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Rakovsky PAGE THE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition)
Saturday, March 8, 1930 PRICE CENTS Vol II, No. 10, Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YORK, Y, Demonstrate on March 6th MINERS! BUILD LEFT As Unemployment Grows WINGAT SPRINGFIELD. STALIN PERSECUTES RAKOVSKY The efforts of Prosperity President In the name of the rank and Ale! for them in the past. Milltancy and a On March 6th demonstrations against Hoover, Big Business, and industry in genThis is the pretentious claim of the call is knowledge of what needs to be done will unemployment and for rellet of the unemsued for a convention of the United Mine show the way out now. To the rank and eral, and other agencies to hide the acute among the ployed will be held in olties throughout the conditions working masses Workers to meet at Springfield in. on file this convention can become another United States and in other countries simcaused by unemployment already directly March 10. The call is by a self constituted opportunity to extend the struggle to well ilarly affected. They are under the ausaffecting seven million workers, are of no organization committee, the main body of fought in the past. It will become so only pices of the Trade Union Unity League in avail. Figures and reports from all parts which is made up of the Fishwick Farring by courageous action on their part to put the United States. We have spoken beforo of the country show wide distress and ton Illinois union administration under the a stop forever to the sell out policy of the of the narrowness of the movement sponLewis regime.
officialdom which has brought the union misery in a situation that has become now sored by the official Communist party and to almost complete destruction and forced worse than the depression of 1920 and 1921.
With the exception of Howat, Brophy the and its failure to endeavor Charity flops are overcrowded; black coffee and Dorchy, who have at certain times in degradation upon the miners.
to develop a genuine and broad united front and cheap bread are the luxury doles hanthe past tupheld the standard of militant Immediate Needs of Miners movement for the unemployed. We shall ded out to those who wait in the long struggle and fought against the destructive, have occasion to speak of it yet again, At innumerable times the coal miners treasonable policy of John Lewis, the lines of mission houses, charity Institutions, including the adventurism in calling for other signatories to the call have all, dur.
have given voice to their burning needs etc. Capitalism cannot employ men and strike action in the height of the depreging these years not only indorsed the and decisively brought forth their demands.
women willing and able to work, and so Bion.
They are yet to be translated into action whole of Lewis policy, but actively car.
millions of human beings must sutter cold and hunger. Not a single copper cent of On March 6th, however, all militants ried it ous in every one of its treasonabla and no opportunity should be lost sight of Again it 18 necessary for the militants their unearned increment will the rich masacts.
and Communists, workers of every shade ters give up without the compulsion of the and opinion should make it their business among the rank and file to polnt the way The destiny of the rank and file coal mass pressure of the workers. That is the to get into the demonstrations wherever miners lies in their own hands and thetrs to united struggle for severance with all the corruption of the past and with all those way of the capitalist system the system they are held; to help broaden them; to is the task, DOW more than ever, to act, who have served as the tools of the operof the claw and fang.
protest as one body against the scourge of and to act in their own Interest, Militancy ators. To take up the struggle aggressively Protests and demonstrations of the uncapitalism unemployment; and to demand and courageous sell sacrifice by the coal against any further wage reductions; for a employed masses in New York, Chicago, work or compensation, miners everywhere gained union conditions oimum age scale and for control of Cleveland, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Minoperation of machine mining by the workneapolis and many other cities throughout ers; to eliminate the deadly speed up and the country are met with clubs and blackdivide the work among the miners; to fight jacks, guns and tear gas, police wagons for the shorter workday so as to afford and failings of working men and women ployment for all and to organize the coal and their children. It is government the miners in every field.
government of the American ruling classthe Wall Street bosses in action. Thus Audacity and militancy in every workthey try to maintain dominion over the ing class organization and the battle is At the same time that Stalin, in order to face the difficulties accruing With cohesive organization of all halt won. This is the particular task of masses.
from his peasant politics, again and again makes use of the proposals of the progressive and Left wing coal miners to their forces they meet the protests of the Opposition, btu in distorted form, or resorts to dangerous ultra Lettism; when workers.
thus show the way.
Capitalist society cannot eliminate unevents have confirmed the analyses of the Opposition, he becomes more and Send Delegates to March 10th Convention more brutal to the members of the Left Opposition who persist in understanding employment. Only a social system serving The progressive and Lett wing miners and representing the clear tactics of the proletarian revolution.
the interests alone of the proletariat and should send the largest possible number of exploited peoples can lay the basis for the Yesterday it was the assassination of Blumkin. Today we receive the delegates to this convention to endeavor to elinalnation of unemployment, exploitation, most alarming news concerning the health of comrade Rakovsky.
compel genuine struggle for these im misery and degradation of the masses.
Christian Rakovsky is weakened by malarla and is all with serious mediate demands and needs of the coal heart trouble. The doctors most categorically ordered a stay in the Caucases. miners, Only in the Union of Socialist Soviet ReThe Left wing, organized in the The political Bureau refused, Deported together with his sick wife to the National Miners Union, has a two fold task: publlcs has the basis been laid for cooperSiberian winter, Rakovsky at Barnaoul is exposed to the most miserable living ative work on behalt of the producers. The to strengthen and extend their own indeconditions, to temperatures of 40 and 50 degrees below zero. Our comrade has working masses in the United States also pendent organtation, and, at the same recurrently suffered from most alarming heart crises.
must have as their objective the abolition time, to build a Left wing in the of the capitalist system and its replaceIn addition the usual tactics made use of to exterminate the Opposition of The Left wing the must the difficult conditions and hunger. have been directed at him. They have ment by a Workers Republic.
demand from the progressives. Howat, destroyed his means of livlihood in refusing him the historic work which he was Join Unemployment Demonstrations on Brophy, etc. a stand on the numerous Atted for.
March 6th burning issues confronting the miners.
But today mass unemployment, the The working class remembers the role played by Rakovsky, latterly in The program and declaration of policy preFrance where he represented the proletarian state as Soviet Ambassador. sented by the Communist League of Amerproblem of the masses to exist is a pressing That was before the united fury of the reactionary Le Matin of Paris and ice (Opposition) in the March 1st issue of consideration. The unemployed and emthe hatred of Stalin resulted in his replacement by the clumsy Dogalevsky, the Militant indicates the path the coal ployed, the workers organized in labor aided by the traitor, Bessedovsky. The working class, particularly in the Soviet unlons and the unorganized workers, men miners of America need to take for the Union, the Ukraine, in France, know well Rakovsky heroic and valorous life, and women, white and colored. all must revival of a militant miners movement and completely devoted to the Revolution. He has remained steadfast and inflexible unite in protest and action to demand of organization.
to the Bolshevik ideal in the face of the fury of the Stalinist degeneration.
the bosses that exploit them and the govThe bureaucrats of the Secretariat are preparing a new assassination.
ernment that protects them. work or comFLOOD CONTROL CONTRACTORS GYP But the workers will not permit the cruel persecution of one of the most tried pensation; shorter hours of labor to provide NEGRO LABORERS and valuable fighters, for his devotion to their cause, for his high minded work for the unemployed; abolition of the firmness.
MEMPHIS (FP. How goveruspeed up system that saps the energles of ment contractors gyp Negroe laborers is rethe workers and leaves them worn out and vealed by workers employed in the willow useless at an early age.
fleets that ply out of Memphis to work on All elements among labor, no matter Mississippi flood control. The willow fleets make the willow mats for the levees.
views, it sincerely wishing to endeavor to Hundreds of colored workers employed relieve the distress prevalent among all on these ships are paid of daily in Aimsy strata of the working masses can find a According to the Women Bureau of tance.
paper checks redeemable only at the ship basis for united action against the common the United States Department of Labor commissary. These checks, printed with Throughout the United States, the woenemy. the wealthy employing class and there are 8, 500, 000 women wage earners men workers are the lowest paid and most weak ink soon become smudged and iltheir governmental hirelings. Sectarianism In this country at the present time. Their exploited section of the proletariat. The legible. In that condition, the company and aim for group advantage can do only figures assert that one woman out of every refuses to redeem them. The laborer then employers in the unorganized industries are five works in the mills, factories, stores and harm. The problem of mass unemployment loses the money due bim. At the end of in very many cases, discharging the men will face the workers for a long time to offices throughout the land; and that out the trip, the Negroes present their checks workers and hiring women to do the same come till the overthrow of capitalism of every five workers in the country one but receive cash only for those which are work at much reduced rates of pay. In is a woman.
lays the basis for its ellmination. From addition, the employers are attempting to in good condition.
indnstry and government can be forced These figures compiled under the direc torce the women to toll long hours, in certain measures of relief, provided there is tion of the capitalist government of the which they are quite sucessful although IN THE NEXT ISSUE militant united action.
United States show how important is the some states have adequate laws that are In the next 188ue will appear an arDemonstrations have been conducted in winning of the women workers to the labor supposed to prevent the women from work ticle of the most timely interest by ny cities already under the direction of movement. With 20 of all the workers ing more than a certain amount of hours Trotsky on organizations, including the Com women, the need of actively drawing them weekly. It has been shown in many cases THE NEW COURSE IN THE ECONOMI League of America (Opposition. into the labor movement is of major imporContnued on Pace what they enemiese Over 8, 000, 000 Women Toil at Low Wages