BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, January 25, 1939 Enormous Profits in Step Down by the International Right Southern Tobacco TROTSKY The Right wing, which still employs Jilek and Bolen, who presumed to oppose some Communist phraseology purely out the unification on the basis of the submitted The writings of LD. Trotsky Enormous profits for the companies of years of habit, has taken another step resolution! Brandler suddenly discoversare the richest and most fruitful contrast with the bitterest exploitation of away from Communism and towards the after having favished praise upon them contributions being made to the the workers Negro and white in the social democracy. This time the action is for months that Jilet and Bolen are labor and revolutionary moveSouth second biggest manufacturing inlaid in Czecho Slovakia. The Right wing the two representatives of the Ruth Fischments today. There is not a probdustry tobacoo, in which opportunities there has been divided into three camps: er Maslow era in Czecho Slovakia the lem that great Bolshevik touches for labor organization and struggle are the Jilek Bolen group of Right wingers worse thing Brandler can say about anywhich is not immediately illuminripened by the sharpened class distinction.
ated in all its aspect.
with some, Centrists leanings, the Right And the Annual financial reports of the big cigarwing organization in Brunn, and the trade That is the contemptible way in which problems he deals with concern ette companies, Just released, are very inunion opportunists (Hais et al) who are the Right wing criticize each other new the most vital interests of the whole movement.
now in control of the Left wing unions. strides away from Communism. You Leading in profits is the Reynolds On December 15, the Action Committee must understand, dear Houser, says BrandThe international labor and Tobacco Co, which has attached to Winstonof the Communist Party of Czecho Slovakia ler, that will have to say an embarrassed Communist movements are in a Salem, the sobriquet of Camel City. Opposition. the Jilek. Bolen. Fouser word or two in Gegen den Strom. But critical situation. Never has the need for clarity been 80 urgent as Its profits for 1929 reached the amazing group recently removed from Party leaderplease do not feel hurt. We are really for total of 32, 210, 000 compared with. 29, ship and expelled held a plenary meeting a Hands Off policy, and in our next issue it is today. Never has the need 080, 000 in 1927. No question here of an at which the question of unity in the Right will write a full page eulogizing you in for straight Marxist thinking been over expanded industry profitless for wing camp was discussed.
such 80 pressing. Nobody is doing more unmeasured and uncritical terms in this field than Trotsky, capitalists, as the textile barons claim.
The report was delivered by Houser, that nobody will remember the petty critEnormous Company Profits with a co report by Bolen. The subject of Icism made the week before.
The situation in the Soviet The tremendous net earnings, built on the controversy was the political and orUnion, the fountain head of the The Right Wing Doesn Intervene ganizational resolution worked out by revolutionary movement the sale of Camels and Prince Albert, come today, the Opposition) at a joint conter Thus proceeds the occupation of new from workers suffering under an even lower which offers so many complexities scale of weges tban cotton mill operatives, to the average observer, is made ence with the Brunn Opposition on Novem social democratic territory by the Right whom and from tobacco growers, many ber 25. The resolution was adopted at the wing in every country and the ever greater clear and understandable by TrotPlenary session by a vote of 18 to 4, with distance it puts between itself and its are reported tamine stricken in eastern sky writings. In fact, the course North Carolina Unionism 18 tolerated of events in the Soviet Union and Jilek, Bolen, Lipina and Kolzer voting in former Communist base. Every group knows there is no danger of any serious the Russian Communist Party can even less in tobacco factories than in the negative. While adequate details are intervention by the other.
be evaluated properly only by a cotton mills. The Tobacco Workers Inti. not yet at hand, the character of the resolution that forms the basis of the unifica similar case may be found in the Union reports the neglible membership reading of the works of the Rustion of the Czech Right wing groups may United States. With a simplicity and ease of 3, 200 based on a few small, but friendly slan Opposition which Trotsky that does no credit to his followers, Lovespeaks for and leads.
firms in Kentuoky manufacturing cigar be judged from the following Illuminating excerpt: stono has succeeded in allying his group ettes for the union label trade, In the United States, Trotsky R. Reynold net earnings of 32, 210, The proletarian united front is not with the Brandler group in Germany. The writing appear regularly in the completeness of this reversal may be judMilitant. Just as the first writ000 for 1929 are computed after deducting Just a maneuver for the purpose of exposure, but it is a serious policy which has ged from the fact that there has not been all charges and expenses of management, ings of Lenin in this country bea national or International party congress came a mighty instrument for the and after making provision for interest, as its task the approachment (andaeherung)
or plenum since 1924 where Lovostone molding of the revolutionary movedepreciation, taxes, and collaboration of all class conscious socadvertising, etc.
falist parties that are ready to fight against did not condemn Brandler and Co. from From this sum 25, 500, 000 was paid to ment years ago, the writings of the bourgeoisie.
hell to breakfast as the outstanding repstockholders and 6, 710, 000 transferred to Trotsky now are playing the same resentative of social democracy in the Comrole in the movement at a differthe undivided profits account, which now Break with Communis totals 51, 579, 000.
ent stage, Gegen den Strom, the central organ of munist movement. Lovestone prided himsell on being the most prominent antagonAmong the articles by Trotsky These tremendous earnings the German Right wing (Brandler Thalare ist of Brandlerism, and made this antagonthat have appeared in the Militant based on the labor of 12, 000 Winston Salem heimer) quite correctly remarks that this ism one of his principal claims to lead recently are: Disarmament and workers, more than half of them negroes.
paragraph in incompatible with the LeninIt may be ist tactic of the united front, ership in the American party. Inside of the United States of Europe.
Wages run from to 11 a week, with a six months, Lovestone erased five years of Syndicalism and Communism. The maximum of 48 cents an hour.
added that it breaks not only with some his record. The two Right wing groups Austrian Crisis and Communism.
specific tactic of the Communists which The Winston Salem tobacco factories should or should not be applied, according have agreed to let each other traverse its are strongly protected against union inWho is Leading the Communist own specific path of national reformism International? What is Happening roads. Reynolds answered the activ to the conditions of the struggle but with without molestation or petty criticism.
in China?
Twelve years of the itles of Crouch, vice president of the the fundamental principles of the CommunWe know of no socialist ist movement.
But the outward forms of Internat Russian Revolution. The Defense Tobacco Workers. Intl. Union, stationed in ionalism must be maintained.
parties outside of the Communist Parties Even Otto of the Soviet Union and the Oppothe Camel city, by wholesale discharges of Bauer will sometimes be found criticizing sition, Etc.
that is ready to fight against the bourgeoiunionists. Last year 800 were fired in one Etc. No active worsie. We know only that all shades of the the more scandalous actions of his British ker can afford to be without these batch, many of them negroes. But back or German colleagues in the Second Inter contributions which appear only in in 1920 the union was strong and covered social democracy, Right as well as Left. national.
are the decoys of the bourgeoisie in the Therefors the current issue of the Militant.
the 14, 000 workers then employed in an proletarian movement, that their role in the Revolutionary Age contains a criticism industry where speedup has since taken In 1930, the Militant plans to of M, N, Roy that is positively touching in continue the publication of Trotits toll in displaced workers. No one got the struggle is essentially one of diverting, confusing and strangling every genuine the delicacy of its reproach. In a recent less than 32 cents an hour and the maxisky writing, which will include article, Roy condemned not only the pet some of the most brilliant work movement of struggle against capitalism.
mum was 64 cents. The Machinists Union abomination of the Right wingers, the 10th he has yet done in the course of To the socalled Left socialists falls had separate contracts covering their men.
Plenum of the but also the his years in the revolutionary the specific task of deceiving the workers The Industrial depression of 1921 afinto the belief that there are bad social Sixth Congress: the latter was too Left movement. The best way to insure forded an excellent opportunity to drive Ists who collaborate with the bourgeoisie, for him. In a critical article of reply out unionism, which was crushed under getting these copies of the Militant and good socialists who are against the Herberg assures Roy that he is wrong.
militant anti union tactics and unemployregularly, 18 to subscribe for a proletarian revolution and the dictatorship The Sixth Congress was not a Left conA yearly subscription is met.
gress; its leaders were Bucharin, Love 00 or 00 for six months.
Virtual Famine for Workers of the working class but still ready to fight against tbe bourgeoisie. Their names stone, Jilek, Serra and Humbert Droz, says The other side of the Reynolds are Purcell, James Maxton, Paul Herberg.
The only trouble is that its exploitation is seen in eastern North CarLevi, Georg Ledebour, Otto Bauer and work is being revised now.
olina, where the Raleigh News and ObserCompany. Their ranks are wide open to Roy Nationalism ver reveals hunger prevalent and condireceive the new recruits to national socialtions closely approaching a real famine.
ism of the Left variety Hauser, Hais, Alas, even the tender criticisms of This is in the tobacco country. At the Brandler, Hueber, Sellier and Lovestone.
Herberg are lost on Roy. The latter is a mercy of the Big Five tobacco corpora The above mentioned Czech resolution 18 well known Indian nationalist, who has JUST RECEIVED!
Llong, which set the price to be paid the an indication that the Right wing of the travelled for the last to years from grower at the start of each barvest sea Communist movement is more than ready Moscow to Shanghai to Moscow to the aon, the bright leaf growers, who supply Riviera to Berlin to Moscow and back to to meet Bauer and Co. halt way.
the cigarette trade, find no open market in It is true that Gegen den Strom very Berlin, where he is now the International which to sell. This year with parlal formally records its disagreement with the specialist of the Brandlerites. All these crop failure and a price of 24 cents a resolution of its Czech colleagues. But it years he has had to masquerade in a ComTHE BULLLETIN ound, they find themselves at the mercy is purely a matter of record with Brandler.
munist costume. Now he has thrown it off.
of the Russian Opposition e the big cigarette companies, the land Let the archives bear testimony for the Even the Sixth Congress was too radical rds and the bankers.
future historian that Brandler once refor him. With his expulsion from the ComThe new Issue contains artic. es by corded his opposition to the crude opporintern, there is no longer even the falntest Trotsky on the Twelfth AnniTORONTO MILITANTS, ATTENTION!
tunism of his Czech comrades, and thererestraining leash upon him.
versary of the Russian Revolution, class in the fundamentals of Marx by cleared his international conscience.
He will not lose any sleep over HerCommunism and Syndicalism, Syndin and Leninism, under the direction of (It might be added, of course, that Brand berg criticism. He knows that it means calism Mistakes in Principle, the aurice Spector, is being organized by the ler policy in Germany, while bit Austrian Crisis, China, etc. etc. Arnothing and can accomplish nothing. So ommunist League (Opposition) branch in more refined, is neither better nor worse long as he doesn interfere with Lovestones ticles by Christian Rakovsky on Govoronto.
If interested, get in immediate than Houser in Czecho Slovakia. effort to create a temporary berth beernment Policy and the Party Regime, uch with Quarter by telephone: But no sooner has Brandior so devoutly tween the socialist and Communist movethe Capitulators. Letters from RussInity 5783J. All workers Invited. fulflled his international obligations. inents of this country, Lovestone will not ian Oppositionists in Exile. An unpubthan he turns around in the very next issuo expose the sleight of hand tricks by which Iished document of the Petsrsburg of his paper (Vol. 3, No. and glves a Roy pulls nationalist policies and theories Party Com on the eve of the It the number on your wrapper is glowing and unrestrained account of the out of a Bolshevik hat.
uprising, concealed by Stalin, And Unification of the Three Communist Opmany other important articles and position groups in Czecho Slovakia. And DETRO. FP) Workers in the Motdocuments.
Lo and behold! there is not as much as a ors Products Co. in Detroit are making as ALL ARTICLES IN RUSSIAN on your subscription to the Militant has syllable whispered about the resolution so low as 25 for a 10 hour day. This is 250 each 18c in bundleg pired. Renew immediately in order to formally and unobtrusively critized a week done by returning work done on a pieceOrder From oid missing any issues.
before. It is not against this vulgar piece work rate as unfinished. Many workers THE MILITANT of Menshevism that Brandler now directs have left their jobs as this system entere 25 Third Avenue, New York, his shafts, but against the timid souls. its fourth week.
MILITANT NC 29 THE MILITANT, Vol. III, No. 4, Janaury 25 1930. Published weekly by the Jom munist League of America (Opposition) at 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subtription rate: 00 per year; foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, ceptsper copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern. James Cannon, Max Shachtman, MauIce Spector, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mail matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Office Ney ork, under the act of March 3, 1879. Total No, 29)