CapitalismCommunismFranceItalySovietStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited Front

THEMILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Vol. III, No. 14, Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YORK, Saturday, April 3, 1930 PRICE CENTS Pittsburg Taxi Men Solid on 12th Week Relieve Unemployment Demand Large Scale Credits to Soviet Union far a group of rowdies from the offices or Sharp Decline in 3 IN THE NEXT ISSUE The Flye Year Plan and World Enemployment by Trotsky, an article of the most important PITTSBURG Taxi drivers after 11 character to all workingmen and weeks of a bitter stril against Parmato the Communists, will appear in By MARTIN ABERX consolation of drawing a pittance of Wagot lee Transportation Co. continue to present the next issue of The Milltant.
a united front and a determination to win, Prom a boss.
Workers will want to buy a copy No appreciable change is to be noted in When automobiles appeared on the The Socialists and the American Fed of the paper containing this article.
the employment situation throughout the streets carrying passengers and donating deration of Labor fakers in New York Look for the militant at your newsUnited States, Mass unemployment refares to strikers relief, Parmalee obtained were compelled, under the pressure of the stand or write to The Mhitant, 25 mains, and will remain a permanent pheAt an injunction againt their operation.
rank and file workers and the militant proThird Ave. New York, Petnomenon of capitalism. No matter what the hearing an attempt was made to bar remedies the ruling class proposes or appaganda of the Communists and the Left ter yet, SUBSCRIBE! 00 per wing, to give consideration to the unem.
all strikers from the courtroom.
plies, no matter how production is again At mass meetings Speakers from the reestablished, rationalization, the replaceployment question. These elements, speaking pile drivers and whart workers and the ment of man power by new machinery and through their Emergency Unemployment building trades unions urged the workers methods of equipment. the belt line, speed Conference have to acknowledge the exto continue their fight. At each meeting so up, stretch out, etc. has vastly increased tremity of the unemployed situation in New York, Illinois the army of the permanetniy unemployed.
They estimate that five hundred the taxi company have attempted to disEfforts, as never before, are being made thousand men and women are out of work Construction organize the program by shouting Back in New York City, and similar horrifying to explain away the vast unemployment and to work. They are dubbed the back to the misery it has brought in its wake for figures can be brought forward from every work boys by the strikers.
CHICAGO Contracts let for building city and town in the country.
the toiling masses. The apologists and cryChiel demands of the strikers are re construction the week ending March 21 Where the bosses and their governmenstal gazers of capitalism try to make one cognition of the union and 40 commission were less than one third the value in the tal and labor lackeys cannot hide or lie vision a quartz of diamond richness, but Not one desertion from the ranks Das oc same week a year ago, according to the about the true situation, they try to ignore the masses who feel the pinch of poverty curred Dodge orporation. The value was or laugh away those forces who are trying are beginning to note that the bauble of 3, 271, 000 for Illinois and a year ago 10, to present a partial remedy for the acute capitalism, is truly but cheap glass. It be000, 000 in round numbers. In Chicago conconditions. All that the Mayor, James comes increasingly difficult to make out a tracts since the first of the year otal Walker of New York, can answer to the del.
case for capitalism, or to point to possiBUILDING WORKERS ASK NOONEY. 23, 000, 000. The same period last year they egations of workers who made an effort ta bilities of any adequate improvement in the BILLING RELEASE totaled 84, 000, 000. For Minois outside of immediate or future situation for the present the facts and the causes of unens SACRAMENTO, Cal. The Callfornia Chicago the figures were 19, 000, 000 this ployment to the city government was, We masses.
Bulidnig Trades Council in convention at year and 50. 000, 000 last year.
Wm. Groen Report on Unemployment (Continued on Page 3)
Building Trades Council in convention at Sacramento has demanded immediate par CHICAGO Jury found nine particiPresident William Groen of the Amer YELLOW DOG JUDGE dons for Mooney and Billings. The unem uants in the Chicago unemployed demonican Federation of Labor who is always ployment situation was the chief subject of stration of Feb. 21 guilty of disorderly looking for a chance to put in a good word, Hoover Nominee for Supreme Court discussion. The five day week in the build conduct and fines of to 60 were imposed as well as deed, for his masters, the employing trades is about to go into effect in SacWASHINGTON Judge John Johnston They will be worked out in jail at 50 ers, in his report on unemployment among Parker, of the Fourth Federal Circuit Court the organized workers, is unable to cover ramento, cents a day.
up the appalling facts of unemployment of Appeals, nominated by President Hoover among them. What can be the case, then, to the vacant place on the Supreme Court among the unorganizell masses in the basie left by the death of Justice Sanford, has been identified as an endorser of the yellowtries, etc. who are affected to an even greatdog contract. It is wholly improbable that Since January 11, the five chief em 1990, the Washington conference of 1921 er degree by unemployment than the unionthe Senate will fail to confirm this injuncpires have had representatives in London, was to be a disarmament conference. ized workers, who make up but a few miltion judge to a lifetime job.
The where they are polishing their guns in Within two years after it closed, the British lion of the American working masses?
Wage workers know that Parker will be an preparation for the next world slaughter.
were busy on the greatest naval base in President Green report for the first extreme Tory on all industrial issues that Incidentally, these five nations have about the world Singapore and were launching hall of March the subject of unemploycome before the court.
four fifths of all the fighting ships. When their program for five new cruisers of the ment among union mou, as based on re It was in 1920 that the 30, 000 organized they go to war, it means that the world is latest type.
ports from 24 leading cities, has to ac coal cuiners in West Virginia began their at war, at least so far as navies are conOnly Soviet Union for Peace knowledge that improvement is not yet strike to make remaining coal fields cerned.
There was a conference at Geneva, in general. In ten cities unemployment was his London Conference met to conin that state union territory. Halt a score 1927. Britain, Japan and the United States still increasing in March, and in four there sider navies. At the outset. was to be a of years had shown that coal miners in sent delegates. France and Italy declined.
was no change. In the different trades, conference for the reduction of navies. It West Virginia had no civil rights that a The word disarmament was used when conditions varied also. In the Printing and coal company for a local official would was therefore referred to as a disarniathe conference was called Defore it was Metal trades there were more out of work recognize. Logan county, then as now, was meni conference.
well under way, it was described as an For several weeks, however, it has been than in February, and in both these trades, a feudal stronghold into which a union or arms conference. Before it adjourned, the unemployment in March reached the high ganizer ventured at the risk of his lite.
getting clearer that instead of reducing naBritish and American delegates were in one est figure for any month since 1927 when vies, the conference would probably lead Finally a campaign was begun to organize another hair.
we began keeping records.
the miners in all the fields, and to carry the to inore navy building. Italy, Japan and Year after year capitalist empires call Nor is it possible for this labor faker, the United States are all clamoring for union message to Logan, In 1922 occurred disarmament meetings. parily for 70 ratios or for something They have good who regards capitalism as the best of all the union crusade which sent thousands cause to do it, because the costs of modern possible worlds, to hold out hopes of any else thar spells navy building when it is of miners, with members of their families, armaments are high and the protests of the genuine improvement of conditions in the marching across the hills toward anti union put into practice.
workers against militarism is rersistent and near future, though he endeavors to hide Nearly 10 years ago. in 1921 a conmines at Logan. State troops and conaggressive. Nations like France and Japan the truth in a cloud of dusty words. Green ference was held in Washington at which stabulary were rushed to stop the movecannot stand the pace. Neither can Great goes on to say that In service industries.
these some five leading empires were repment. Leaders of the march were arrested, Britan for that matter. It would pay to transportation, food. clothing, and other and later were tried for murder. In the reset Like the London conference of disarm. But in one conference after anothmanufactures there was no great change. midst of this excitment an injunction was er, called to consider disarmament, the reOwing to the unusually large number out issued by Judge McClintic of the Federal sult is further military preparation. Among of work this year it will undout tedly be a LECTURE Dis. rict Court at Charleston, forbidding the the great nations only the Soviet Union has long time before employment reaches nor unlon men to suggest either striking or ALBERT GLOTZER come out flat footed for disarmamen, and mal proportions. In eleven cities unem joining a union, to miners who had signed the Soviet Union was not invited to send ployment is still at a very high figure of yellow dog contracts with mining comWill Speak On delegates to the London Conference.
20 percent or more out of work in Jersey panies.
Question: Why does every disarma City, Cleveland, Denver, Chicago, Detroit, The Youth Movement McClintic impeachment was sought, ment conterence called by the capitalist enPhiladelphia, Buffalo, Los Angeles, New but be held his seat by reason of the sup.
pire3 become an arms parley before it is York, Paterson and Bostou.
Saturday, April 5, 1930 at P.
port given him by organized capital in over?
Bosses and Government Ignore Needs West Virginia and throughout the indusat the Answer: Because every imperial of Workers trial East, The Mine Workers appealed LABOR TEMPPLE statesman knows that the capitalist world But there will be no normal again. from his injunction. After many delays, 242 East Fourteenth Street.
is preparing for war, anche dares not let Rotwithstanding Mr. Creen, Hoover, and lasting until April 18, 1927, Judge Parker, Auspices: New York Branch his country lag behind the procession. others who try to conceal the facts. But in the Circuit Court of Appeals, rendered a Communist League of America (Opposition) So they are polishing the guns in Lon indeed It will be a very long time before decision upholding McClintic.
Admission, 15 cents don preparatory for the next world the mass of unemployed workers or even Now Hoover rewards this willing tool slaughter.
a good part of them will have even the of the coal operators and capitalists.
Polishing The Guns For The Next War industries. the Steel Minis, Packing Indus