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sacurqay, March 8, 1930 THE MILITANT Page The Proletarian Revolution and the Shooting of Blumkin You Lenin died. No sooner had the leader By MARTIN ABERN and makes an analysis of the class conof the Bolshevik Revolution and of the tent of the turn now being executed by Communist Party of the Soviet Union closed the Stalinist Centrists. He says: his eyes in eternal sleep, then began the litical consciousness of the working mas first answered (Daily Worker, 15 30. the ses and poor peasants (retarded in recent Centrists) made by professing ignorance: The name of open and systematic revision of the basic years by the policies of the Stalin Buchtheoretical principles and conceptions of Blumkin is little known. This was no principally new and important step in arin regime) the Five Year Plan can answer at all.
the question of industrialization.
Coupled with this reThe Militant has fully But Marx and Lenin.
easily defeat its own purpose.
visionism, the Stalinist regime also undertold how Blumkin travelled the road to this step will not achieve your purThere is no doubt that the ranks of Bolshevism; how he lecame a trusted, pose if you will not make radical retook the falsification of the history of the the Communist Party and the mass of Russian Revoluton.
active, loyal and leading member in the forms in regard to the Party, the trade workers in the Soviet Union Welcome service of the Bolshevik Revolution His unions, and the Soviets. If you sinFor a period of years now, since and work was of sufficient importance that not cerely and seriously want to get the new course of the Party. Therefore, on before the death of Lenin, Stalin and his the Opposition correctly warns against this road you must first of all reestascribblers, the Yaroslavskys. Thaelmanns, even his open adherence to the Opposition blish the Opposition in the Party.
eclectic, piec meal adaption, arbitrary se and to Trotsky brought his removal from Fosters, Minors, Cachins and numerous The nurder of a Bolshevik, lections from the Platform of the Oppo his post.
At the samo time, Stalin now others have lied about Lenin and his teachsition by the bankrupt Stalinists. gen Blumkin, is accomplished for the first acknowledges (N. Times, 23 30) that ings. They lle about Trotsky. They have uine Left course can only mean the adop time by professing Bolsheviks, the Sta he is appropriating the program of talsiaca and distorted the history of the tion of the Opposition Platform as a whole, linists. How to explain such acts of ter Trotsky and the Opposition, and gives in greatest event of all time for the toiling and the reinstatement of the Opposition rorism against the Opposition Bolsheviks extenuation the tare excuse that Trotsky masses the proletarian revolution of Rusto help carry out the Left turn.
sia. They have diagured the Revolution that one could expect only from Whito was too early. So! We will not at Cuardists? What is behind it all?
this point argue the merits of too early in a grotesque and shameful manner. Stalin Splits the commanist Movement With or late. But we put the question. With a procedure complete y out of line Stalin and Bucharin not utter irresponsibility they lie only in Since when does being too early merit with the practice of Lenin and the Bolsheabout Blumkin and speak of Blumkin Russia, but on an interational scale, split flight after July, 1918 to avoid being expulsion, persecution, imprisonment and viks, the Stalinist Centrists Jointly with and decimated the ranks of the Communist shot for his activities while he was yet death of Bolsheviks? It is rather, that the Right wing, suppressed the views and Parties and converted them into factions. Loft Social Revolutionary.
Platform of the Rueotan Opposition, led by Stalin and the Centrist apparatus are makThey negBehind the factions of Stalin and Bucharin lect to speak of his years of prominent ing a late turn, and then only under the L: Trotsky, the platform that represents in the particularly, stood the work as a member of the Communist pressure of the Opposition and the proletthe continuation of the Bolshevil line of conscious and unconscious forces of the arian masses.
Lenin. They bave persecuted the revoluParty of the Soviet Union, as an upclass enemy the Kulak and the Nepmen.
tionary Leninist Bolsheviks; they have exstanding Bolshevik, holding an important The Opposition warned and pointed this What is to be Dono pelled the outstanding Communists, with out, despite all oppression, and demanded post and carrying out his duties till the services of many years to the revolutionary day of his murder by Stalin.
There is imperative need for still aathat Stalin and Company change their Still the Dalls Worker and the American Party other turn Blumkin is dead at the band movement from the Communist Party of course. It is sad to say, but it is the perform one doubtful service.
the Soviet Union, Stalin and his followers of Stalin. He cannot be brought back to They entruth nevertheless: The Stalin apparatusdorse the shooting of Bolsheviks and take life. But his death can yet sorve the revhave made a mockery or ideas and theory men, without definite principles or platfull responsibility thereof. All in the olutionary cause. But the answer, further, and independent Bolshevik thought. forn, swaying between the classes, the name of the Five Ycor Plan and bulldlies with the proletariat and the workerThe Fire Year Plan proletariat and the poor peasanis on the ing socialism. Communists whose only interests are serThe rogime of the bureaucrats has exone side and the Kulak and Nepmen on the vice to the Revolution. They in increasing other, for these past years carried out The arguments of these Stalinists lled to far off and desolate points the Bolnumbers will demand, as a tribute to Bluma Right program which objectively aided sycophants! What alone matters is the sheviks who fought against the Stalinkin; RETURN TROTSKY AT ONCE Bucbarin policy that gave encouragment the return of the bourgeois forces to powFive Year Plan and the building of so TO THE SOVIET UNION; REESTABLISH er. They could not see what was taking clalism. How? By shooting Bolsheviks?
HIM IN HIS RIGHTFUL POSITION AS and support to the Kulaks and Nepmen place in the class relations in the Soviet By removing and deporting them? By and that were sapping and undermining LEADER OF THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUUnion and many yet do not want to see.
removing those most capable to lead the the strength of the proletarint and poor proletariat and the Revolution?
It is only by recognizing that these By supTION. And likewise, return all the Lett peasants and hired men.
cpigones, Stalin and Company, have pressing the ideas and ignoring the thouTrotsky, after a long strugggle against Opposition once again to the Communist sands of comrades, men and women, who changed, for a time, their ways, but not Parties. Reinstatement and the use of the the revisionism of Stalin Bucharin, presentheir minds, that one can understand how first brought forward a Fiv Year Plan, ted the Platform of the Opposition to the services of the Opposition is the only guara program of Industrialization and soviet antee for an honest and militant campaign XVth Congress of the C, P, in 1927 the Centrist bureaucrats have proceeded from one backward step to another and and collective farms? That is the way which, among other things contained the to carry out the Five Year Plan, to smash the Kulaks, to build anew and on its orFIVE YEAR PLAN for socialist constructo hinder, not to advance, the Proletarian have arrived at length at an extremo act revolution iginal revolutionary foundations, the Comtion in the Soviet Union. But Trotsky findy the murder of Blumkin at Stalin bemunist International and Communist Par himsoll deported by Stalin and Bucharin host. The person of Stalin cannot be reRakovsky on the Centrists tles. The reinstatement of the Opposition from the Soviet Union to Kemal Pasha moved from his policies and the policies Ch. Rakovsky, now exiled under bit lays the basis for a correct Bolshevik polland at Constantinople, Turkey, there to cannot be removed from the personality of ter conditions at Barnaoul raised this very Stalin.
be in continual danger of assassination icy and program in the Soviet Union. This question of the New Turn to the Left is our view of the Blumkip shooting.
by the thousands of Russian White Guards Lenin Rejects Stalin that swarm about Constantinople. Because Lenin years ago recognized what Leon Trotsky remained and remains would come of the brutality and disloyalty a Bolshevik; because in the suppressed of Stalin. brutality and disloyalty that (In the Soviet Union) Platform of the would affect not only the revolutionists Opposition, he insisted upon the revival of themselves in a personal way, but would Every day that passes without a blow as hypocritical and lying the charges ou genuine workers and Party democracy and in time adversely affect the proletarian struck at the Soviet Union means for the religious persecution that are leveled by upon a campaign against the growing burrevolution itselt. Lenin saw clearly the impertallets day wasted in promoting them at the Soviet Union. The workers eaucracy in the Party, the trade unions and true Stalin the splitter and wrecker of their own interests. The Soviet Union of Russia have overy reason to hate and in the Soviets; because he and the Oppothe international revolution, of the Com must be destroyed. This is their hope despise religion and the church, but ia sition demanded the adoption of an INmunist International and the and slogan. Their methods to accomplish spite of that, religion and the church have DUSTRIALIZATION PROGRAM that would Lenin therefore in his final Testament to this have been many. and unsuc been tolerated so long as their supporters develop industry along modern laes as the the Party, still suppressed in the Soviet cessful, and the workers will continue to did not engage in counter revolutionary technical and economic foundation for genUnion, DEMANDED the REMOVAL of see that any new schemes of the Black practices against the Soviet Union, of which uine socialist constuction; because he STALIN AS SECRETARY OF THE COM Hundreds everywhere are thwarted. Mil there have been all too many instances to stressed and fought for a systematic and MUNIST PARTY. Lenin, in fact, sually itary intervention by Imperialism, need recounting.
widespread development of COLLECTIVE found it necessary to cut off all comradely Great Britain, France united with the coun.
The Opium of the People AND SOVIET FARMS: and because he and hence polltical relations with Stalin. ter revolutionary movements of Deniken, The Soviet Union and the Communist demanded an end to the policy of Stalin.
At the July Plenum of the Central Com Wrangel, et al, falled miserably in the face Party right flly regard religion as the Bucharts that encouraged the Kulak, gave mittee of the Zinoviev said: of the determined defense of the proletar oplum of the people. but it is fought him economic strength, the Right Center And the third warning consists of lan evolution by the workers of Russia through the methods of education and propbloc (Stalin Bucharin) dero Bed Trotsky The round about scheme of the Hoo this. That at the beginning of the year aganda and not persecution. The latter and increased their Terentions of 1923, Vladmir Ilyich, broke of all com Reliet expedition (A. A. in the period way has been the way of religion and the Bolshevik Leninists.
radely relations with him (Stalin. This of the famine also tailed miserably. The church of all creeds. There is the method The Bureaucracy and the Working Class speech refers to Lenin letter of March economic blockade was attempted by the of the medieval inquisition. Their prac.
But the neglect of the basic interests 5th, 1928, written atter Lanin testament. capitalist powers in the endeavor to starve tices and Ideas, their support always of But the Party membership has yet to hear of the city proletariat and the hired out the Revolution. They falled To the reaction and today of capitalism and all it of this.
hands and poor peasants by the Staliniat Donetz Basin, foreign and bribed Russian stands for are becoming clearer to the Soregime caused wide spread dissatisfaction vlet masses through the dissemination of Now, Trotsky 18 deported, and as the specialists sabotaged the development of in the and among tho working scientific knowledge and modern education next step of the lost bureaucraoy, the the area. That was exposed.
in the Soviet Union. Hence the church and masses. Under the pressure of the work Bolshevik, Blumkin, a supporter of the The Sick War horse of Beligion religion becomes ever less popular. Thal ing masses and the Bolshevik Opposition, Opposition has been shot upon stallo Now the old, but falling war horse, tho Stalaist Center was compelled, after explains in the main why there are less orders. This Act is a personal act of religious persecution is dragged out of many years of joint policy and work, to churches and even less attendance in them Stalin, but it is also, and more important, the imperlalkat Augean stable; sad on 89 time passen. Its marked decline has break the Right Center bloc and to underna evidence of instability and lack of this mount the imperialists are placing come to the attention ot the religious detake another zig zag, a New Turn to confidence of the Centrists in their latest their stakes and hope to ride to victory the Lett. The Opposition Platform is now fenders and the imperialists, and they hope zig zag to the left. Why has Blutakin over the Workers Republe.
by lying and scandal mongering to arous, being adopted in plece meal fashion by been shot? Why was this crime against among peoples in other countries a feeling the Party bureaucracy. The turn is in the No sooper did the Pope, that apostle of the Revolution committed with us to proper direction, but unless the Leftnot a matter alone of the person of Blumtolerance modelod after the Inquisitor Tor of hatred against the Workers Republic.
ward owing is carried through with genin the worners of their mind is the hope kia, but rather wbere dosuch acts, and the quemade, Issue his encyclical, than the uine beliel and conviction; unless the turn whole religious tribe, Catholics, Jews, Prot of waited otort of the imperiallat powers approval of the lead.
is accompanied by an analysis of the preestants and all, took up the cry. The cynic to war on the Soviet Union. After all, sent relationship of class forces in the The Daily Worter Answers 1am of these willing tools of their capitalist fa the pre world war days there was first Soviet Union, BO that the strength Rad The Daily Worker, under the barrago masters has ao bounds. The world of re preliminary propaganda of irgla raping possibilities of struggle of aan of questions of the militant and the la ligion is rallying to the defense of the breast cutting etc. Werten overywhere grouping are understood and measures ap. dignation of large numbers of worker, Rusalan priests. In reply. It sufices only have the duty to combat this latest antihas twice boon ompelled to answer. to polnt out the oppressive role played by plied in accordance by the Party; unless Soviet campaign and to expose the comthe church under the Czar, their counterbut it yet bas gvon no Mdag reply. The Mination of the hottes, the OTORRINO the industrialization and collecive Soviet farms program is linked with Hearst uke scribblers of Stalin oa tha Tovoluonary activities after the Bolshe the church and the press to attack the campaign to advanoe the onltural and pa. Dally Worter and tho Communist Party vik revolution and now forretlen land savlat Uplor «IN THE NAME OF GOD,