AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyConfederación Nacional del TrabajoFranceImperialismLeninLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

Τ Ε Saturday, April 5, 1930 MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor In Spain after the Fall of the Dictatorship Monarchy, Republic or Proletarian Revolution? industry in Madrid there are at present republicanism.
For the petty bourgeoisie 35, 000 wenployed. the republid is a goal; for us it an be a The ultra protectionist policies of the stage toward the dictatorship or the prodictatorship during the last few years has letariat. Our tactics are clear: struggle lowered these figures somewhat, but these against the Monarchy, and, at the same time policies have at the same time caused liv unmask the republicans and socialists, while on March 1st, we published an article item was added to the ordinary budget of ing expenses to rise higher and higher. organizing the proletariat for the social y comrade Gorkin on The Fall of Primo de the dictatorship; 800 million pesetara were The unemployment situation will become revolution. Our permanent slogan must be: Rivera and Its Consequences. In con assigned to the army and navy, whereas intensified still more by the fact that the government of the workers and peasants, nection with this article comrade Trotsky only a 172 million was assigned for public new government is stopping the major part When the moment arrives, we must agitate made certain comments, bearing particular. education. This does not take into account of the pubilc works undertaken by the dic for the elections of Soviets. It would be ly on the agitation of the petty bourgeoisie the 700 millions expended by the dictatortatorship. The unemployed do not receive ridiculous to forward this slogan now. The for a republie and the attitude oi the work ship for war material and the 877 millions any aid from the state or from the muni street lights against the police and their ers towards this agitation. omrade (lor. spent for the navy, this being reckorled cipalities. Those who do work receive machine guns, the revolutionary strikes and kin replies below.
into the extraordinary budget, as well as niggardly wages.
the demonstrations with red flags in the fore.
the loan of 500 millions recently raised.
The conditions of the agricultural front, exist unfortunately, only in the minds Dear Comrade Trotsky: The deficit of the expositions of Seville workers are still worse. The Spanish pea of the scribblers of Humanite. Having seen and Barcelona, about 500 million pesetas, a manifesto of the Communist Party of shall attempt to clarify you on the santry, especially in Andalusia and in Casmust be added. In a word, the ordinary tile, have always been subjected to the Spain, calling on this for the future and points raised in your letter of February 12.
budget has risen from 2, 879 millions in 1923 most miserable conditions possible. Spain not knowing a word of Spanish, nor, por In my article, stated that in the to 4, 185 millions and the public debt which is a country with an agricultural economy; that matter, a word of Leninism, they bebeginning the struggle would be led by the was 14, 700 millions in 1923 18 today these lieve that this had actually bappened.
petty bourgeoisie, the republicans, and the 71 percent of the population of Spain are are the oMclal figures more than 21, 000 Side by side with the large socialists Already the different conspirpeasants. The Opposition and the Party million and to this must be added the debt estates there are thousands of agricultural final very important point: our ORators against the dictatorship have been of about 350 million pesetas destined for farm workers without land and without positional relations with the Communist led by the petty bourgeoisle in concurrence manipulation of the international money work. In Andalusia side by side with acres Party of Spain. The position of the Party with a large part of the army which feels market. It can be said that at the liquidaand acres of non productive land used for could not be any weaker. Since its founditself to be republican. The proletariat tion of the dictatorial period the debt exhunting, there are thousands of farm hands ing, it has suffered from a series of crises has hardly ever interfered for two princeeded 23, 000 million, Since Spain has a who work no more than 50 to 80 days dur which have reduced it to almost nothing.
cipal reasons: because the organizers do population of about 22 million this repre ing the year and that for starvation wages.
The Communist International shares a not inspire the with confidence besides, sents a debt of about 1, 050 pesetas for each It is there that the class differences are large part of the responsibility for this sitthe organizers fear the intervention of the inhabitant.
sharpest. Also, the class hatreds are easily uation. It has favored a leadership of buproletariat and becauwe there is no ComTo this must be added that during the aroused there. In 1918 1920, while strug reaucrats without the following of the Party munist party or revolutionary class organdictatorial period the petty bourgeoisie gut gles of large magnitude were unfolding in to a fighting, capable and devoted leaderization capable of launching the struggle.
fered on two fronts: the. nstant interven the principal centers under the influence of ship.
And the set backs of these conspiracies tion of the economic organs of the state the October revolution, the Andalusian pro The Party is beginning to reorganize.
have been due to just that the lack of which hindered its development, and the con vince was in a ferment of revolt. The Possibilities exist for the formation of intervention of a genuine revolutionary centration of the national economy into workers burned the barvests of the large strong proletarian Party (a Party with four, element. It is a act, too, that the struggle the hands of the big financiers and indusestates, ran through the streets crying six or eight thousand well disciplined nicaragainst the monarchy in a weak and letrialists which threatened its existence as a galistic manner, it is true 18 now being led Long live Lenin! Long live Trotsky; bers could be a revolutionary force of the class. The republicanism of the petty bourfirst magnitude in Spain. Its organization by the petty bourgeoisie disarmed the police and freed their arresThey hold the geoisie is completely explained: it holds the ted comrades. The peasant nurses abanis not difficult at this moment; on the conmonarchy responsible contrary to us, who, monarchy responsible for the experiences of oned the children of the rich.
trary, it is very easy. The betrayals of of course, hold Imperialism as a whole the dictatorship and demands a new conthe Socialists and the relative state of deresponsible for the Moroccan adventure. stitution which would make impossible a The Workers Awakening composition of anarcho syndicalism, wake the loss of millions in money and huge logg renewal of such experiences.
It is evident that the masses of workers the situation favorable for this organization.
in life, crowned by the catastrophe at and peasants will awake to struggle soon Annual, even as at the time of the coup Fear of the Proletariat We must primarily work toward the capenough. If this awakening is not yet an ture of the Federations of the seven red etat. The dictatorship was the monarchy Will the petty bourgeoiste be able to accomplished fact, it is due to the absence gional federations; the three most finpotlast card. Almost everyone in Spain realized set into motion the masses of workers and of a strong and disciplined Communist this. Sanchez Guerra, former leader of the peasants in a struggle for tant are in fact with us: the Asturian, the bourgeois Party and revolutionary unions. We should Catalonian and the Valencian. Conservative Party, a thoroughly dynastic republic? No. Today as yesterday, during expect powerful strikes which must be coparty, prepares for presiding over a sort of the conspiracies, it fears the proletariat.
This is a very good starting point.
ordinated by connecting the economic deheterogeneous Left bloc, embracing those Recently the demonstrating unemployed in CORRIN mands with revolutionary political aims.
who demanded a revision of the constitution, Madrid We shall speak of the unemploy It will be necessary to know how to link the various shades of republicans, up to the ment situation presently sought the aid of up the strike movements with unemployed War on Russia socialists we shall return to him in due the students. The latter, although clamor movements. This plainly calls for special time. Onsorio y Gallardo, one of Maura ous the day before, refused. And the Reorganizing of unemployed.
former lieutenants, a christian socialist, publicans and Socialists said to the unemmovement becomes really serious, and if The Russian menace way the chlo known for his demagogy which very often ployed: Remain quiet, you will spoil every conditions warrant the belief that it can topic of discussion at a preparedness a forces him to use language more radical thing. The petty bourgeoisie who destre a develop with sufficient rapidity, activity triotic dinner held by the Reserve Oficers than that of the socialist lackeys. threat small tranqull republic, attained by legalshould be directed, as you say quite correctAssociation of the United Statc. 3, at thy ens to call for an accounting of the King istic means are afraid that the proletariat ly, towards militant propaganda for the liabilities; and Romanones himself whom will interfere with their plans. As beHotel Astor, New York City, on March 27election of Soviets and for the permanent you know well for having caused your ex tween the reactionary bourgeoisle and the Among those present wero Mayor Wal)
slogan, For a Workers and Peasants gora pulsion from Spain in 1916 has begun to revolutionary proletariat, their choice will er of New York, General Ely, Drig. General ernment. The slogan has just been launchextol a form of republic, presided over by be made quickly. Besides, Sanchez Guerra Delageld, and Major Mardenbrugh. Coming ed by the Spanish Communist Party. the king a form of republican monarchy. is preparing to place himself at the head together for a discussion of the possibility few lines now on class organizations, He has saved the monarchy twice already of the petty bourgeoisie and this is very of an attack by a foreign invader. the The only Party that had a legal existence and at present wishes to save it again, but significant.
discussion continued on the nei to in One word about this man: in during the dictatorship, outside 1903 while governor of Madrid he comprothe under the cloak of a president of the Recrease the military preparedness of the triotic Union, is the Socialist Party; and mised himself in the assassination of a United States. But the discussion did not public. Those former politicians who dare the only workers organization, aside from to speak of their monarchism, do so in news dealer who took part in a workers Inger on this very long. It turned to it So unpopular 18 the very weak volce.
the so called free unions (organized by In 1909 while minister todiscussion on who this foreign invader Martinez Amido during the period of harsh might be.
monarchy at the present time that even gether with Maura and La Cierva, he was oppression) is the Confederation of Labor.
one of those responsible for the bloody Militarfst Hounds for War on Soviet ofon those most monarchistically inclined, beThe collaboration of the Socialists with all week of Barcelona, and for the assassGeneral Delafield in his speech insed lieve it prudent to disguise themselves as the economic and political organizations of ination of Ferrer. In 1917 wbile at the no words in declaring that the monaco io republicans; an example is one of Maura the dictatorship was the price of this sons, the assassin or Ferrer. Plainly, this head of the conservative government, he the world was Russia, liemedle it cicar disguise can fool only imbeciles.
played a sinister role in violently supreslegality. The Socialist Party numbers be that this was not the problem oi te ntled tween and thousand members; the Con States alone, but became the tach. cf the Why the Petty Bourgeofste Are Republican sing the great revolutionary strike and federation of Labor, some 200 thousand leading imperialists of the world to unite But let us return to our petty bourgeoimutilating the dead bodies of the strikers.
members. The latter are recruited mainly These are three small exploits of the in this common struggle. The reech conBle. Their republicanism is, as you have so in Madrid and the backward rural districts. tajned lengthy invectives against the work saviour who is preparing to attempt the well put it, the expression of despair. This The well known anarcho syndicalist National ing class governient of the Sorict Union. operation.
despair 18 the result of deep seated politiConfederation of Labor succeeded with dit in closing. Delafiold emphasize the need cal and economic causes. Thus the heavi The Condition of the Workers and Peasants ficulty in retaining 25 thousand members. of the United States to join wiss France, est taxes bear down upon them. From 1922 Before taking up what our position to The worker and peasant masses will swiftly Great Britain and the cho: nationa in pre.
to 1928 levies increased by 1, 292 million ward the republican petty bourgeoisie create powerful revolutionary organiza paring to ward of the Russian Japace.
pesetas. Provincial and municipal taxes should be, let us say a few words on the tions. It is highly improbable that the re. Times, Marci 28)
increased proportionally (the sums realized situation of the workers and peasants, It formist organization will succeed in aug This session of militarists is part of by municipal and provincial councils in the conditions of the petty bourgeoisie are menting its effective forces (as a contrast the concerted organization of the apicalcreased to 965 millions between 1923 and bad, those of the workers are naturally the National Confederation of Labor can ist powers preparing for assault against 1929. Spain maintains a corps of officers much worse. This is especially evident in see once again the splendor of former the Soviet Union. While disagreeing among of much higher rank proportionally than the form of chronic unemployment.
For times. It remains for 119 Communists to themselves, they are one on the question those or other countries. This explains why the past two years the number of unem gain influence in its midst and to try to of uniting to destroy the working class of in he last budget, so large a budgetary ployed has been: thirty percent of the min obtain the leadership.
Soviet Russia and the prolotarian dictatoring basin of Asturia, sixty percent in the After what have said above, it 19 ship. It is well that the workers of this The peseta is worth about 12 cents Biscay, from thirty to forty percent of the unnecessary to lay much stress on the sub country remember the Walkere, Davisons, on the exchange.
building industry of Madrid (in the latter Ject of our relations with social bourgcois and Delafields And it the Cry Imperialists