BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismItalyLeninRosa LuxemburgSocialismStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

Saturday, February 8, 1930 Η MILITANT Page A Repast of Wild Beasts United Front in Boston in the New Style London but each will defend it own appetite; Japan wants more cruisers than the otlïera will let it have; France develops the weapon, the submarine, and desires very French Communist Viewpoint on the London Naval Conference immediate rival, seeks to come closer to much to keep that advantage; Italy, its America and will defend her theses: proBy Paul Sizoft Boston is known as a historical city, hibition of submarines and freedom of com particularly so to the working class. But PARIS which require a submarine fleet, replied merce in times of war. We shall witness unfortunately Boston can boast of a great On January 21, the imperiallams that that what was more necessary to humana great battle around the militaristic deal more destructive work than construcdivido the surface of the globe will meet ize warfare was the suppression of capporringer, but there is no doubt tive. So while this city is mentioned hisin London to discuss ways and means of ital ships. The proletariat will make these about the victory of the strongest.
Amertorically let us not forget to put in a page making war cheap. Naturally, the servile scoundrels agree by suppressing them toca could, if it wished, construct a fleet for January 19, 1930.
press is întoning the pacitat chorus. to gether with capitalism which they reprecapable of crushing all the others; Eng On that day a conference was called belleve it, the governments would ask no sent!
land knows this and that is the reason by the Needle Trades Workers Industrial better than to make pickling cases with which forces it to accept a formula of limThe bourgeoisie whose domination is Union, inviting all organizations in Boston armor plate, but there is security which itation which inaintains in appearance a founded on the subjection of the working and vicinity to build a united front of all Tequires or wants it, etc. there is the sort of equality between it and its rival. workers for the defense of the union in the class, could not, without danger, lay before neighbor who has not had in its past the In appearance only: for what is decisive the masses the contradictions that torcoming struggles. Two of the members of in a conflict is not the military power at same traditions of generosity and humanment it. It needs a whole front of abstract the Communist League (Opposition) branch ity, etc. the neighbors are responsible for the outset it is the ability of a country phrases, such as peace, humanity, civilicame to 22 Harrison Avenue to participate everything without them there would be at war to repair and construct new materzation, right, disarmament, behind which in the conference. We came as ever before no more war and the peace of the Lord ial. This is the potential of war. and it to conceal its appetites and the resultant to help bulld the union and not to thrash Would reign over the flects. Peace in requires capital, raw materials, and a highantagoniams.
out political differences.
capitalist language means hegemony, ably developed capacity for production. It What did we find? We found assemJust as in its colonial enterprises, it is for this reason that America obligingly Bence of competitors, since the time when bled in a ball a number of people most of makes use of pastors and other agents of the word of the Lord was expressed in good lends itself to this disarmament comedy, whom were Communist Party members, English God to persuade the natives that for their With a littie pacifist air, it makes sure of a each one giving his name as representative own good they ought to become christians The Importance of Naval Transport superiority gotten at a bargain.
of a certain organization. Incidentally, the that is, wage slaves, so, in defense if its Thus, the disarmament conferences names of the various organizations were rom the seventeenth century to the hegemony, it utilizes pacifists, socialists, muke ready for the war just as surely as not disclosed to the gathering.
world war, English peace has actually and other agents of capital to persuade do irrational programs of ruinous armaprevailed incontested over the expanse of people that it is capable of bringing them a Everything is Properly Arranged ment construction. They permit the release the seas. First capitalist country in hisray of hope in their misery.
of non productive capital to The meeting was opened by a member economic tory, the United Kingdom has been, be We saw above that a war flect was an of the union who at once gave the chair branches of construction, and force the cause of that, the first naval power of the indispensable instrument to any self resto a man elected from the floor not a militarists to perfect the technique of comworld, Freedom ot the seas plays a prepecting imperialism. Unfortunately for it, member of the trade but a member of the bat and to design weapons infinitely more dominant role in commerce. Even today, it 3 a costly instrument, An armored murderous than those of the past.
parts before he had been seated as a delwhen land communications are multiplied, egate.
ship having a crew of a thousand men is when railroad lines are more and more conThat is the real, the productive side worth about 800 million francs; a well The same maneuver was exercized in tracted, maritime transportation remains of conferences, but they also play a inoral placed torpedo sends it to the bottom in a electing a credentials committee. Here too, the only means of access to the distant role which must not be neglected, in that one of the fly was not in the trade but a few minutes. At this price, and with less countries pour. ced upon by the capitalist risks, one can equip an army.
they give a semblance of reality to the Besides delegate who had not yet been seated.
talk fest at Geneva, The Socialist Inter When the credentials committee appeared, with the lightning progress of industrial national avails itself of these conferences Security is needed for capital used it brought in a majority report against technique, the completed ship whose plans in order to spread its opium among the seating us at the conference because we to exploit raw materials; security is date back several years is almost out of workers. It has formed a commission for needed for the merchandise that the metstyle. The rival imperialisms have alwere Trotskyists. When we asked for disarmament (of the working class, we the floor to explain our attitude towards ropolitan factories throw on the market ready conceived of more powertul, less might add, through which it expresses the the union, we were refused that also!
among the backward populations of the vulnerable ones. After twenty years, it is opinion that the London Conference will This security 13 decolonized lands.
We were cleverly refused the floor useless and sold as a pile of junk. This have lasting value, only it it accomplishes on the ground that it is unconstitutional manded from the war fleets, the sharks of involves considerable budgets: the United its task in the general organization of to grant the floor to any guest before the capital The existence of a great imperi States spends 10 billion francs a year for its peace sought at Geneva. in other words, delegation is constituted as a body. It alist country cannot then be conceived navy: England billion, France billion.
only if the famous preparatory conference this is the case, would like to ask those without a war fleet in proportion to the There are hundreds of billions in capital extent of its world expansion to that ex tied up in all the fleets of the world, proat Geneva, supposed to discuss above na of the conference who are so constitutiontions, confirms purely and simply the or ally correct. How did it happen that the tent naval hegemony 18 synonomous with ducing nothing wasting themselves in ders of American imperialism, which dicworld hegemony.
chair man was elected out of the delegation smoke.
tates them according to its momentary before its constitution as a body? And was Dagland has had the first to the extent The Washington Conference needs. Peace, according to our social there not a slight breach of good ruling that she has been able to retain the second An economic power, however weak, democrats, still speaks English as it did when a guest from the floor was placed The extraordinarily rapid growth of Germust therefore have a relatively satisfac. formerly, but with a strong Yankee accent. on the credentials committee to vote us man imperialism having threatened her tory economic perspective, to keep its rank All socialists are not Americanized. There out? What does this mean? Is this not pretentions, she stopped at nothing, even in the great naval competition. This is no are French ones like the social cbauvanist a repotition of the expulsion policy emwar, in order to save decadent England longer possible for England. In other days Paul Boncour, who worries over the limit ployed by the reactionary International from great peril and now, the formidable its Admirality set itself the task of having ation from above (at a height which Ladies Garment Workers Union? How German fleet, he pride of the Kaiser, rests a fleet at least the equal of the next two French capitalism evidently cannot reach. much more justified are these people in on a thick bed of shellfish at the bottom smaller fleets combined. Now, it must be he adjures the government to have our barring us than the bureaucrats of the of a little bay of Scotland.
satisfied with equality with the United rights respected, to the applause of a hun International were in barring us? As Left Despite that, the war did not save States, It was at the Washington Con dred deputies of the French section of the wingers, we always fought and always will British hegemony. Before her has arisen ference (1921) that this first stage of Bri Workers International.
fight most bitterly against this policy of the American colossus which little by little tish decadence was, so to speak, solemnly The genuine struggle against war is disruption.
has forced her exhausted forces to retreat; recorded. vast economic crisis raged that of Lenin, ut Rosa Luxemburg, that of want to remind the members of the and thus America has become the greatest throughout the world; all the industrial the revolutionary strugglo of the proletNeodle Trade Workers Industrial unionimperialist power in the world. Her cappowers were in a weakened condition. In ariat against capitalisin. Any solution and particularly those who were so ready ital, her merchandise, her navies go overyorder to lighten the excessively burdensomo that will not exterminato capitalism, the to expel us from the conference to look where. Even Europe and the Dominions, budgets, rising America and declining sole cause of war, is like cauterizing a back only a short time when the bureauthose ancient sacred shrines of British AnGreat Britain agreed to fix the tonnage wooden leg. In order to save ailing human crats of the International expelled them ance, are penetrated. new star has of capital ships at the same value, while ity the proletariat must cast off the soc for their political views. How bitterly we arisen on the Far Eastern horizon, Japan, preserving their privileges as regards the ial democratic witch doctors and bone sctall fought against it! And when, in the which in Asia vigorously competes with smaller ships, the cruisers and the subters, together with their poisonous methods sunmer of 1928, the call came to mobilize England and America. By means of her marines. At the same time Japan, the prin and join the school of revolutionary and build a new union of the workers and fleets she keeps watch over the Chinese cipal opponent of the United States in the Communism in order to march along the for the workers, a union that would emports on the Pacific, This causes grave Far East, abandoned by her former ally sure road of the liberating revolution.
brace all workers regardless of their politconcern to Wall Street and the White England, had to accept, under pressure, ical views, we felt that this was a sacred House; China, the outlet of enormous Asta, smaller tonnage for its effective forces. task.
is under the Japanese menace and that France and Italy, which cut a figure with NEW KIND OF TRADE UXION WORK Joyous was the response of all our makes it necessary for them to maintain their fireworks the repasts of wild comrades, whether actually engaged in thi powerful fleet in the Pacific.
beasts that these disarmament conferMinneapolis, Minn. needle trades or not, whether they were in Europe, France and Italy enviously ences are, had to be content with very Dear Comrades. Trotskyists or Stalinists. We all took up spy upon each other; Italy Buttocated with Finally, the ship tonnages were Yesterday attended a conference and arms to fight the bosses and their agents, in her national frontiers and on a poor fixed in the proportions 5 1. 75 75 mass meeting called ostensibly to Lear the bureaucrats of the International. We soil requires land for colinization whereas for the five powery, Since the position of Otto Wangerin of Chicago explain why new took up arms to help build the Needle France is firmly entrenched in the best England has not been re established, it unions on the railroads were neces Trades Workers Industrial Union.
parts of Northern Africa. Their colonial has constantly sought to obtain new naval sary.
Opposition on Side of Unlou antagonism results in their naval antagagreements, but has failed because of The call was circulated among as many From the time of its coming into exis.
onism and the victory will belong to the American hostility. Yankee capitalism, be railroad workers as they thought safe and tence, throughout every strike conducted one that controls the Mediterranean.
ing in good health could permit Itsell the those who would not bother them with by the Left wing union, our comrades stood Such are the naval powers which, perconstruction of a dozen cruisers, while Trotskylam. Out of the tremendous force by its side on the picket line and everytodically, in 1930 as in 1921 feel the need signing Kellogg Pacts at the same time. that the boasts, only three boni. Ilde where else. Now tho few party members of limiting their armaments, Of course, Today the perspective of a new econ railroad workers wore present. But this who came up to give the keynote to the peace serves, once again, as tinsel which omic crisis, which seems bound to hit the did not stop the hoodlums from expelling conference, suddenly declared us to befunctions to hide from the masses the United States; the technical revolution per those who are not converted to the third not workers, but bosses, shopkecpers! Is intrigues of Imperialism. On the day the formed by the Germans in the construction period, When arrived in the hall the this their conception of a united front? Is naval conference at Washington decided and use of cruisers which, from auxillary glant minds were set into motion to ind out this their conception of how to build?
to equalize the tonnage of British and Amerunits become battloships all these pre who can bost interpret this period. trem. It is painful to see such work carried ican armament, the American Secretary of liminary factors are required for the two endous struggle was waged amongst them on by those who themselves were born in State Hughes declared that new era Anglo Saxon Imperialisms to seek an un selves, which took up a good portion of an the struggle against just this type of work, is opened for humanity. He should have derstanding on a formula for cruiser limit hour. Finally unity was achieved and which can prove nothing but detrimental.
been more exact and be satisfied with the ation.
was ordered out of the hall. Poor Otto No, it is not by expulsion, not by statement that in actuality new era is That is the real cause of the new con Wangerin, his soul is not in the best of trying to push away those who come in opened for American imperialism.
ference which will be held in London. Such condition. But what can a poor fellow do earnest with the interest of the union at Humanizing Warfare is the world hegemony of these two states who always bows before the almighty heart, that the union can be built, but by that the others are so to speak constrained Wben Sir Arthur Balfour, British del apparatus? After left the hall the fora real united front of all workers regardto come and talk. The large fleets gwallow mulae was developed in detail and now the egate to the conference, asked for the less of their political views. Only through the small ones prohibition of submarines in order to small enterprises devour unity purity squad will go on as ever besuch a united front can we build a strong waak onen.
Imantze wariare France and Japan, fore.
So, each country will go to CARL SKOGLUND union CHARLOTTE SHECHET little.