BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninMarxismRadekStalinStalinismTrotskyViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

Throughout the World of Labor unemployment stipends for their Christ ations against the Communist International, when the Party is weakened, when the Christmas for the German mas joys. Tbree times weekly the unemploy The mining problem has taken on an masses follow the Party with difficulty, and ed of each city must personally register at unforeseen development. The Miners Fed when a certain passivity prevalls among the Workers the town office. Once each week they draw eration, at the suggestion of Cook, workers? It is because Humanite and the their money. This is usually based on their who has become a very reasonable man Party consider the opinions of their supIn spite of the sloppy, smeary weather, last wage rate, but the average is around after having declared himself an humble porters only when it is necessary to ask Christmas is coming. St. Nicholas ruddy 17 19 marks. 25. 75 weekly. disciple of Lenin. has decided to content them for their pennies! Because the only face beams out of holly trimmed store The army of the unemployed is subject itself with the government project whose work that the Party asks of its members windows; and papers encourage gift buy to draft. Street cleaaing, and other public essential provision is to change the worktoday is to collect money for it to replace Ing. Every day It rains, and soft winds work is done by men recruited from the ing day from eight hours to seven and a that which is frittered away in functionsuggest spring rather than winter. Jobless ranks, who are compelled to accept half. The decision was carried by a maj aries, publications, and so on, without any It will be a sad Christmas for millions the jobs offered them, at wages arbitrarily ority, the representatives of the two min control whatsoever! In a word, this state in Germany this year. With one blow Krupp fixed, and frequently below the wages ing districts: Yorkshire and Forest of of affairs is the result of the whole internal laid off 1, 100 men only a week ago. The usually paid for such work. The penalty of Dean, remaining irreconciliable. The gov policy of the Party for the past number of Phoneix Steel Corp. follows this rational refusal la 108s of the weekly Insurance in ernment project, in actuality, brings absoyears.
example, knocking off a few hundred more. come.
lutely nothing to the miners in the districts To the comrades who contribute their Some plants of the Edel Stahlwerk in The unemployed are very dissatisfied where the working day is now seven and a mite for the defense of Humanite, we say: Bochum have been shut down. Other with this drafting. Many are men of learn half hours, and Yorkshire is one of those. Comrades, that is not enough! It is not industries report hard conditions.
ed trades, unaccustomed to crude work in Immediately after the vote of accep enough to give money for saving a journal It is estimated that unemployment this raw weather. But they have no choice. tance, the president of the Federation, Her whose whole false policy drives it under winter will reach nearly 3, 000, 000 in Ger Newspapers chant the coming of Christ bert Smith, who has been the leader of the the blows of Tardieu and Co! What is many a much larger figure than last mas, and kids may be seen pressing their Yorkshire miners for years, tendered his needed is a thorough house cleaning: men, winter faces against store windows laden with resignation. He has been replaced by methods and policies. In defending Humanite The mines are enjoying their usual toys. But for millions of men this will be Richards.
against the government, in defending spurt of winter activity, with slight depres a lean Christmas, and the New Year bells Discontentment is always lively in the against the bourgeoisie a journal to which sions noted due to the ususually clement will hardly suggest to them the coming ranks of the Independent Labour Party to the workers have given so much of their weather. Building is practically at a stand of greater blessings next year. For with wards the policy of the government, and support and their strength, it is necessary still, and textiles work only a few hours every year the situation grows worse.
especially on the subject of the proposed to assume the obligation of defending it weekly, with the exception of a slight ED FALKOWSKI modifications of unemployment Insurance, against those who are leading it to its hump in the curve of the silk demand, which Krefeld, Rhineland.
which are in actuality, very far from that doom by running it without control, by keeps silk mills humming on a reasonable which the Laborite candidates promised having it carry out a wrong policy, which schedule.
during the elections. On one point, they does not educate the proletarians, which But millions of people will depend on Native Resentment in even worsen ths existing stipulations, Max sowe falsehoods in the working class.
ton, the chairman of the is leading For Humanite, Yes! But for a comSouth Africa the discontented, but is cast off by his own munist Humanite, relieved of the whole apKerensklade and the Chinese Kuo Min Tang, troops. He had prepared an amendment paratus that distorts It, Humanite must be the Right as well as the Left, Urbahns shy.
While General Smuts was pronouncing and received thirty three signatures. the Communist Journal which really guides ly hums the melody struck up by Radek in a homily at Oxford on the policy to be tolmeeting was held in the House of Commons the workers, instead of flinging them into the question on which the fate of the whole lowed in South Africa towards the natives, which was very lively and lasted more than a blind alley and making them commit East depends. It is not for nothing that two and a half hours. All the speaker, deand acted the good apostle, Reuter commistakes. Tardieu will not dare to touch a Urbahns prints the extremely superficial municated to the press a dispatch from plored the insufficiency of the government Communist Humanite.
and banal articles of Radek on the quesproject but it was nevertheless decided, fDurban saying that a large force of police Today is not the first time the govtion of the permanent revolution, while accompanied by an armed detachment nally, by 41 votes against 14, to vote for it. ernmental attack against Humanite has maintaining silence on his own position on with machine guns and tear gas bombs had The rebels of the against the been made. But, after each alarm, those this question invaded the district inhabited by the nativeg directing Laborite clique never go very far. who supported it went to sleep again, they It is not a matter now of repeating on the pretext of arresting natives who reThey hang fire along the road: Additional 13ft the bad leaders at the head of their disfigured quotations from the year 1905 fuse to pay personal tax, Six thousand vexations must not be created for the com journal, they did not organize the control on the permanent revolution. The ZinoDatives were questioned and finally six rade ministers.
from below, they did not demand the vievs, Maslovs and others have been sufhundred of them were placed under arrest.
London, November 25, 1929 rendering of the necessary accounts. few ciertly engaged in these forgeries. It is Tried forth with by special tribunals, they fine words and all was done.
a matter of the strategic line for the whole were condemned to pay the tax or undergo In defending Humanite today, every East and for a whole epoch. It must be a month of imprisonment.
worker must say to himself that once the clearly established whether a special demThis police and judiciary mobilization Tardieu Attack on alarm is over, a new administration must ocratic dictatorship of the workers and underlines in an impressive manner the be demanded in Humanite, a new policy, peasants is possible and how it would dituneasiness prevalent at the moment among Humanite honest Information. The Communist Opfer from the dictatorship of the Kuo Min the South African natives, an uneasiness position must be helped to conduct its Tang on the one side and the dictatorship provoked by the government policy of re The Tardieu government has just procefight against the bureaucratized cadres of of the proletariat on the other. This brings pression and violence.
eded to a new attack against the central the party, against their methods, against forward the question: Can the peasantry British loyalists of Natal and violent organ of the French Communist Party, its policy of compromise, against its have an independent policy in the revolurepublican Afrikanders of Transvaal who Humanite. The latter was many million actions which do not do what they should tion Independent from the bourgeoisle and formerly carried on a rabid struggle. francs in debt to the Banque Ouvriers et to rally the working masses but, on the from the proletariat? Marxism, enriched mongst themselves, always find themselves Paysans (Workers and Peasants Bank. contrary, frequently discourage and demorby the revolution in Russia and in China, alize them.
in accord when it is a matter of exploiting Through the medium of the legal adminianswers: no, no, no. The peasantry and brutalizing the natives. The minister strators placed in the by the gov Humanite does not cease saying that marches under the leadership of its upper of Justice, Plrow, an Afrikander, is the ernment, It demands that Humanite im Tardieu is striking because the awakened section and the petty bourgeois intellectprincipal instigator of this policy of re mediately turn over about 2, 600, 000 francs. working masges are threatening bourgeois uals, with the bourgeoisie: then arises pression; It is he who directed the armed It is a means of putting Humanite into power. That is wrong. Humanite should Social Revolutionary movement, a Kerenattack upon the native district, composed bankruptcy and makes it possible for any know, on the contrary, that it the working sklade or the Kuo Min Tang. Or else It of huts. This great performance of the one who wants it to buy it back. The class had not been previously weakened, marches, led by its lower sections, the sepolice had as its avowed aim to facilitate thousands of workers of the Parisian reg Tardieu would not dare to attack it so mi proletarian and proletarian elements of the vote on a draft law depriving the naion who read Humanite are aroused against impudently.
the village, with the industrial proletariat.
tives of the electoral franchise.
this governmental attack.
The Communist Opposition calls the Then it is the road of Bolshevism, of the Mr. Pirow has been obliged to justify Humanite calls itselt the Journal of workers to strengthen their activity by a October revolution (that is, the permanent his coup de force. He has made a declara the working class. It this means that it correct proletarian policy, devold of blutt, revolution. It is on this question pretion in which, from the beginning to end, is the journal that the revolutionary work but yigorous and exact. Then the workers cisely on this one that Stalin and Bucharin he accuses the Communist International ers read, it is true. There is none other will be able to recreate a Humanite which twisted the neck of the Chinese Communist and expatiates at length on a meeting of that appears dally. If this means that it is will really be their journal, and which will Party and the Chinese Revolution. Zinonatives held at Johannesburg, November 10.
a Journal that defends the working class lead them successfully in the struggle.
viev, Radek, Smilga and Preobrazhensky This meeting, organized by the native properly, we say No.
For a genuine Communist Press! That wavered between Stalinism and Marxism, section of the Communist Party, gath Humanite carries on a policy that is is what the workers want, From Humanite, and this wavering brought them to shameered about 1, 500 in the audience and was almost never correct and which we they demand, together with the Opposition, ful capitulation. For the countries of the concluded by the arraignment of the min denounce and will continue to denounce a new policy. That is the only condition East, this question forms the line of demarister of Justice, deservedly made respon each time it is practised. On most of the that can render their aid effective for the cation between Menshevism and Bolshesible for the measures taken against the national and international problems, its future of the revolutionary movement.
vism natives and those with which they knew position, which is the one the executive of. VERITE themselves to be threatened. The judge the International imposeg upon it, is wrong. Paris, November 29, 1929. By the way: Radek article contains decided that thc effigy of the minister be It is constantly deceiving the working a monstrous bit of gossip that in Alma burned while the Jury cried: Burn the class. It serves as a means of superficial Alta held back the exposures on the negoswine! Burn the oppressor! Burn this agitation, but by no means of propaganda.
tiations of Bucharin with Kamenev out of tool of British Imperialism! Previously, Nevertheless, it occuples itself with the a desire to form a bloc with the Right.
Where does this come from? From Yaro many speakers had accused General Herzog interests of the workers. In spite of its conof seeking a refuge under the wing of Bri tinual errors, its circulation is considerslavsky snuff box? Or from Menzhinsky able. Every revolutionary worker, even he (head of the notebooks? It is hard tish imperialism.
The liberal Journals show some uneast who already understands the constant and ly likely that Radek himselt invented it.
ness on the subject of the brutal and ex gross errors of Humanite, reads it. That is Comrade Urbahns, however, has so much The Latest what must be taken into account. Tardieu number just received of the government.
room that he can print not only novels of ceptional measures They recognize that the situation is seri knows it well, and that is why, after hav contains articles by Sinclair but even the gossip of Yaroslaving done so much to exhaust and mangle Trotsky, Christain Rakovous, seeing that there are 40, 000 natives in sky Radek. Had comrade Urbabng loyally the huts of Durban, subject to a lively ex the Party, he directly assaults Humanite.
sky, Kosslor, Okapplied to me for information, would have citement. But they fear that the way of But the workers will not permit him to do udjava. Muralov, explained to him that received the news Dingelstaedt, of the negotiations between Bucharin and force will only succeed in aggravating the it. They will show that they want to defend Humanite.
situation. It is possible that Communist Kamenev simultaneously with the report and others. agitators sent by the Communist Inter But we will not hide from them the INVALUABLE FOR KNOWLEDGE OF on the ambiguous declarations of Urbahns national are to be found among the natives, responsibility of the Party and Humanite THE RUSSIAN SITUATION on a bloc with Brandler. answered this but their propaganda would be in vain if in the crisis that torments them today. How 250 each 18c in bundles with an article on the absolute inadmissimany could Humanite Save deficit of Order From bility of unprincipled blocs between the there did not exist a profound discontent.
From which they conclude that a wise polTHE MILITANT This article millions in the withcut its readers Left and Right Oppositions.
23 Third Avenue, was published a few months ago by Brand Icy of appeasing the natives by according being informed of it? Why does the govNew York, them adroitly contrived satisfactions would ernment undertake its maneuver against. And only then reprinted in Volkswille. continued be more effective than ministerial declam Humanite today, that is, at the wat The BULLETIN of the Russian Opposition