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THE MILITANT Page Saturday, January 18, 1930 The Prosessor Nightmare An Economic Analysis?
Or Factional Demagogy Forgery clumsy forgery becomes apparent. What tion.
money made possible an embarkment on road of production increase such as has not had its parallel in history, accompanied by an unprecedented export of capital. Our emphasis. Story of the Great American Worker Boss that Never Existed Compare the quotation made by the party thesis with the original, and the Dr. Thomas Thornton Read, Professor pass before he enters the promised lund, of Mining at Columbia University, having where he undergoes a rigorous examinawe did was to make a simple and incon spent three years studying the American As was to be expected, the Political testable statement of fact that after the at Work. and having found that the Amer Can you use a wrench? finally asks Bureau of the Communist Party has drawn World War. not today, but twelve years ican does several times the amount of the agent in a tone of doubt.
up a resolution on The Economic Crisis ago. the increased its productive productive work accomplished by an Asiatic Is that all have to do? answers and the Tasks of the Communist Party forces and output to a degree never before or a European. seats himself (one may the Professor gleefully, and he makes not published in the Dally Worker (1 11 1930. known in history. Only a hopeles idiot or suppose) in a comfortable chair and puts the slightest objection as the agent pushes We will yet take occasion to write in great a revived Egyptian mummy could deny his undoubtedly remarkable brain to work to him over to a foreman who conducts him er detail on the general line of analysis this well known fact. But what the forgers discover the reason why. After some little forth with to the Hall of the Machines.
and conclusions of this party document. It did in their thesis was to make it appear as time spent in mental acrobatics he arrives Here long rows of Tin Lizzies in all is enough now merely to say that It is an though the Militant claims that the United according to the New York Times of Janu stages of development travel on an endless average example of non Marxist electirism, States today, now, not twelve years ago, ary 5, at these equally remarkable conclu chain. The Professor is furnished with a a plece of sophomoric research clipping is on the road of an unparalleled production sions: first, that the American workers wrench and a box of nuts. He is placed in work, without any clean line to tllluminate increase! By the slight change in gram are not wage slaves, but, on the contrary, position and instructed that when a car its jumbled statistics, and with a conclusion matical tenses, the Stalinist swindlers wipe bosses, one and all, with mechanical slaves reaches him he must put a nut in a certhat flows from no premises. It picks up out a whole decade of American economic doing the work for them; second, that the tain spot and tighten it up. He is warned one quotation from a financial journal here, history, and thus achieve another argu American converts food into energy at a that he must do this before the car reaches another from a bourgeois economist there, ment against the Opposition! Lenin onco higher rate than any other nationality the aext man, and that he must repeat the glues them together with a couple of quot said that a demagogue is the worst enemy but utilizes much of that energy in play same operation on the next car as it comes ations from 10th Plenum resolutions, and of the working class. Are swindle and rather than work. third that the econpresents the resultant hodge podge as an forgery different in any degree from omic system of America based on the This is too easy, smiles the Profeseconomic and political analysis.
ability of American business men to find sor and playfully gets busy on the first car As for its political conclusions they The resolution finally clinches its ways to provide employment for every one. as it arrives. He repeats the operation on are disgraceful: no strategical task is elabattack upon our position with the following so that the worker and his employer can the second while his companion watches orated except the recommendation that the half quotation from the militant: But both live well on the fruits of their joint him quizzically, The first hour of his party must win the masses of the American the United States is still in a sufficiently enterprise. labor passes quickly, but by the time the workers (How. participate more actively strong and arrogant. position in world second has gone the ardor of the nut in the struggles of the workers (with what economy and politics to endeaver to over As the Professor, after having given manipulator has begun to ebb. His motions program and policies. recruit new membcome its economic difficulties at home. his discoveries to the world, via the Times, slacken.
ers (in what way? and what has prevented (Dally Worker emphasis. From this quo dozes quietly in his chair, there suddenly Get a move on, there, comes the the recruitment up to now. and similar tation is omitted the balance of the sent appears before him a tall, lean creature voice of the foreman and the Professor meaningless platitudes. There is no review ence: by pressure on two points: on the dressed in workmen clothes, carrying a braces himself for the worst, for his head at all of the enormous tactical blunders of workers in the form of a more intense bundle under his arm, The Professor is already dizzy and his imploring looks the party and the policies that have led it drive to lower wages, lengthen the work gives a start and exclaims, Who are you?
in the direction of his former companion from one defeat to another.
day, speed up the workers, and on Europe, What do you want?
have had no effect.
The document, in short, is worthless.
in the form of a decreased ration for am the American Worker. replies Say, m getting tired of this. Can It is one of those shoddy products ground France, Germany, Italy, England and the the apparition in a hollow voice and I do something else for a change? he out with monotonous regularity by the party rest of the world market.
want you to come with me.
finally calls across. And adds, For hesthesis mill and just as regularly laid on What is wrong in this statement, the But have just spent three years the shelf of the archives room forgotten ven sake, don they ever stop this chain?
in less time than was consumed in writing Dally Worker does not say. Does it contest seeing you at work, the Professor remon Great heavens, he must put on nuts for the absolute correctness of these words?
it. Nevertheless, we shall return to it at strates. The stranger hands him a suit of ten hours today. What a nightmare! What another opportunity. We limit ourselves That is hardly likely: it would fly in the Working clothes and repeats: Come along. a nightmare, indeed! But eventually the face of the party resolution itself (Points now to the section of the resolution deThe Professor gives a deep sigh but whistle blows. It time to quit.
dicated to the Opposition for nowadays a 10, 11, 14, etc. But what of that? For gets into the clothes and asks, Where Come on and eat something and then the thesis writers in the party today yard long attack against Trotskyism is the are we going? To work. is the brief you can go to bed. You ll have to be up all such petty matters of honesty, inabsolutely required sauce for an otherwise response, as the door enclosing the Profesearly tomorrow, says his companion.
dependent political thought, analysis proceed tasteless and unpalatable party thesis.
sor cozy study bangs behind them. There another day ahead.
ing from facts and not wishes, are entirely Let hop over to Detroit and see how Trotskyism Dead Again No! No! Not another day, not another subordinated to the main problem of de things are going there, says the stranger.
hour. ve had enough.
The section on the Opposition (Point stroying the so many time destroyed Opposi21) begins with the religiously observed Ah, Ford, the Professor smiles. Yes. Very well, then so be it. But let tion. If it cannot be done with fact, then formula that the Trotskyist group 18 indeed, let be off to the Ford plant that go to the office and get our money.
the place to go; scientific management Well, what do you want? asks the bankrupt, breaking up, anti Ccmmunist, falsehood must serve. If no arguments are available, then demagogy must be pressed everything systematized there, you know clerk as the Professor stands mutely waitand even openly anti Soviet. But how has into use. If your opponent position is the machines do all the work and the ing for his reward.
the militant in spite of bankruptcy and unassailable, distort it, misrepresent it, or disintegration. been able to transform itmen have scarcely anything to do, yet get want my share of our joint entermanufacture for your opponent such an unself into a weekly? The authors of the good wages for it.
tenable position that you will be able to The stranger gives him a sorrowful What that?
thesis explain: With the money received attack him. For the Stalinist press and took, which quickly disappears however. want my share.
by Trotsky for his articles against the those who fill its columns, these tenets Bolshevik Party and the Soviet Union from for in the shako of a lamb tall the tray Oh, you mean you want your wages.
are the beginning and the end of all pol eling workers find themselve in Detroit, Sign this.
Hearst and Lord Beaverbrook. e. the itical wisdom.
outside the Ford works. Several hours No, no.
explanation of people who cannot conceive am an American Worker.
a boss. want my share of our profits.
of a movement functioning in any way Say, what the heck are you talking other than their own, other than with subabout? Did your work affect your brain?
sidies from the international Stalinist apa Here your five simoleons and now beat paratus which corrupt the movement and it!
transform the official parties into change. But, Unlike Trotsky, He is not Confined on an Island by Friend Kemal Pasha less echoes of any and every pronouncement What, only fve dollars for ten hours of slavery at a machine? And Ford gets of their financial patrons. But when it is The diplomatic representative of the tual culture by basing ourselves on the millions!
impossible to elaborate intelligent and ef Soviet Union, Kharkhan has just made a creative power of the peoples of our It no use to argue, admonishes the fective political arguments, others must be triumphal Toyage to Turkey. Everywhere, Union.
substituted, and in this case with all the at Angora as at Constantinople, his pas Karakhan is too prudent a man to stranger. That the wage they pay you characteristic features of Stalinist swindle. sage was the occasion for demonstrations for a day labor; you can take it or leave take a chance. When he speaks in this it. There are thousands outside all ready In a recent issue, we pointed out how of an exceptional warmth. In the course way, he is after all defending the official to step into your shoes at the same price.
the Daily Worker had deliberately and of his trip, he made some declarations to theory of the construction of socialism He takes the tired Professor to the nearest maliriously misrepresented the viewpoint of journalists which are interesting to note. in one country. but by crudely demon par and seats him on a bench.
the Militant on the questios of the present The manner in which he spoke of official strating that this socialism resolves it Listen to me, Professor, he begins.
economic situation in the United States. It personages is pretty astonishing. The Min self in the end into nationalism pure and You ve hace some real experience now as simply took a sentence out of a news story ister of Foreign Affairs, Tewik Rushdi Bey, simple. That is what permits him to say a worker, and hope it taught you somein the Militant, which referred entirely to is his best friend and he harbors feel that Turkey and the Soviet Union have the thing. If you had had it first, and talked the dress making trade, distorted it, and ings of the deepest respect towards the same ideas and the state of mind. More afterwards, you would have arrived at with fine scorn and contempt, presented it president of the council, Ismet Pasha. The over, in the course of his trip he was able different conclusions than you did after as though that were the Alpha and Omega conventional language of diplomats it will to establish features already common to both of the Militant viewpoint of the situation, be said. Perhaps, but of bourgeois diplo You would your three years. survey regimes. Kemal governs Turkey as an ab have learned, for instance, that American In spite of our exposure, this piece of cheap mats, and in this domain as in the others, solute autocrat by basing himself on a Journalistic mispresentation worthy of the the Soviet Union must demonstrate that it as well as European and Asiatic workers monolithio party and having workers yellow press is now re consecrated and are all wage slaves, selling their labor is not a State like the others, that it is a who criticize it thrown into prison. Stalin power as a merchant sells his commodity, printed over again in the thesis as a proletarian State. Its diplomats should is not Kemal; but the shallow and disgusThe crushing refutation of our position.
for what it costs to reproduce it.
distinguish themselves, although not in the ting demonstrations ordered for his fiftieth amount of wealth the workers produce in But the thesis grinders are not satis manner of Bessedovsky.
anniversary show that he would like well the shops has nothing whatsoever to do with fied with misrepresentation alone. In the Nevertheless, it is not there that the enough to resemble him. His nationalism, resolution, they go a bit further and resort the wages they receive. They get only most important point lies in the declar which is blossoming today, is a fundamen enough for a bare existence, and if the to outright forgery. They write: In its ations of Karakhan. That which is ser tal trait of his political personality and was issue of Nov. 30th, the basic ideas of LoveAmerican worker produces, as you say, fous and symptomatic, in our opinion, is manifested on numerous occasions, par three times more than the European workstone are clearly echoed; while admitting that, upon arrival at Angora, the associate ticularly in 1922 during the constitution er, he is nevertheless only exploited the depression in some of the most important of the Soviet commissariat for foreign of the Soviet Union. It is Lenin himself morin doing so.
branches, United States capitalism is de affairs cried: who denounoed it at that time writing on m leaving you now, but you can sit scribed as on a road of production increase This city reflects the calm and firm December 31, 1922: here as long as you like and think the such as has not had its parallel in history. security with which the new Turkey is It is evident that Stalin and Dzer.
matter over. Bally Worker emphasis. Now let us see built, which supports itself upon its own zhinsky must be made politically respon. Oh, please don leave me. ve got what actually appeared in the Militant. forces and puts its hopes in the creative sible for this whole campaign of genuine only five dollars in the world, no job and We wrote (November 30, 1929. force of its people and in them alone, Russian Nationalism.
no place to go. The Wall Street crash was not due What have seen, especially in this re Repelled and subdued as long as LenThere solely to the speculative mania, which only You ve got plenty of company gard, is not strange to me. They are the In lived, Stalinist nationalism has since are three or four million just like youtaggravated the situation. Its roots go deep same ideas and the same state of mind succeeded in imposing itself by methods er. Since the end of the World War, the without money and no prospect of a job.
that prevails in our country. We are build that the Left Opposition does not cease to became the world banker. Easy So console yourself with that. Write to ing up our life, our material and telles denounce and combat.