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wwwMILITANT Page 3 Convention of the Textile Workers Union The Daily Worker Gasps for Arguments where they predominate. They are the ones who will at present follow the of If it arrives first on the scene ang shows the necessary initiative and they will follow the National Textile Workers.
The delegates who gathered at Pater that they frequently took the fractioned front as an instrument for uniting the Union If It is the one that gets to the work.
son to attend the second convention of the by surprise, so that hectic, anxious meet advanced, revolutionary workers with the ers first. It is to show the workers that National Textile Workers Union had an en ings of the fraction had to be held so as to backward, conservative workers in a strug the Left wing holds the banner of unity in ormous problem before them: the problem push the party face more assertively to gle not only against the capitalists but also struggle, that it is ready to unite its forces of organizing the hundreds of thousands the fore in the sessions. Nevertheless, the against their labor agents, the proposal with every worker, no matter if he still of textile workers in the who are activity of these workers is a healthy sign still holds good.
has some faith in the Greens for the moamong the most miserably paid and unor in two senses: it bodes well for their devel The tactic of the united front is the ment, that the must adopt the ganized in the country into the trade union opment as active, independent fighters in way in which the true role of the Greens, tactic of the united front. That this was movement. The extent to which this prob the class struggle and is a lively McMahons, and Muates of all varieties neither done nor considered at the Paterson lem was tackled correctly is a reflection refutation of the new Stalinist theory that who do not want to and will not unite with convention marks a weakness in the union of the state of affairs both in the left wing no trade union can make a step forward the militants for a common struggle be position traceable to the present line of movement in general and the labor move unless it is hugged in a mechanical, artific cause that is not their function in the la the Communist Party leadership. But the ment as a whole.
cal, stifling embrace by the Communist bor movement wil be demonstrated even course of the struggle will convince the of the approximately one million tex Party. This is all the more true because to the most backward worker. And they militants in the organization of the right tile workers in this counrty, only an insig these workers are not at all animated by are the ones to consider in the South, path to pursue.
nificant handful are orgainzed in the trade any anti Communist or anti Communist unton movement. Those that are unionized, Party motives.
are divided in rival organizations, which Another step forward marked by the at one time reached the number of sixteen convention was the improvement of its but are now down to three important ones: directing staff. The chaotic conditions exAt a complete loss to reply with any discarded by command tomorrow. Their the National Textile Workers Union, the isting up to now in the national office of political lite is the survival of the Attest Left wing organization under the influence reasoned political arguments to the viewof the Textile Workers Union constantly and control of the Communist Party, the point and criticism given by us in the stomach, i, e. the stomach that can digest worsened by the petty battles of the LoveUnited Textile Workers Union, the of Militant, the Daily Worker has constantly or give forth any and every policy rammed stoneites and Fosterites, were partially been compelled to resort to the old, reliable down its throat by the ruling regime in the conservative organization, and the mildly alleviated. Unfortunately, there are far progressive independent Associated silk but not very honest expedients of misrepre Russian Party.
from adequate assurances that the new Workers. None of them has more than a sentation and slander. Throw a lot of mud We already outlined and analyzed the few thousand members.
central office force will function as proper some of it must stick! The new experts character and the outcome of the Amerily as the situation requires. The mediocre The Problem of the South in fighting Trotekyism calculate that Mark ican depression and crisis in the Platform people who were put into the office staff big handicap in the work of organTwain was probably right when he rewere not chosen for their abilities as much adopted by our first national conference in marked that a lie will travel all around Izing these largely unskilled workers is as they were for their readiness to rubChicago seven months ago. Since our analthe fact that a large share of the industry berstamp any decision made by the present the world while truth is pulling on its yses were not made and remade to fit some is located in the reactionary South, with a party leadership.
boots. One of the purest (in the chemical fatcional emergency, our platform stands, working class that was only recently agrl The Stalinists were so frightened by sense) examples of this method of argu and its predictions are steadily vericultural in customs and ideas, which has their previous experiences with Weisbord, ment can be found in the Daily Worker fied by the course of events. Anyone had practically no experience in struggles, Dawson, Keller and others that they calcu(12 30 1929) under the title Economic who reads the Milltant, and certainly the and which, in its general outlook and as a lated upon avoiding any future deviations Crisis and the Crisis Among the Oppor avid readers of the knows that we general rule is far behind the northern from the line by installing a hand made, tunists.
have referred to this analysis and repeated workers.
hand picked committee distinguished by The section of that editorial devoted it on numerous occasions in the recent past.
Add to these conditions the fact that nothing except a vast capacity for obed to Lovestone is too obvious and needs no Therefore, when the Daily Worker Bays.
the textile barons are extremely powerful fence and an even drabness of ability. particular comment. Nowadays, anyone. In the militant of December 28, we finally and arrogant that they never have had to Worse yet, there is not a single non party even the muddled Centrists of the Stalin receive the first word of Trotskyist anal work with unions as a recognized factor, worker on the staff, although any number school, is capable of politically and theoret yses of the economic crisis. It is stating that they resist the most modest proposals of them might have been chosen, much to ically annihilating the national reformist a limping falsehood calculated to avoid the of their workers with a feudal ruthlessness the profit of the organization and its propand petty bourgeois ideology of the Right discomfort of arguing against our analysis.
and terror, and some conception of the er working, as compared to some of those All wing throughout the International.
Not satified with this, the mus: bugeness of the problem can be gained. who were selected by the party.
needs resort to the shabby trick of yanking But since the power of the capitalist the Centrists have to do and that is what Shortcomings of Conference they actually do is to look up the articles a sentence or two out of a news story and class as a factor by itself, never been the Another, and more serious shortcomonly reason for the lack of organization.
and documents of the Opposition written presenting it as though it were our firet ing of the conference, was the program of the causes must be sought elsewhere. One years ago and borrow their arguments and last word on the economic situatioa work and policy It adopted. The main reof them is the division of the labor movewholesale from this inexhaustible arsenal. The scintillating facetiousness of the Dails solution on the situation and tasks of the ment itself. And that also, is as much or The veriest pop gun from this store of Worker on the question of long skirts is union was drawn in the style, tone and conIndependent moro an effect than a cause.
merely unvarnished dishonesty: The quo: weapons, even when it is held in the un.
tent of the political resolution at a Comtextile unions outside the of have ation it makes from the news story in the munist Party convention. There is no skilled and trembling hand of the Centrists, arisen in the past because of the criminally Militant refers exclusively to the dress inquestion of a technical distinction here, but is heavy enough against the primitive deneglectful policy of the well fed bureauof the documentary reflection of the posifense of the Right wingers.
dustry and the factor played in it by the crats who have done as much and more for socalled long skirt models. The uprig tion taken by the party for the creation of Centrism Out of Its Element the textile barons as the government, its simon pure Communist unions which result But when the Centrist turn to attack Dally Worker overlooks this little poin armies and police have done. Their role in the final anayisis to narrowing down the Communist Opposition, he finds himand makes it appear as though the Militar has beon to prevent militant action by the these organizations to party members and sell gasping out of his element. He dares maintains that what is wrong with Amer.
workers wherever possible. And when it their sympathizers. Whoever fails to draw not, and does not any longer pretend, to ican industry today is the failure of 1)
becomes impossible for them any longer these lessons from the decline of the Left ladies to buy long skirts instead of shell discuss the fundamental questions of printo restrain the pressure of the workers, wing needle trade unions under that policy ones!
ciple and strategy that divide the ComIs this not profound? Is it they have joined with and led strikes only Is riding for a fall in the textile union as conclusive proof of the renegacy of to direct them into harmless channels, that movement: national reformism well.
Trotskyists? Does it not expose and is, harmless to the textile bosses.
The main problem before the union(socialism in one country) versus revoluThe National Textile Workers Union the thousandth time, annihilate them?
tionary Internationalism; subordination of the organization of the textile workers inWell, wo can be even more Teroitwas not born out of any academic decision to a militant class union was not properly the proletariat to the colonial bourgeoisie to opppose the of Lunion, but out tionary than the Dally Worker on the dealt with in the convention or the reso(Chinese revolution) or the socialist path of live and bitter struggles, out of the Pasin the colonial countries; workers and lution. To read the latter, one would nevquestion of the crisis. It says for 11saic strike, out of the New Bedford strike, stance, in the same issue: Crisis Becomi er imagine that it was adopted by a body peasants versus proletarian parties; etc. and out of the increasing need and desire incorporating approximately five to six etc. etc. The same holds true in virtually Severest in 50 years; 5, 000, 000 Joule to organize the hundreds of thousands of thousand members out of about a million every important issue of the day in the and proceeds to remark that Do one!
slaves in the industry.
workers in the industry.
class struggle, be it in the trade union mentioned a specific figure of national That the had the wisdom, the What the resolution particularly failed field where the Centrists hop from one employment of the working class.
foresight, the militancy and policy of to consider adequately was the coming camstruggle that were and are lacking in the position to another without the slightest Dally Worker has placed the numbe.
paign of the of in the South. For knowledge of where they are going, or in excess of 5, 000, 000! We think that to leadership of the old unions is evident analysis, it substituted denunciation. While a genuine revolutionist in these moment from even its brief period of history. It is any other. The only thing left, then, is all the attacks made upon the of days of the Third Period and the inconceivable that the Wm. Greens or Woils misrepresentation, insinuation and slander. bureaucracy are justified a thousand Line, the Dally Worker should have writti or McMahons should ever have the initiaThe above mentioned editorial is a classic times over, it is insufficient simply to do Crisis is worst in world history. Anis tive or desire to plunge into the dangerous, clare that we must carry on a continual example. It says: vast field of the South, or conduct such The Trotskylte opportunists waited ican capitalism on the brink of collap campaign of exposure and open struggle Communists ready for power. Trotskyi: strike as Gastonia, or show even the most against it. The fact remains that the bulk more than two months before they could shamelessly announce 5, 000 000 unemploy pallid resemblance to the spirit of battle, of the Southern textile workers do not yet pick up courage to utter a word of analysis Daily Worker places number higher t1 self sacrifice, courage shown by the distinguish between the militant Left wing of the crisis. But finally they have de10, 000, 000. We are twice as radical ax.
union members and leaders in spite of all unions and the reactionary of cided they simply must speak, even without Troskyists.
the errors they made. Nor can one imagine unions. To assert the contrary is self de. the long awaited directives from ConstanAs it hobbles painfully to the concha a convention of the McMahon controlled ception and nothing else.
tinople. As for the blistering sarcasm of its arguments. the Daily Worker union to resemble the convention of the The workers learn to separate friend from about the long awaited directives. it is to nounces that pending their formal N, foe by experience in the struggle and not laugh considerably. But before you laugh, gamation. and while the Right A Workers Convention by decree or thesis. The American workers bear in mind that the people who write so (Lovestone) and the Trotskyltes are The tendency so profoundly developed particularly will get go through a thou Ironically about directives from afar are formally separated at the top, they alrea of late among the Stalinist leadership of sand betrayals and defeats before they take precisely the same ones who did not know have a practical amalgamation of the mac the Communist Party, to hold fake, inflated the path of revolutionary struggle. The inery of distribution of their papers at th for many long months whether American conventions was reduced to a minimum in task of the Communists and the Left wing bottom. This penetrating wisdom flow Paterson. The delegates represented wor is to hasten this process by exposing the capitalism had reached its apex or its Vicfrom the fact that the Mitant and Retolo: kers and were themselves workers from fabor lieutenants of capitalism in the very torian age, and finally had to be told in the tionary Age are sold at the Rand Schor the mills of New England and the new heat of the struggle, by diminishing and long awaited directives from Moscow that news stand. As for our formal amalg: new born South of the working class. The trying to eliminate the experiences of de they wer all wrong on everything but their mation. the has probably confuse Southern delegates in particular most of feat and treason by guiding and teaching mutual charges of unprincipledness. They us with the recent amalgamation of Stat not all of them new recruits in the move the workers while they are fighting. are the very same people who cannot sleep and Bucharln. Nevertheless, we would ment were the livest section of the convent In the United States at the present time eat, drink, think, white, act or do anything very much obliged to the it It would tion and discussed the problems of the the best means to this end is the tactic at all without first inquiring from Stalin answer question: union with a confidence that does not of the united front. For those who have whether it is in accordance with the latest Why not fix the final date for our amal promise well for the Southern bourbons. conceived of the united front in the past line. They are the people who make gamation with the Right wing thereby In fact, 80 prominently a place dll as an allience of leaders at the top, the pro analyses and work out lines yesterday getting the matter off your mind and ai these Southern non Communist and non cal new may seem to be a conservative onls to repudiate and condemn them today laying the suspense of your perea munist.