BujarinCominternCommunismDemocracyKidnappingLeninismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

гне MILITANT Saturday, March 10, 1930 The New Course in Economy of Soviet Union ELLA MAY LYNCHING CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION CHARTS LABOR DANGER ZONES NEW YORK (FP. Black spots on (Continued form Page 5)
omical groups and branches of industry the union organizers map as drawn by the interested in chemical products, The So American Civil Liberties Union include The Restoration of the Rightviet democracy is not an abstract political North Carolina textile towns, Pennsylvania CHARLOTTE, FP) North Care Center Bloc demand and still less a moral one. It has coal and steel towns, Obio mining towns olina unwritten law that union agitators become an economic necessity.
and Southern California. North Carolina For how many months will the preis worst of all, with seven killed, 24 woungo to the penitentiary while lynchers of sent leadersblp whip up the Party on the Save the Party and the Proletarian ded, seven kidnapped and seven condemned unionists go home has been upheld once road of ultra Leftism? We think not for more in the freeing of five of the members Dictatorship to prison in 1929, according to the Union very long. The more frenzied the charactsurvey of civil libertles or the lack of of the Loray mill mob who were in the ter of the present course, the sooner and murder of Ella May Wiggins, the Bessemer The first condition for the success of them last year.
more acutely its contradictions will come City union woman shot to death Sept. 14 socialism is, for us to conserve, or what is Strikers, Communists and Negroes sufwhile on the way to a Nat Textile Workout. Then to the former 180 degrees, more correct, to save the Party. Without fered the most frequent violations of civil the leadership will add another curve, ers Union meeting in Gastonia.
this basic historical instrument the prolet rights; Socialists and escaped coming near to its starting point from anWell drilled witnesses marshalled by ariat is powerless.
In the meantim, the prosecutions and injunctions, asserts the the Loray defense counsel testified monotother end. So it has been, so it will be Stalinist bureaucracy is killing the Party.
liberties report. Three Communists, sent onously to fake allbis; those at the scene again.
To the wholesale collectivisation in the to prison in Pennsylvania under the crimThe tempo of industrialization must of the murder where the union truck was country, it adds the wholesale admittance inal syndicalism act, were the first politguarantee not the bullding of national sosurrounded by a score or more of autog to the Party of whole plants and guilds. ical prisoners committed in the entire clalism, but the reinforcement of the basis filled with mobsters recited stories of The vanguard is disappearing in the mass.
country since 1924.
under the proletarian dictatorship, as well happening to be passing by and stopThe thought and the will of the Party is Boston, Philadelphia and New York are as the improvement of the conditions of ping to see an auto accident.
crushed underfoot, The bureaucracy has Ilsted as the cities in which police most The Jury ignored evidence from a score the working masces of city and country.
its hands completely free. The leadership frequently interfere with public meetings.
of occupants of the union truck that they It This is an entirely realistic task.
is blind and uncontrollable. The Party will Boston remains the hub of censorship, demands a combination of courage and pruwere surrounded by a mob which opened not be able to create a far geeing leader Pennsylvania leads in the number of atfire on the open highway. shot from denc. It excludes both over caution and ship until it becomes the Party again. tacks on free speech press and assemblage Horace Wheelus gun found its way to Ella wild recklessness.
What must be done, then? Take from the while New York City police broke up 43 May heart they testified, while other workIt would be absurd to pretend that the usurpers apparatus the power which has of the 52 meetings interfered with in 1929.
ers were fleeing across the open fields, Opposition has ready a priori a plan for been usurped from the Party. Who can followed by a rain of bullets. painless way out of the new dangers do that? The proletarian nucleus of the The prosecution was crippled from the created by a combination of adventurism Party, relying on the working class.
HOSIERY SCABS KILL STRIKER, WOUND start by the unwillingness of Solicitor and opportunism. Having the best direcThe second conditions is to conserve, John Carpenter of Gaston county to tlons for following the road with a line TWC or, what is more true, to restore the proprosecute his friends, the Loray mill boss.
of motor cars will not help, it the head letarian dletatorship. This is possible only PHILADELPHIA (FP. Carl Mackley, men. corps of Loray attorneys conof the line has already succeeded in getin case the proletariat shows from year to 22, was killed and william Zimmerman and ducted the defense.
ting off the road into the mud. Then a year an improvement of its economic and John Cooper wounded when a carload of North Carolina record of justice whole system of measures ad hoc is nec.
cultural level, and the growth of its imporAberle hosiery mill strikebreakers fired a in labor disputes shows seven organizers essary to bring the column back on the right tance in the state and country, and it si volley into a union auto which grazed theirs condemned to prison for terms of to 20 road. We can assert that even the best multaneously the scissors of agricultural in traffic. The three men shot are union year for defending the Loray mill strikers Ariver staying at the wheel, would not be and Industrial prices draw together, offer knitters, members of the Hosiery Workers tent colony from an unwarranted attack able to solve the problem. The colllective ing the peasants real advantages from the Union. They carried no weapons, by drunken police, during which Police effort of the Party and the class are necOctober revolution.
Four scabs arrested with smoking auto Chief Aderholt was killed. Mobs composed essary, with help from below, which prematics admitted firing into the union car It the road to these swollen and inof Gastonia business men carried on a reign supposes the right and the possibility of and regret missing the fourth occupant of terror, which resulted in a few indictsurmountable undertakings is not iminedicollective, creative initiative.
who escaped unhurt. They are held withately barred, if the tempo is not brought raents for kidnapping and flogging, but no At present, this measure seems most night out bail. Eight unionists were held as back to reality, the overinflation convictions. On the other hand many immediate and imperious: the strietest fi.
material witr and rele strikers were framed on easily enlarge them in the future to a per.
various counts nabelal discipline. It is absolutely nec 1, 000 ball each.
ilous size, with consequences from which and sentenced to jail.
essary to tighten as strong as possible not only the false reputation of the ignor Although no scab in the Aberle mill The verdict in the Wiggins case practhe strings of the state purse, along both ant leadership will suffer, the reputation has been shot or seriously injured in the tically sets the state seal of approval ou the budget and the credit lines. There is which is founded on moral inflation, but hosiery workers strike, they have threat murder and other violence against union no doubt that this measure will prove pain.
also the values of immeasurably greater ened gunplay from the start. An Aberle crganizers.
ful from the start, as it will inevitably importance the October revolution.
official drew a gun on a striker 15 minutes stop half way a whole list of undertakings after the tragedy.
and enterprises. But this measure is unRestore the Comintern avoidable. Financial discipline must besibility for the murder on Judge Jay Gordon come the first step of a general economic Again and again we decidedly refused who ruled in the court of common pleas LOS ANGELES, Calif. Western News discipline.
the task of building in quick time a na two weeks ago that scabs may carry guns Box 604, Arcade Station.
tional socialist society.
Collectivisation if they feel that their lives are endangered, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. McDonald 65 What To Do. as well as industrialization we bind by an Sixth St.
The problems briefly outlined in the unbreakable tle with the problems of WASHINGTON, Gale ok Shop present article will constitute the object world revolution. The problems of our Tenta St.
of an extensive work which we hope to economy are decided in the last account in OPEN SHOP PAPER APPROVES OF PITTSBURG, Pa. A News Co. 220 bring ou in a few weeks. Therefore our Federal St.
the international arena. It is necessary NEW YORK The American Federatreatment of the subject here is in the to restore the Comintern. It is necessary tion of Labor policy of cooperating with CHICAGO, ILL, Cheshinsky Book Store, 2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, nature of a synopsis. In the same way we employers 19 bearing fruit in unexpected to go over the revolutionary strategy of quarters.
1623 Madison St. Walden Bookstore, the post Leninist period and to condemn briefly answer the question: what to do?
The Iron Age, trade paper of 311 Plymouth ct. Britscke Store, 1611 The industry is racing towards criall three of its stages: Zinoviev s, Bucharin the open shop steel industry, in the course Kedzie and on, various newstands of a diatribe against progressivism in genStalin and Stalin Molotov stage. It is sls, first of all on account of the monSPRINGFIELD, ILL. Joe Angelo, 431 No.
necessary to remove the present leader eral, comments: The American Federation strously bureaucratic methods used in the We. lay St.
ship, because it is precisely in the realm of Labor will agree that there is no conconstuction of the Plan. Five Year plan BOSTON, Mass. Shapiro s, Beach St can be constructed with the necessary proof international questions where the Sta test between toilers and capitalists. near Washington. Andelman 284 Trelinist faction reaches such limits of theoretportions and guaranties only on condition mont St. Newsstand, 38 Causeway St.
ical cynicism and practical licenses (laisse. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. a free discussion of its tempos and ROXBURY, MASS. Goldberg Store, 636 erms; only with the participatio in these faire) which are threatening the proletarian Warren St.
vanguard with numberless disasters. TO discussions by all interested industries and DETROT, MICH. Aidas Book Shop, 1713.
by the working class; with all its organrefute the theory of national socialism 24th St. and on various newsstands.
and the practice of bureaucratic advenJUST RECEIVED!
zations and first of all of the Party Itselt; MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News tures, is the elementary premise for the Co. 234 2nd Ave. So.
only with an evaluation of the whole exrenaissance of the Communist International.
KANSAS CITY, MO. Buehler Book Store, periment of the Soviet economy of the last 220 West 12th St.
period, including the monstrous faults of ST. LOUIS, MO. Foster B Store, 410 the leadership.
The Bulletin of the Washington Ave.
The most important element of the NEW YORK OPEN FORUM Opposition PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Newstands at 19th Plan is not a question of what it is that and Market, Cor. 15th and Market. IN RUSSIAN)
the peasants want and are able to conAlbert Glotzer, member of the National Cor. 13th and Market, cor. sume immediately, but what it is that they Committee Warwicks News Depot, 262 11th St. 11th of the Communist League CONTAINS (Opposition) will speak at the Open Forand Market, cor. 5th and Market, san save and accumulate. The question of the cor. 5th and Pine Sts. cor. tempo of industrialization is not a matter um of the New York Branch of the League The Articles on the 9th and Locust Sts. cor.
of bureaucratic imagination, but one of on Saturday, March 15th, 1930 at pm NEWARK, Alter Stand; 58 Prince the life and culture of the masses.
His subject will be: WHAT IS THE THIRD PERIOD OF THK St Therefore the plan for building social PERMANENT REVOLUTION? Adm1991MISTAKES OF THE SCATTLE, WASH. Raymer Old Book tem can not be issued as an a priorl bur on is free and all interested workers are Store, 905 Third Ave.
Daucratic order. It must be worked out COMINTERN invited to attend.
TACOMA, Wash. Raymer 1317 Pacific St.
and corrected in the same way in which BY St.
the construction of socialism itselt can TORONT. ONT. CANADA. On various ALLENTOWN, Pa. Four hundred Trotsky only be realized, e. through the broad newsstands.
Sovlet democracy. The decision, for in workers of the Arcadia rayon mills of AlNEW YOR. :On various newsstands in 250 each stance, of what place should be given to lentown are out on strike under Natl. Tex18C in Bundles New York and Brooklyn; Blederman Booktile Workers Union leadership, in protest the chemical Industry in the plan for the Order From store, 2d Ave and 12th St. Rand kstore, against doubling up knitters work from borr future, can be established only through TIK MILITANT East 16th St. The Militant, 25 Third Ave, open discussion between different econ. eight to sixteen machines.
25 Third Avenue, CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News Now York, Co. 109 8th Ave. West Labor in Philadelphia lays the respon Where To Buy The Militant NO.