BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking Class

Saturday, January 4, 1930.
THE MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor The Leninbund on the Wrong terror, class is left without direction in the deci The popular movement conducted by the contented with the domestic policy, and sive moments and lives without being cap Heimwehr must now recognize the con then they will see how they deluded themable of drawing any profit from events, as stitution after the change, and there is alselves.
Road was the case in Germany in October, 1923, ready a plainly visible pacification. so The success of Tardieu is stirring up at the last First of May, and as is the that the hope exists that Austria can final fever of political Americanism. The Right The misfortune of the Lencase at present in Austria.
ly proceed upon the upward grade. Much wing of the Socialist Party has not borne inbund consists in the fact that On November 30, the congress of the good was attained through the conversa the torment of Tantalus inflicted upon it it wants to play the role of an revolutionary elements who form the trade tions with the opposition. Now it is for many weeks in order to lead it to the independent when in party union opposition, was held in Berlin. The necessary to fill the hanged constitution final deception It also hoists the banner reality it is only a weak facrepresentatives of the opposition existing with real life.
of political rationalization inside the Party, tion. do not doubt for a inin a certain number of trade unlong, those On the unity with the social democracy, of autonomy for the parliamentary group, stant that you persist in the of the red factory councils, and those of Schober declared that the government did of the revision of the statutes, of the strugpresent way, you will lead the the unemployed, assembled to deliberate not surrender a single point of its pro gle of the young against the old. Like organization to a catastrophe in on the organization of a vast front of de 81am and the Opposition partictaated Tardieu speaks to the country above the a few months.
fense against the offensive of capital. much more positively in the completion of heads of the deputies, it threatens to speak Letter of comrade Trotsky The reformists are attacking this conto the leadership of the Lenthe work on the constitution. to the voters over the heads of the millgress ferociously, and particularly the Com The social democratic deputy Eisner tants and the regularly constituted organs.
bund, October 13, 1929.
munist Party of Germany which they de declared that his party had voted for the The struggle between the Right and the Lighteen months ago the Leninbund renounce, as the organizer of the crade constitutional bill in order not to keep Left in the S, P, appearg more and more as coived 40, 000 workers votes in Prussia, union split. But all the revolutionary the parliament from the more important the struggle between the modernizers and 8, 374 of them in Berlin alone. During these workers will support this initiative, for eighteen months it has not been able to questions of Austrian economy. the mossbacks. While the Left remains at the congress can give a new and powerful The whole region around the parlia tached to the old revolutionary forms, deconsolidate the positions gained, extend its impetus to the exploited masses on the ment is occupied by a strong police revoid of all content, which petrity and deinfluence into new fields and thus strengthcondition, it is understood, that it is con serve. large number of fascists with mobilize it into a grandiloquent dogmaen its ranks, For some time, comrades scious of its tasks, that it appreciates cor sticks and blackjacks has marched up to tism, the Right wants to arm itselt with the have tried to demonstrate that the absence rectly the situation in Germany and that it the support of the police. In spite of this, methods of the most modern political techof a clear political line, the perpetual elaborates a program of revolutionary a few hundred revolutionary workers sucnique so as to make its way along the new Noating between Korsch and Brandler could struggle capable of drawing the workers ceeded in penetrating the parliament on pathways of the bankers democracy.
have nothing but disastrous consequences for the Leninbund. The facts have justified together and assuring their defense. he steps of which a speaker was arrest With American methods, American reIt is to be ſcared, unfortunately, that their predictions. At the last municipal ed after a few words by a large number of sults, Prosperity! Tardiau cries after the Gorman Communist Party is failing policemen.
elections, the Leininbund lost more than Hoover Optimism is on the order of the once more in its role and does not know In Berlin, Protest demonstrations also took place half the votes it had in 1928.
day. After the period of the san kine, the how to give effective aid to the a33embled in the provinces, protest meeting in front wher: its paper, Volkswille, appeare, it fell period of the fat; after the days of penidelogatos. On the ove of the congress it of the Rohrbach spinning mill, near the in tence, great merriment. The economy of from 8, 374 votes to 3, 784.
had done nothing, studied nothing and pre dustrial center of Neunkirchen in Lower The comrades of the minority asked the speculator succeeds that of the fapared nothing serlous.
Austria was violently dispersed by the ther of the family. New days, new people.
that lists of candidates should not be preWhat will it bring to the congress in gendarmerie.
The countenance of Poincare, draped in sented everywhere, on principle which order to group together the millions of The Austrian social democrats have would to the act of a second party but the old honesty of a republican in the days German proletarians into a powerful front that we should limit ourselves to prebrought their treason to a crowning point. of the empire. watching at the bedside of of defense? Everything indicates that it In a legal way, they have put the fascist senting them only in those places where his sick mother, the bourgeoisie, and kis will seek to cover the absence of a mat dictatorship in the saddle; they are deliv little franc, has given way to the broad we have a strong position and where we urely considered policy by the customary ering the Austrian proletariat to fascism. smule of the cynical and corrupted Tarrepresent the party in the mind of the potty methods concerning organization exThe revolutionary crisis in Austria 18 dieu, the man of Goko Sangha and Homs niasses That is the case at Neuisenburg, clusively: they will speak of creating by no means solved by the vote in the Bagdad, who is leading the dance of the for example, where we were not only able to new committees! And they will repeat the national council. Fascism, which has tem five billions and the reduction get all the Communist votes, but even to taxes.
mistakes that have so often been commit porarily found a cover under the Schuber Poincare and the other republicans are in carry four mandates from the social demted. What account will the central com constitution, is determined to go the whole the discard, Tardieu triumphs with the ocrats. That is a real success. Unfortunmittee of the German Communist Party way. It will not shrink from civil war and methods of efficiency. And the political parately, at other points in the Reich, the act take of the systematic splitting oitensive of presenting candidates served the socities beaten in the competition, like the of the reformists? Continue to allow itself Various bourgeois papers are emphasiz radical party and the socialist party, raise al democracy and thereby discredited comto be isolated until there is no longer a ing the provisional character of this con a loud, outcry by accusing him of having munism in the eyes of the inasses.
single Communist left in the trade unions? stitutional reform. The Austro Marxists stolen their program. But Tardieu moves The presentation of independent tickets Until the reformists will havesucceeded, are not doing the slightest thing to organ fast and well. This proves only one at all costs and on principle was serious without oven having to fight, in demoral ize the defense front of the proletariat. The thing: all the bourgeois political parties enough, but the methods employed in the izing the millions of trade union workers?
difficult task of organizing the masses for (including the are in accord on the electoral campaignn were often such as And how does the party think of acting the counter offensive against the further general policy to be carried out. Their escould only make the Leninbund ridiculous.
practically in order to lead the enormous plans of the Austrian reaction les before timations of the kind of merchandize fit to One of the members of the national commass of unemployed workers into the the Communist Party of Austria.
pour upon the political market, converge mitteo did not hesitate to issue a leaflet struggle, so as to avoid that misery does Vienha, December 8, 1929.
for the moment but they are more or less which is a model of opportunism and could not discourage them and throw them into well stocked up for the competition and be claimed by any sort of social democrat the arms of fascism? It is hardly perall of them have let themselves be outdone at all.
mitted to hope that the present leadership In France: la Americaine by the unprincipled crew of Tardieu.
These are the manifestations of an exwill show itself capable of tacking these tremely grave natura, which must engage l amerleaine is the slogan of the TarThis fever of Americanism, of rationalproblems seriously.
the attention of all the inebers of the Lenization and of efficiency in every field, is Finally, it is inconceivable that the dieuse bourgeoisie. It has launched its good inbund if they wish to hold back their orLeninbund, which wants to be and should follow like not peculiar to France. It reaches right a new moving picture 18 ganization from the dangerous declivity into the where the Internationbe the organization of the Communist ad launched, with the most modern methods of down which It is slipping.
al Press Correspondence informs us of the vance guard, has not yet taken a position commercial advertising. All over the front The masses still have reformist illumanufacture in series of young Soviet towards this congress, that it makes no pages of the newspapers, in shop fronts, sions that must be taken into account. It Americans (sic. And that is normal, inofforts to send delegates to it, and does across the screen of passing events is disasmuch as American capitalism is the firmis precisely a question of carrying out a not occupy itself with problems that it has played the optimistic smile of Tardieu, sucpolicy which in the hard daily struggle, ceeding the surly countenance of Poincare.
est, the best equipped with the most modto solve.
leads the masses by ineans of their own Big posters on all the walls of Paris vaunt ern methods. But wait! The moment that Berlin, November 29, 1929.
experience to the limits of democracy and Tardteu chooses to tire the merits of the new product and rail at KURT LANDAU our ears with his standardized screechings about prosperity proves to them practically that only the the unhappy rivalry of Daladier and comΦ is the same time that the colossal crash over stepping of bourgeois democracy by pany. The citizen standardized by advertising has let the new popular heroes be imin New York bares the underside of this their situation, posed upon him like Cadum soap. Scienrenowned prosperity. We learn of the forInstead of undertaking this serious On Saturday, the national council made tific methods are being tested for manumidable inflation of credit that lay at its and fruitful work, it is imagined that these the constitution reform that gives dictator facturing popularity. l americaine, the base and which, all of a sudden, gives wa illusions can be destroyed by decrees and ial powers to Chancellor Schober a law new government is making interchangereducing it to its real and doubtless respecthollow phrases which are based on no con after an eight hour session.
able parts, without worrying about tho old able, proportions, The electoral myth crete experience. That is how the working Since noon today the Austrian parlia party labels, which put the old, outmoded Hoover gives way before the reality of tile ment has been meeting under a strong po and slow machines on the scrapheap in orcrisis that they sought to hold back. It. lice guard in order to push through the der to set the traditional political parties the law of the capitalist regime that Soviet power. But to overthrow the profascist constitutional bill in all three read in motion. Tardieu is beating the speed prosperity is unstable. By the Americ.
letarian dictatorship, really to seize powing at once. Since firm agreements have record in establishing he government, He reality can be judged the value of Tarer for itsell this can be done by the bourbeen made on all important points between does not spare expense to get a better and dieu American myths!
geoisie only by a violent overthrow.
the government and the social democrats, quicker yield. He takes men from here, In the language of the coarse moun.
We are fighting the Stalinist course. But than the adoption of the bill is assured.
from there, from the Right and the Left, bank, Tardieu promises prosperity precieSoviet Russia is something else About nine in the evening, the second in the largest possible number in order ly at the moment when events make to Stalin. In spite of all the degeneration reading was ended. The bill was adopted to satisfy the largest possible amount of very possibility of this prosperity questi: 3which we fight and will continue to fight in the draft of the sub committee. Various appetites and to assure himself of the able, at the moment when the Bourse, lu most resolutely, so long as the class conamendments, including social democratic largest clientele.
spite of the flattery and encouragement scious workers are armed, Soviet Russia 18 ones, were rejected. The third reading be The old political parties of democracy power, is seriously weakening.
a proletarian state to us, which we defend gins about 10 o clock. The last vote is are indignant at these new methods of To be sure, French capitalism no lo.
unreservedly in our own interests, in peace competition which disarm and beat them er suffers from post war agonies; it Ite: as in war, in spite of Stalin and in order still expected today, The reporter on the bill was Schuson a ground that isn their own, like the and grows. But the harbingers of the to defeat Stalin, who is incapable of deschnigs, the Tyrolese christian socialist petty tradesmen protests against the meth ternational crisis which it will have to fending it with his policy. Whoever is not supporter of the Helmwehr leader Steidle.
ods of big stores. This ministry of confu dergo are already apparent. The woriers absolutely firm in the question of the proleAfter him spoke Schober, who announced slon, composed of anomalou9 and unprinci must take cognizance of them and gathe.
tarian character of Soviet Russia, hurts the extension of the constitutional reform, pled personages, is gravely denounced. It tegether their forces. No decade will pani the proletariat, hurts the revolution, hurts and thereby joined in with the proclama is gravely demonstrated that it cannot last before Tardteu prosperity shows its re the Left Communist Opposition.
tlong of the Helmwehr and bourgeoisie because it violates the traditional rules of face: the furious efforts of capitalism This formulation is theoretically enpress that the present bill should only be the game of the parties in a democracy. assure stable rule, which allow of tirely irreproachable. Comrade Urbahns an installment, the first stage.
It is predicted that the unprincipled minis ing, ruins everything, and which the wor would have done better to reprint It In the Schober declared, among other things, try will not last, that it will succumb to erg will batter down.
organ of the Leninbund than to publish that he thanks (1) the parliament for the the joint assault of the Right, discontented PIERRE NAVILLE Korschist and semi Korsobist articles.
with the foreign policy, and the Left, disgreat work. it accomplished so swiftly.
Paris, November 1929 Continued in Next Issue revolutionary action can really improve The Betrayal in Austria