AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

datarday, March 1, 1930 THE MILITANT Throughout the World of Labor Vicious methods of former years. All this German Unemployed and not look at things in the same light. For the First of February The Fall Of Primo De Rivera no longer ofter the least resistance, being anti demonstration laws recently passed by Those could and Hamburg in defance of the severe Why Was the Detent Inevitable?
The is a mass party which repu discredited in the eyes of the people. the government. These laws aim to cripple and it Consequences resents million workers, and this despite But Primo set up nothing in their the growing Commmunist movement.
the political adventurism of its leadership, place. The Patriotic Union was an arti Police frequently shoot into crowds of The fall of Primo de Rivera surprised despite the unfitness of Thaemmann, Neue ficially created party, an empty shell in the marching out of works. Many of the unalmost no one. It surprised only Primo de mann. Remmele, etc.
eyes of the public owing its existence solely fortunates have been kill or wounded. But the masses, although voting for the Rivera himself. and the leading Spanish to official support. This group, together But the protests continue despite the Communists. The former stated, two weeks with the Advisory Assembly and everything oppressive laws. We have only our lives party, whether in the general elections or before his collapse, that he would relinin the elections of the factory councils, do created by the dictatorship of Primo, were to lose, commented one of the jobless.
quish power of his own aocord in six not at all thereby show that they have dedoomed to perish. The proof of this lies And under the present regime our lives months; the latter, like an echo, were cided to carry through the proletarian reyin the fact that the king appealed and con are worthless anybow.
writing that Primo would be with us for olution. They simply show that they are distinued to appeal to the former leaders of a long time.
associating themselves from the counterthe traditional parties, through Berenguer, Primo did not yield up power of his ionary polley of the Social DemocraФ that they reorganize their parties and own accord. Neither was he driven out by tic Party the enemy of their class.
prepare for distorted elections, following the Una revolutionary movement. His downfall fortunately this is not how the Rote Fahne was due to one of those secret revolts puts it. as though which threaten to, break out not In the factories, among the unemonly against a government, but also against ployed on the streets, in the country and the class which maintains it. The class them the former parties were permanently on the farms, everywhere, the willingness the bourgeoisie, the monarchy the armydlecredited. They did not await, they did For weeks and weeks the German party to abolish the system which brings 10wish to ward off the immediate danger, not desire their return a return to the has proclaimed through its 35 publications thing but hunger and misery for the the discontent and the growing revolution, that on the first of bebruary millions of status of 1923. Not a praetorian guard, masses, is growing among the workers, by driving Primo out of power and promunemployed would parade throughout Gerbut neither the former regime, and above the willingness to put an end to a system ising a return to the constitutional form all not a monarchy. Primo had engineered many. The factory workers would give which has proven its inability to guarof government. In fact, a large scale con his coup Etat in 1923 in order to save proof of their solidarity. Braving the ban ntee to the working people an existence spiracy was organized, which, in breaking the monarchy.
of Zoerglebel and of Severing, the working at least worthy of a human being!
forth could have overthrown not only the class would capture the streets.
The Growlug Republican Movement The masses who vote for the party, dictatorship, but even the monarcby, and The first of February was to have eyen those who follow it actions, are not It is also in order to save it that his which, under the existing circumstances, marked the beginning of great mass battles. yet that far advanced. The Party appeal rule has just been liquidated and that the could have exceeded the desires and inIn the Leningrad Pravda appeared: for the first of February was forcibly exformer pollticians are preparing to govern tention of the organizers themselves. In no country are the rise of the tinguished without achieving its aim, beanew. Will they succeed in saving the It can be said with certainty that the revolutionary wave and the collapse of cause it did not appeal to the masses with crown? We think not. wider and wider discontent against Primo was widespread.
capitalist stabilization as evident is in in immediate concrete demands affecting every republion movement is taking form in The proletariat showed their discontent Germany The Communist Party of Ger. unemployed worker, but all it could do was Spain. The very first acts of Berenguer through the powerful strikes of 1927 28 29 many is, next in orden after that of the have been to arrest sev, ral of the republican to get itself drunk with vague political in Austria, Catalogne, Seville, etc. strikes Soviet Union, the most bolshevik party. phrases which could not represent to nonleaders in Valencia, Barcelona, etc. The of an almost spontaneous character, let that is why it is not to be wondered at demonstrations of the students and workers party workers the goal to be sought after loose through economic causes, and which that it is in Germany that one can see today, and tomorrow.
against the dictatorship revolved not only rapidly assumed a political character, not the advance of the approaching Euro Berlin, February 2, 1930.
around the slogan ot Down with Primo. through the almost non existent efforts of pean revolution but Down with the Monarchy. The re KURT LANDAU the official communist movement, but The barricade fights in Hamburg, publican movement cannot but grow. The through the intervention of the dictatorship, the deflance of the ban against demonstra.
on the side of the bosses, against the proimportant problems left over by Primo and tions In German cities, the parades of the which cannot be solved by his successors letariat and through the rapid developarmles of the unemployed are, under the will serve to aggravate the crisis of the ment of the latter.
existing circumstances, the expression of LaVerite and the Militant monarchist regime. We are at the thresh(The leading Spanish Communists have the growing revolutionary tendencies of old of political struggles of the greatest deceived the International in pretending the masses. The events of the last few interest. There was no dearth of prophets who that these strikes were instigated and diBut we Communists, in this situation, days prove that a revolutionary situation predicted the doom of La Verite even berected by themselves. Unfortunately this approaches at full speed in Germany.
which, by the action of material forces was not so. In proportion as the leadership of the fore it appeared. Several profound sages Bourgeoisie Desert Primo assume an increasingly revolutionary charexplained their desertion by saying that Party becomes intoxicated with its own acter, must act with energy and facility.
conditions were not suitable for the forma The discontent of the petty bourgeoisie, prophecies and bombast, the social democThe anti monarchist movement will be led tion of a Communist Party in general.
of the intellectuals, and of a section of the in its first stages by the petty bourgeoisie, social democratic press, energetically supracy becomes increasingly errogant. The Nevertheless La Verite not only grows and army manifested itself in the form of con by the republican party and by the gathers strength, but now has acquired ported by the democratic press, agitates spiracies. six, up to the one which was socialists.
fighting ally as precious as La Lutte de against the and spreads the most being recently prepared) and in the stu The Spanish proletariat; whose living Classes. Ln Verite itself assumes a clearer dent movements. Primo was already left fantastic lies. The closer did the 1st of Febconditions are extremely wretched, and and more distinct form. One cannot but ruary approach, the clearer did it become with the support of only a section of the whose hatred of the entire system has maagree with our Chinese comrade who big financial and industrial bourgeoisie that the social democracy hoped, through tured during the last few years of dictatorrecently wrote from Shanghal that La Verite reassuring whom he had succeeded in a sweeping provocation, to definitely strike of Paris and The Militant of New York are ial oppression are getting ready for through the establishment of national mondown the Party and drive it into illegality.
participation in the struggle.
the best publications of the International opolies at the expense of foreign finance The agitation of the social democracy was The Need of a Communist Party Opposition complemented by the slander of the Brandcapital, and through extereme political proBut in face of the socialists who are Excerpt from New Step Forward tection. But he ended up by losing the ler press, which branded the would be plans by Trotsky, Constantinople, January preparing to maneuvre, and of the anarchosupport of the big bourgeoisie as well beof the Party leadership as putchist.
syndicalists who will attempt to reassume 22, 1930.
cause of the fall in the value of the Peseta.
Wherein les the Defent of the Ist of the leadership of the revolutionary trade The pressure of international finance February unlong, what is needed now is a strong comwas in fact one of the chief causes, a fact munist Party, disciplined, supple, knowing The leadership and the Party press ACTORS EQUITY DEPRECATES COMPANY which can easily be explained, it having how to lead the proletariat in the coming evidently speak only of a victory. Thus, UNION PLAN given rise to the ultra nationalist politstruggles towards its emancipation. Will the Rote Fahne of the 2nd of February HOLLYWOOD, Calif. FP) Company ical economy of Primo. This, however, was the actual Communist Party attain its his writes: The Communist party achieved its unionism is sneaking into Hollywood as a not the sole cause. Instead of correcting toric mission? This is the serious problem desirec end on the first of February; the backfire againrt Actors Equity Assn. the this entire political economy, financial and for the entire International. Today, once solid advance of marching proletarian re theatre and movie union. Using the Acadsocial, and of achieving parity, the dictator.
again, the leaders of the Spanish Commun giments crushed Grzezinski ban against emy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, ship believed that it could sustain the 1sts, with the support of the Stalin clique demonstrations.
the movie magnates are compelling screen Peseta by means of simple manipulations which steers the Comintern, readily devote The social democracy and the bourgeois people to swear away their right to strike in the world market. It obtained a credit of themselves to the miserable task of system press are jubilant: the revolutionary in return for a dublous agreement.
18 million pounds from a group of British atically hounding the best militant Complans miscarried. The social democarcy Among concessions made to the actors and American financiers, which made posmunists. Under Any circumstances this and the bourgeoisie know quite well that as a result of the Equity strike last summer, sible only a temporary halt in the decline attitude would be incorrect; at present it the First of Febraury was not the day of and written into the company union agreeof the Spanish standard. The decline prois an anti Communist crime. We Opposition the revolution on the calendar of Thael ment, are reasonable notice of dismissal ceeded in a fatalistic manner, resulting Communists will know our duty. But it mann adventures. But they also know (the company to determine what is reafirst in a defection of the Minister of Fithe Stalinist bureaucrats attempt to hinder that on the 1st of February the sonable) and overtimbe pay at regular nance and finally in the collapse of the us, they will be responsible before the suffered a serious defeat. For the actual rates. Actors are to be permitted to rest entire government.
international proletariat.
task which they had set themselves was 12 hours between calls, and eight hours 16 Financial Crisis in Spain Paris, Febraury 7, 1930.
far from accomplished. Only a few thou to constitute a day work for day workers.
The economic and political situation GORKIN sand of the 350, 000 unemployed in Berlin which Primo is leaving as a heritage to heeded the Party call. None of the Ber ROCHESTER, For posting sign his successors, is extremely dangerous. If lin factories in which the Party obtained calling for work or wages, Angelo Cappelo the best known former political leaders so many votes, as was the case last year, was arrested at the Broadway Auditorium Cambo, the younger Maura, Sanchez Guerra, when it had such great success, participated and held for 500 bail. The maximum penin the solidarity strike. The Party leader alty, under an ancient city ordinance, 18 is because of the seriousness of the situaship did not even call upon the factories one year in jail.
to go out on strike in solidarity with the Two workers were arrested at an open In 1923, the year of Primo Coup Etat, BERLIN (FP) Depression has laid unemployed, for it knew that this appeal the Spanish public debt, according to the air protest demonstration held by the Counwould be useless.
cil of the Unemployed. Ball was set at official figures themselves, was 8, 531 mil its heavy hand on Germany Manhattan 2, 000.
In Red Berlin, where the muslion Pesetas, the total indebtedness of the Nearly 400, 000 Jobless pace the cold streets; At treasury approaching 5, 000 million. old men and women peddię newspapers or tered as many votes as the socialist party the end of 1929 these figures had risen to matches; the free soup stations are crowded in the communal elections of Nov. 17, 1929 ST. LOUIS JOBLESS SWAMP CHARITIES 19, 635 million pesetats (an increase of 11 with the destitute.
the call of the Party went to nought, and ST. LOUIS Pleas for charity coming to million in six years and four months of the Everywhere in Germany, whose total this despite the growing bitterness of the the St. Louis Provident Assn. during Januletatorship. unemployed exceeds 3, 500, 000, the jobless masses, and despite the increasing con uary again established a new high record, Naturally, the political situation also are forming organizations of protest. Dem tempt of the Berlin proletariat for the lea unequalled during the 60 odd years of the extremely serious. In 1923, Primo destroyed onstrations bave occurred in Wurms, Erfurt dership of the socialist party.
organizations life etc. definitely refuse to atd Berenguer, it Germen Unemployed Defy tion. Above all stands the financial question Tyrannous Laws