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Дагед 10, 100 тн MILITANT Page TOF THE SOVIET UNION. by Trotsky MICS AND ITS DANGER omtes.
Such phenomena have already been to come back to capitalism. The Communist observed in the past, when collective econ officials will again establish the solidarity omies remained, with rare exceptions, en between the Opposition and the Menshetirely selective. They are even more in viks. So it happened before, so it will the NEP. But getting over its astonish These three types of collective econoevitable in face of the wholesale collectivis happen again. But that will not stop 11s.
ment, the leaderhip created a new theory: mies represent the three stages of the ation, which, by retaining the practical Intrigues pass, but facts remain.
the building of socialism it enters Its progress of collectivisation. The highest The basis of small farm, brings with it all Stalinist bureaucracy, after several years third stage: there is no more need for type demonstrates to the lower one its tothe contradictions inherent in the small of opportunistic policy, is going through a market; in the near future the Kulak as morrow productive unit, and thus the inevitable a period of short lasting but acute madness a class will be liquidated.
The transition from one stage to an reappearance of the Kulaks within the col of ultra Leftism. The theory and pracThe Bureaucrats About Face other its volume and its tempos funda lective economies.
tice of the Third Period catry with them mentally determined by the technical conequally destructive consequences within Essentially it is not a new theory. It ditions of production. Therefore it is The Kulaks in Masquerade the Soviet Union as well as outside its is the old theory of socialism in one country: perfectly clear, that the wider 19 the scale borders.
only the gears are shifted to the third of the present collectivisation, the more It means that the next day after the Some people will say: the Opposition speed. Formerly we have been taught official liquidation of the Kulaks as a primitive form it will have to take, thus that the building of socialism will go with has changed places with the Apparatus.
opening the way to capitalistic tendencies.
class e. after the confiscation of the a snail pace (Bucharin) and the Kulak The Opposition accuses the Apparatus of But the last order of the Central Commitproperty of named Kulaks. and their exile, the Stalinist bureaucracy will desuper industrialization while it itselt pulls will be painlessly growing in to socialism. tee demands as far as possible, full comclare the Kulaks within the collective econto the Right. Other thoughtful souls will Now the snail pace is replaced with mon ownership of the means of production speed almost that of aviation. The Kulak from the very beginning. In other words cmies to be progressive or civilized coadd: the Right wing that used to accuse does not grow in any more not a chance wholesale collectivisation supported mainly operators. falsely quoting, of course, the Stalinists of super Industrialization and a speed the Kulak is simply beat such by peasant equipment, must occar in Lenin formula. Concerning Cooperaof Trotskyism has capitulated to Stalin, ing liquidated through the order of an ad form approximately between Guild and tion. The while the Left Opposition, it seems, is takcollective economy may ministration.
ing the point of view of the Right wing.
a Commune. The contradiction is strikbecome, in this case, only a new form of The liquidation of the Kulak, seriously ing: tho wider the scale of forced collecsocial and political disguise for the Kulaks. All such reasonings, comparisons and taken, is unquestionably the liquidation of tivisation, and consequently, the lower Its As director of such a masquerade, the approximations can be foreseen beforehand.
the last capitalistic class.
present Commissar of Agriculture, Jakovlev, Without the technical basis, the higher is the typo And it is possible to write in advance all basis of the Kulak, jobber, a speculator, of cocial relations that the utopian bureauis perfect. Not in vain did he occupy him articles and speeches that wil be written cratic leadership is trying to impose.
self for several years with statistical equil and said on the subject. It is not difficut city Nepman, cannot exist economically, ibristics to prove that the Kulak wag inIt is even more so since the oficial pro At the same time the question ol intrato disclose the superficiality of these reavented by Opposition. Not in vain was sonings.
gram of the liquidation of the Kulaks as a relation of the collective economies is Lot he, till yesterday, together with other om clase, includes in it the petty bourgeois discussed in the press. To avold the deThe Opposition has never undertaken elements of the city.
ciale, declaring that the Platform of the cisivo social question concerning the dis to catch up and pass in quick time the Opposition was counter revolutionary To include the entire peasentry in tribution of profits, the leaders and the document the Platform which demanded capitalist world. We demanded the speedthe socialistic economy means to transform executors replace the Marxlan analysis with ing up of industrialization, because it is the speeding up of collectivisation on the the Soviet Union into a society without an unbearable propagandistic noise.
basis of planned industrialization.
the only way to secure a leading position classes in two or three years. The society for the cities in their relation to the which has no classes does not need a govThe Class Character of the Collectives In the meantime the peasants react to country, and thus to the dictatorship of ernment, epecially such concentrated the contradictions between the collectiviIt goes without saying, that it the the proletariat.
form of government as a dictatorship. No stato industry could supply the collective sation and its insufficient technical basis in advance, by wonder etiof the young Estimates for Industrialization ling their live stock right economies with state means of production, and left before joining the collective econclans of the new course expressed an it would soon remove the difference beidea that Our estimation of the possibilities of would be advisable liquidate The official press is full of alarmtween these collective economies and the the Soviete, at least in the villages, and to industrialization was immeasurably broadstate farms. It would transform the peaing reports of the mass destruction of working live stock and its sale to slaughter er and bolder than that of the bureaucrats replace them with the merely productive sants into regular sociallstic workmen for organizations, namely, with the adminisduring all the time till 1928. But we never atate wheat factories, and would once and houses. The leadership reacts to this with tration of the local collective economy.
forever, take the ground from under the orders, telegrams and threats.
regarded the resources of industrialization But it is as inexhaustible. We never thought that These theoreticians were, obviously insufficient.
however, feet of the Kulaks. But from such a reA peasant does not know whether he will get credit for his its tempo could be regulated by the adbrought to their senses by a declaration, gime we are separated by many from the top, that the dictatorship will be horse or his cow, or in what way.
ministrative Ile whip alone. We have always years. The prevailing majority of collecnecessary for a long time yet. But why and advanced, as a basic condition of industrialtive economies will be compelled, for sevhopes that a collective economy will get what for it will be necessary to have a dica tractor from the state. In any case he ization, the idea of the necessity of a syseral years, to fall back upon the livetematic Improvement of the conditions of tatorship after a complete liquidation stock and other equipment of the peasants does not see any reason why he should the working class.
give his cow to the collective economy We have always conof the Kulaks that is to come in year themselves.
the leaders did not explain. And it is for nothing sidered collectivisation as dependent upon peasant is still a narrow Let us admit, however, that even under Industrialization.
not an accident either. Otherwise, they realist. Seeing himselt compelled to join saw the socialist rethese conditions, collectivisation will show themselves would have to admit that the the collective economy, he hurries to ret construction of peasant economy only as serious and direct advantages, capable of program of the speedy liquidation of the the advantages from the liquidation of his prospect of many years to come. We never overcoming the individualistic tendencies of Kulaks, with the aid of peasant ploughs closed our eyes to the inevitability of inindividual property. The working live stock the peasants. Immediately, a new dimternal conflicts during the socialistic reand old mares and wagons, is a buresudecreases. Meanwhile the state has no pogculty arises; not one of an administrative construction of a single nation. To remove cratic adventure, spiced with theoretical sibility to replace it with mechanical powtut of a social nature; not the difficulty er, or at least with other stock of better contradictions in country life is possible charlatanism.
inherent in methods of collective economy, quality.
only by removing contradictions between This prepares the exceptionally but the class character of small producers: The Kulaks and Industrialization acute difficulties for the collective econothe city and the country. This can be renamely, the problem of distributing profita.
mies at the very beginning of thelr alized only through the world revolution.
In practice, the liquidation of the Ku Would a peasant who gave to the collective activities.
We never demanded, therefore, the liquidlaks led to morely administrative methods economy two horses, have a right to more ation of classes within the scope of the Five of the conascation of the Kulek property, profit than a term hand who brought with The Panicky Retreat of Stalin Year plan of Stalin and Krzhyzhanonsky.
his house, his lot and to his exile. This his We demanded the limitation of the exploitpolicy has been carried out in a way which on the capital should not be credited, It is not difficult to foresee that after ing tendencies of tire Kulaks, and the regards the Kulak as an entirely foreign robody would want to supply his own the present insecure offensive, the panicky systematic cutting off of his accumulation body among the peasants, some kind of in property for nothing. Then the state will retreat will follow, elemental down below, in the interest of industrialization. For vader, like a nomad or a Tartar. As. meet with an insurmountable task: to equip that we were exiled on the strength of arAnd pretending to be a maneuvering matter of fact, the Kulak represents only anew all the collective economies with neticle 58 of the Criminal Code.
policy above. The collective economies one of the stages of the development of the cesoary machinery. Should the percentage hastily built up, will either simply fall The Marxian Opposition was denounced middle peaeante. It is possible, of course, cn the capital be allowed, an economic apart, or will begin their degradation. In by the bloc of the Right and the Center.
to liquidate every individual Kulak. It differentiation of ladividuals within the cruel internal struggle, the individual they separated for a while. But now can be achieved with the aid of two well collective economies will inevitably follow.
means of production will be liberated, thus they are united agala. They have a comarmed policemen. But to prevent the re And in case collective economies prove to opening the way to capitalistic tendencies. mon bais: nationalistic socialism.
have considerable advantages in compari Irreproachable leadership will blame, of appearaneo of Kulake, at least in the colTOgether they made a curve of 180 degrees lectivo economies, is much more dificult. son with individual farming, differentiation course, executors of being Trotskyists. over our heads. They transform more and For that, industrialization and the cultural through them will develop faster than it and will bring out from some hidden cor more the problem of industrialization Into revolution are necessary.
did before.
ner Stalin capitalistic farmer formulae a hazardous bureaucratic super industrialThere are three types of collective The problem is not, however, exhausted ot 1924 25, in case the party will give the ization. They abolished the NEP, e. economies in the Soviet Union, depending by the matter of equipment alone. family bureaucratic fourflushers the necessary committed the very crime of which they on the degree to which the means of pro which has three workers, would want to time.
falsely accused the Opposition and for duction are in common use. These kinds receive more than a family with only one which our friends are still fillling up the are: the Partnerships, the Guilds and the grown up worker. Should a collective ec What the Bureaucrats Will Say prisons and places of exile. The limitaCommunes. In a Partnership the work in onomy want to use the unexpended part of tions of the Kulaks they replace with the fields is being done by private equip the earnings of its members as a loan to It is not difficut to foresee what re the official liquidation. which yesterday ment: the labor is common, but the means buy new machinery, or for a turn over of action our analysis will arouse in the they have been ascribing to us and which of capital, again It would have to pay per official circles.
production belong to the individuale. In The government officials we denied with clear Marxian conscience.
Guilds the most expensive machinery is the centage. This in turn opens the way to will say that we are gambling on a crisis.
The Rights, who wero afraid to take common property. And, finally, in Com more differentiation within the economy, and Scoundrels will add that we desire the the most necessary steps ahord, now joined munes all means of production are the thus, to its possible transformation into fall of the Soviet government. People of with the Center in a frantic rusl forcommon property. The ways of dividing petty bourgeois cooperation, with the con Yaroslaveky type will explain that we ward. The bloc is restored and the snail eprofits among the members of these types centration of leadership in the hands of write in the interest of Chamberlain. It pace is replaces by the speed of an airof economies differ according to the forms the well off, and the majority of its mem is possible that the Mensheviks and libplane.
of ownership: from the capitalletic to the bers in. position close to that of a mere erals will drag out score of sentences to near communistie way.
farm band prove that it is indispensable for Rurreia (Continued on Page