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THE MILITANT Page Saturday, January 11, 1930 The Defense of the Soviet Union and the Opposition not improve matters much. is soviet Rus. Accomplished?
Continued from Last Issue By Trotsky fight for democracy in a party that is realizing the power of an enemy class.
Not Centrism in General, but Still recall that one is conceivable. its power, its channels of influence. But as In such a case, one could speak not of a From my formula: a Kerensky period up in every serious class struggle, the dispute class democracy in the party and the Sova Certain Kind of Centrism side down. the Stalinists drew the con is over the ownership of the means of pro iets, but of general (that is, bourgeois)
clusion that the Opposition is preparing an duction. Has this problem already been democracy in the country against the rulThe article in the organ of the Leninarmed insurrection against domination of settled in favor of the bourgeoisie? To ing party and its dictatorship. The Menbund, analyzed by us, endeavors to attack the Centrists, just as, in days gone by, we make such contentions, one must either sheviks have repeatedly accused the Oppoour standpoint from another side, While prepared the uprising against the Kerensky. have lost his head entirely or never have sition of not going far enougl. because Centrism, the author objects, Is a current But this is an obvious knavish interpre had one. The ultra Leftists simply ab it does not demand democracy in the counand a tendency inside the working class it tation, not dictated by Marxism but stract the social economic content of the try. But the Mensheviks and we stand on difters only in degree from the other curby the needs of the and it has not revolution. They are absorbed with the different sides of the barricade, and at the rent and tendency in the working class the faintest connection with criticism. Pre shell and ignore the kernel, of course, it present time in view of the Thermidorian reformism. Both serve, even it differently, cisely because Centrism is a Kerensky per the shell is damaged, and it is, the kernel danger more irreconciliable and hostile the class enemy. Fehne des Kommunisiod upside down, it is the bourgeoisie and is also threatened. The whole activity of than ever. We are fighting for proletarian mus, No. 31, page 246. not the proletariat that needs an armed the Opposition is imbued with this idea. democracy in order to protect the land of This sounds very convincing. In realuprisis for the seizure power. Precisely But between this closing one eyes the October revolution from the liberties ity, however, the Marxist truth has been because the Thermidor is not yet accomp to the social economic kernel of the Soviet of bourgeois democracy, that is, from captransformed here into an abstraction, and lished the proletariat can still realize its republic, there is a deep abyss. The most italism.
consequently, into a falsehood. It is not tasks by deep going Internal reforms in the important means of production that were enough to say that Centrism in general Soviet state, in the trade unions and above conquered by the proletariat on November It is only from this point of view that or reformism in general constitute currents all in the party.
7, 1917, still remain in the hands of the the question of the secret ballot should be with the working class. One must investiworkers state. Ultra Leftists, this must considered. This demand of the Russian gate what functions are fulfilled by a cernot be forgotten!
Opposition has as its aim to give the prolettain Centrism in a certain working class Proletarian or Bourgeois State?
arian nucleus the possibility of gaining in a certain country and at a certain epoch.
What Would the Policy Have to prevalence first in the party and then in the Truth is always concrete.
It must be acknowledged that in the trade unions, so as, with the aid of these In Russia, Centriem 13 In power. In article on Thermidor examined by us a Be if Thermidor Were Now two levers to to insure its class position England, it is reformism that now governs. hall step backward is made. But this does in the Soviets. Comrade Urbabas and a few Doth of them Urbahns teaches us are of his closest partisans, however, sought to currents within the working class that dit sia a bourgeois state? The article answers: interpret the demand of the Opposition, ter only in degree (graduell. both serve, If Thermidor is accomplished, it the no. Have we still a proletarian dictatorwhich remains entirely within the frameVery even if differently, the class enemy.
ship in Russia. The article again answers: bourgeoisie is already the economically work of the dictatorship regime, as a genwell, let us take note of that. What tactic no. Then what have we? classless state?
stronger class. it means that economic eral democratic slogan. monstrous error!
been development has finally switched follows from this, for example, in case of government above classes? To this, the These two positions have nothing in comwar? Must the Communists in Russia be article replies: In Russia we have a govfrom the socialist to the capitalist rails. mon with each other and are mortally defeatists like the Communista in England? ernment which apparently mediates beBut then one must have the courage to counter posed.
Or should they be partisans of national de tween the classes, but in reality represents draw the corresponding tactical conclusions.
Speaking indefinitely of liberties in tènse in both countries, not uncondition the interests of the economically stronger general, Urbahns called one of these 11bally, to be sure but with certain reserva class. No. 32, page 246. My emphasis (L. What significance can restrictive laws tions? Defeatism and defense of the fathererties by name, and it was freedom of or.
Without saying directly which class it con against land leasing, hiring ct labor, etc. ganization. In the opinion of the ultraland are lines of class policy and cannot siders the stronger the article never have if economic development in its entirety be influenced by secondary differences Left, the Soviet proletariat must win Preetheless leaves no doubt that it refers to the is on the path of capitalism? These restricdom of organization. It is incontestable between Russian Centrism and English re bourgeoisie. But a government that appar tions are only a petty bourgeois, reactionthat Stalinist bureaucratism holds the trade tormiem. But here, perhaps, a number of ently mediates between the classes and in ary utopia, an absurd hindrance to the unions by the throat, now with the zigthings will occur to comrada Urbabns him reality embodies the interests of the bour development of productive forces. Marxzag to the Left more firmly than ever.
self and alarm him. la England, the fac geoisie, is a bourgeois government. Instead ist must call things by their name and That the trade union organizations must tories, railroads, the land belong to the ex of declaring this openly, the author has re recognize the necessity of an abolition of have the possibility to defend the Interests ploiters; the State owns colonies, that is, course to circumlocutions which do not be reactionary restrictions.
of the workers against the growing adulIt is a plavo holding state; the reformists speak intellectual frankness. There are no What significance has the moropoly terations of the regime of the dictatorship, thera congequently defend the existing bour governments standing above the classes. of foreign trade from the viewpoint of cap this the Opposition long ago declared both gerts state defend it not very skilfully nor With regard to the proletarian revolution, italist development? purely reactionary in words and deeds. But one must take very cleverly; the bourgeoisio regards them Thermidor marks the passage of power one, It hampers the free influx of goods into exact account the aims and methods halt distrustfully. halt contemptuously from the hands of the proletariat to the and capital and prevents Russia from beof struggle against tho Centrist bureauckeeps them under a Jealous surveillance, hands of the bourgeoisie. It can signify coming a part of the system of blood cir racy. It is not a question here of conquerhoots at them and is ready to run them off nothing else. If Thermidor is accomplished culation of world economy. Marxist must ing tho freedom of organization against at any moment. But at any rate the Eng then Russia is a bourgeois state.
recognize the necessity of abolishing the a hostile class state, but of the struggle 118h roformists who are in power defend for such a regime under which the trade the domestic and foreign interests of cap Is it true, however, that the bourge monopoly of foreign trade.
The same can be said of the method ital. The same holds true of course, for the oisie is the economically stronger class unions Inside the framework of the dictat.
in the Soviet Republic? No, that is a plain of planned economy in general. They have German social democracy orship will enjoy the necessary freedom the right of existence only from the standNow, what does Centrism in the Soviet absurdity. The author of the article evito improve in words and deeds, their own dently does not consider that in making point of a socialist perspective.
Union defend? It defends social order state. In other words, it is a matter of this contention, he buries, not Stalin, but The Russian Opposition, however, de the liberty enjoyed for example, by the produced by the political and economic exmanded and still demands more systematic powerful alliances of industrialists and the October revolution. If the bourgeoisie propriation of the bourgeoisie. It defends it restrictive measures against capitalist enis already economically stronger than agrarians in their capitalist state, upon very badly, very unskilfully, arousing disrichment; it wants the maintenance and trust and disappointment in the proletariat the proletariat, it the relation of forces which they exert pressure with all means, shifts ir its favor with gigantic strides strengthening of the foreign trade monop(which does not, unfortunately. possess and, as is known, not without success; but (mit riesenschritten. as the article conoly and the greatest possible development of it is not at all a matter of liberty that the experience of the British bourgeoisie. planned economy. This economic platform weakens the dictatorship, helps the forces tends, then it is absurd to speak of the the proletarian organizations have or strive maintenance of the proletarian dictatorship, struggle against the degeneration of the has a sense only in connection with the to get in the bourgeois state. That is far of Thermidor, but as a result of the objecteven if it has lasted as a survival up to from the same thing!
Ive situation, Stailntot Centriem neverthethis day. Fortunately, however, the pre ariat. But it is enough to assume that party and other organizations of the proletFreedom of organization signifies the less represents a proletarian and not imsentatation of the Soviet bourgeoisie as the freedom (we know which) to carry on pertallet regime. That is not, comrade Urbahne, difference of degree. it is economically stronger class is nothing but Thermidor is accomplished for the very the class struggle in a society whose econbases of the Opposition to become nonsense.
a difference between two class orders. They phantom.
Urbahns is silent on all this. He does not omy is founded upon capitalist anarchy, while its politics are squeezed into the are the two sides of the historical barriUrbahns will reply to us that the art eckon for a moment with the interdepenframework of socalled democracy. Socialcade. Whoever loses sight of this fundaicle refers not only to the Russian but to dence of the essential elements of the probism, on the other hand, is not only inconmental difference is lost to the revolution.
the international bourgeoisie. That does lem. But for that he consoles himself and ceivable without a planned economy in the not improve the matter at all. The inter others by declaring that he is not in one narrow sense of the word but also without hundred percent agreement with the Rusthe systemizing of all social relations. poor consolation!
Then what is the meaning, Urbahnsparably stronger than the Soviet state that sian Opposition.
One of the most important elements of replies, to your own words, according to socialist economy is the regulation of wages, which the Stalin period is aKerensky period and in general, the relations of the worker ional reformist utopia.
But we pose the Democracy?
upcide down? Improbable as it may seem, to production and the state. The role that It is nevertheless precisely out of this forquestion quite differently. The role of the must be played by the trade unions in mula that Urbehna endeavors to drew the world proletariat in production and politics If Urbahns and his partisans do not this regulation we have pointed out above.
constitutes one of th most important facconclusion that the Thermidor is already draw all the conclusions from the accom But this role has nothing in common with an accomplished fact. In reality. It is tors in the relation of forces. The struggle plished Thermidor, they do draw some of the role of the trade unions in the bourprecisely the contrary that flows quite develops on a world scale and it is in this them. We have already read above that geois states, where the freedom of organclearly from my formula. The Kerensky struggle that the fate of the October Revothey believe the Russian proletariat must ization is not only a reflection but also period was a form of bourgeois dominalution is decided. Do the ultra Leftists think reconquer all liberties. But here also, an active element of capitalist anarchy.
tion in the period of the impending proletthis struggle is hopeless? Let them say so! the ultra Leftists stop irresolutely before It is enough to recall the economic role of ariat rorokation, It was a vacillating, The extent to which the relation of forces the thresh hold. They do not explain what the strike of the English coal miners in in the world will change depends, to a corirresolute, uncertain form cl domination, liberties are involved and in general, they 1926. It is not for nothing that the capitbut domination of the bourgeoisie neverthetain degree, upon us also. By declaring, touch upon the theme only in passing. Why? alists, together with the reformists, are now less. For the proletariat to attain power, openly or covertly, that present day Soviet In the struggle against Stalinist bur carrying on a desperate and hopeless Russia is a bourgeois state, and refusing, eaucratism which reflects and facilitates neither more nor less than armed insurstruggle for industrial peace.
entfrely or three quarters, to support. It the pressure of the enemy classes, the rection, than the October revolution, was required.
To Be continued against world imperialism, the nltra LeftIt Stalinism is a Kerenskyism upside ists bring grist to the mill of the bourgeoi. Russlan Opposition demands democracy in the party, trade unions and the Soviets on sie.
down, it means that ruling Centriem, on the a proletarian basis. It mercilessly exposes DETROIT (FP) Two women charged road to Thermidor, constitutes the last form What distinguishes the Soviet Repub the execrable falsification of democracy of the domination of the proletariat weaklic of Stalin from that of Lenin is Dether which, under the name of self criticism. with accosting in the court of Judge Frank ened by internal and external contradic a bourgeois power nor a power above classes corrodes and decays the very bases of the Murphy laid their condition to unemploytions, by mistake of its leadership, by lack but the elements of dual power. The anal revolutionary consciousness of the prolet ment. One was the mother of four childof its own activity. But it is nevertheless ysis of the situation was long ago pre arian vanguard. But for the Opposition, ren; the only way in which she could get a forn of proletarian domination. The censented by the Russian Opposition. By its the struggle for party democracy has a food and clothing for the little ones was to trists can repi by the Bolshethe Centrist power has meaning only on the basis of a recognition viks or Thermidorians. Is any other inter mendous aid to the bourgeoisie to define of the proletarian dictatorship. It would sell her body. The other was an unempretation noselble itself and create the unofficial levers of be Don Quixoterie, not to say idiocy, to ployed waitress. Kerenskyism Upside Down. national bourgeolsie is economically incom.
socialism in one country is a vulgar, nat For Proletarian or for Bourgeois tre