BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyLeninismRussian RevolutionSovietStalinismURSSWorking ClassWorld War

Nice Η ΤΕ MILITANT Saturday, March. 19980 WORKERS NAIL EMPLOYMENT LIE Over 8, 000, 000 Women Toil at Low Wages STALINISM IN and are boys and girls died of injuries CHICAGO women DETROIT (FP. Published reports of Increased employprent were branded as damned lies by workers interviewed by Federated Press.
Ford workers, asked to comment on a recent report that most Ford workers are to go on full time, said that a layoff 19 now actually in progress. They claim that 35 of the remaining workers have been laid off since the big layoff of 30, 000 workers last fall. This is due to the new policy of the Ford Motor Co. in letting out contracts for parts to sweatshop firms. Until recently this policy way contned to bodies and wheels but now it has expanded until the brake, housing, rear axlo and shockabsorber departments have shut down.
Workers in those departments have been thrown on the street. Newspapers report from time to time the visits of parts company officials with the announcement that this policy is but beginning.
The tool department, affected by this, has already dispensed with 200 of its skilled workers and foremen admit the probability of another 200 500 being laid off.
Foundry workers laugh at the possibility of full time with the comment that cylinder blocks are stacked by the thouBands in the foundry yard. They expect shut down in the foundry within a week.
Already many departments having direct connection with the foundry are working six hours a day, two or threo days per week. Their wages are correspondingly low, for Ford River Rouge workers are paid, not by the day, but by the hour.
Reports of increased production are so much hooey. according to one worker 10 strategic department. Far from increasing production, he says, officials contemplate a cut from about 5, 000 to 2, 500 cars dally.
Ford salesmen bear out these reports. The New Ford Just ain goin over, said one to Federated Press. Chevrolet salesmen take up the refrain with the added polat that in spite of an extension in time payments the new car just isn selling. One Chevvle salesman, of the up and coming variety lamented that he had not made a single sale in five months. And the new Chevvio is a flop, he lamented, 500 girls have been laid off from the Hudson Co. foremost department store town. Other stores had already done so.
Chrysler office workers report a cut of 40 in their force some time ago.
Contnued from PaPge during January of this year two women that these socalled restrictions have not been lived up to, and have been placed upon received on the job, according to the state the statue books as a concession to certain labor department. The sharp decrease of employment in New York state is accomCHICAGO On Monday, February 3rd groups that have conducted campaigns for the Chicago Joe Hill branch of the Interpanied by the lowering of safety precautheir enactment.
tions, which is usually the case during innational Labor Defense held its regular Long Hours for Women dustrial depressions. Of course, the amount elections well organized. say organized Referring to the wages of of men killed during the same period was advisedly as noted several comrades proworkers, Mary Anderson, director of the larger than that of women, nevertheless sent who otherwise do not attend much, Women Bureau of the Department of the latter are daily facing the same risks neither to meetings nor to work of the Labor, speaking recently in Kansas City, Knowing thom all well, soon as the men.
Mo. stated that Night Shifts in Auto Plants observed that they were members of the The approximately 80 reports alThe Federated Press reports that in De official Communist Party brought there to ready published by the Bureau, stress troit women are working 12 hour night vote. Why that was necessary became the fact that thousands of women stiil shifts in the Driggs Body plante, flat clear to me later.
fail to receive a living wage and that violation of the state labor law, Wages, Comrade Booth EU been our thousands still toil more than hours run from 10 to 14 per week. Before branch educational director f1 long time, a day and 48 hours a week, many as the nemployment the women workbeing elected unanimously: his progres bad much as 10 hours daily and 60 hours a ers were able to earn as high as 18 weekly, in the past been accepted without oppua weck, and some much moro. In too but the plant taking advantage of the surtion. His very active work for the muovemany instances women are forced to plus labor, cut the pay, knowing that unment and for the in particular work in crowded, poorly ventilated, dirty der present conditions there are many had always been recognized; at one meeting workrooms, to strain their eyes because jobless who would replace theni.
he alone brought in 25 new applications of glare or insufficient light, to stand When celebrating International Wofor membership. His general working claes all day or sit continuously in a cramped men Day, March 8, the working women of record is well known, including one year by unguarded machinery and their America must declare omphatically their and a half in jail for opposition to the last health jeopardized by lack of comfort determination to fight for better working world war. He was now again nominated and sanitation in plant service equip conditions. equal pay for equal work, end for the position of educational director to ment.
of the speed up. raise in wages, sanitary succeed himself but that started the Of ourse, Miss Anderson as an official working conditions, reduction of hours and works. Those Party members brought of the United States capitalist government no night work.
there to vote objected to the nomination on will not advocate any drastic changes to Tho womon workers have shown in the grounds that comrade Booth supports better the conditions of the working wo many past struggles that they were militant the Opposition the Trotskyites no other men. It is only the women workers them fighters and in the future will again show reason was advanced.
selves by being organized in militant fight that they can fight courageously for the Narrowing Down Labor Defense ing unions and fighting shoulder to shoul rights of the working class. Who will Although not on the inside but still der with the men workers for equal pay for forget the bravery of the wives of the coal having board enough discussion from time euqal work who will be able to better their miners who in a score of struggles bave to time about the new liue it is quite conditions. They must become active advo fought shoulder to shoulder with their hus clear that this is what has been put into opcates of increases in wages, the abolition bands on the picket line in spite of the eration in the and used against of speed up, sanitary working conditions machine guns of the bosses thuge. They comrade Dooth. There used to be a time and a shortening of hours. In such a strug have been among the most active partic when the had room for all revolugle they will also develop issues of special ipants on the picket line in the needle tionary and class conscious workers who importance to the women workers.
trades struggles in New York, the textile were ready to fight for labor prisoners From all parts of the country reports of strikes of Passeic, New Bedford and Cas and for the working class movement in the long hours and low wages of the wotonia and many smaller strikes throughout general; but that is all over now.
men workers are received. The Newark, the country.
Comrade Booth defended his right to (N. Trades and Labor Council, an AmerInternational Women Day is a time continue in active work for his class. He ican Federation of labor body, reveals for the militant women workers to rededi reminded the voters of the act that while cate themsleves to the class struggle and that girls working hours are 12 to 14 he limsoll, a Trotskyite. had been prehours in many big stores, including the prepare for future activity. The Commu sent defending the Frelbeit during the powerfal Sears Roebuck corporation. Their nist League of America (Opposition) calls Baverest days and nights of attack by the upon all women workers to join in the celreport also points out that laws that bourgeois zionists be had failed to soo these ebration which is held every year for the are supposed to limit the hours of labor voters prescat. Ho stated that no organized for women are difficult to enforce because working women of the world when they caucus could prevent his active work for measure their victories and defeats of the fines are nominal and girls who complain his class even though they may prevert are discharged.
past twelve months and prepare for future his being elected for the post for which Reports from Albany, state that struggles.
be was nomiuated. They might even carry through their threats of expulsion; but, turning to the other branch members he interfere with the work of the branch or Continued from Page break it up. Whether outside or inside, and powerful district of the Party in BerBy Federated Press sald comrade Booth, will continue to lin. The Wedding Opposition too has work for tho D. and ask you all The leading article in the American to do likewise.
short comings, characteristic of the Cer Mercury for March is the Archangel Adven couple of members, not belonging to man Left Wing of 1923 26, which it has not ture, written evidently by an American arcompletely overcome oven today. This is the party, spoke against the objections made my officer who went through that criminal to Booth nomination and when it came particularly true of its ultra left position in piece of British muddling for which to election things had been carried so far the trade union question. The best of these Woodrow Wilson was generously ready to that all the non party members present abLeft groupings has maintained itself in the pour out American lives and treasure, all stained from voting one way or another, Pfalz district, where it publishes a paper to no avail. The return of 75 bodies of not wanting to take part in such manipucalled The Pioneer.
American middle western soldiers, uselessly The catastrophic development of the lations. Thus the party caucus won a vicand tragically sacrificed on the Arctic Rustory: but a few guch victories and there will party since the sixth Congress has alarmed sian soll from which they were exhumed these scattered Loft groups. In the past last tall, is the occasion for returning to bé no branch left.
few months the scattered Wedding groups BRANCH MEMBER that 12 year old wild goose chase against have again united and begun to discuss, the Sovlet Union.
seriously and actively, basic oblems of the party.
thor states that the adventure cost hunThese forces that have set themselves dreds of lives, millions of dollars and an into motion are still weak, here as oppost immense amount of suffering.
tion la the Leninbund, there as Left taction Wilson Hghtly promised American can By FRANK PALXER in thep arty, at first in Wedding and Pflaz.
non fodder and American dollars to the DENVER (FP. Passing the buck But one thing is clear: the old forms British general statt and on August 18, 1918, from one city to the other struck a snag of the struggle with its outlived traditions announced that the doughboys would be in Justice Court in Denver. It was noand watch words. of which the German used to guard war material for czarlat Rus ticed for a day however and then forgotten, Loft had more than enough. must be alans against the revolution. In addition father was brought into court for surmounted. The new trend of the Cominthey wore to get control of the northern failure to provide for his family.
tern and the Communist Party of Germany can arm of the Trans Siberian and its feeder get work, he pled. Then ll give you since the Sixth World Congress demands rallroads trom the Bolsheviks. The author 90 days, the judge thundered. couldn more elastic, theoretically more deeply points out that the Bolsheviks had already support them any better if you did, the grounded and active factions than the past.
taken all the war material there would have desperate father countered, with some apDespite thousand difficulties in the boan to guard and that a very much larger parent JustiAcation.
atrutele against inzamerable obstacles and total force would have been needed to grab dimcutler, the pieces are rathering inthe railroads. ll sentence you to 90 days in jail side and and suspend sentence to give you 48 hours outside the party that He concludes: From the 109 caskets to get out of town and take your family will build the Lett wing and that will have to understand how to represent and to apply shipped to the Uaited States from Arch with you.
Angel la 1919; from the 75 that Arrived tho banc touchings of the international Some way he got an old Ford and la Now York the other day, from those started through the Colorado winter to Leninist Opposition in Germany.
watting deposition in France; from the get out of town. The baby was but BUILDING ON THE CHUTE IN PENNSY hundreds of lonely unmarked gravus in the fear of the judge was strong. In a NebrasHARRISBURG, (TP) in January tundra Tankoo, Bulat. French there ka tawa the pleas of the mother that the showed an unprecedented decline in dould CORDO 20 singlag. bould hate to be baby be taken to doctor, even 11 there ing and construction in Pornstranta. tho star wbp planned that dream were nothing to pay the bhl, was agreed to, Building permite dropped 11. compared of a water march through arotto Rurala.
The baby was doad.
with January. 1999. Philadelphia reported That bratalons crusade Wu all for do Murder charges have not been filed 2, 719. 000 in permits this January agatust ecracy. Arether is zow being planned in agatast the folge.
hele verployers meso ng water usually Political Situation In Germany Reveals Crime of Archangel are become the best restauranten begelen Expedition publishes employment statistics weekly, has Rot done so since the beginning of the fall.
Requests for such figures have brought tho response that the figures are not being compllod.
Inconspicuous statistics from three companies show the actual situation in the auto industry. Butek reports January 1980 shipments as 7, 299 compared with 13, 008 of January 1929. Reo reports slight decrease of 829 and Hupp, a larger firm, toports decline of 400.
No wonder the city welfare department reports the worst situation in 35 years.
with over 14, 000 familles directly dependent on it for their subsistence!
Right at the outset the Mercury au. No Murder Charge Against This Judge POLISH CONDITIONS GROW RAPIDLY WORSE WARSAW (FP. Unemployment is rapidly growing, and all industries except coal mialog art depressed. Agriculture is Buffering despite the export bounty on grain. Goverament allowance for unemployment relief is only 50 per month for a man with a wite and child. The minimum subalatenco coat tor persons in a family is estmiated at 18. 00 per month.
LONG MOURA, LOW WAGES, POR FOUNDRY WORKERS WASHINGTON Average full time hours per week to toundries ia tho United States in 1979 were 51, and in machiae shops 50.
while foredry wages averaged 88. centa an hour ad machine shops was 88. cents an hour, saya tho Burona of Labor Statietie.
KASS UNERLOTIENT IN ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, alarmod at the namber of unemployed, the Rochester city counci bas voted to establish as amergency unamployment bureau ta handia all now Cases while present themselves to the prfTata Agobotes who will, in turn, refer them to this birtau. It is estimated that out of. Tortne population of 100. 000 83. 000 are idle.