CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismItalySovietTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Vol. III, No. 16, Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YORK, Saturday, April 19, 1930 PRICE CENTS FIVE COMMUNISTS FRAMED Corporations Make Unite Working Class Forces for May Day Demonstrations Huge Profits The Naval Conference «Agrees»
How American corporations made hay In a star chamber proceedings in New Communist Party will be responsible for a while the boom sun shone last year is furYork five Communists, including Wm. Fos division of the workers, particularly among ther revealed by recent financial reports.
ter, were found guilty on April 11 of un those elements who are Communists or Trotsky Autobiography Steel, oil, motors, and chemicals, all imlawful assemblage and face a maximum sympathetic to the cause of Communism. MY LIFE portant war industries, were especially sentence of three years in jail. They had All the conditions point to the need of prosperous up to the time of the crash, been among the leaders of the unemployed a broad May Day movement. Eut the polhas just been issued in the Eug. Steel and Standard Oil Get demonstration on March 6th at Union icy of the official Communst Party prevents Hsh language and will be reviewed Huge Profits Square.
this, and makes a mockery of the slogan in the next Issue of the militant.
United States Steel raked in the largest Typical capitalist justice was Watch for it.
disit pretends to be for and issues; namely, a income it ever reported in peace time, paypensed from the time of their arrests till United Front of all labor on May Day. In This outstanding work of Leon ing 21. 19 dividends on each of its 8, 132, the frame up was consummated and convicNew York the official Communist Party at Trotsky can be purchased through 000 shares of common stock, as against 12. 50 tions were secured. So called civil liberties the May Day Conference called to mobilize The Militant. The price is 5, 00 in 1928. Fathlehem Steel sent its earnwere again mocked at by the agents of the the workers for May Day, held a long talk per copy. By ordering My Life ings (read unpaid earnings of its work.
bosses. jury trial was denied the defenfest, limited to its previously appointed through The Militant, you can also ers. up more than 100 over the previous dants. Three Judges in special sessions court speakers and gave no expression to del help to sustain The Militant which year. It donated to each idle holder of a ruled on all points. No evidence was peregates from the ranks and other bodies, receives a comission for each copy piece of common stock a neat 15. 50 for mitted to be given that stated the case and The conference was like others for which sold directly by it. Everyone will what the Italians call sweet doing no.
views of the defendants and the workers.
the Party has become a laughing stock want to have a copy. Order from thing.
Moving pictures showing that Police Comamong honest and sincere elements who The Militant (Cash with order The Standard Oll companies, as usual, missioner Whalen had deliberately precipwant to cooperate and participate in the only. 25 Third Avenue, Room 4, itiated a riot were not allowed, nor could did nicely, thank you. The California unit movements of the day, such as the moveNew York, witnesses testify to the deliberate and propaid dividends of 70 a share, while the ment on behalf of the unemployed, etc. The vocatiye acts of Whalen Cossacks against Indiana company, the sturdlest of the fam(Continued on Page 3)
the jarticipants at the Union Square deily, raised the ante to 37. Though monstration. The rlot was precipitated by Vacuum Oll showed a drop of over 2, 000, the police on the pretext that the demonin net profit, its stockholders were none the strators could not march to City Hall to poorer. By putting into practice the prin. ciple of stabilized earnings (for captt present the facts and grievances of the unemployed regarding the unemployment sitalists only) they were given nearly 21, uation before Mayor Walker. The bosses 000, 000 in dividendeds instead of the pro and their governmental agents were bent The Naval Limitations Conference at nizing that the three power treaty would vious year 19, 000, 000.
on railroading the workers to prison. SenLondon is nearing its close with an ag have no binding character on either ance Publle Service Corporations Rake in tence has not yet been pronounced. The reement. The imperialist powers and or Italy. Britain demands that such a the Dough case will be appealed to the State Sun press laud the achievements arrived at in clause be entered into the treaty, since it United Gas Improvement Co. which reme Court.
the conference. Yet the original aim set the other two powers strengthen their nahas subsidaries in at least eight states Thus do the capitalists show their con for the conference a five power treaty val fleets, they will become a menace to and operates the municipal gas work of cern for the misery of the unemployed and did not develop further than discussions British interests in the Mediterranean. In Philadelphia on a private lease, is now nethose who try to defend their interests. between the delegations. The intense rl such a situation the safeguard clause gotiating to absorb the monster Public Ser.
valry between the belligerent countries in would allow Great Britain immediately to vice Corporation of New Jersey, controlling volved at London doomed in advance a begin the construction of naval armaments.
practically all the power, trolley, and bua It is necessary for all workers, work five power treaty.
This would also apply to the United States service of that commonwealth. Mid West ers organizations and other groups to rally The conference in recent weeks, recogand Japan.
Utilities, presided over by one of the Inon behalf of the convicted comrades. nizing the attempts at naval limitation sullent Ingulls, nearly doubled its net. but Thus, Alexander, First Lord of broad defense movement is needed. Among agreement between the United States, Great American Superpower increased its winthe admiralty, says: It should of course the issues are the right of free speech and agEritain, Japan, Italy and France, as futile, be recognized that each of the parties to nings no less than tenfold!
semblage; against the star chamber proreverted to a three power agreement which the three power agreement will have to be International Harvester did the largest ceedings; the right for the workers to exmeans the exclusion of Italy and France. covere by the terms of the treaty in such volume of business in any twelve months in press their grievances through demonstraThe negotiations in the latter part of the a way that they may adjust their position its history, due largely to an increase in its tions, parades, etc. without interference by conference were centered in this direction.
if the construction programs of other powforeign trade, some of which went to Soviet the bosses agents. Labor must show its Thus the three power treaty is attempting Russia. Its common stock dividends went ers outside the agreement should make solidarity. May Day can become one of the to establish parity between the United up from 58 to 6, 65. Eastman Kodak Co, outstanding rallying days on this and other that necessary. For example, our reduced States and England, and a 60 percent ra destroyer tonnage would be materially afalso outstripped all previous earnings important issues. confronting the working tio for Japan.
no wonder old George can afford to give away fected by an increase in submarine tonnage class in the United States and throughout American Imperialism in the Ascendancy elsewhere. This is, unfortunately, unavoid50, 000 cameras for advertising to twelvethe world. Repressions of the capitalists Should the signing of the three power able in the circumstances.
year olds next summer! Radio Corporation against the workers are taking place of America, which last year swallowed the throughout the country. In New York agreement take place the conference will James, in the New York Times Victor Talking Machine Co. cranks, disce, they have taken a most virulent form. The end with the following results: of April 12, gays as follows on the safe and all, reports 182, 137, 000 gross business, New York capitalists have taken the in The achlevement of parity between guard clause: It has been agreed that the compared with 155, 933 00 for the two itiative and given the lead for the capital the United States and Great Britain, signsafeguard clause shall not apply solely to companies in the year before consolidation.
ists elsewhere.
fying the destruction of the British IcmGreat Britain, but to all three powers. American Tobacco was another corpire hegemony on the seas, and its formal poration which turned a record year. inreplacement by the United States as the The entire conference was a sham. Its creasing its total profits by 20 and rollRegarding May Day we have pointed to leading imperialist power in the world. original program was defeated. It failed ing divideneds on each share up to 13. 17.
the necessity for a genuine united front Such a parity would mean that Great Brit in its attempt at disarmament, and could of all working class forces against capit ain would cease in the next six years to not arrive at a five power treaty. The albuild naval armaments. But the estabalism on a number of specific and burning ternative, the three power treaty, is a be LECTURE issues before the workers; and that it is up lishment of this parity involves a billion lated attempt to achieve something out of to the Communists, especially the official dollar bullding program for the United the talktest. But the three power treaty Communist Party to initiate such a May Day States, thereby destroying the myth of dis is filled with more explosives than is susmovement. Otherwise, the May Day demon armament and placing heavier burdens. pected. The London Daily Herald, summing upon the shoulder of the American workCommunism up the situation, says: The gains of the and the strations will be limited, the workers proing class.
conference are plaiú enough. But at Trade Union tests divided and made less effective; and to the degree of its influence, the official The failure of the conference to the same time it would be folly to overMovement arrive at its original program of a five value them. It has neither achieved dispower treaty. The three power treaty armament nor assured peace.
by would not be binding upon Italy and The conference draws to a cse with France.
conditions about the same as before it be.
JAMES CANNON New Information has come to us con The complete collapse of the dis gan. The parity between the United States cerning the health of Christian Rakovsky. armament character of the conference. and Great Britain took place prior to the Saturday, April 19, 1930 at pm.
Our comrade has suffered a new and par. Even the three power treaty carries in conference; Japan ratio was fairly well tlcularly severe heart attack. The doc. its wake a number of difficulties. There are established also before the conference. The LABOR TEMPLE doubts as tors who were called to his bedside re.
to Japan signature to only additions remained Italy and France, the treaty.
242 East 14th Street mained for a whole day. Will the StalinJapan indicates that she will and they are now out of the conference proIst bureaucracy which exiled our comrade not ign the treaty until she is able care per. There has been three months of Auspices: New York Branch and his siek wife to Barnaoul wait too long fully to study the final draft of the treaty. talkfest; war is in the air; preparations for Communist League of America (Opposition)
before permitting him to take measures for In addition, the present proposed treaty it continue. The role of the imperialists Admission 15 cents the aviation of his condition allows for a safeguard clause. Recog needs to be exposed more than ever.