AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismSpainStalinStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Pans THE MILITANT Dacurday, February 15, 1980 Throughout the World of Labor chotce of the moment and the methods have The British Daily Worker The Crisis in the Spanish Labor Movement tution into a single Communist Party, to adopt a correct and really Communist position. For its leaders, the whole porblem dian Congress. But must declare that The Communit Party now has its was reduced to denouncing the heads of the do not see the atmosphere propitious for dally paper. It is a present given it by and the without giving such a measure.
Moscow. It must be said that it was reThe formula: Seventy Ave percent of Any concrete directives that might facill And Gandhi does not conceal the reason celved without enthusiasm. At the Leedi our activity for trade union unity had tate unity by putting the masses on the for which the atmosphere does not appear Party Congress, Jackson, who 18 him, tremendous echo in Spain and, it can be right track. Thus, the leadership of the to him. It is that every measure of strugself capable journalist, declared: The said, was the only slogan of the Comintern fulfilled the role of a buffor be gle, even if it. Is concelvcd pacifically, 18 question is not to launch the paper that e accepted practically by the Spanish work tween the leaders of the two organizations exceeded by the masses and can provoke very easy but to maintain it.
ing masses in general. The Communist without knowing what to do with the revolutionary struggles.
The first number contained a message Party of Spain, always at the tail of events masses who detested the false course of the But Jawaharlal Nehru, charged with from the Communist International, which and the masses, devoted Itselt one hundred leaders. And then the coup Etat of 1998 expounding this polley, is one of the most has caused some stir, for the Conservative percent to the application of instructions, took place.
eminent celebrities of the League against press immediately used it to sharpen its blindly, without a clear vision of the prob The crisis in tho dictatorship is shar Imperialism.
campaign against the re establishment of lem, driven by the Spanish proletariat pening. Primo de Rivera is retiring. a To this League also belongs Madame diplomatic relations. It underlined the paswhich is so inclined to impetuous but monew constitutional era is approaching. Sun, the wife of Sun Yat Sen, founder sage which said that the paper will be mentary actions. guide was lacking, these are the themes developed by the leadof the Kuo Min Tang. Madame Sun belongs new and powerful organ in the hands of which would have canalized this strong ers of the Spanish labor movement. All of to the Left wing of the Kuo Min Tang, she the working class in its struggle against movement of sympathy for trade union them await the fall of Primo de Rivera as is close to Wang Chin Wel. Every revolu capitalism, against rationalization and unity, which attained its peak in the very the triumph of their ideal, await it in ortionist 19 acquainted with the role played against the social fascist Labor governmidst of dictatorial repression, during the der to begin the elaboration of a program by the Left wing of the Kuo Min Tang at ment.
convocation of the Congress for unity which for the struggle for organization and Hankow. If the Left Kuo Min Tang should That it is a powerful weapon. only was to have been held at San Sebastien in what is worse, to begin again the war of succeed in conquering Canton in the Spring, the leaders of the Communist International May 1926.
the generals and the aspiring generals in the Left government of the South would can believe. The Daily Worker is actually The masses demanded trade union unity order to determine who was the most arsoon prove that it is no less hostile to tho deplorable to the point where the bourgeois at all costs. The Spanish Communist Party dent, most cleareighted and most discreet working class than the Nanking govern papers make fun of it and scott at Mogwith the exception of a small group of during the dictatorial period.
ment. Contrary to Nanking. It would thank cow parsimony. The embarrassed Comcompetent militants who were grouped For us, the Communist Opposition, the Mme Sun by naming her an honorary memmunists lay the blame to the press monopto be dominated by events and to be over problem and its solution does not lie in the ber.
oly and the too high wages paid to the around the comrades of San Sebastion, fall of the Primo de Rivera dictatorship.
But in the meantime, Mme. Sun remains printing plant workers. One actually reads among whom was the director of the Party Primo de Rivera can, in one of his eccenone of the luminaries of the League in the Communist Review: It is charcentral organ, comrade Jean Andrade, was tricities, pass the baton of orchestra direcacteristic of this monopoly that the trade unable to establish itselt as the guide and against Imperialism.
tor to Martinez Anida or some other lackey unlong share in it. In the London daily vanguard of the proletariat. The leadership of capitalism. And even if he formed a govThe development of all those heroes press, there prevalls the system of excepof the party did not understand and was ernment of the type of those of the old of a day of the anti imperialist struggle is tionally high wages not only for the prostiIncapable of canalizing organically the ag regime. the Spanish working class would obviously not due to chance. The Fengs tutes of Journalism but also. relative to the pirations of the masses; it allowed itselt always be confronted by a capitalism deand the Chiang Kal Sheks became counterwages of other sections for the typos, the revolutionaries the moment the worker and pressmen, etc. In this way, the special 11to he dominated by events and to be over termined to oppress it and strangle it.
come on the unity wave that passed over peasant massez entered spontaneously on The reorganization of the Spanish terest of the unions is assured for coopthe Spanish labor movement. La Antorcha, the field of history and formulated their working class, the reorganization of the eration with the capitalist trusts against the central organ of the Party. was taken class demands. The same will happen with Communist Party, the trade union unity of the indopendent press and particularly Away from the competent direction of comall the heroes of the Anti Imperialist the Spanish proletariat based on the prinAgainst the workers press. The leaders rade Andrade and given to the political ciples of the class struggle, the struggle League.
of the Party must be pretty 111 at ease to Adventurer, Oscar Perez nd, at against the dictatorship and against It would be ridiculows to demand the resort to such arguments. Moreover, they same time, the campaign for trade union Spanish capitalist regime, the struggle for exclusion of the already compromised have short memories: they forget that in unity and tho daily La Antorcha came to leaders of the League Against Imperthe liberty of the sman oppressed nation1926, on the eve of the outbreak of the gencomplete halt.
alities, the methodical organization of the talism. Not only must the Sandinos, the eral strike the linotype operators of the Had the masses already become rad peasant masses, in short, for the emancl.
Nehrug and Company be removed from the Daily Mail, in spite of the socalled excepIcalized. According to the calculations pation of the Spanish working olass, must revolutionary community of the world pro tional wages, refused to get up a lying artiof the leaders of the Communist Interna be undertaken immediately without waltletariat, but what must also be destroyed clo directed against the workers, which tional, the radicalization already com ing for Primo de Rivera to yield his place is the monstrous lllusion, cruelly belied by still remains a pretty rare gesture.
menced. The poor petty bureaucrats of the to another butcher of the proletariat, with history, according to which such a League Spanish were ready to comply with out hoping for socalled political transfor. can play loading, progressive role in the The Clyde rebels have just suffered all the orders of Stalin and Co, without mations which can take place in the last pational revolution of the colonial peoples, serious defeat at the conference of the worrying over the result that their stupid, stage of capitalism only as an insurrecThe League against Imperialism, 88 Scotch section of the Independent Labour selfish submission would have for the Span tion of the proletariat. Whether Primo de a political center comprising Communist Party, meeting in Glasgow on January 12, Ish labor movement. Inevitably, the masses de Rivera talls or not, the battle against and bourgeois organizations, is a constant Maxton and his friends who voted agains of the workers who sought and hoped to the Spanish bourgeoisle must begin, Thoro danger to the Communist International, to the government in an important debate meet a guide, saw their hopef decelved, and, can be no walting until Primo opens the which it ropresents a competitor.
modification of the insurance law against taking place under the full repression of the road for us, as some seem to hope.
Things are similar it not worse in the unemployment asked the approval of the dictatorship against the labor movement, The Spanish Communist Opposition Peasants International, which a Euro conte ence. This approval was refused them they retreated; their militant spirit de warns the Spanish workers agains the stark pean Peasants Congress is planned to draw by 103 votes against 94. It one considers clined appreciably. Now the labor move optimism of those who see in the crisis of out of its lethargy. For several weeks, the that it is in Scotland that the Laborite Left ment is entering into a real stage of crisis the dictatorship the perspective or almost revolutionary awakening of the peasan has its strongest positions, the importance which the leaders of the and the the urlumph of our class aspirations. The try has been on the order of the day; in of this defeat will be understood.
Spanish designate as radicalleaton workors must not await the fall of the dic Germany, in Austria, etc. there are revo Maxton defenso was very weak. Ho of the masses.
tatorship in order to organizo, to undertakelutionary peasants demonstrations for the complained of having been cast off in the The Spanish labor movement, based on the struggle for their emancipation. election of delegates to the European pens course of the discussion, by most of those the prineiple of the class struggle, had The Spanish Comunist Party must be sante Congress. It therefore appears that who had signed his declaration: WA close to a million and a half organized the guide of the working class of Spain, we have arrived at a new edition of the thrown against the cannons, he exclaimed, workers in 1919, The National Its vanguard. Its leaders paralyze its de peasant policy of the first Leftist per and when looked about nobody was there Federation of Labor. with an anarcho velopment, prevent its reconstitution. The lod (1924 all the more necessary is it any longer. That is the language of the syndicalist tendency, counted a good mil Communist Opposition has a great task to to recall to the revolutionary workers what leader of the I, He and his friends lion members. The General realize and it will accomplish it along the Trotsky says in his criticism of the draft are full of excellent intentions; they have Union of Workers. with social reformist ideas of Lenin. The perspectives are favorprogram of the Comintern: a faint desire to do something against the tendency, had more than two hundred thou able. The peasantry will play a decisive role policy of abdication of the labor governsand members. There existed besides Barcelona, January 1980 in the revolutions of the East, But this ment, but they always halt before decisive few independent trade unions which HENRI LACROIX role will be neither leading nor independ deeds. That is why MacDonald always wint Awaited the fusion of the two central organent. The poor peasants of Hupeh, Kwan30 easily over them, Izations in order to give their adherence to tung or Bengal can play a role not only 9B the united trade union organization of the on a national but on an international scale, London, January 21, 1980.
Spanish proletariat.
but only on the condition that it supporta THIHIHI GIAITI Hilt III Bird DELFIEHICH IRITISHIHIHIHIHIHIHI Ist general state, the disruption of the united Calcutta. That is the only way out for the front whieh the social reformists perpe The All Indian National Congress was revolutionary peasant on an international trated, the organizezd sabotage of the presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru, road. The attempt to unite the peasant of made the fusion of the two organizations with Gandhi, is the representative of the Hupeh with the peasant of Galicia or the a distant possibility to a large extent. The various vakillating and petty bourgeois Dobrudja, the Egyptian fellah with the false tactic and the methods of struggle masses; driven by the masses, the predomi American farmer, has no chance to suc HARD employed by the Anarcho syndicalists of the TIMES PARTY nant element of their policy is fear of the ceed. together with the repression of the masses, of the revolution against which What International Communism needs REBEL DANCE bourgeois authorities, of which this organ they are fighting today with all idealogical is not the creation of independent organ Given by Communist League (Opposition)
ization was the object, rapidly weakened means. tomorrow, when the revolution izations. of peasants and the unification of this giant that appeared invincible. The raises its head in spite of Gandhism, the the bourgeois colonial parties into a LeaSaturday Evening, February 22 stood by impassibly, arms folded, internal logic of their attitude and their gue against Imperialism, but a return to STISKA HALL, 4021 Drake Ave.
while the government attacked the C, N, policy will lead Gandhi and Nehru into the the teachings of Marxism Leninism, the (3335 West)
Even more, the organizations fought each camp of the avowed enemies of the revo outlived teaching on the hegemony of othe with violence and the blood of the lution.
Doors Open p.
the proletariat and the leading role of its proletariat was spilled in various parts of The road that Nehru and Gandhi will party. The village inevitably follows the Dance Music Refreshmento Spain, at Bilbao particularly, during en take is already clearly indicated in the de city. The question is only to know which Special Entertainment Number counters between partisans of the two claration of Gandhi appearing in Young of the city classes will be able to lead the camps.
India, the review of the nationalist Indian Admission 85 Cents village behind it. That is Lenin formuThe of, Spain, always slow to get intellectuals. This is what it says: For lation.
Loving, never succeeded, despite its con the Introduction passive resistance, the KURT LANDAU. Номин нонни нема потентно нивните The repeated betrayals of the reform The League against Imperialism the working class of Shanghai, Hankow or Chicago