate, also practically worth to spend another dollar of the duespayers tinguish the friends from the enemies.
ployed army there. But the labor party less, and a great campaign was started in money for the personal benefit of the as a step away from the support of the parevery terminal throughout the country to Independent Political Action Raised Grand Officials and other profit seekers ties of the bosses is surely in forward Bell real estate to the already overloaded who sunk their earnings in these mismanin Eederation direction. S, victims, the of members The aged and fake corporations; also to have The Chicago Federation of Labor did fraud and deliberate lying which was used a law enacted which will provide that no not even propose to make any demands or Salary increases of officers and delegates by the of officials and their real the number on your wrapper is requests upon its Indorsed candidates in reestate salesmen in their high pressure sales will become effective before being ratified gard to unemployment relief. That could campaign to palm oft worthless Florida by a referendum vote of the membership.
possibly lead beyond the policy of political real estate on its members will be recorded The Divisions and memberships in and neutrality. Yet one development is noteas one of the blackest spots in the whole around the Twin Cities and Minnesota are worthy. At Its last meeting, just before sale betrayal of the of by it official also being circularized with the above pro the primary elections, the Federation disthen your subscription to the Militant has expired.
gram in order to get some of these needed cussed the report on the appalling condibureaucrate.
Renew immediately in order to But the sale of Florida real estate did changes in the of enacted into law tions in the city public poorhouse instituavoid missing any issues, not go over big. The members were not at the coming of E. convention. tions. There entered into it the dreaded 41 THE MILITANT, Vol. III, No. 16, April 19, 1930 Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subription rate: 00 per year; foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, cents per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Cannon, Max Shachtman, Mau.
Ice Spector, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mail matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879. Total No. 41)