BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

THE MILITANT Saturday, April 12, 1930 Sellier is Right Lovestone Wrong Police Kill Worker at Anti Fascist Meet he hate taken the road eten Naval Parley Bound for «Davy Jones Locker»
or party faction. And alas, It is precisely In this last question that Sellier is correct and Toveston wrong.
Ca Ira, organ of the Workers It he wants to. As for ourselves, say Sel It is necessary, again in the interests of and Peasants Party) of France, the newly ller, Gelis, Chasselgne, Dunois and Co. let strict accuracy, to conclude with one more formed party of the French Right wing, us build our modest little election machine aspect of the issue. Sellier would be wrong NEW YORK Benito Mussolini, using the writes on March 1: Analyzing our mani. in France. Everyone to his own taste! and Lovestone. ight it it wore a matter of testo, our friends from Germany (the Live and let live! These are the fearless immigration service, reached out in not organizing a new party but instead of a Cooper Union anti Fascist Brandler group. after some criticisms of slogang emblazoned on the standards of the that, a faction in the socialist party, a facmeeting in New York to nab Armando Borghi, an details, conclude that outside of Alsace we Right wing International.
tion allied from the Left side, if you wish anti Fascist leader. As a result one unare the group closest to their position and Travelling Toward Menshevism with Zyromski and his friends. Indeed known worker is the one possessing the greatest influence.
dead and another At the conference to constitute the it is not so long ago that Lovestone, as secWe are proud of this new approvation, sent wounded. by the way, there was also on hand retary of the American Party, proposed to to us by old militants. It is the commence Maurice Paz, erstwhile Oppositionist of the its Political Bureau that Party members be Borght, with Vicenzo Vaclrca, a socialment of our international contact.
Left. He too made his essential criticism Bent into the Socialist Party to build a Left ist and both opponents of Fascism, were Revolutionary Age, organ of the Amer of the Selliers the fact that they were form wing there. Is there any reason to doubt speakers at a Cooper Union meeting called 1can Right wing, following the tip, changes ing a second party. Paz has found bad that now, travelling with express speed to discuss labor strategy after the fall of the last line in its chorus of previously company. Like him, Lovestone is little con away froga Communism, Lovestone and Sel Il Duce castor oil regime. The meeting instinted praise for the good French com cerned with all these petty, bothersome ller will not soor realize the step that was nonpartisan and a Republican party rades, by submitting them to a timid critquestions of Communist principles. What Lovestone advocated in an unguarded mo member was chalrman. Just as Borghi icism of details. In its losue of Merck 1, is important is the question: Second party ment? In our opinion there is none. finished his speech a federal agent stepped It writes: The Six (that is, the movement on the platform to arrest him. Borghi led by the bly expelled municipal councilJumped off the stage into the audience, which rose in excitement.
Dr December 28, the conference called by the Six decided upon the formation of a city detective was being ejected from Officially the London Naval conference ican fleets. Italy has declared in the last Workers and Farmers Party. The appar still exists. The issues of naval tonnage, week, that unless the conference would the meeting when he drew his gun and ent purpose of this move was to create an fired wildly. The shot wounded one man, and limitation of armament construction, Immediately agrec to parity between her election Party. a parliamentary apparatus minced with all the verblage that preceded and France, it would be necessary for her glanced off, and instantly killed an Italian for the expelled. This step which is diworker. Nono knew his identity nor politithe conference, remain, today after almost to leave the conference.
rectly contrary to the line. and experical afiliations.
three months of negotiations. Not the shghtences of the international Opposition moveAttempts at Security Paets Fall est progress has been made between the Borghi was seized for deportation semont has set back the development of the imperialist robbers.
And additional attempts to revert to veral years ago. on the advice of fascist French Opposition a great deal.
security pacts as a solution to the French agents in Washington Liberals and radiThus the brave internationalism of the During the course of the conference every conceivable method was employed problem at the conference met with failure.
Right wing. The suspicious tardiness of the cals put up a fight to keep him from being The powers evidently fool that the time is returned to certain death in Italy. Stays criticism the was organized nine by the Powers to bludgeon each other into not yet ripe to enter into agreements of a agreemont. From the beginning it was of execution had been granted to him, but weks ago and an anlysis of it published political nature, at this stage of the game.
clear that tho conference meant to establish he had not been notised that federal agents short while atterwards in the militantThey are content to play for time during the agreements of the hegemony of the were after him.
we will leave to more qualified parties to explain. But we must establish, it only on British and United States fleets over the this peaceful period of the war preparatons. political pact with either the Unitthe interests of striet accuracy that Loveseas. The conference was an attempt to stone is wrong and Selller the leading spirit get officials sanction from Japan, Franco ed States or Great Britiain, France Claims, would enable her to lower her demand for ROCHESTER TYPOS SHARE JOBS of the now draft of French Mensheviks, is and Italy. 725, 000 tonnage ratio. But with Japan WITH UNEMPLOYED right: at least so far as the disputed point The assumption of the United States to refusal for a reduction in her demand, Is concerned. And as between the stated leadership in world economy and the deROCHESTER, FP) Married Frances assumption of the same position, vlow of Lovestone that Sellier and Co. position of England from her former role compositors on Rochester newspapers will and Italy refusal to agree to less than parshould have constituted themselves only as gave the political basis to the conference.
go on a day week while single men will ity with France, the naval conference traction for the conquest of the Com To do away with the old watchwordwork only three days weekly, under a prostands lifeless.
munist Party. and the action of Sellier Brittania Rules the Seas. became the gram voluntarlly adopted by the three newshimself in forming a new party, the more object of America. In this she was successSecrecy Preralls in Conference paper chapels of the Typographical Union natural and proper path is the Frenchman ful, insofar as it dictated to Britain the ratio to relieve unemployment among printers James in the New York Times of Internationalisme Is Forgotten of naval strength głying her (United States)
here. The action follows a reduction of April 5, sums up the present situation in a free hand to roam the seas, and maintain working forces by the newspapers.
London in the following manner: Indeed, what have Sellier and his a naval fleet second to none. What became friends in common with revolutionary necessary following this agreement between Thus the complications of the naval Marxism that they should form a faction to the two leading world powers, was to estabconference do not lessen, and while thore Where To Buy The Militant win even the shivering shadow of the once lish a form of restraint on the other powers, have been many interesting proposals no one knows exactly what the situation is.
Calit. Western powertul Communist Party of France? NoLOS ANGELES, News to establish the relative strength of Japan, thing, go far as Box 604, Arcade Station.
The There has been no meeting of the concan perceive. France and Italy in relation to themselves.
ference for six weeks. There have been SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. McDonald 65 18 a purely parliamentary apparatus Conference Cannot Solre Its Problems to safeguard the municipal, and in general, only private talks in the greatest secrecy, Sixth St.
WASHINGTON, Gale of which no record was kept. It the the electoral bottoms of its leaders. In the nok ShcC03 The demand of the Japanese for a naval whole official record of the decisions of Teuta St, trade union field (C. T, it has allied strength of 70 percent of the United States Itselt with the syndicalist reformist ele.
this conference were compiled, it would PITTSBURG, Pa. A News Co. 220 and England became the first obstacle. The not fill twenty typewritten pages.
Federal St.
ments who are for the independence of proposal for a reduction of this ratio met CHICAGO, ILL. Cheshinsky Book Store, the trade unions that is, for their dethe stubborn resistance of the Japanese There probably never was another 2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, pendence upon the reformists and their delegation. The French position calling conference go secret in its work. This 1623 Madison St. Walden Bookstore, masters Its leaders activities in the munfor a tonnage of 725, 000 tons, a great part means that if it ever gets down to making 311 Plymouth ct. Britscke Store, 1611 tcipal councils are largely indistinguishto be built by 1936, remains, despite all a treaty an immense amount of work must Kedzle and on various newstands able from those of a Left social democrat attempts to force France into reducing this be done in setting down what has been SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Joe Angelo, 431 No.
of, let us say, the more solid Austrian figure. Italy stands on her original pro agreed. It probably will be found that We. ley St.
schooi. They do not even bother, as Loveposal of parity with France. To allow no two delegations agree on any point. BOSTON, Mass. Shapiro s, Beach St stone and Brandler do out of politeness to France such a high tonnage, and a floei tha, near Washington, Andelman 284 TreThe collapse of the conference was inthe confused Communist workers still in would in six years be the most modern mont St. Newsstand, 38 Causeway St.
evitable from the moment it began. The their ranks, to call themselves a CommuROXBURY, MASS. Goldbergs Store, 536 afloat; and to allow Italy parity with mask of its pretentions has been torn nist movement; on the contrary, apparently Warren St.
France would present a direct threat to through its complete failures. Technically DETROT, MICH. Aidas Book Shop. 1713taking Stalin slogan as good revolutionary the British interes in the Mediterranean, the conference is continued act 24th St. and on various newsstands.
coin, they havo labelled themselves a and generally be a threat to both England has been dead for weeks. The conference MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News workers and peasants party in their and the United States, demonstrates that under capitalism the con Co. 234 2nd Ave. So.
manifesto, which was posted upon the billWith the growth of the intensity of tradictions that exist cannot be solved KANSAS CITY, MO. Buehler Book Store, boards and walls of Paris as passed contradictions between the capitalist pow through peaceful means. War and capit 20 West 12th St.
through that city two weeks ago, they aders, the possibility of their agreements ism are identical. The solution to this ST. LOUIS, MO. Foster B Store, 410 dressed themselves to the good and honest become more and more slim.
The preproblem is the overthrow of this system of Washington Ave.
French citizenry, and out of sheer overdiction of the Communists that the confer exploitation and war. It is the duty of the PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Newstands at 19th sight we presume. did not as much as and Market, Cor. 15th and Market, ence would inevitably run into a blind alley proletariat to destroy this system and its mention the Bolshevik revolution or the soS. Cor. 13th and Market, cor. has been sustained throughout the course of lackoys, to establish system without viet republic. They did appeal, however, Warwicks News Depot, 202 11th St. 11th the deliberations. There is no solution to classes, exploitation and war a Colemunist for a rall: to the on the basis of the and Market, cor. 5tir and Market, war under capitalism, All the problems Society.
good old revolutionary French traditions of cor. 5th and Pine Sis. cor. facing imperalists prior to the organization 1789. 9th and Locust Sts. cor.
of the conference that was to solve them, NEWARK, Alter Stand; 58 Prince After all, one can read the material of stand as before.
STREET RAILWAYMEN ASK RAISE St Brandler and Lovestone and find some vaguo mutterings about the russian revo Recognizing that the probability of a SBATTLE, WASII. Raymer Old Book PITTSBURG (FP. Three thousand memfive power treaty was doubtful, attempts Store, 905 Third Ave.
tution and internationalism, like the incobers of the Amalgamated Assn. of Street TACOMA, Wash. Ravmer 1317 Pacific St.
herent babblings of a man waking out of a were made for a tripartite treaty between England, the United States, and Japan, With Railwaymen are asking an increase in St.
sleep and talking about something that hapwages from the Pittsburg Railways Co. TORONT. ONT. CANADA. On various pened long, long ago. But Messrs. Sellier the hope that this would be successful, when the present agreement expires in May, newsstands, America and Britain threatened the conand Co. are sobered up. they are quite NEW YOR, :On various newsstands in through with what they consider yesterference that unless France and Italy would The union seeks a raise of five cents an New York and Brooklyn; Biederman Book.
day bubblings of revolutionary beverages agree to the proposals for reduction of their hour for motormen and conductors to 75 store, 2d Ave and 12th St. Rand okstore. artificially imported from Moscow. What tleets, they would proceed with a threecents per hour and a raise of 15 cents per East 15th St. The Militant, 25 Third Ave, bere they to do with Internationals and power agreement.
hour to 90 cents for operators of one man CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News with a revolution in far of Russia (or any Japan threw the wrench into this wheel, cars, Negotiations have been in progress Co. 109 8th Ave. West by rejecting the proposals of the United for nearly a month. No settlement has been other country, it might be added. Lot In addition to the stores listel above.
Stalin build up his socialiam in Russia: States and Great Britain, that Japan accept reached. The local has been given the ap The Militant also can be obtained tough And let Brandler ulld that his affair.
reduction below the Japanese figure of a proval of the national officers for strike members and branches of the Communist Ve Communist Opposition in Geramany, 70 percent ration of the English and Amer action it it becomes necessary.
League ot Amerior,