BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismSocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

Saturday, January 4, 1930.
THE MILITANT Page Naval Bases and Imperialism No Work in San Antonio The Struggle for Position at the Coming Conference in London By Albert Glotzer Proposed Party Questionnaire organized on a war basis as the Particularly the two most essential industries to war, steel and chemical, are ready at a moment notice to prepare for war production.
New Methods of Sea Struggle Another factor of importance which is also a point of difference is the type of warfare and methods to be employed. It is apThe five power naval conference to be of the three leading powers, England, parent that the old methods ct ship versus Labor Warned to Stay Clear held January in London is another chapter and Japan will shed light not only upon the ship struggle is giving way to undersea and in war preparations. The conference will strength and role of these bases, but will air methods. This will call for faster ships By ESTHER LOWELL present a picture of spectacular jockeying at the same time give a picture of the areas and more effective guns. It will mean in SAN ANTONIO, Texas (FP) Warininge for advantageous positions and for further of conflict. It will be seen too, that naval creased airplane carrier building and like to workers who read San Antonio page maneuvers in alignment of forces, bases exist where the interests of the im wise submarine construction. In addition advertisements in northern papers that Jobs The world map today offers a section perialists are the greatest, and as such the fact the expense the building are scarce in the winter resort city are beally divided picture. By agreement, the serve also as a center of military opera of huge battleships 18 a tremendous ing broadcast. Sec. Wm. Hoefgen of the imperialist powers have designated the tions against colonial uprisings.
one, plus their decreasing effective Central Trades Council first sent out the rights of possession among themselves to England Naval Bases ness, will lead an attempt to reduce signal to all unionists. Now the emthe extent that no part of the globe, with Taking England first, hor twenty six their role in war. This reveals the ployment Service, Dept. of Labor, reiterates the exception of the Soviet Union, is free bases form an almost complete circle wohle MacDonald program of battleship from capitalist domination. The last arit, telling workers not to go to any part of around the globe. Beginning at Wci hai reduction as hypocrisy.
Texas before communicating with the ser rangement in division of territory was wel, on the East coast of China, directly But these questions are not the most vice on the availabllity of jobs.
made following the last war and the defea opposite Japan, starts the first of a long of the Central powers. But what appeared important ones for us. At this stage the San Antonio has been following the arc of bases. Following along the coast crucial problem is that war is on the hor well trod pattern made by Los Angeles to world capitalism then as a fair disSouthward lies Hong Kong. Singapore and izon. The bloodbath is being planned, one high pressure advertising in newspapers, tribution of the spoils, has today become Rangoon on the South marks the complete that will far exceed the last war in brutalobsolete in view of the decisive economic magazines and by radio to lure tourists.
are around China. From there a continu ity and slaughter. London is a preface to it. The labor surplus inevitably brought to the changes that have taken place in post war ous path 13 cut around the whole of Sou Disarmament and peace discussions, capitalism.
city by such a campaign is then used to thern Asia (in the main, India) beginning headed by pacifists and socialists are ges beat down wages which the local unionists The New Economic Center of Gravity at Trincomales, to Columbo, and Bombay. tures made only to lull the international have labored hard to raise.
The outstanding change in world econo The bases then proceed thru the straits working class into a false sense of security.
Strangers to Rock Plle my is the transference of the economic cen separating Africa from Asia, at Aden, Port The timo is ripe for struggle against the Two union delegates have appealed to ter of gravity from Europe under the hege Port Sudan, Suez, Port Said, Malta and Gib threat of war, with which capitalism is Mayor Chambers to give city employment mony of England, to the United States. At iterranean Sea lics Malta and at the ent always pregnant. To arouse the internat to more workers who are nearly destitute.
the same time all facts point to the decline rance to the Sea lies Gibraltar. Here we ional workingclass, to organize it to defeat Over 200, mostly local men, have been put of England, American capitalism, contrary find a long line of naval bases stretching the imperialist war with the weapon of into park and street cleaning service, to its pre war position, when it maintained from the East coast of China, encircling proletarian revolutionthat is the task of good many strangers have been arrested itself primarily on the basis of the home the Southern coast of Asia, passing thru the Communists.
as vage and sent to the rock pile to work market, has its roots sunk in the soil of the straits, making not only a border of off 50 fines!
world economy. It dominates the European Africa, but also the Near East and Europe.
Already the Salvation Army reporte Ite market, has penetrated into Asia, South Africa is similarly circumscribed. Aden, merica, etc. and in this way brought about Port Sudan, Suez Port Said, Malta and Gibquarters overflowing with Jobless. There are only 40 beds in the army hall and twice the sharpest antagonisms between itselt and raltar on the North, Freetown, and St.
the other powers.
as many men crowd in at night to use Helena, on the west, Simontown at the airs and floor. The admission charge on America is pressing England ruthlessly. South Cape and Port Louis off the East the second night bars most from repeating Any alliance between them can only mean Coast. In this hemisphere are located seyat the hall, but newcomers are always the further domination of the The enteen of England total of twenty six struggle for markets and a redistribution of ready to take their turn, 30 great is the bases, since it is here that her possessions The first four pages of colonial possessions and spheres of Influnumber of unemployed. Cottee and 18 are the most numerous and the antagopages of every Moscow newsgiven cach lodger at breakfast and an averence is driving headlong to war. This is nisms the greatest.
paper today are wholly devoted Age of 36 other meals a day served to especially clear in the pre conference dis Central and South America mark the to Stalin. There is column alcussions and negotiations, those who otherwise would starve. The men While these second decisive section of imperialist exter column of tribute to the work an hour apiece for meals, but there changed economic conditions force the ploitation. Here as well as in Asia, Engpeerless warrior of Communism. nited States to lock horns with its outstanis not enough work to give all a chance.
land and American interests clash most the closest comrade and ding competitor, England, they equally force Salvationists had over 300 applications for violently. In this section, England bases lower of Lenin. the fron Lenher into sharpest antagonism with France, begin at Holitax on the East coast of Caninist. socialism Christmas baskets 10 days before the hollvictorious Japan and other imperialists. The contracday and roported donations considerably ada, continue to Bermuda, East of the chief. In the critical period tion of the world market is forcing its solunder other years.
United States thence to Kingston and Port there is little doubt that Stalin Similar failure to reach its holiday ution through war. It is the only way that Castries in the Carribean Sea. Port Stan, support won the day for Lenin capitalism solves its contradictions.
charity goal was reported by the Empty ley, East of the Southern end of South. Stalin reorganized the Red Stocking group which furnishes food and The pre conference atmosphere is an ex America marks the fifth base forming one staff and suppressed the countremely bitter one. The preliminary disglothing and renovated playthings to the line along the Atlantic coast of North and ter revolution with characteriscussions between the and England are poor. The organization was barely able South America. The remaining four bases tic vigor. Stalin did not oppose looked upon with disfavor by the other powto get half Its modest 1, 500 budget! The are in the Pacific. Esquimalt on the West the NEP he never opposed ers. Japan, France and Italy reject the ratRotarians this year abandoned their prevcoast of Canada, King George and Sydney Lenin, eta, etc. etc.
1os of naval armaments laid down by these tous practice of giving gifts to poor childin Australia, and Auckland in New Zealand. Comrade Walter Duranren from the municipal Christmas Tree.
two countries. If there are to be ratios, they complete them.
ty, in the New York too demand an equal voice. Open talk of The seven bases of the United States Times of comrade Adolph war is on the order of the day. John Steele are concentrated in the Central America and Ochs, 12 22 1929.
MERRY CHRISTMAS in the Chicago Tribune of December 20, Pacific territories. On the map they pre In view of all this startling informaspeaks of England as our enemy. Every sent an almost straight line. Located in tion, all of which, we confess, we were Starvation in North Carolina power assumes a most bellicose attitude, the Carribean are two, one at Guantanamo not aware of up till now (we even admit backing it with threats to one another. Bay and the other at the Virgin Isles. Num that we thought the contrary was true. we RALEIGH, (FP) The Raleigh The Conflict in Ratios ber three is located at the Panama Canal, suggest that the following catechism be News and Observer publishes this story of The matter of ratios in armaments will which is of vast importance, since the given to all workers who desire to join the North Carolina destitution: canal serves as a gateway between the official Communist Party.
appear to be the main issue at London. This If the worker WENDELL, Wendell recently alleged issue of difference is indicative of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, rendering gives the old style, pre third period reply had a most vivid and pitiful example of the the nature of the conference. The ratio of transference of forces relatively less diffil. hereinafter printed in parentheses. he actual want; verging on starvation, which 5 as agreed upon by the and Engcult. The remaining four bases are in should be immediately denounced as a the farm situation in this section has made land is disputed by the other three partici the Pacific beginning at Pearl Harbor, pro renegade and expelled from the party even only too common, pants. Japan asks for an increase in the gaunt, 111 clad couple, man and wite, ceeding westward to Samoa, Guam and the before he is admitted. It he makes the ratio to 10 7. France demands a naval Phillipines.
correct, e. third perlod new style reply, with their little girl and boy trudging painstrength of 800, 000 tons. Italy calls for parJapan six bases lle off the coast of he should be admitted with honors and put fully down the splendid concrete highway ity with France, with the added statement China at Ryoyun, Eiko, Chingkai, Futam on the most convenient district committee. pulling a boy wagon loaded with all they world had left in We herewith submit a few of the questions that she is willing to concede this point if Iko, Amami o shima and Bako. They are all except the boy France will in return allow her concessions all definitely in the area of China, the main and answers (both styles. dog, which not even grim want could force in Northern Africa.
seat of Japan interest.
the father to take from his son, though Question 1: Who founded the Social there must have been little enough food The issue of parity and ratios, it ac England Favored Position Democratic Labor Party of Russia (Bolceptod at face value, can mean nothing.
for that extra mouth. Pitifully little on From the above it appears that Eng sheviks. Answer. Lenin. Stalin.
What is important for the unmasking of the the wagon a clock, a picture, clothing, land is in a favored military position. Question 2: Who led the overthrow of London fraud is the more cogent question Christmas and birthday gifts of happier There is no question but that the the czar and a little later, of Kerensky? days nothing of any value and all that was of actual war preparations. It is necessary posession of so overwhelmingly Answer. Lenin and Trotsky. Stalin.
left after hall a lifetime of ard work.
to remind the working class that the parity number of bases are a positive advantage Question 3: Who negotiated with von agrcomonts are not parities based upon a over the supposedly greater fighting force Kuehlmann and General Hoffman at Brestdecrease in armaments and the ratios of of the But this is not the most deci Litovek? Answer. Joffe and Trotsky. Answer. Stalin. Trotsky.
strength, tut are on the contrary parities sive question. The bases indicate the areas Stalin.
Question 11: Wo opposed Lenin on and ratios based upon increased building of conflict, the centers of the greatest com Question 4: Who organized the Red the national question, on the union with and further expenditures for war. The es petition, but do not necessarily mean that Army? Answer. Trotsky. Stalin Tseretelll, on the monopoly of foreign trade, tablishment of parity or ratios between the the possesion of a majority of them is the Question 5: Who led it to victory and etc. etc. Answer. Stalin. Trotsky.
imperialists is a meaninglese cloak to nis overwhelming factor.
suppressed the countro revolution? Ans Question 12: Who led the French revo.
lead the workers into false security. Agree The most decisive factor in the event of wer. Trotsky. Stalin.
lution. Answer. Robespierre and Danments between these robbers are less than war is the resources of the various conten Question 6: Who founded the Commu ton. Sta. in.
worthless. The whole history of capitalist ders. Increased building and expenditures nist International and led it? Answer: Question 13: Who led the Crusades diplomacy shows this. London will be the presents a problem to all of the powers (Lenin and Trotsky. Stalin.
against the pagan? Answer. Richard the scene where the gauging of each others with the exception of the United States. Question 7: Who was Lenin closest Lion Hearted. Stalin.
strength will be attempted, where the more Her resources place her in a most favored collaborator? Answer. Trotsky. Stalin. Question 14: Who built the pyramids concrete stops for war can be taken, and position. This is indisputable. While France Question 8: Whom aid Lepin call the of Egypt? Answer. Cheops and Rameses. from where a barrage of pacifism will be demands her share of extended naval con ablest man on the Central Committee? Stalin.
laid under the direction of reformism and struction she is at the same time in favor Answer. Trotsky. Stalin.
Question 15: Who built Noah Ark?
social domocracy.
of a let up because of lack of resources. Question 9: Whom dd Leala propose, Answer. Noah, Ham, Shem and Jepthah. The possesion of naval bases will play Likewise Japan, and England feel the diff in bia Testamont. to remove from the Stal! tremendous role in the coming conflict culties. America alone can continue with position ct Party secretary. Answer: Question 16: Who ate the apple? Anso. 50s. They serve as an intermediary steady building program and will main. Stalin. Trotsky.
wer. Adam. Stalin.
polat for supplies, retusling and ammun tain this position. In addition no other Question 10: Whom did Lenin ucaounce Any comrade can think up lots more tion. An examination of these naval bases country has its industries so completely as disloyal, rude, unreliable. et. eten? of those muestions a