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THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Vol. III, No. 7, Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YOR.
Saturday, February 15, 1930 PRICE CENTS Drsessmakers Again Betrayed Imperialist Powers Quarrel at London Impartial Commission. Formed to Sell Out Workers YES OR NO: HAS BLUMKIN BEEN ASSASSINATEDI More Facts on the Disappearance of the Fighter for the. The undertone of dissatisfaction that has characterized the attitude of the BrtThe New York dressmakers strike of proposals for a struggle for these and other it is necessary to begin sertish Japanese, French and Italian capitalist the International Ladies Garment Workers, specific demands. Denunciation of the offl fously and with well laid out plans to build powers at the London conference on naval the Right wing union, is nearing an end. cials is insufficient. Nor, likewise, is a de Left wing in the WU. to underreduction with the arrogance and demands The end of the strike, called with the ag mand upon the workers who went out un mine the Schlesinger machine, the bosses of the United States Imperialist represenreement of the manufacturers, brings as der the Right wing call to go instead to the agents.
tatives, is now coming sharply into the open.
Its major result and accomplishment the halls of the Left wing and strike under their By a policy of isolation and the abandonThe conference of pirates is showing disestablishment of a socalled impartial ma banner. This call was simply not heeded sent.
ment of the united front tactic, the chinery for the adjustment of disputes be by the workers. It is necessary, imperative is in danger to lose its last base The rift has taken place with America tween the bosses in the cloak industry. to find and utilize every means to gain in the needle trades, this despite the fact Its actual function is to hamstring the contact with all workers and to influence proposal that she be permitted to build a that the Right wing union is again betray modification of the proposed capital ship workers, to destroy their militancy and re their thoughts and actions. The isolation ing and selling out the workers. But the new battloship If 35, 000 tons. This is a llance upon fighting means to gain better policy of the Left wing has not gained sectarian policy and the mechanical Com better America battleship standing with conditions in the industry. The Impar forces for the It is time to munist party control of the holiday until 1935, and would actually tial Commission makes it simple for the end an ostrich policy and existence has been of such a character that many of Great Britain, with whom the United States union fakers and the bossos to betray the The struggle to build a mase union of the workers have lost confidence in it. This expresses disagreements on replacements.
worker in any impending struggle by delay.
the dressmakers, of needle trades workers, needs to be remedled at once if a success The London Dally Times, organ of the Coning or preventing any strike action, and to smash company union, class collabora ful fight against the Right wing union is servatives and the Daily Herald, organ of males easier the intervention of the govtion agreements, impartial commissions. to be waged. Not a refler of the Party the Labour Party and the MacDonald Covernmental agencies on the side of the emSchlesinger and the other struggles, but toward a broad Left wing or ernment, together protest on behalf of Briployers, reactionaries; to instill a new fighting spir ganization of the mass of workers, is what No Militancy, Displayed tish imperialist privileges. The Times proit among the exploited needle trades work the must consciously direct tests that the American proposal really glve Little if any militaney has been disers; to rally them to industrial union; to its steps. Only with such methods and aims played during the walkout except so far as an advantage to the United States; and the the organization of the forces for a genu will the be able to fight and Dally Herald refers to naval parity as Par.
Left wing and class conscious workers have ine struggle for the 40 hour week, increase defeat the betrayers of the workers and the ity disease and If the American sugge Injected it and made ettorts to energize the in wages, shop committee control this re agents of the bosses Schlesinger, Hochman Btrike. The mass picketing and demontion is accepted it will mean the contermains as before. It can be done, if proper Dubinsky and Company, and to build a ence will be a prelude to, not a cessation of strations of the Right wingers, looked uptactics are adopted and pursued. In addi union functioning in the interests of the battleship building on quietly by the employers and nonchation to the work of building the Left wing mass of needlo trades workers, lantly by Whalen police, were not even Dach has its special capitalists interests well staged. Where Left wingers mingled to preserve, and each each demands its among the workers and tried to develop a share of cruisors submarines, battleships or fighting spirit among the apathetic workother naval armaments. All make plans ers, then the police did not hesitate to club for war equipment for years ahead.
and arrest the workers. In the course of The French paper, Figaro, complains, one of these cham demonstrations. Right The United States obstinately pursues her wing guerrillas and gangsters, expecting to plang. All she cares about is to have the attack Left wingers, were responsible for kind and size of navy she wants. and goes the death of a dress manufacturer mingling on to add that France freedom of action in the crowd.
is preferable to agreement. The Amer. Working Conditions Unchanged Russian Bolshevik Revolution icans started in after the war to build the The workers are about to return to their largest fleet in the world but found it too shops. The class collaboration Agreement expensive. Now they think they can achof the U, and the Manufacturers, The Stalinist pregg is ominously slin addition to the mpartial machinery Communists will whisper in horror at the leve the same result by forcing others to lent! Has Blumkin been shot in con deed. They know that such an act could for the adjustment of disputes, calls for the reduce. Britain has agreed to impose limformation of a commission to study the formity with the orders of the or never have been committed in Lenin day, itations on other naval powers. They are not?
dress industry with a view toward stabilThe question has been put to it At that time, the Tcheka (now to be equal but all others are to be interizing the trade; in other words, a commis publicly, before the whole revolutionary carried out a rigorous task. But its acfor and they intend to fix the size of the working class. It refuses to reply to it. tivities remained subordinated to the conFrench, Italian and Japanese navies. Moresion to study long and plenty and to delay trol of the Bolshevik Party. At the head over, in condemning submarines in theory, indefinitely any actual improvement of the Why is Stalin himselt silent?
dressmakers conditions.
Wby of the Tcheka stood Dzherjinsky, man they are trying to force us to accept an unThe reported agreement calls for a two does the Russian Party Press, directly consatisfactory minimum.
of superior moral power. He remained year contract with no changes in the wage trolled by him, fail to breath a word about subordinated to the Political Bureau of the America Spreads Her Wings scale except overtime rates. With an in Blumkin fate? The assassination of Blum Party, composed of members who had creasing unemployment in the dressmakers kin would be a new stage in the Ideological clear ideas on every question and knew how But America is insistent and feels that struggle against the Russian Bolshevik to defend them. All this was a guarantee and the needle trades generally, and at the her strength and resources will prevail.
same time with an increase in the cost of Opposition. Will Stalin, Yaroslavsky and that tho Tcheka would rest an instrument Formal parity with Great Britain under the of the revolutionary dictatorship.
Co. find it difficult to explain to the Russian circumstances actually means that America living, no actual wage increase means in reality a wage reduction. With workers un and international working class why the Now the Party is stifled. At the head supersedes Great Britain as mistress of the exterminated Trotskyists now have to be employed and starving or eking out a misof the stands Menzhinsky, not a seas. Stimsons propo have the design erable existence, the proposed agreement fought by being stood against the wall in man, but the shadow of a man! The prin.
to place the American delegation in a domdefers discussion for unemployment insur Becret and shot down? Is this difficulty cipal role in the is played by Iagoda inant role at London.
ance for one year.
the reason for the silence?
a detestable careerist, who has bound his The Japanese are bitterly hostile, but Schlesinger, Dubinsky. Hochman and Blumkin was an irreproachable revolufate with Stalin and carries out the latknow not where to turn for relief. Small Co. the manufacturer and the state govern tlonist. Early in the revolution, he trans ter orders unquestionably. The Political concessions have been made to the Mikado ment, represented by Lieutenant Governor ferred his allegiance from the Left Social Bureau does not exist of that the recent government in the way of submarines, Lehman worked like a holy trinity n bind Revolutionaries and joined the Communist revelations of Bucharin bear incontestable So the pirates quarrel and fight for ing the dressmakers to miserable condi Party. He was one of the heroes of the witness. Stalin holds the Political Bureau the spoils, and politely ask the other feltions.
Red Army in the civil war and the struggle In his palms and uses the to col low pirate to walk the plank. The scared Left Wing Falled to Propose United Front against Imperialist intervention, Despite lect such material against them as will petty bourgeois pacifiat sees his hopes goThe Left wing, represented by the the fact that he avowed his support to the Ingure their obedience. Under such con ing up in smoke. First secretly, now openly Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union, Russian Opposition from the very begin ditions, the execution of Blumkin is a per the imperialist powers reveal that all their had an opportunity to do effective work ning, never concealing his views at any sonal aftalr of Stalln.
maneuvers are but paper talk and aro acamong the rank and file workers who re time, he was entrusted with the most imHas Blumkin been assassinated? Why?
tually laying the basis and strengthening sponded to the call of the Right wing union, portant and confidential work of the revWilliam Foster, the head of the Amerthemselves for the next imperialist war, but sectarian and isolation tactics rendered olution to the very end. Menzhinsky, the ican Communist Party, who has just refirst through diplomacy, and finally in the the efforts of the militants less etfective. head of the and Trillsser, former extension of diplomacy into the reality of To keep Left wing union members at work turned from Moscow, should know. Does head o! the foreign section of the in controlled shops behind locked doors scourging war. Reduction and disaramawere both aware of Blumkin views, but he assume Joint responsibility with Stalin for this unheard of crime? Do Browder, ment are just talk. These capitalist repwas even worse. No efforts or proposals he continued to fulfil his important revand Bedacht, and Minor and the others in resentatives feel more comfortable that they were made in the name of the Left wing to olutionary function because Menzbinsky the Party leadership? Let them speak out hear nothing of an actual program for tothe G. and the rank and Ale and Trilisser considered him Irreplaceable, strikers to effect a fghting front against and that was correct tal disarmament in all fields, as proposed publicly! Or do they want the Blumkin affair to becomo the Sacco Vanzetti case of by the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic the manufacturers, to abolish the sweat shop Now he has been shot the Militant 18 the Communist movement?
But the road toward total disarmament to gain the 40 hour week, to develop a mil in a position to state this from unquesand the abolition of war les through the Itant spirit among the striking workers tionably authentic sources. Why? On YES OR NOS HAS BLUMKIN BEEN struggle for the abolition of capitalother than Left wingers. The whose responsibility, on whose orders?
lost a chance to show up effectively the ASSASSINATED: On hearing the news, thousands and ism. And so the London Conference will TELL TTS, FOSTER!
talk reduction and peace and prepare for Right wing oficialdom through united front tons of thousands of Russlan workers and AND TELL US WHY!
war Why?