CapitalismEnglandFranceImperialismImperialist WarItalyStalinismWorkers PartyWorld War

Saturday, December 28, 1929 THE MILITANT Page Naval Conference Farce Auto Wage Cuts to down her cruisers program as outlined in the Hoover MacDonald negotiations, is ex.
tremely unlikely and no illusions on this score should be entertained at Washington.
There is the strongest authority for this Pontiac Workers Seriously Affected Japanese Delegation Visit Indicates the «Disarmament» Prospects statement.
PONTIAC, Mich. Thousands are out Indeed, Balderston inspired warning is of work in this auto town, and 2, 000 tamMr. Henry Stimson, representing the that they would not be sticklers on an ab borne out by the significant article of HecUnited States delegation, and Mr. Reljiro solute 70 ratio in cruisers if they would tor Bywater, British authority who is ilies are living on the city. with winter just well started. It hell, is the way Wakatsuki, representing the Japanese del only be supported in their submarine de close to the Big Navy end of the British egation, have just enacted another scene in one worker in the big General Motors plant stick. He points out that the American mands, their proposal to reduce the gun put it, and hate to think what it will be Washington from that merry farce which calibre on capital ships to 14 inches and battlefleet of 18 capital ships is the only before spring.
has had a successful run eleven years to extend a vessel life to 25 years. completely oil burning fleet in the world.
The few workers who have been put since the end of the world war, playing To these proposals, the American exIt is the only one in which every pre Jutback to work following widespread layoffs before distinguished diplomatic audiences perts countered by pointing out that the land unit has been or is being extensively in Washington, London, Paris, Genoa, Gen British have abandoned work on the Sin reconstructed and modernized. It mounts in auto and body factories are experiencing eva and other noted international points.
speed up, slack time, and cut in wage rates.
gapore base, which is supposed to cut down 192 heavy turret guns as against 166 corIt is the comedy called Disarmament. and the defense needs of Japan. But the latter responding guns in the British fleet. Its Can Make Room and Beard the next scene will open in London on reminded the that while Singapore cruiser fleet comprises 33 ships of post went back to work last Friday at January 21, with King George of England might possibly affect battleship ratios, since war design as against 15 British post war 60 cents an hour a 30 cent cut on my day himself in the role of curtain raiser. it is the only dry dock between Malta and design ships. In heavy calibre ordinance, rate, a body plant worker told Federated Pearl Harbor capable of taking a dread trom an inch to a 16 Inch, the American Disarmament. Farce Press. got in 24 hours on last pay day.
naught, it has no bearing on 10, 000 ton ships Davy has a margin of 45 guns over Eng That is 40 short of what it cost me for That some of the actors have a tragic (cruisers) for which there are numerous land. In submarine tonnage, there is virtual room and board. went to work this mornrole to play does not change the character harbors avaliable. And besides it is not Eng ly the same superiority. There are ing and they sent me home and told me of the piece. It was conceived as a farce land that Japan fears primarily. The Tokio American submarines, armed with 516 tor come back tomorrow, Half the crew works and must remain a farce, replete with all corespondent of the New York Times (12 20 pedo tubes, as against 63 British boats with tomorrow and hall Friday, so ll be ott sorta of sleight of hand tricks, hypnotism 1929) unwittingly unmasks all the diplo 383 tubes. Of submarines for long distance again Friday, and that will be all for this acts, the old army game, and if there are matic pretentions about the coming epoch cruising, America has 62, the British week. ll be lucky to make room and no bedroom scenes, there is plenty going on of pacific world relations and indicates Empire 47. The ratio in air power for board here this winter.
all the time behind the scene itself. The where Japan real concern lies: naval use is now: United States, 10; Great This worker is more fortunate than main role is played by the United States as Whom Japan Fears Britain, many, for he is single and without dependthe gay villain, with all the other actors, ents. That he is allowed to work at all France, Italy, England and Japan playing To put it crudely (Ahem. Japan is The French Become Plous!
he attributes only to his being an old the injured, foiled heroes who cannot hope not afraid of England, because the British These articles do not bear favorable timer who has worked for one company to win. That the entire chorus sings loud navy has to cover such a large area and augur for the success of the conference, six or seven years, ly in various keys of their intention to England could not assemble a fleet in the particularly since the continental Dress How the lineup looks to a married man disarm, should not deceive the many mil Pacific large enough to defeat Japan. If a continues to point out that the United may be gathered from an unemployed worlion hes. Bed audience, because it is nothing state of war untortunately (What a conStates plans even greater expenditures for ker letter, published in the corresponbut a part of the play which the actors venient and diplomatic word is if. exmilitary and naval purposes. Even the dence columns of the Pontiac Daily Press.
themselves do not take very seriously. isted between Japan and America, America semi official Parisian Temps is in a posl It is not an enviable situation to have could concentrate virtually all her one little children calling for food and be When MacDonald arrived in the United tion to comment with consummate Tartutfighting ships in the Pacific and give her flan hypocrisy, on Hoover speech explainunable to satisfy their hunger, says this States a few weeks ago, his meetings with Pacific trade to neutral ships, leaving her Ing the increased military and naval writer. It is not an encouraging outlook Hoover were generally acclaimed by the with a 40 percent superiority on cruisers. needs of the These figures merit to walk the streets day after day, from capitalist press of both countries as the In other words, all the pious declaraattention, for it is only necessary to regard factory to factory, or even to seek a sewer Inauguration of a new epoch, not only 10 tions of the diplomats of the various imwhat the Americans consider an indispensdigging job, until one is tempted to end it Anglo Saxon relations, but also for the perialist powers, their signature to the able minimum for their security to apall as many do because he cannot furIdeal of peace and disarmament itself. It Kellogg Pact made with hand on heart preciate at full value the spontaneous sanish food, clothes, etc. for a family of was widely announced that with these con pledging themselves never to resort to war crifices. which France has made. And youngsters, Isn something radically wrong versations as a beginning, the London Naval again are all dissolved before the realities yet there are people in the world (just when millions of people must suffer beConference would begin (as all those that of imperialist rivalry. The French as well Imagine. who, even now, are seeking to cause they have created too much of this preceded it began. to take step as the English, the Japanese as well as the resurrect the legend that French uilitarworld goods. when men starve while leading the disarmament of all Americans, understand what should be ism and imperialism is the last obstacle to fariners cannot sell food at a price to prethe great powers, or at the very clear to every worker: The various disardisarmament and the consolidation of vent them from going bankrupt?
least the limitation of armaments, so mament conferences are not held for the peace.
Fifty Percent Wage Cuts that the sublime spirit of the Kelloge purpose of disarming a utopian deceptive Pact the abolition of war as an instruplan under capitalism but for the purpose Great fellows, these diplomats! They Another worker testified that wago ment of national policy might become a of jockeying for better positions in the face are a real sign of the progress of our civi cuts on piece work in his plant averaged reality on carth. The pacifists of every color of the inevitably oncoming war.
50. man who was putting out 20 jobs lization. In the old days, when they frank.
and shade went into a veritable epileptic All of them swear by the hour that Iy sailed under the Jolly Roger and made a day last year will have to put out 45 jobs frenzy of joy, and praises. wore showered hey haven the slightest intention or idea each other walk the plank, they didn today to make the same wage, he said.
Take fools of themselves or anyone else Overtime, which helped out the meager cardown upon the modest heads of MacDonald of another war, but, they add, If a war and Hoover as the enlightened statesmen SIIOULD come. then it is obviously newith pretenses about their noble, lofty in nings of auto workers last season, will be of the century.
cessary to take measures for proper natentions and aspirations. Nowadays, they conspicuously absent this year, the auto Fascinating as uil chese opium dreams tional defense.
gather in very solemn conclave seeking to workers prophesy. Thirty thousand 1929 may seem, they are, alas, only opium It is needless to say that the efforts of scuttle each others ships with the utmost Pontiac cars are said to be stored in fac dreams intended to confuse and confound the American imperialists to force a reducof courtesy and soul stirring oratory. The tories. distributors and dealers ware the minds of the workers. As the conflict tion of armaments in proportion to its Jolly Roger has been struck. The pirates houses around this section, and it is th between the various imperialist powers be own by England, France, Italy and Japan now sail the seren scas under the Christian general opinion that the 1939 model will n: comes kecaer, and the prospects of a war will succeed only in part. That has already pennant of brotherly love, the limitation be put on the market untit most of the to decide their antagonism begins to as been shown by the results of the conver.
of armaments and peace.
are sold.
sume more concrete form, it is necessary 80 sations with the Japanese delegation at to bofuddle the workers that their res Washington. The United States delegation istance to imperialist war is weakened or muddled with pacifist fantasies. The meetother words to give Japan any concrete asing of the Japanese and Ainerican delegasurances of support in advance of the Lontions in Washington is but one of the don conference itself. When the associat Ta desperation at our growing of burcacracy alone. They learn numerous indications of the hypocritical ed pirates get together in the House of strength an ong the Party membership and them from a master closer at home: from and impossible cry for disarmament, when Lords next month, the United States will the left wing workers and in a frantic at. YOU. You were the leader of the Party it is uttered by those whose economic life take its position without being embarrassed tempt to cover up the disastrous effect of the who directed the gangster and hooligaa depends upon increased armaments.
by any previous binding pledges, promi new course in the Party and in the mass attacks upon the Trotskyists you exJapan Demands ses or agreements. It will be in an easier organizations, the Party wreckers have ad pelled. You and your poor friend BenOn Noveraber 25, 1929, the Japanese position to dictate terms. It will stand in vanced to a new stage in the enlighten janin were the ones who sent knife and cabinet approved the proposals of its naval the center of the conference, manipulating ment campaign they have resorted to the blackjack squads down from the district department on the demands to be presented this way and that, playing off the naval hooligan and gangster methods weil known office of the Party in Union Spuare, New by its delegation to the London conference. peeds and interests of one power against to the trade union burocrats and sharpYork, to gang up on our comrades for sellJapan demanded nothing less than a ratio another, making concessions here in order ly condemned by all honest workers.
ing the militant on the streets. You and of 70 in the 10, 000 ton inch gun cruis to gain a point there, squeezing England Benjamin and Levich and Weinstono and Armed with clubs. blackjacks and ers of the strongest powers (i. e. Britain with the aid of France or France with the Statchel and all the rest of them sent your knives they succeeded in inflicting serious and the an equal ratio in light cruisaid of Japan, or Italy with the aid of some knife and club mon down to our public injuries upon Benjamin (formerly: Asers and destroyers, and would stand against other combination of buccaneers.
meetings to break them up at all cost. You the abolition of a single submarine. Japan That it will not have smooth sailing is sistant Director of the Workers School)
and upon Ralph. These comrades had and your precious friends, those of today as demanded parity with the largest powers already evident. The conference itself will to receive immediate hospital treatment.
well those of yesterday were the ones who on the basis of 80, 000 tons. So far as cap only heighten the contrast between the broke into a private house. with jinmy Ital ships and aircraft carriers are concer pacific pledges of the Kellogs Pact and In Hartford, Conn. a group broke in. in one hand and blackjack in the other, ned fields where Japan greatest naval the cold brutality of ruthless naval competo a private house and attacked a meet and stole private documents so as to oxinterests do not lie, and where she is not tition.
ing of over 20 comrades, most of them pose us in the Party press. You protest particularly strong it generously offered non Party workers.
that the Daily Worker lies (we do not The British Viewpoint to advocate tonnage and gun calibre reduc These methods are acts of desperaknow which of you to believe) on your caltions.
The attitude of the British is becoming tion. they help to convince Party comling police to protect you; but the Daily The idea of reducing on capital shipa more clearly defined. The psalm singing rades and non Party workers that the Worker only copies the infamous calumiy was not distasteful to Washington. But the champions of open diplomacy in the labor Party leadership is absolutely unable to on the same subject that you published proposal for parity with itself and England government, through the First Lord of the answer any of our poiltical contentions about our group. Il these methods of the in subnarines, and a 10 10 ratlo in Admiralty Alexander, have already an and therefore attempts to find refuge in the Stalinists are acts of desperation. what inch cruisers, an advance by Japan over nounced that none of the conference par worst methods borrowed from the of were your methods against us? It they the 5 ratio of the Washington confer ticipants is prepared to view favorably a bureaucracy. Etc. etc. etc. Revolushow the Stalinists absolutely unable to ence, was immediately frowned upon. It scheme for a substantial reduction of battionary Age, December 15, 1929.
answer any of our political contentions. was pointed out that at the tri partite con tleship strength immediately or at a definSo, my dear Lovestone, your chickens ed future date. So much for battleship what did they show when you applied them ference in 1927, Japan had announced its have come home to roost! Your lamenta disarmament. So far as cruisers are conto us so recently?
submarine needs to be in the neighborhood of 70, 000 tons.
cerned, there is little more hope in that tions and protestations, however, are a bit Don assume such an injured look of The visit of the Japanese delegation, field. The well informed correspondent of too late and more than a bit stomachpiety, Lovestone. Your own infamles of preliminary to the London meeting, was an the New York World (12 20 1929. John turning. Permit us to correct one or two little typographical errors in your stateyesterday are too fresh in everyone mind attempt to secure the support of the United Balderston, cables from London: That Briment quoted above: to inspire a ha pennyworth of confidence or States for Tokio demands. The high tain will meet this situation (the growing faith. You are deserving of nether. But minded idealists became fish market hag doubts as to the chances of reaching a The Stalinists did not borrow these we do owe you a charlatans crown.
glers. The Japanese intimated, unofficially, five power cruiser agreement) by cutting hooligan and gangster methods from the we do cwe you a charlatan crown declined lose weight detailed in stare station On Hooliganism. Today and Yesterday