BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySovietStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

6 1969 GZL THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition. VOL. III. No.
Telephone: DRYdock 1656.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 1930. NYW YOK, PRICE CENTS Industrial Depression Growing Austrian Crisis Hundreds Killed. by Anti Labor Drive Now Under Way and Communism Marines in Haiti Ilinois Miners Urgently Need Relief The obscure pages of the capitalist ure. Merchandise shipments, as measpress are giving part of the picture of ured by car loadings figures, are slower, growing industrial decline in the United emphasizing the let down which has ocStates which all the optimistic declarations curred generally. Busines generally 18 By Trotsky NEW YORK Not five but hundreds of by experts. printed on the front pages, quiet as the year ends, especially in manuHaitians were killed in the uprising of cannot conceal. As the weeks go by since facturing and wholesale and jobbing lines.
The Austrian crisis is a partial mani Haitian peasants at Aux Cayes recently, the coloscal stock market collapse, it be New purchasing is characterized by caufestation of the crisis of democracy, the states the Amsterdam News, Harlem Negro comes all the clearer that the blow at the tiousness and the disposition to buy only fundamental form of bourgeois rule. The weekly on the authority of a letter smuggled Industrial and financial structure of Amer for Imediate requirements. of the ninetoo high tension of the International, as out of Haiti to Capt. Marshall, head of ican capitalism was neither acidental nor ty four lines of business in New York City well as the class, struggle leads to the the Save Halti League. The writer of the Just an episode.
reporting to Bradstreet last week, tive short circuit of dictatorship in which the letter said he did not dare sign his name The far reaching significance of the were better than, flity equal to, and thirsafeguards of democracy are burned up for fear of reprisals from the marine con growing industrial decline in the country ty four below a year ago. No lines report one after the other The process began trolled Haitian government.
for the working class, which is the one collections better than a year ago, fortyat the European perphery, in the most Hundreds of Haltian peasants. reads most bitterly affected, may be gathered from six were equal to a year ago and forty eight backward countries, at the weakest links the letter, who were coming into Aux the figures just made public by the spokeswere below a year ago.
in the capitalist chain. But the process Cayse to protest, without arms, simply with man for American big business, the New From the New England area, Times re.
goes even further. What is called the crisis their usual small canes, against the way York Times (12 29 1929)
ports that textile mill operations are stili of parliamentarism is the political expresalcohol, tobacco and coffee are taxed, have Iron and steel operations are at a subnormal. with shoe production pretty sion for the crisis of the entire system been slaughtered Women and children were low ebb. The ratio is now the lowest light. Building operations continue the of bourgeois society. Democracy stands killed. Officially they acknowledge 12 dead of the year and for the industry as a smallest of the year. The Chicago disand falls with capitalism. The social deand 40 wounded but there are hundreds, whole will not top the fifty percent fig trict reports the steel output down to 55 mocracy defends democracy which is being percent for the area, with new business ruined and thereby drives social develop light. Philadelphia reports the market ment into the blind alley of fascism, for building materials, including timber, to The Strength of the Social Democracy be slow, with dwelling house construction The great weakness of the Austrian out of In Ohio territory, Iron bourgeoisie after the war and the revolu After having encountered the gun them out of the industry, but to imprison and steel operations are down to about 50 tion, combined with the economic and po point terrorism of the operators thugs and their leaders. Henry Corbishly, who served percont, with prices reduced to the lowlitical dependence of Austria, became the the state militia during the strike, the time in connection with the notorious Zieg est level in more than a year. St. Louis Illinois miners who responded to the ler frame up case while Alex Hargis, the most important sources for the strength acknowledges that practically all IndusWhile of the Austrian social democracy.
call of the National Miners Union are being Klanman, who killed a Communist miner trial plants have reduced production and the Austrian social democracy fulfilled its met with vicious blacklisting campaign went free, is now confronted with the dan cut forces, which has aggravated the om.
office of savior and consolidator of the by the operators, calculated to drive the ger of a return to prison for an alleged vio ployment situation. With little change bourgeois regime, it had the opportunity, mllitarts in the field either to starvation tion of the parole under which he was re the same downward movement exists leased.
in its agitation, to repel either the na or out of the mining territory.
throughout the country The men who went on strike include tional or the foreign bourgeoisie (English The Workers International Rellet has The sharp slow down in American inand American. In the first period of the some of the most courageous figthers in announced the opening of relief stations dustry is already having a telling effect stabilization of the bourseois regime after the mining industry and to have them driven for the miners in Illinois. Despite differ on the working class. That unemployment the revolution, the social democracy was out of the field would involve a great set ences we may have with the policy of the is on the increase, is obvious. The employthe direct agent of foreign capital. This back for the progressive and Left wing they are engaged in helping the ers are attempting as usual, to get out permitted it not only to throw the respon movement and leave the workers exposed to miners now and require every worker from under their diffiaulties by laying sibility for all evil upon the national bour the machinations of the Lewis and Fish hearty support. Money and clothes should off as many men as possible and speeding geoisie, but it could also adopt at least, wick machines and their employers the be forwarded to the or the union up those who are left to the highest posin apearances a more independent, a more coal operators. The workers who fought immediately so that the plans of the oper sible peak. period of the most severe critical position towards this bourgeoisie 80 militantly and who ready to fight with ators may be successfully checkniated. intensifying of labor efficiency and rathan was accesible to the social democracy even greater sacrifices deserve the sup The Left wing among the miners must tionalization. at the expense of the workThe in other countries, not even excluding Ger port of the whole labor movement. be kept going and strengthened for the ers health and lives has set in on namany. The further the consolidation o: the operators are not only trying to starve coming battles, Rally to their assistance!
tion wide scale. Bitter struggles of the bourgeois regime progressed, the more freworkers against wage cuts, speed up and quently did the social democracy accuse unemployment are scheduled for the comthe national bourgeoisle that it merely exing year in defenso against the hammerblows of the bosses. Unless the labor movetal. For the workers, however, it kept one ment begins immediately an intense and argument ready, which excused the invio WASHINGTON. Why the Hoover ad NEW YORK (FP) The five day week widesperad dirve. to organize the millions of lability of private property: Naturally, ministration falled, during five weeks of in the building trades is not keeping pace unorganzed workers in the basic industries we would be able to finish off with our bitter winter weather, that followed its with growing unersployment. That is evi of the country, unless a break is made conbourgeoisie, but it isn a question of them, knowledge that two American fliers were denced in the appeal of Plasterers Local clusively with the suicidal policy of colbut of the bourgeoisie of England and lost on the ice of Arctic Siberia, to ask 60 for the hour day for the months of laborating with the capitalst class and a America.
the Soviet government for help in rescuing January and February, to ease the ten policy of militant combat substituted for it, The bourgeois parties of Austria lost them, is the central mystery in this grim sion of unemployment. One of the argu the workers of the United States will face their distinctiveness all the more easily story which the explorer Steffanson has ments leading to the adoption of the day the coming struggles with a minimum of because they were compelled to hang on brought into the light of publicity.
week was lack of jobs.
preparedness as against the maximum the lips of the Anglo Saxon host. The soWhen at last a telegram from Stet The boss plasterers have curtly re of determined ruthlessness, consolidated cial democracy, in essence, played the organization and governmental assistanc fanson to Secretary of the Interior Wilbur jected the appeal stating that it would same role, but it is compelled to come forthat the bosses have at their command.
drove Wilbur to ask the Moscow Foreign Increase building costs. An agreement for ward as an Opposition to the bloc of the the day, 40 hour week has three years to Office for help, the fllers had been down on Exports Increase run.
bourgeois parties, because it bases itself the ice seven weeks, and their original What is especially significant about upon the workers. This Opposition alone food supply was enough for only eight the present industrial situation in the counpermits It to save the bourgeoisie. We weeks. Temperatures of 70 below zero Far CONCEDE CLEVELAND UNEMPLOYMENT try, is the increase of foregn exports. The see similar processes and phenomena in enheit are recorded in that region in DecCLEVELAND (FP) The open shop National Chamber of Commerce has just anGermany too. They have contributed in an ember.
American Plan Assn. basing its report on nounced that the American exports for the extraordinary manner to the self preservaMrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt, attoremployment in member firms, states that first months of this year were more than tion of the German social democracy. But 54, 000 were on the payroll in 231 Cleveland percent larger than for the corresponding since the German bourgeoisie is much ney for the Airways Transport Co. employplants in November, compared with 51, 000 period in 1928. This indicates with doubstronger and more independent, the German ers of the fllers, appealed to Hoover, Borah, in November, 1928. The report admits led emphasis that the home market of the Bocial democracy had to make agreements Wilbur and to Boris Skviraky, unofficial however that unemployment is greater thts has narrowed considerably, because inwith it more plainly and openly, and ag representative in Washington for the Soviet year than last, many workers having come dustrial production has declined in spite sume the direct responsibllity for it before government. Wilbur request that Soviet to Cleveland from Detroit and other cities of the increase in exporta, It indicates the working masses. This circumstance ice breakers be sent to rescue the fiers where unemployment is bad.
further that the United States will make created great possibilities of development was sent to MOSCOW through Skvirsky. evory effort to escape the consequences for the German Communist Party.
Borah cabled Foreign Secretary Litvinov HOOVER PROSPERITY of its crlsts by exerting the harshest posdireot.
RALEIGH, The Asociated CharAustria is a small body with a big sible pressure on its competitors in the The capital city is in the hands of Did non recognition alone cause the Ities has 142 cases on Its hands this win world market.
the social democracy, which has, however, Washington administration to stand inac ter against 84 last winter. The great The crisis in the United States, frreless than half the votes in the national tive until the Allers had but one week est need is for fuel, for which the Charities spective of its duration or depth, is a reparliament (43 percent. This unstable food supply left with one chance in a has no money, because the Community flection of and at the same time an imContinued on Page hundred of thelr early rescue?
Phant has had to cut its budget petus to the crisis in world Ism en el seu mauris ne dans le secteur Lost Fliers and Hoover Refuse Hour Day head.