BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStrikeTerrorismViolenceWorking Class

Saturday, January 25, 1930 THE MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor The New Udrzal Government the social democracy the safeguarding of bourgeoisie. It is compelled to confide to domination over the decisive proletarian which requires the extension of ihe proletclass in the Czech republic, which can arian revolution in Europe, the United Sor.
its profit interests. The social democracy in Czecho Slovakia carry out this revolution, through the re let States of Europe! Not a trace!
assumes the task of appeasing the masses formists. The domination of the bourgeThe appeal says: aroused by the crises. Without the reformAfter six weeks of laborious combinoisle in modern Europe is possible only But the capitalists outside and inside 1sts it would hardly be possible to form a through the isolation of the Communists ations, the new government has now been Soviet Russia are striving with all means parliamentary government. At the same from the oppressed sections and from the formed. The government chief, Udrzal, 18 to make impossible the carrying out of time, however, it shows the strength of proletariat. If a genuine Left turn in the an Agrarian, his party (the strongest) bas the bourgeoiste and the weakness of the leadership of the Communist Parties does this plan. They provoke the Russian profour ministers in the new cabinet. The letariat and its governinent and want to proletarian party (the Communist) when not take place within a short time and a other ministries are divided among the pull them into war conflicts.
following parties. Czel Social Demothe bourgeois parties could permit themMarxist direction established in the whole selves to carry on coalition skirmishes for Comintern, then Europe crats, 3; Czech National Socialists, 3; condemned to The idea consequently prevails in the six weeks without the combinatory idyl a further vegetation. The counter revoluministry each to the following paies: appeal that if the bourgeoisie does not being destroyed by the proletariat.
Czech National Democracy, German Agtion will continue its march in Europe and What is the background of the new force a war, the five year plan will build raise its head in Soviet Russie rarians, Czech Industrial, Czech Clericale, up socialism in Russia, that is, in one government formation and where aro Its German Social Democrats. The ministry The student riots in the Prague unt country.
of finance is allotted to a non Partisan.
versities, which took place under the leadThe Czecho Slovak bourgeoisie has an Is this porhaps ignorance or shamefut Thus, elght partles participated in the ership of the fascisti, show the perspective.
industrial crisis to overcome. Politically, stupidity? No, it more than that, it is new government. They unite inore than The reformists, who have four ministers in this was expressed among other things, the government, will have to take a poslreformism, it is the theory of socialism in million votes, the parties outside of the by its loss of the confidence of substantiel one country.
government (Czech and German Fascists, tion on questions like unemployment, remasses and that it now required the reparations (which signify a new tax burThis appeal was signed by 16 organizaGerman Nationalists, Hlinka, German and formists in order to establish the political tions under Communist influence and the Hungarian Christian Socialists, Communden on the people. crisis in agriculture, equilibrium. But It utilizes the reformists Party Central Committee itself.
ists) have about 2, 300, 000 votes.
tenant protection, etc. They will of course without qualms for it has nothing to lear The new international bourgools BOCnot solve them in the interests of the workIt is difficult to expect a Marxist posifrom them. On the contrary, they will lallst coalition therefore has a strong maging population.
tion from such a leadership in all quesassist it in surmounting the industrial crisority. It also calls itself the Concentration It was only in the second session of tions of the mass struggle (courageous is.
parliament on December 13 that the new leadership, Cabinet. The former national bourgeoispreparation for surprising socialist coalition showed themselves to be government came to reading of its proturns, correct trade union, peasant, nattoo narrow. The birth of the new governThe economic situation is far from ional policy, questions of democracy, fasgrammatic declaration. The fact that this ment was a hard one. The old basis of cheerful.
The expansion of American cism, etc. was introduced only at the second session, democracy no longer suffices and the soc capital in Europe, the concentration and and Its general lack of concreteness, shows The petty bourgeoisie. middle peaial democracy, in the role of a liberal party rationalization measures in North America how difficult it is for the government to sants, officials) is showing a proletarianhas to save bourgeois democracy. This is (for the overcoming of the crisis there) speak of its future, practical measures for ization in the Czech, German, and especia sign of weakness in the politics of the evokes crises in Europe. Germany and surmounting the crisis.
ally in the Slovaklan sections. The proletthe other European states, supplanted by arian and Semi proletarian class is American capital, are sharpening the comYet, a capitalist government shows its growing. The enslavement of the exin food products, and on the other by the petition in Europe. Characteristic is the ploited takes place through all the parties.
face even in its general declarations.
intensified physical exploitation passive balance of trade of Czecho Slovakia The dissatisfied masses gwing between of the with Germany in September, the smallest The government promises to evercome democracy and fascism, which contain all worker as a result of new industrial methtotal of foreign trade as a whole in comthe industrial worries by a collaboration ods (rationalization. workman is comthe species of clericalism (Catholiciam, parision with the previous year. The of the parties in the Interest of the state.
pelled to demand an increase in his nomireformed church, anti semitism. Nationlargest figures of Czecho Slovakia are That is, of the capitalist state, whose inter alism (Masarykism. humanism, pacifism, nal wages in order to defend his standard shown by its foreign trade with Germany, ests are antagonistic to those of the toiling of living of yesterday. These strikes can reformism, defense of the fatherland, irAustria, Poland, England, Hungary, Rumpopulation. The government promises to have an offensive character only from redentism, etc.
the standpoint of capitalist bookkeeping, anla and Jugo Slavia, in most of these defend the national economic interests of Communism is confronted with the From the standpoint of trade union policies countries the expansion of the Czech repthe capitalist state as a whole and its postask of finally finding a way out. Otherublic seems to be checked.
they have a purely defensive character. It In compariition on the international front, which wise, Europe remains the home of convul, means in other words, to sharpen capitalist is precisely this site the question that sion with the previous year, the export of sive crises, barbaric misery and war.
rationalization in order to appear capable every serious trade unionist should have textiles fell percent, leather goods, LENOROVICS of competition on the markets and to conclearly understood and brought to the forepercent, fruits and vegetables 27 percent.
duct the eventual war conflicts that arico Other manifestations of a crisis are also Prague, December, 1929.
front by every means. But Monmousseau plainly observable. There is a weakening out of the nature of these affairs with and company believe they have a right to of demand for money and a decline in insword in hand. In this connection, the be good for nothing trade unionists because thoy are, If you please, revolutionary lead dustrial activity to record. The curve of ers. Shouting till they are hoaree about industrial stocks is on the downgrade. The will devote thorough attention to the sethe offensive, political and revolutionary wholesale trade indices are included in the curity of the defense of the state. In the character of purely defensive strikes, they decline. Besides the sinking of the living question of reparations, the government do not of course, change the nature of standard index, a falling consuming power promises to yield as much as possible.
these strikes and do not increase their sig of the agricultural population is to be This then is the program of this new NEW YORK. FP) That Mussolini nficance by a single inch, But on the other noted. In the metal industry, there are government of finance capital. It is notewas only kidding the when his black hand, they do their best to arm the bosses numerous discharges of workers; in build worthy that the chairman of the house of shirt rufflang recently announced the disand the government against the workers.
ing, there is a strong decline, although deputies has been entrusted to the Agrarsolution of their Fascist League of America It does not improve matter when there was very favorable weather for it in ians, that of the senate to the social demis now definitely proved by activities an.
the Autumn.
our loaders point out that the strikes beThere is a weakening of ocrats. In the first and second sessions, utterances from official Fascist sources to the production in the chemical, wood, and lea newly elected come political Communist deputies Account of. the this city.
active role of the police. An astounding ther industries. falling off in orders in carried through a technical obstruction. American Fascism is more alive than argument! The beating up of strikers by the glass Industry from the is to The government proceeded to its first action. All the Communist deputies preever, screeches 11 Grido della Stirpe, The policemen is designated. a revolutionary be recorded.
Yell of the Race) Italian language news.
The history of The principal consequences are: inadvance of the workers.
sent were excluded for 10 sessions and a France knows quite a few massacres of crease in unemployment, insolvencies, re month wages withdrawn from each of paper published in New York as the official organ of Fascism in America. It tacks workers in purely economic strikes. In venue friction.
them. It is too bad that the party leadership of the S. takes no steps to exthis statement onto the same headline in the United States, a bloody settlement with It is clear that there is no final soluwhich it announcest hat the Fascist League strikers is the rule. Does this mean that tion for these problems of the Czech repub pose the meaning of the democratic acts is no more.
the workers in the United States are lead llo on a national scale. The manifestations of violence of the new government in mass ing the most revolutionary struggle? The of a crisis can temporarily be ameliorated meetings. This fact may be traced to the Dissolution of the official black shim shooting of strikers has in itselt, of course, at the expense of the working class and the isolation and theoretical untenability of band only means that in the future. Fag petty bourgeois sections, but the develop the present Centrist leadership.
a political siguificance. But only a loudcism will be stronger, better armed, mor ment of the productive forces of the re The Communist Party has the task of mouth could identity it with the revolutioneffective, and if necessary more vioich ary political advance of the working mass public, just like in the other countries, is drawing the dissatisfaction of the masses in all parts of America, Il Grido goes, on hopelessly checked by the many national into a revolutionary path through a cor to explain.
es thus unconsciously playing the hand Finally, it says, Fascism of the bosses and their police.
boundaries of Europe. The figures for ex rect mass policy. But the leadership of the America will be ready to defend itsellf an ports to Germany, England, Poland, Hun P, s, has no clear perspective.
When the British General Council of attack others with words, the press, an gary, Rumania, Jugo Slavia glve a clear In its central organ, Rude Pravo (12Trade Unions represented the revolutionary fists.
picture of that. The bourgeoisie makes 13 1929) an appeal to all the trade union, strike of 1926 as a peaceful demonstration, Anti Fascist leaders point to tin it knew what it was doing that was a de convulsive efforts to insure its profits: political, sport and cultural organizations ceaseless activity if scores of Italian con liberately planned betrayal, But when Trustification of the textile industry, ratsulates throughout the country as center: of the proletariat, to the whole conscious Monmousseau and company represent scat ionalization, tax pressure on the urban working class of the republic, is issued in for spying, intimidation, and Fascist prope tered economic strikes as a revolutionary and rural masses, all this is to make pos which we read the following: ganda. Italian consuls, among other thing sible competition on the European markets, The five year industrial plan is an attack on the bourgeois state, nobody will are taking a systematic census of Italian think of accusing them of a deliberate be But it is precisely the profit economy that achievement that humanity has never be Americans, especially wage workers. Pres trayal: It is doubtful of these people can Darrows the market possibilities Internally fore seen. Through this plan, the Russian sure is brought to bare on these peopleact with deliberation. But it is certainly no and externally, crises arise which coun proletariat wants to reach and surpass the American citizens as well as Italian su!
help to the workers.
terpose the hungry unemployed and the highest Industrially developed states of the jects to reveal their trade, their place In the next article we will see how pinched masses to finance capital.
world. abolish the last remnants. employment, the number of persons in the National boundaries are an expression of capitalism, and erect. the socialist theso terribly revolutionary heroes render families and other information, of the interests of the profit economy of the society.
Finally, there is the Italian Historier some othor services to the bosseg, ignoring financial groups of the country concerned, Thus, through the five year plan the the rise of commerce and industry, underSociety, a cover crganization for the sam estimating its significance, that is, under and the abolition of the limits and bound Russian proletariat is to surpass the most bunch of terrorists which ran the deccase This aries is equivalent to the suppression of highly developed capitalist world. FascistLeague.
estimating the profits of the capitalisteIte secretary 1s Harol and by the same token undermining the the capitalists, that is, the proletarian five year plan is to abolish the last rem Lord Varney, renegado who solt revolution.
nants of capitalism and erect ho socialist foundation of the economic struggles of out to the bossesand renounced the labo: Only the United Soviet states of Eur. society.
and all its works 15 years ago. Since the the workers.
ope can eliminate the chaos and misery What hinders this idyllic construction All this is done, of course, to the he has been busy shocking tlmid gathering in Europe.
of socialism? Perhaps the economic 180lory of the third period.
tíme stories about the horrible redets Thanamh 18 tnon The hourgedisie exerts its political lation, the international division of labor much per shock.
declaration assures that the government Fascism Still Alive in United States