BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

use THE MILITANT Saturday, January 4, 1930.
The Austrian Crisis and Communism give their votes and fists to fascism.
Democracy has reached absurdity. In the epoch of the organic and planned development of capitalism, which was combined with a systematic class differentiaof the next 25 to 50 years the Austrian tion of the country, democracy played a social democracy will positively attain a historical role, including that of the edumajority. The economic life of all capication of the proletariat. Its greatest talist Europe stands before a great dan role it played in Europe. But in the epoch ger coming from the United States and of imperialism, which primarily in Eurother oversea countries. The economic ope, is the epoch ot decaying capitalism, decline of Austria, which is inevitable with democracy has landed in a blind alley.
a perspective of peaceful development, would That is why we see in Austria, where the sooner bring a loss of votes to the social constitution invented by the social democdemocrazy than a gain. Consequently, racy, where the social democracy occupies according to the logic of democracy, in a big place, holds the capital city, and spite of the fact that a further domination where, consequently, we should be seeing of the bourgeoisie dooms the nation to the democratic forms of the transition from decay and cultural decline, in spite of democracy to socialism in the most perfect the readiness of the overwhelming mass manner we see in reality that politics is of the proletariat this backbone of the regulated on one side by attacking bands nation to take a step towards socialism, of fascists and on the other by retreating this step cannot be taken because a few troops of half armed social democratic percent of the voters, the darkest, the most workers, and as the crchestral director backward, the most depraved, stand aside of the democracy there comes forward an from the struggle, vegetate in the dark, old police agent of the Hapsburg school!
and are ready at the decisive moment to To Be Continued What Now?
Con nued from Page not give the bourgeoisie the necessary equilibrium, which is maintained thanks guarantees.
only to the conservative conciliatory policy What has been said explains the social of the social democracy, extraordinarily fa functions of Austrian fascism. It is the cilitates the position of the Austro Marx second servant of the bourgeoisie, distinism. What it does in the Vienna city coun guishable from the first and standing opcil is enough to distinguish it from the posed to it. The lower ranks of the social bourgeois parties in the eyes of the work democracy are impelled forward by a proers. And what it does not do that is, the letarian instinct, even if a falsified one.
most important things It can always The lower ranks of fascism feed upon the put to the responsibility of the bourgeois hopelessness of the petty bourgeoisie and parties.
Whils Austro Marxism exposes declassed elements, in whom Austria is so the bourgeoisie in articles and speeches, it rich. The leaders of the social democracy very skillfully utilizes, as we have al weigh down upon the class instinct of the ready said the international dependence of proletariat with the aid of the slogans and Austria in order to prevent the workers institutions of democracy. The leaders of from rising against class enemy. In fascism show the despair of the rotting Vieana we are strong, but in the country petty bourgeoisie a way out in the perspecwe are still weak. Besides we have a mag tive of a saving overthrow, after which the ter over us. We must retain our positions Marxists will no longer be able to hinder within the democracy and wait. That is the good headway of agriculture, of handwhat the most important idea of Austro work and trade.
Marxist policy looks like. All this made Fascism, Bolshevism and Social Democracy it possible up to now for Austro Marxism We thus have in Austria the classic to play the role of the Left wing in the refutation of the philistine theory that Second. International and to retain all its fascism is born out of revolutionary Bol.
positions against the Communist Party, shevism. Fascism begins to play an all the which continues to heap mistake upon mis bigger role in a country, the more plainly, take.
the more revolting and intolerable becomes An Important Instrument of Capitalism the contradiction between the policy of the The Austrian social democracy helped masses, and the unpostponable requirement the Entente make an end of the Hungar of historical development. In Austria, as ian revolution, helped its bourgeoisie to everywhere else, fascism appears as the 18ssue from the post war crisis, and created necessary supplement to the social democA democratic asylum for unstable private racy, feeds upon it and comes to power property. Thus, it was the most important with its aid.
Instrument for the domination of the bour Fascism is the legitimate son of the geolsle over the working class.
formal democracy of the epoch of collapse.
But this instrument is an independent The principles of democracy are carried organization, with an independent, numer through in Austria, with special crassness, ous bureaucracy and a labor aristocracy to absurdity. The social democracy lacks which has its own interests and its own a few percent for a majority. It can howpretentions. This bureaucracy, flesh of the ever be said and that is no paradox, but flesh of the petty bourgeoisie, bases itself, the naked truth that the political stubaccording to its ideas, manners and customs bornness of the Austrian social democracy upon the working class and constantly is based not upon the 43 percent of the fears its dissatisfaction. This circumstance votes it has, but upon the percent which is the main source of friction and conflicts it acks for majority. The foundations between the bourgeoisie and the social of capitalism would remain inviolable were democracy, that is, between the master the Austrian social democracy to conquer and the servant.
the majority. But such a conquest is by no No matter how tightly the Austrian means guaranteed. It is idiocy to believe social democracy has enmeshed the wor that all questions will be settled by propaking class in its net of political, trade union ganda.
municipal, cultural and sport institutions, If one proceeds from the premise that 18 nevertheless plain and the July 1927 the Hfe of Austria will continue to develop days showed this especially clearly that within the limits of democracy, then one he reformista pacifist methods alone do can absolutely not believe that in the course The Bolshevik Opposition and the By the Editors of the Bulletin of the Russian Opposition Continued From Last Issue. letter. The editorial board of the Bulletin The Question of Unity is now receiving dozens of letters indicatTo the proposal of the Opposition to ing that the crisis of the Oppostion is overreestablish the unity of the party upon Len. come. The reply of Yaroslavsky emphainist bases, Yaroslavsky slavishly repeats sizes a whole period. The Left Centrists the reply that the social democrats make to who, out of necessity were a part of the Opthe Communists when the latter attempt to position up to the split of the Center Right establish the united front of straggle a bloc, withdrew from it when official Cengainst the bourgeoisie. The leaders of the trism turn to the Right. That is in the social democracy, we know, invariably af nature of things.
firm that the Communists do not desire the The Leninist opposidion closes its united front, their aim being, on the contranks again. We must regroup ourselves rary, the division of the working class, and on a national as well as an international that in proposing a united front they are scale. Towards the and the doing nothing but deceiving the working as towards the International, our masses, In order to do this, the social method remains as before the method of democrats do not refer to confiscated (and reforms. But we are not ready to fight for distorted) personal letters, but to the artthese reforms within the limits of legality icles and speeches of the leaders of Comwhich, in the struggle for their presermunism. The indignation of the eccial vation, Stalin and his Yaroslavaky condemocrats feeds in this case on the know stantly narrow down. We esteem it necesledge of its impotence in the strugsary to double our efforts to organize the gle. The Communists, know, howBolshevik Leninists as Afaction within ever, that we cannot and do not Communism, to publish systematically the want to struggle against the bourge Bulletin of the Opposition, to introduce it olsle why do they offer us the united into the and to distribute it norfront? You are deceiving the masses. mally among the vanguard workers of the No. reply the Communists, it is you who, Soviet Republic. We call upon those who by passing yourselves off as fighters, de think as we do to determine to help us in ceive the masses and we are unmasking you this cause.
before them. If you do not want to be unmasked, prepare to fight!
larger numbers It is by representing the faction of The Pot of Gold for Unemployed of class conscious rebels are looking to the weekly Militant as their organ of expression, Free from futile bombast, exaggeration, falsehood and hysteria, the Milltant aims to give its working class readers the news of the class struggle in this country and throughout the world, based always on facts and illuminated by a Marxist analysis.
To be without the Militant every week is to lose contact with the greatest problems of the labor and revolutionary movement. The articles by Leon Trotsky alone demand and deserve the serious study of every worker. You can make sure getting the paper every week, and independent of casual visits to the news stands by becoming a subscriber.
For a short period we are offering a combination of a yearly subscription to the Militant and a copy of Leon Trotsky brilliant analysis The Draft Program of the Comintern. together for 00. The blank below is for your convenience. Fill it out and mail it with your check, money order or cash.
Stalin as the guardian of the unity of the party that Yaroslavsky deceives the party.
Not only the Communist Party of the Soviet Union but all the parties of the International are divided into three parts. All the organizers and directors of the Comintern in the epoch of Lenin have been removed, and, in overwhelming numbers excluded from the party. The prestige of world Communism continues to fall: he who says the contrary deceives the party.
The five year industrial plan, the statistical draft for economic development that does not settle the question. The party is the historical and fundamental arm of the proletariat. In its present state, with its present orientation of principle, its present regime and direction the party cannot succeed in its task, In the Soviet Republic, the facade of the government apparatus, heritage of the October revolution, conceals the real situation of the party. This concealment does not exist in capitalist countries. International Communism is suffering losses all along the line and continues to fall back. And without well directed International, no five year plan will lead to socialism.
Under these conditions, the Opposition has once attempted to reestablish unity of the party. Naturally, we never doubted for a minute that this attempt would be repulsed, Now it has happened. The reply is given. The light necessary for those who needed it is given. Many OppositionIsts who signed Rakovsky declaration will still separate themselves from their fundamental nucleus. Let them go their way! For this fundamental nucleus has been able, in these last months, to recover completely from the stab in the back from those who capitulated. The effect of this blow, for the moment, was inordinately strong because of the isolation of the Oppositionists. The worse moment was in JuneJuly. Therefore, it is not for nothing that Yaroslavsky is obliged to quote the June By ROBERT CRUDEN DETROIT (FP) While members of the mayor comittee on unemployment confess they can do nothing with the problem and a local poster company is putting up posters to the effect that Business is good; Keep it good! Nothing can get ahead of the the Volunteers of America has this to say: THE POT OF GOLD! local manufacturer announces the placing of thousands of workmen on his payroll. Papers print a pleasing picture of prosperity. Everywhere the story is repeated. With extra enthusiastic exaggerations each time.
Debt ridden, destituto despairing husbands in hundreds of hamlets read the story with a ray of returning hope.
Pititul, personal belongings hastily heaped into a bundle. wedding ring. a few last little luxuries pawned to ray the farc.
Hurry up, hurry on, to Detroit.
That where happiness is to be had.
De loag looked for Pot of Gold has toen located! Its in Detroit. don the papers say so?
The arrival; and then the slow sodden einking in of the terrible truth. They ain takin on men. just now!. So ther another destitute, down and out family here.
Another hopeless husband. Another weary, work worn woman with children hanging hungrily to the hem of dargging dress.
Despair. and a final, piteous plea for help from the Volunteers of America.
it any wonder we NEED and ASK you to help us handle our terring tack.
you to help us handle our terrifying tasks?
The Militant 25 Third Avenue, New York, Name Address City State am enclosing 00 to cover the subscription and the book