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Saturday, March 15, 1930 THE MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor tent the workers demand the reke The Struggle Against Unemployment in Europe and be MILITANT Der reach only a small upper strata of the The formula of separate unions for unFrom Moscow the bureaucrats of the Stalin apparatus working class and then not for long. employed takes for its point of departure by means of big dieplays and high sounding This year should see vast reorgani the At Moscow, political work is carried dangerous delusion that organized articles and speeches.
on principally in a disorganized fashion.
zations in the factories and shops. Under masses of unemployed can better their Berlin, February 14. dull and apathetic discontent pervades the present conditions of the regime and miserable conditions without the aid of the K, the workers. At present it is difficult to of the Party, the system of individual workers in the factories and trade unions.
obtain food even. Manufactured goods are management cannot but worsen the already or all the delusions of the third period rationed. The lowering of the cost prices, difficult situation.
that are growing with such speed, there January, if achieved, will be entirely through in is none as dangerous as this one.
LABOR FAKERS ATTACK ALIEN creased speed up. Living expenses not only Unemployment and the Workers Morale WORKERS do not decrease, but, in fact, generally inΦ Permanent unemployment, such as exDETROIT (FP) Over 1, 600 aliens crease. If anyone shows signs of disconists in Germany, Austria, England, Poland, employed by the city of Detroit stand te etc. places upon the Communists in these lose their jobs by the mayor approval of the class enemy. It is thus that the countries the task of preventing, with all of a resolution just passed by the counch competition and enthusiasm of the masses their power, the artificial stirring up of providing for the immediate dismissal of is assured.
tension and disputes between unemployed all employees not cltizens of the United For example: worker, overcome by and employed workers which the reformists States. Those with first papers are also te exhaustion, is refused permission to leave Its Conduct are systematically attempting. Unemploy.
be unconditionally fired.
by the factory manager. In order not to ment is not, in general, a factor which Last week 748 laborers were fired be The bureau of the for western be charged with 11l will, and in order not strengthens the revolutionary current in cause they had not yet become citizens Europe the organization created for action to incur the consequences of a fraudulent the working class movement. On the conMost of the latest group to be fired are also on set date and on a world scale has leave. she continues working until she trary, it allows reformism to reinforce its manual workers, although a considerable launched an appeal for powerful demoncollapses. Then the workers carry her to position in the factories the fear of unem percentage comes from the hospitale.
strations which will bring together workthe ambulance where it appears that inployment being one of its best allies. In The resolution to fire was introduced ers, employed and unemployed, in all stant medical attention is necessary. Simaddition, it makes it possible for reform by Councilman Ewald, president of the countries. Certainly we should rejoice ilar occurences are not rare.
ism to throw out of the factories the most ted by Pres. Martel of the Detroit over the fact that the strategists of the At Solomichino (in the Urals. a place conscientious and revolutionary elements, bricklayers union and was actively suppornew line have, in these last months, disof deportation one of our deported comAnd lastly, there is no doubt that the lon Federation of Labor.
covered the problem of unemployment. But rades, Ikanevsky, was wounded at night, ger unemployment lasts, the more It dewhat is less heartening is that they do not while asleep, by a shot through the winmoralizes and paralyzes the workers. consider the problem of unemployment in dow. He was struck in both hands, the its relation to the concrete situation in In order that the great dangers which bones of the right hand being broken. Deare created by unemployment are not enspite the fact that the wound, although each country, but handle it in that ridictirely ruinous, all separation between em THE ulously mechanical fashion, the fallure of dressed by the doctor, became infected, he ployed and unemployed workers, as far as which we have already seen on August 1st, was not permitted, for two weeks, to go organization is the first cay of international struggle, concerned, must to Ouralek for necessary surgical attention.
avoided; therefore: no separate union for Since the Sixth World Congress it has They even attempted to make this appear unemployed but active struggle in the is the only newspaper in the United fsked. But they were finally forced to become customary with the to disunions against the exclusion of unemployed States that regularly publishes the admit the reality of the criminal attack. cover from time to time a central problem and for recognition of the unemployed by writing of Trotsky, Ch. RaAnother example: one of our comrades, which, to conform to the revolutionary the union.
kovsky and other leaders of the rise in the entire planet, is thereupon deported to the Urals, was refused necesBut we have not yet come to the esLeft Opposition of the Communist sary cuccour for three months (since all proclaimed a central problem for all sential question. It is not the form of movement based upon the teachings countries.
organization of the movement of unemof Marx and Lenin, work is torbladen. His demands were met In addition with the taunts, Go get it in Moscow. Last summer and fall it was the inIt is the only periodical in the ployed thet 18 Cecisive, but the methods (The deportees who leave the town are ternational strike movement being transEnglish language in any part of of struggle against unemployment. On the world that prints the correct exposed to imprisonment. formed into political mass strikes it not this depends the question of organization.
estimation of world events based Unable to provide for his wants he had to in actuality, at leact in the theses of the If the purely union struggle is ex upon a Leninist conception.
request incarceration.
Executive; now it is from the supposed tremely restricted in the present period, The administration resorts to the most revolutionary movement among the unem the struggle for serious reforms in favor The Militant is the organ asrotic and frightful measures toward ployed the whole world over that the of the unemployed hag absolutely no chance of those who want to reestablish our doported comrades. The infraction of awaits the destruction of the very of succeeding. Only great mass actions the international Communist moveany arbitrary rule of the for foundations of capitalism.
can wrest temporarily certain concessions mnet on the basis it was up till Tommorow it will doubtlessly be the example, the ban against telephoning) carfrom capitalism; only struggles of deterthe death of Lenin. Published ries with it the menace: Narim or the revoluticnary poenants who will embark mined masses, including unemployed and weekly, it is a powerful factor in mobilizing the working class along convict prison. Narim is a place of de on revolutionary movement in honor of employed workers can teach them that they the correct ideological Hines portation in Siberia, notorious for the hard the internaticnal peasant congress which will achieve lasting betterment of their Without its regular appearance ships which the deportees suffer there will be held about March 15. It seems situation only by overthrowing the existing the Left Opposition not only in. that the bureau for western Europe with capitallet regime.
America but throughout the world Recently had the the opportunity to its wite foresight of this next higher step Is there anyone in the I, who queswould sustain a severe loss.
peak to fympathizer who is a member in the revolutionary rise. bas advanced tions this elementary truth? Even the burin the management of a factory. give the day for the world wide struggle against In a recent letter, comrade eau for western Europe calls for united his works brichly: It le difficult to char unemployment from February 26 to March Trotsky asserted that La Verite revolutionary action of unemployed and acterize the attitude in the circles of econ no doubt in order that there may be employed workers.
the weekly organ of the French somowhat greater interval from one Left Opposition and omic admiritration except is confusion The Now we come to the point. The appeal MILITANT were the two best orand uncertainty. Very Beldom does somestep to the other.
for solldarity will never get the mass of gans of the movement that is conone rise up against the five year plan, That kind of display, with great days employed workers into the streets beside Yet none is convinced of it possibilities, of struggle. has clearly nothing in comducting a campaign for a return the unemployed. And neither will this to Lenin teachings. To enable mainly on account of the successive mod mon with the need for bringing the mass appeal for solidarity prevent the masses The Militant to continue pubifications of the plan. The last time, when of unemployed to the general front of workof desparate unemployed from countenen lication, the immediate support of we made modifcations involving the re ing class struggle. Some of the slogans cing wage reductions. The art of a revo all its readers is necessary. doduction of costs and the increase in wages, given out by the bureau for western Europe lutionary party consists, not in launching nation to its Sustaining Fund will we warned the Supreme Economic Council for the day of struggle, such as creation these appeals with an abundance of giganenable it to continue to exist.
that their fgures were delusive. They re of organizations of unemployed. are, as tic porters and noisy speeches, but in the. FILL OUT THE BLANK BELOW plied, Do as you are told. and we obeyed. matter of fact dangerous.
act of concentrating the struggle on The masses are silent. We are in If there is any sense to this sloganthe questions which affect the self interest DO NOT WAIT! ACT TODAY!
period of stagnation despite the indisput that is, if it is less stupid than the one, of employed and unemployed workers equal.
MAIL IMMEDIATELY AND able progress, of industry. There is no unemployment and equivalent to full ly. But this plainly goes beyond the limits of real growth in proletarian initiative. It is wages It can mean only the creation of THEN YOU WILL KNOW YOU a schema valid for five continents, and no mistake to say that this period reminds organizations of unemployed, or unions of HAVE DONE YOUR PART FOR It would be necessary for the different THE REGENERATION OF THE one in many respects of the one following unemployed.
parties to adapt the struggle to the concreto INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST the reaction after 1905. They stay away, This slogan alone, reveals the complete circumstances of their own countries. The MOVEMENT.
they do not attend meetings, or they arrive lack of seriousness and the extreme ignorsituation in Germany is special: there the in time for the motion picture. Many po ance of the phrase slinging bureaucrats party should direct all its action on the (Tear here or if you want to litical meetings make use of motion pic who are now discrediting communism, basis of the struggle against the Young save this issue of the Militant cotures When six hundred are What can be the significance of unions plan; with which, as the central action, py it on another piece of paper. expected at a meeting, only two hundred of unemployed? At most, to strengthen, in should be connected the struggle of emTHE MIILITANT show up.
If the worker Is asked, Why organized form, the isolation from the facployed workers against the financial, tarif 25 Third Avenue, Room don you come? he answers: tory workers which already characterizes and social policies of the government. The New York, won tell anything new. It all right, the unemployed. This means that they will situation in Austria la again different: here am enclosing a donation of.
won be missed.
be playing the game of the trade union the party should turn the struggle of the for the Militant Sustaining Fund At workers meetings numerous written bureaucrats; since the latter in most unemployed into a central action against to help maintain the paper and demands come to the committee: Where countries lend support to this folation fascism, for a proletarian program of impublish the works of D. Trotsky is Trotsky? What is Trotsky doing? etc. which fe, to a certain extent, the inevitmediate demands, Many workers do not come to meetings able result of the removal of the worker One thing only is valid in a general Address 200pt for renowing their contracts with from the productive process) by expelling way for all countries: the struggle cannot State the cooperatives. The appeals in the pa unemployed members from the unions.
be conducted in the manner inte by They Name.