BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT Saturday, April 12, 1930 The Five Year Plan and World Unemployment (Continued from page 1)
velopment. But at different stages these exportation of raw material and food pro order to enter upon this road it is necesponing the manifestations of a crisis, and cycles have a different character. Just ducts could, by an adequate agreement, be sary to learn over again. Instead of a sopin this manner gain a new breathing space as in a person declining years a flow set into direct dependence upon each other, orific optimism, the revolutionary tocsin for the isolated Workers State. The task of of strength is always uncertain and brief on the basis of a large plan equally acces must be sounded. It is impermissable to the moment is a planned retreat from the and every illness, on the contrary, affects sible to the understanding and the check be content with the ritualístic conjuring position of adventurism.
the whole organism, so the conjunctiral ing of the Soviet as well as the foreign against military intervention. It is necesHowever, in addition to this minimal cycles of imperialist capitalism, especially workers.
sary to put the economic problem squarely.
variation, it is necessary to prepare inmed in Europe, show a tendency towards the The successes hitherto achieved in So The Communist agitator must say openly lately another, more extended variation, cal diseased swelling of crisis by comparative viet industry assure a necessary basis for and honestly to the masses of the West: culated not only on the internal but also on ly short rises. The question of unemploy this entrance into the international arena. Don believe that socialism will be the external resources. The perspective of ment, in these conditions, can become the It is not a question of naked agitation, but built up in Moscow without you. They the proletarian revolution in Europe is by central question for the majority of the cap of serious, well thought out economic pro have acomplished quite a bit, but they canno means less of a reality than the pers Italist countries. It is here that the knot posals, motivated by all existing experience not accomplish everything. The many Dective of a genuine collectiviation of the is tied between the interests of the Soviet and clearly formulated in the language of things they have already accomplished are Russian peasants. More correctly, the 3e Union and the interests of the world pro technique, economics and statistics. In this only a small part of what is still to be done.
cond perspective becomes a reality only in letariat.
connection the Soviet government must cer In order to help them, such measures must connection with the first. The official lead The task by itself is clear and indisput tainly proclaim its full readiness to facill now be taken as will at the same time help rbip of the Communist International con able. It is only necessary to approach it tate an all sided examination of the accom you workers against unemployment and the ducts its policy as though we were on the correctly. But that is precisely where the plishments of the economic agreement for high cost of living. The Soviet government cve of the insurrection of the European pro difficulty lies. At the present time, the in interested labor organizations (trade has an economic plan for cooperation with leiariat. At the same time, the economic ternational education of the world proletar unions, shop stewards committees, etc. toreign industry. Everybody can familpian for ten fifteen years is constructed jan vanguard is based on two ideas: The larize himself with it. To be sure, you are with the aim of out distancing the whole Soviet Union will bulld socialism without Unemployment and the United Front not obliged to put blind faith in me or in capitalist world by means of an isolated you and The Soviet Union is the father It we approach the question politically the Soviet government. Demand the examVorkers State. This incompatibility, flow land of all the toilers. The first idea 18 and in the first place from the point of ination of the Soviet proposals by our trade ing from the reactionary, utopian theory of false, the second abstract. Moreover, the ylew of the relations towards the social unions, our party, or by our social demo.
sociallam in one country, runs through the one belles the other. This explains the asdemocracy and Amsterdam, the task can be cratic government (Germany, England. prog am of the Comintern and all its poltonishing fact that the struggle against un formulated as an application of the policy This government must be compelled finally icles. Nobody knows the dates, but it can employment is now directed by the pocket of the united front on a scale such as it has to take the road of economic agreement ba said with certainty: the conquest of pow calendar ol Kuusinen and Manuilsky not been and could not be practiced up to with the Soviet Union because that is the 2: 0, the European proletariat is undoubt. March 6th. etc. and passes over the ecnow.
more effective and advantagous road of Bily closer to this date than is the liquidaonomic problems of the Soviet Union. Yet But is it possible to hope that Macstruggle against unemployment.
ion of the classes in the Soviet Unon.
the connection between the one task and the Donald, Hermann Mueller, the trade unionBut is there any hope that with their. tic olaboration of a minimal plan with other is quite obvious.
ists of Amsterdam and the American Federpresent leadership the Communist Parties Po aim of mitigating the approaching crisis ation of Labor would consent to Buch are capable of a serious revolutionary mobmust necessarily proceed from the fact of Ways to Aid Unemployed and the combination. then is it not utopian? is it ilization of the masses? We will not deko prerent isolated position of Soviet econSoviet Union not conciliationism. etc. Such an objeccide this question beforehand. The policy way. But simultaneously it is necessary to tion will undoubtedy be made by those who which we defend has such profound roots Erasto a variation based on the mutual In Complete collectivization on the basis yesterday hoped that the British trade in the objective situation and in the hisrinking of Soviet and world economy. of the peasants holdings is an adventure unionists would declare war against imtorial interests of the proletariat that it d goneral plan elaborated, for ten, fifteen pregnant with a crisis in agricultural properialism for the defense of the Soviet will finally make its way through all the more years can under no condition be production and with dangerous political Union (Stalin and Company. obstacles. It is entirely a question of time.
We did not 20! trued any other way.
But if the possibility arises nourish these pitiful illusions at that time But that is a very important question. The Obviously, systematic and All embrac to fructify the collective farms in time by and we do not nourish them now. But it duty of the Left Communist Opposition is, s cconomic cooperation of an internation an influx of advanced technique, then coltherefore, to use all its strength to shorten ust be considered lectivized agriculture could pass far more reecarecter will become possible only after the period.
conquest of power by the proletariat ments of a social democratic government easily through the period of infantile inwith the Soviets for the diminution of unPrinkipo, March 14, 1930 advance:l capitalist countries. How ness and be able, almost in the next few employment in its own country is nevertheve the time of this overthrow cannot be years, to realize a greatly improved barvest. We proceed from the assumption that (arcou, That is why preparations must be with such stocks for export as would radiless far more probable than the war of the such a plan must be created.
ris in time, politically as well as econom cally change the picture of the grain marreformists against imperialism. When the ket of Europe and later on put the concrisis develops further, the reformist govsumption of the working masses on a new ernments, which base themselves upon mil STEEL SLAVES NEED UNION VC Uncmp. c; ment and the foundation. The menacing disproportion belions of organized workers, can be driven teween the swing of collectivization and the into such a vice that they are compelled PITTSBURG, Pg. Chalmers, of Soviet Union state of technique flows directly from the to one extent or another to yield to econ the University of Pittsburg who spent omic cooperation with the Soviet Union.
economic isolation of the Soviet Union. It months in a survey of labor conditions in Seondly, there is every reason to count We have no desire or need to guess the Soviet government could even use only steel trust towns, among other things says: e un er the conditions of the present the extent to which it would be realized in Contrasted with a highly efficient labor the capitalist credits normal in Intercommcrsial and Industrial crisis, particuState relations, the tempo of industrializaactuality. Should the social democracy be spy system maintained by steel corporations lavi CRO of its further aggravation, the a verse even to the discussion in the first to ferret out discontented workmen, is the spiccvernment, by a correct policy, can tion, as the framework of collectivization, period that is most likely to be the case absence of any union in the field to lead in e incomparably larger access to the could even now be considerably enlarged.
then the plan will at the very outset imbue the fight against sharp wage cuts, unemrccuies of the world market. Unemploy By all these circumstances, the Comthe masses of the workers to struggle ployment and long hours n: 1: factor of huge importance which munist Parties of the West are placed beagainst the social democracy.
fore the task of tying up, in their agitation, In any case, car makc its impress upon the policy of the The sweep of technicology through the the retormists in power will find it more nt future. Under the blows of unemploy the question of unemployment with the steel plants, has been unparalleled in any most essential factors in world developdiffficult to defend themselves from an agiment the powerful edifice of the conservaother industry. In a year period from tation based on a concrete plan of economment, and, in the first place, with the ecto 23 of the working force has been elim.
tive trade unions and the social democracy Ically advantageous cooperation with the inated in various departments of typical can sufier deep going cleavages before the onomic development of the Soviet Union Soviet Union than from the shrill yelpinge And what is needed for this?
infinitely more powerful edifice of the capitmills. The Edgar Thompson works at Bradon the subject of social fascism alis: state begins to crack. But this will First, to stop fooling the workers of the dock a Pittsburg suburb, have cut the It is evident that this plan of campaign West with regard to the genuine situation number of workers from 7, 000 to 5, 000 in not happen of itself. The correct direction in no way assumes the softening of our poin the Soviet Union. Together with the four years while maintaining production, of the working class struggle acquires an litical relations towards the social democ On the other hand the big steel corporexceptional signicance in the conditions of indisputable and immense successes arisracy. On the contrary, by correct direction ations have never been so prosperous, a social crisis. The general strategic Hne ing out of nationalization, to show them the campaign outlined above can seriously Although the fourth quarter of 1929 was di Communism must obviously, more than honestly at the same time the internal conshake the positions of the International so one of industrial depression, Steel ever before, be directed towards the revo tradictions arising out of the isolation of cial democracy which for the last few years reported the highest profits of any quarter lutionary conquest of power. But this revo the Soviet Union and mistakes of leaderreceived immeasurable support through the ship, and thratening it with political in its history. Record profits have been Hitionary policy must be nourished by the policies of Stalin Molotov.
matched by record unemployment, sharp concrete conditions and tasks of the transiwage reductions and the maintenance of tion period. Unemployment occupies an Second, to explain to them that these Socialist Construction and the evc! more central place among them. One long hours.
dangers could be considerably diminished, International Revolution of the most important slogans of the tranand later overcome, by the establishment of In continuous process departments of sition period can and must become the dea broad and coordinated interchange be The necessity of posing the task of the bigger mills, the hour day is in effect.
mand for economic cooperation with the tween the Soviet Union on the one side and socialist construction in an international In other departments, and in some of the Soviet Union. But the agitation under this Germany and England, for example, on the sense rises out of the internal needs of the smaller mills, the 10 hour day is customary, slogan must in turn have a thorougly conbut 12 hour shifts and the day week are other.
economic development of the Soviet Union erete character, armed with facts and figThird, to demonstrate that many tens, and at the same time represents the most by no means uncommon. Four thousand es. It must base itselt on a general ecand later on hundreds, of thousands of men are on the day week in the Pittspersuasive and irrefutable propaganda in enomic plan which takes into account the workers would be able to find work in the favor o. international revolution. But in burgh area alone. Every third week ever increasing interlinking of Soviet with annual, planned orders for machinery and Steel Corp. workers must work 16. hours world economy. This signifies that the agricultural implements of the Soviet The paper of the Italian Left Comstraight in 24 hours, general plan must be built upon a genuine munists, Prometeo, says quite appropriately Efforts to organize these mills, despite Marxist foundation and not upon the theory Fourth, to explain that through these that it it is very difficult for the social demodiscontent, will not be easy, said Chalmers.
of isolated socialist society.
conditions the Soviet Union would receive crats to refute the accusations that they are The steel trust an, other companies, followIn the present European and world un the possibility to export a far greater quan agents of the bourgeoisie, it is, on the con ing the 1919 revolt, organized an elaborate employment, conjunctural events are bound tity leaving aside wood and other raw matrary, very easy for them to refute the ar spy service. Company towns are under the up with the organic processes of capitalist terials ot grain, butter, meat and other firmation that they are Fascists. In label iron rule of company henchmen; free speech decay. We have more than once repeated products of consumption of the broadest ling the social democrats social fascists, and assembly are unknown; eviction can that conjunctural cycles are inherent in masses.
the Comintern renders them signal follow agitation; and boarding house keepBenitaliat society at every stage of its de The importation of machinery and the Service ers are often company agent Union.