
THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Vol. III No. Telephone: DRYdock 1666 NEW YORK, Saturday, January 18, 1930 PRICE CENTS Heavy Decline in Jobs Mill Bosses Plan 1500 Unemployed Demonstrate in St. Louis Every Industry Company Unions Reports Slump Tear Gas is «Popular» Chicago Building Takes Sharp te ure douce essive amouth Weapon against Labor Drop; Thousands Jobless rule that when losses are to be taken in Massachusetts Building Trap Workers Severely Hit Mayor Answers the Demand for Work or Relief by Arresting Two Leaders By GOLDBERG of the Communist League, and Ralph Mar.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. By Telegram) Under tin.
ALBANY, FP. Not since 1920, The numbers of St. Louis unemployed the year of the severe panic, has any single To Counteract Trade Union Drive the leadership of the Communist League (Opposition. fifteen hundred unemployed continue to grow by leaps and bounds, and month registered such sharp decline in emFederated Press workers marched through the downtown thougands of workers have already scraped ployment in New York state factories ar section of St. Louis to the City Hall. At a While right and left wing unions plan through an extremely bitter winter with no December, asserts the state labor departmass meeting there, demands were made prospects for relief in sight, but rather a ment.
further organization in the south, the The drop from November was The upon the Mayor for work or relief. worsening of conditions. The reply of the of unions by a spirit of cooperation and following an October November decline of answer of the mayor was the arrest of two Mayor to the demands of the unemployed in the number of Jobs reported from friendship for the employers, the National of the leaders of the demonstration, Elmer shows what aid they will get from that Textile Workers Union by militant class 1, 500 factories representative of all impor.
McMillan, secretary of the local branch source.
tant industries conflict, boss morale in the textile Industry Every Industry reported the slump.
Is bolstered by a January 1deological inAll the metals showed general losses, with ventory taken by Textile World, trade iron and steel mills cutting forces for the paper of the McGraw Hill chain.
Automombile Surveying the gulde posts needed by plants were 15 under 1928. Machinery employers in turning back of overand electrial apparatus firms, all the tures, even of the meekest type, this emclothing industries, and textiles reported ployers organ urges more employe repreBy LEWIS workers dumped into the job market setation company unions and suggests sound labor extention systems.
By Harvey Connor CHICAGO (FP) The preferred post Chemicals, glass, foods and even publish.
tion maintained by the building trades Selling Labor New Chain (FP. Tear gas is becoming quite poping and printing showed decline, unions since the war, has had its worst 1929 as a whole marked an advance o!
It advises employers to develop company ular among sheriffs to disyerese union shock in the past six months due to the irpickets. Sherift John Snyder of Northfour points in employment over 1928, due unions such as now keep workers in bondresistible downward plunge of building ac to the high level of industrial activity it age in the great Amoskeag mills and Pacific ampton county, Pennsylvania, testifled he tivity.
used tear gas gun the same used the first three quarters of the year. The mills, the latter with southern branches For the time being, contractors and general index of employment was 98, based And by sound labor extention it means by Sherifl Adkins in Marion, when other employers of building labor are thembystanders insisted on watching him arrest on the three year average of 1925 27. The the kind that can be fastened on the workers selves too flabbergasted by the bursting of average wage reached a top figure of 30. 47 without evoking spontaneous strikes such seven union pickets at the Kraemer scab their profit baloon to take thorough stock in October.
mill at Nazareth. When the onlooking Nazas developed in the Carolinas last spring.
of the situation. But it is an invariable arenes failed to move on at the sheriff It means preparing the workers minds in advance and properly selling them the order, he fired pointblank at them, industry, the boss turns them over to the new shackles.
In all 26 pickets have been arrested for workers. There is nothing to indicato similar idea runs through an article ignoring a court order that only two pickets building employers will not follow such a on group insurance for textile workers ap are to be permitted in front of the Kraemer course.
pearing in the same issue. It suggests that mill. Announcing that they considered this The standards of building workers BOSTON (FP) Twenty six percent this insurance should not be given workers a violation of their constitutional rights, have, in the main, been over rated. While the 48, 000 union building trades mechani as a gratuity but they should pay a little the strikers picketed anyway, the sheriff arwages as high as 17 a day with bonuses Included in state labor department figure something for it, thus furthering Joint rested seven, became angry when he found have been paid in some localities under were jobless on Dec. 2, according to a re bystanders interested, shot tear gas at them participation between employer and emstress of schedule meeting, the frequent port just released. The percentage has ploye. The group insurance against sick and proceeded to make more arrests. Jose layotts and short duration of construction been rising steadily from 17. in Novem.
ness and disability, the textile organ de phine Kaczor, union organizer, has been ar projects makes the income of building work ber and 15 in October. In December of clares, must be used to create an enter rested so many times she has lost count; ers fairly modest.
1928, also a bad season for building trades ing wedge for real cooperation between her face has been mugged for the rogue A survey of the status of building workers, 23. were jobless.
employer and employe. in other words gallery and her fingers printed for the shows that the slump started last July, a Unemployment is much worse now, re.
be the first step toward company unionism Bertillion bureau.
date three months in advance of the regcent estimates showing half of Boston or Inside organization. useful from a ular seasonal let up. One statistical organbuilding tradesmen on the street. Even so social standpoint and also as a means of It is hard to put the seriousness of the ization anticipates, taking the normal seastate labor department statistics for early discussing labor problems and adjusting unemployment situation in the east into sonal decline together with the unusual month of December showed 72 of union labor difficulties. The insurance plans are words. Pictures would tell the story better drop in contracts awarded, unemployment bricklayers; 26 of carpenters, and 26 of lathers Jobless; 34 of painters; 32 of thus but a bait on the hook of the company however. An enterprising labor photo of 75 by winter, union, grapher should be on hand in front of news. Builders in St. Paul, Minneapolis and building laborers. These are the most imIn order to get the worker to contri paper offices when the first edition with Washington report 25 unemployemnt.
portant crafts.
bute voluntarily to other forms of Inside classified ads comes off the press. In New Chicago, New York, Portland, Ore. OakIn Lowell 57 of all building workers Insurance, Textile World advises that it ark, for example there is a mob of 1, 500 land Detroit, Philadelphia, Jersey City and field, 24. Lynn, were out of jobs; In Holyoke, 49. Springmay be necessary to have the company men in front of the Evening News plant Milwaukee are accredited with 40 jobless.
38. Lawrence; make a gift of group life insurance to all daily, waiting to snatch the first copies from Many uniong in most of these cities have 31 and Salem, 31.
employes who become members of the co the newsboys. Groups of 50 to 200 building signed contracts, some for five years. But 5, 000 FEWER JOBS IN BOSTON operative organization. And it is cheap tradesmen can be seen standing by the four building workers will recall that during the at the price, it adds, being only to a BOSTON (FP. Despite New England construction jobs in Newark, hoping they lagt open shop drive that featured the early year for a unit of 600 of insurance, or Council ballyhoo that that Section 1s not may be called. About the Central market, part of the last decade, the unions also decadent and has no industrial depression less than the worker in the average cotton the labor cameraman could get shots of had contracts in many places that were mill is robbed out of his pay envelope in men, women and children digging into bar broken by the posting of openshop notices from which to recover, the manufactures census of the state department of labor and a single week. This bribe of a year is rels looking for scraps of food.
and yellow dog contrasts.
industries paints another picture. Figures expected to keep the spinner or weaver contented and loyal and efficient under the Just tabulated for Boston show a decrease ew stretch out plans of operation. It is obvious from the article that by this small whom 2, 000 were dropped in the second employe annual outlay the indirectly NEW YORK (FP) Thirty five union that 50 of the deaths in the union result year. The boot and shoc industry is Bosbenefits himself far more than he could by electrical workers will burn to death on from occupational disease. Last year ton largest, with printing and publishing any other agency. The main object is to Job giving, death dealing wires during 1930. pneumonia aftermath of exposure second.
on create greater productivity through estab That is the prediction of the Electrcal crippled wire systems took a higher toll lishing greater contentment.
Workers Journal, backed by the unimpeach than electrocution, with tuberculosis a high POLLCE CALLED OUT FOR JODLESS Moderization Expected able figures of the Brotherhood Insurance third. Falls from poles killed 26.
PHILADELPHIA (FP) Seven police Southern textile mill owners, who are figures. Each year since 1922 has seen 29 Tuberculosis, pneumonia and heart were summoned when more than 300 Job to 45 deaths of union men by electrocution.
hunters flooded the employment office of specialists in the older forms of paternalInsurance statistics reveal moreover disease, the Journal points out, are occuthe Edward Budd Corp. auto body builders ism, such as cheap company shacks, controlled schools and subsidized parsons, are pational diseases, part of labar dividends.
The crowd rushed over when word was now expected to modernize their employer Louis Dublin, statistician for the Metropassed through the district that several employe relationships by introducing the thereby building a wall of defense against politan Life Insurance Co. 1s quoted as men had been employed the previous morning.
Insurance features as more subtle but no the demands for complete social insurance estimating that a worker pays eight years lesg enslaying devices.
from the state that workers will make when out of his life for the privilege of holding NEW ORLEANS Standard Oil of LouInsurance companies and powerful en they get organized. At the same time the Job. His average span of life is eight 1slana is spreading the company union of emies of social insurance, state old age adoption of these schemes is a part of the years shorter than that of his employer, its parent organization, Standard Oil of pensions and the like, are constantly push anti union defense of the corporations throw of bankers, brokers and white collar emNew Jersey, into this region. confer.
ing the company group insurace and more up to meet the present crusades of the ence has just been held by 12 representa MAN. Savicas They are uninns hoth north and south ninvoca 35 Electricians Will Burn to Death in 1930 between 1820 and 1928 of 5, 000 workers, o