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Page TA MILITANT French Aim Blow at Mellon Pa.
Domain Rises Another Haymarket Cop Dead fested in the planned acts of France all they will very quickly be disilluthese indicate that the export hopes of the sioned. The imperialiste have more Detroit industrial kings are not in such a powerful and ruthless means of pressure cheerful position as they pretend. It also at their command than mere diplomatic indicates that their promises to the auto notes.
workers that increased exports will mean And the olive branches of peace that a renuwed wave of employment, are not the god fearing statesmen of the world founded on very substantial grounds. have been banding to each other with so These factors indicate that the most much publicity, what about them? They Raise Tariff on American Autos anxious resistance to the French project disappear, as always do all pacifist fant. Workers Squeezed for Profits will be made by the American interests. asies, in the living realities of the mad, still blow at American automobile If the French are under the impression that cut throat rush for profits, territory, spheres By ARTHUR MeDOWELL competition in France is being contemthey will put through their plan without of Influence, colonies, markets which is plated by the French government in a proPITTSBURGH (FP. Control of this Ineting the hardest opposition from the the foundation of modern imperialism.
city by the Mellons millions is soon to be Ject to be submitted to the parliament for visualized by another great shaft of steel the increase on tarif duties on foreign and stone in the downtown section. The automobile and parts. While the raising new Cult Refining Co. building is to rise of the tariff is formally directed against 37 stories above the street opposite the all foreign auto imports, it is the real aim magnificent new Koppers Bldg. home of of the project to strike at the United By P, LEWIS The press of Chicago bas a tradition to the General Electric and Coal. Both States, which does practically all of the CHICAGO Twice in 43 years Pat Nash uphold. It was largely by means of this Gulf Refining and Koppers are Mellon conimporting in this field.
made the first page. The first time was in press that the bosses of Chicago were able The extent to which the foreign mar.
cerns, typifying their progress toward sup1886.
He was one of the Haymarket cops. to whip up hysteria of sufficient magnitude remacy in the control of coal properties ket in France would be cut down for The papers marked him for special atten to permit the legal lynching of Albert ParAmerican automobile and parts manufacand a rapidly shaping monopoly of manution in those days of heroic policemen sons and his five comrades on November factured gas.
turers is indicated by the fact that the estibecause bits of the Haymarket bomb 11, 1887. So whenever a Haymarket cop mates made of American cars and trucks The symbolic domination of Pittsburgh wounded him.
dies, there is always a front page story.
by the castles of the mighty Mellons 18 sold in France in 1919 runs to about The second time was Monday. Some But however often these stories appear, every day matched by their actual march 32, 000, 000. with about two thirds of the one noticed the lights in Pat squalid attic the labor movement of Chicago will con onward to unchallenged control of the incars being Fords.
room on West Monroe St. burning in the tinue to beleive what it has believed since dustrial area of western Pennsylvania, with Plan High Auto Tarik afternoon. This time the papers intoned 1886: The bomb that killed Patrolman its wealth or unmined coal and huge steel a half column paoan of glory to the hero Degan was thrown by a police spy.
The French project covers two laws, That mills. Dairy combines, chain store extenwhich American capitalists expect to drive and grew sad at the thought that a noble the object of throwing this bomb was to sions and fuel monopoly are sidelines in the them clears out of the market. The first defender of Chicago good name should give excuse for destroying a mass move Mellons finanacial sway. These latter venwould raise the duty on parts for assembly have died of want and inattention, ment for the hour day and assassinating tures are financed through bond issues its leaders, and replacement to three times the previous Boss Press Upholds Tradition which free Mellon capital for further rates, or 125 percent of the sales value of For the press of Chicago never misses The workers of Chicago feel deep bit expansion while leaving actual control in the product. The second measure would a chance to call back to mind the march of terness for a press that utilizes the passing the power greedy bands of this grand ducal raise the duty on complete cars from the 180 cops against what it invariably de of these cops to recall the Haymarket as an family present 45 per cent ad valorem to about scribes as a mob of 2, 000 anarchists on May episode in which the forces of law and order Workers Make His Wealth 90 percent. It is said that the Ford plant, 4, 1886. There is never mention of the fact triumphed over a murderous and irresponfor instance, which is the only one assemGult Refining Co. station workers, that this mol was a mass meeting of sible mob and perhaps also, to remind when they look at the new Mellon skybling cars, would have its parts subjected union men protesting against the murder the labor movement of the terrorism the to such a high duty as to make further scraper downtown, will have cause to think of four strikers by police the previous day master class is capable of unleashing 10 operation at a profit virtually impossible.
of their contribution to their employers at the McCormick Reaper works.
another occasion requires it.
wealth. They get only 75 a month, while American sales in France do not form Mellon truck drivers average 90, or hall a very large part of the total automobile SUPPPRESS MOONEY REPORT STALINIST REPRESSION the union scale.
sales, but what alarms the French is the Station managers had thelr day lengthfact that the share of the is steadily ened by one of those interesting devices on the increase. The market equilibrium used alternately to cajole and coerce them.
of any of the capitalist countries is so At the same time that he announces At a periodic experience meeting they delicately adjusted nowadays that any SAN LUIS OBISPO, Cal. FP) Muronce more the final liquidation of Trotwere asked if they didn think that any larger increase of America share in the phy McHenry, San Luis Obispo editor, in skyism, Stalin is redoubling the brutality manager who was truly interested in his French trade would undoubtly have a ser an open letter to Governor Young quotes lous effect upon the domestic industry, Charlog Whitmore, once Young secretary towards the supporters of the Russian Opstation would stay on the job during the where the French bourgeoisie is priding and now state building and loan commis position who do not capitulate.
day rush hour. All present agreed readItselt upon the relative lack of unemployily, wbereupon it was announced that the sioner, as saying: don understand why News that we have just received from Gov. Young doosn act in the Mooney case. deportees inform us that the health of our rush hour was between and ment. It is both the fear of losing a larger The man.
portion of its own market in France, and Mooney deserves to be pardoned and told comrade Rukovsky is seriously shaken.
agers workday ends at the radical consequences of increased un him (Young) so. McHenry says in his let His heart especially is in a bad way and employment in the country, that impels the ter that Young turned the case over to French to attempt this severe blow to the that he would make his decision from Whit it at Barnaoul, where he was recently exNEW YORK Clever evasion of the American master.
mores findings.
iled, Whitmore reported that That the American automombile interNew York state law preventing a holding Mooney and Billings were innocent, but the The repression is extended even to the ests will not stand by silently while this company from acquiring more than 10 governor took no action. Young denies children of Oppositionists. month ago the daughter of comrade Trlotsky, who interest in a public utility corporation is attack is consummated is quite apparent. that this is so.
noted in the current Annalist in recording Already the State Department and the DepBoth the state supreme court and the lives in Moscow, was suddenly imprisoned.
artment the gobbling up of Brooklyn Union Gas by of Commerce of the have advisory pardon board are working on the She remained in prison a few days, then the Koppers Mellon interests of Pittsburgh.
received urgent appeals from the automo two cases, but there is no probability of a she was set at provisional liberty, under The Mellon firm, which is fast becoming a lle manufacturers to do something about decision in the near future. Both bodies surveillance, so that she might take care Se French project. difficulty, from the gas monopoly in the east, organized 10 separe preparing for a long set of hearings, of her three children. But then her husband was arrested. on the pretext of arate holding companies to acquire 100 American capitalist view, arises at this and are going over the whole transcript of of the Brooklyn gas company stock.
cint because the French have drawn the testimony, which Young has had in bis putting him through an examination: since drafts of the laws so cleverly that formally These dummy companies are named hands for several years before he passed then there has been no news. The agents of there is no direct discrimination planned Aden, Burma, Canton, Dover, Etna, Farley, the buck to the board and the court. MeanStalin know full well that he is so seriagainst the since the laws are to Gorbam, Hector, Irving and Java and acwhile Mooney spent Christmas working as ously ill that any political activity on his cording to Mellon high priced experts, cover all foreign imports, although it is a waiter in the guards mess hall at San part is impossible. They want to crush us cannot be challenged under the New York quite obvious that Italian and British auto Quentin, and Billings spent his, not in his Opposition at any cost for they are quite trade being insignificant in France, the bills law, the purpose of which was to preformer healthful Job of gardner to the war.
well aware that it is not liquidated. But their efforts will be in vain.
vent a bolding company controlling a pubare in reality intended against the den of Folsom, but at work in the prison lic utility. Wil Figbt Back laundry. The Koppers monopoly is acquiring SAN Nevertheless there is every certainty FRANSISCO (FP) Wallace holdings in the Consolidated Gas Co. the Fogan, 55, was too old to work. His monthat the American government, true to its FORD TREATMENT OF LABOR gas and electric monopoly of Manhattan ey was gone. He turned on the gas in his role of faithful servitor to capitalist interHenry Ford, who says he likes older two room apartment, and when his wife ests, will exert the heaviest pressure to preworkers but whose Detroit plants throw came home she found his dead body and a THE UNITED FRONT FROM BELOW vent the project from becoming French them out without compunction, comes in note which began: Dear Lottie: Please Law. Its passage would be an especially As a token of friendship 31. Karachan for criticism from Sec, Epstein, of the forgive me. am leaving you all my money (Soviet ambassador to Turkey) presented ird blow at the American producers beAmerican Assn for Old Age Security. 13 cents and cents in stamps. With to President Mustapha Kemal two valuable uso of the severe depression in which the Calling attention to Ford recent utter this fortune Mrs Fogan must now face the. ustry is now found in the U, ThouDaintings.
ances concernig the value of skill and world.
ads of workers are laid off every month; steadiness of the older workers, Epstein. New York Times, 12 29 1929 nts are either being shut down entirely points out that the labor department working part time; the prospects for the recently published a study showing Ford wing year are very poor and greater deplants to be more ruthless in drawing the wine is freely predicted by practically deadline against men over 40 than any creryone. The main hope of the American other frm studied.
The coming semi monthly Open Forum held Saturday, January 25.
to manufacturer does not in the maintenlectures announced by the New York. de of the domestic market, and certainly branch of the Communist League of AmerMax Shachtman, on Can Capitalism SWEDISH WORKERS PROTEST Disarm. in which the results of the Lon. in its increase in the coming period.
ica (Opposition) include the following It is universally acknowledged Their BARBARITY IN CAROLINA don Naval Conference will be dealt with speakers and topics: and the standpoints of Community and cs for the maintainance of production NEW YORK (FP. Informed of the James Cannon, on Gastonia and pacifism in the question contrasted. To sven a moderate pace are pinned mainly course ol justice in North Carolina which Marion. a comparison of the two historic be held Saturday, February an exports, not only to the Orient and is sending labor men to the penitentiary labor struggles of the past year in the in America, but also to Europe.
and white washing the slayers of strike Southern textile fields and their signifiSpeakers for subsequent meetings will include Rose, Joseph Friedman, The growing resistance of European leaders 500 workers meeting at Holmstad cance to the Left wing. To be held Satranufacturers, the persistent talk among near Gothenburg, Sweden have sent reso urday, January 11.
James Russell, and others. The Open Forof a cartel or alliance to ward off the lutions of protest to Gov. Max Gardner um meetings begin at p. are held at Martin Abern, on The Left Wing and nsive movements of the Americang, the of North Carolina. collection netting 30 the Labor Unlons discussion of this the Militant Hall, 25 Third Avenue, Room ve steps being taken against com4. near 8th Street. and admission is free.
crowne, is being forwarded for strikers de much disputed question from the point of All workers are cordially invited.
Lion all along the line and now mani fense.
view of the Communist Opposition. To be Ques.
tions and discussion follow all lectures, THE MILITANT, VOL. II. No. January 4, 1930. Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subeription rate. 12. 00 per year: foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, cento per copy Editorial Boardo Martin Adern, James Cannon, Max Shachtman. Mauwe Speetor, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mall matter Novembor 28, 1928, at the Post Omce at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. Total No: 26)
there is hardly any possibility of Heating Mellon Advances in New York Open Forumofthe New York Communist League