BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsImperialismLeninMarxSovietStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, Febraury 22, 1930 The Anti Soviet Crusaders Unemployed Must Demand Work or Wages Detroit Prosperity Church, the institution that is built on the death in Siberia? They were sanctifying human skulls of millions, the masters of the the little father. Where were they when Spanish Inquisition, the heroes of St. Bar the wolves of reaction encircled young Red tholomew eve massacre in France, the Russia and sought to rend it to bits? They Church of corruption and peculation for were euologizing the princes of peace. The whole world of pious oplum ped tions which are calculated to prevent them centuries, the master prop of reaction at all Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau. Where dlers is agog with indignation over the from becoming instruments of reaction. times? Are they the shepherds of the in are they irr every bitter struggle of the latest decree on religious associations is What is prohibited is the ownership of numerable protestant churches, the tradu workers, in every strike, in every critical sued by the Soviet government. His Most special chuch property except that required cers of colonial peoples in the interest of situation where the masses seek to liberate Devout and Respected Holiness, Pope for the exercize of their religious rites and imperialist piracy, the gentry that argued themselve from the murdeou yoke of capitPlus XI, who holds communion with the worship: the transformation of religious for the sacred foundations of Negro slavery alism? They are on the side the bosses, son of god himself, has declared that the institutions into financial or industrial esin the United States, the pastors whose the capitalists, trying their best to disarm horrible inquitles which have been com tablishments which would give the priest ancestors burned witches at the stake? and weaken the militant proletariat by mitted grow worse every day. His In hood an economic stranglehold on its Are they the representatives of Greek Cath directing its eyes to a non existant paraspired Excellency, the Archbishop of Can flocks. the enrollment of anyone under olicism, the right arm of czarism, the op dise that awaits them. when they are dead: terbury, seconded by his brother in Christ, the age of 18, which would permit the men pressor of Russia dark millions for cen Let Bishop Manning, and the Archbishthe Archbishop of York, has bewalled the of god to poison the minds of the youth turies, the haven of shamelessness and 18 op of York, and the Pope of Rome, and fact that no one can question the truth with superstitious and religious venom; noranco, of the holy Rasputin? Are they Rabbi Glazer, and the rest of the gentlemen of the long and shocking tale of imprison functioning without registration at the 10 the priests of Jewry, the staunchest de of god, turn their attention to the millions ment, exile and deliberate putting to death cal Soviet organ; etc. etc.
fenders of tolerance when they are the un of unemployed who are on the verge of of prelates and parish priests, of monks That atheist and materialist societies derdog and the most ruthless emissaries of starvatioh, to the horrors of capitalist maand nuns and of the humblest folk. His and groups conduct, in the meantime, an a bloodthirsty Jehovah when they hold the rauding, and all the other monstrositles of Terrifying Eminence, Bishop william energetic campaign among the population whiphand?
the presont social system. They will not Manning, has urged that the ministers of ary duty as well. Those who go among the Where were all these cardinals, bishops, and cannot do it because they are an insepall faiths all over our land will speak in ary duty as weel. Those who go among the rabbis, metropolitans, pastors, preachers, arable part of the system of rapine and class support of the protests which have been people and help dispel the fog of darkness, priests and beadles with a condemnation of rule. Their task. not to help the workers made and in condemnation of these wicked, reaction, Ignorance and bigotry on which the wicked, cruel and inhuman deeds of free themselves, but to tie tighter the chains cruel and inhuman deeds.
the various religious sects are founded are imperialism in cutting down a whole gener of wage slavery. That is why the Soviet The Crime of the Sovlets giving a mighty shove to the wheel of prog ation in Its prime on the battelfelds of Ropublic, which has struck the chains of What is this unspeakable, this new ress. That the Soviets not only tolerate, France and Belgium? They were behind slavery from the body of the Russian workcrime of whiah the Soviet Republic is but encourage these materialist activities, ig the lines, inciting their countrymen to ingclass, will bo considered by religion the guilty? The priests and parsons and rabbis to their everlasting credit. What the priest slaughter each other in the name of Christ principal blasphemy of the century, the unof world capitalism are outraged at the hood fears more than anything else is an and Jahweh. Where were they all when forgiveable sin besides which adultery, pat autocratic and brutal delimitation of re open discussion of religion and the church czarism sucked the bloods of Ruussia mil ricide, hatred of one neighbor, and any Ilgious liberties. this trodding under vs. maerialism, for it knows that in such llons, when workers were massacred on the other violation of the commandments ara foot of all moral values. What they are contest the proletariat, armed with all streets and their leaders sent to a living easily and lightly condoned.
really concerned about is the fact that the modern science, must necessarilly issue Soviets are drastically cutting into the her forth the victor. The fact that the Soviets itage of special privileges enjoyed by the and the Communist Party are the patrons religious parasites in Russia, privileges ex of this campaign of enlightment and progercized at the price of the physical and rebs raises them to a greater height than Continued from Page cessful; they can become the point of demental welfare of 150, 000, 000 people that that attained by any progressive or revolu movement will necessarily be at a slower parture for a serious and powerful movethe Soviets are making it more and more tionary regime or party that history has pace unless it 18 to become a sectarian ment. Every worker and labor organization dificult for the forces of capitalist restor known.
adventure. Up to now, no serious effort must join the movement and prevent it from ation to utilize the churches and the priest But let us assume for a moment has been made to develop a united front becoming a passing sensation or spectacle hood for a basis against the Workers Re something which is far from the truth that movement. No effort has been made to by helping to steer it on the right course.
public. So far as freedom of religious be some of the black robed leeches of religion mobilize the support of the organized and The curse and misery of unemployment Het is concerned, there is no prohibition of have been damaged a little in the Soviet employed workers, who have a most direct can be fought only by the active, unified that in the Soviet Republic, something which cahpaign to break the hold of superstition interest in the position of the unemployed, power of the working class!
few if any other countries can maintain. on the rasses. Who are the ones that have in preventing them from becoming strikeGroups of one faith are permitted to asso a right or reason to condemn the Bolshebreaking instruments, etc. In the parclate together, under strict political limita viks? Are they the prelates of the Catholic ticularly, the official Communist party has narrowed down the preliminary demonstrations to a handful of party members DETROIT report Just issued by the and a few jobless workers. Such a course Union Trust Co. of Detroit should make dooms the movement to defeat in advance. excellent reading for Sec. of Labor Davis The movement must be organized and and others who share his prosperity developed on the broadest basis that will psychosis.
make it capable of setting large masses in The report, pointing out that automomotion against the capitalist system its bile production in 1929 exceeded that of institutions. Up to now, the demonstra all previous years, draws attention to the tions of the party have been bombastically fact that this increase of 19. was accomheralded, held for couple of hours and plished with an increase of only in forgotten the next day. No serious move employment. While this a result to labor paper, particularly revolutionary organ, does not receive the big ment has been created. Unless the belm is which automobile manufacturers may very advertisements and subsidies, without which a capitalist paper is unthinkable.
turned, there will be a repitition of this well point with pride it is one which The Militant is no exception to this rule. It must depend entirely upon readers futility in the movement of the unemployed. is accompanied by an increasingly serious and supporters for its existence and growth.
All Out on March 6th consequence unemployment. They emThe Militant was founded because It Alls a special and urgent need in the Every worker, employed or unemploy phasize the latter with the announcement labor and revolutionary movements. It has been maintained by a group of de ed, should Join the demonstrations on that two of the largest automobile comvoted workers, who understand the value of adherence to the fundamental teach March An impressive display of working panies have recently given notice that casings of the great leaders of our movement, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. class determination must be presented ev ual laborers will not be employed.
These teachings are not strong if they are limited to small groups; they be erywhere on that day. The demands for Unemployment parayzes a large section come a powerful weapon for labors liberation when they are made known to the Work or Maintenance must be put in the of the workers and low wages ravage the whole working class honestly and truthfully. This is the task set itselt by the forefront. The banner of struggle against rest, but retail food prices in Detroit Militant.
the infamous speed up system must be were higher Dec. 15, 1929 than a year raised. The demands of the unemployed previous. Cost of living. lncreased This great work can be carried out effectively only if the existence of the Militant is secured. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish and streng must be few, direct, simple and capable of in the period of Dec. 15, 1928 to Dec.
then a systematic SUSTAINING FUND. Such a fund will not only enable us drawing the workers to the movement. The 15, 1928.
to print a whole series of most valuable books and pamphlets. The Militant party, as usual, has drowned the impor The extensive unemployment among tant issues in a mass of subsidary ones and building trades workers is shown by the has on hand a number of manuscripts by Trotsky. They include: What as the Permanent Revolution. The Struggle for the Chinese Revolution. Issued a list of demands long enough to decrease of 29, 000, 000 in volume of the satisfy Moscow and cool the interest of the Europe and America. The Great Organizers of Defeat: a Record of Five building during 1929. The value of buildaverage worker.
Years of the Comintern. and many others. If the SUSTAINING FUND of the ing permits decreased 21. as compared The demonstrations can be made sucMilitant is assured, we can proceed to the immediate publication of these Bolwith 1928. chart published with the reshevik classics.
port shows a decline of nearly 50 in the value of building permits from normal.
The sooner donations accumulate for the FUND, the more rapidly can we It the number on your wrapper 18 The report concludes with the not too proceed with this important job. Every dollar counts doubly now. We are dehopeful statement that optimism over 1930 pending upon all our readers and friends to act with speed. The blank below is operations in the industry is tinged with for your use. Fill it out now!
conservatism, and leaders are watching the then your subscription to the militant has buying trend closely. In spite of the subexpired. Renew immediately in order to stantial reductions being made in vartous avoid missing any issues, THE MILITANT groups of commodities the volume of busIness is not large.
2525 Third Avenue New York, am enclosing donation of. for the militant SUSTAINING FUND to help maintain the paper and publish the workes of D.
For the benefit of the Weekly Militant on THIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1980 at pm.
Name at the Address HUNGARLAN HALL, 828 East 79th Street City. State Excellent Musical Program Dancing Entertainment Admission: 60 cents in advance or 60 cents at door AUSPICES: Communist League of New York (Opposition)
English and Hungarian Branches Help Us to Sustain The Militant 33 DANCE THE MILITANT, Vol. III, No. 8, February 22, 1930, Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subtription rate: 60 per year; foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, cents per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Oannon, Max Shachtman, MauIce Spector, Ame Swabeck. Entered as second class mail matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Onice at New York, Y, under the act of March 3, 1879. Total No