AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

Huset THE MILITANT Saturday, December 21, 1929 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS The Fight of the Chicago Cleaning Shop Workers dred.
AN OPPOSITIOXIST IN BERLIN International? By the dialectical fates It 18 nious apex and exceptionalism theories Combining this with the Marxist theory thus willed! Already Hausen wants the were ingeniously balled up. The same sort (in a most blind manner) that the state is Berlin, Germany.
Dear Comrades: slogan to be issued: We must become THE of hash is served us by Urbahns in his the organ of the economically stronger The Party la facing a pretty serious party and Thalheimer may shout ten theory of the hybrid state (Zwitterstaat. class, he produces his Stalin resituation.
times: We are only a tendency (richtung) After the attacks of Trotsky and the LeninBased on Thaelmann estimapresents the bourgeoisie in truth, but only in Communism, but the little speculation a bund minority, he has twisted and bent it sways between the classes at present for dion of the revolutionary ripeness of conditions, the party press is developing ever bout where the present line may end until it looks like a pretzel. Born to defend some mysterious reasons. But it the state breathes unmistakably with Hausen more and more a barrikadenphilosophie.
the unclear and equivocal position he had is the organ of the economically stronger words and spirit.
at the other end, the social democracy, Setaken in the Sino Russian question, the class, and the bourgeoisie, long after the There is much to write about the Len theory is now the basis of the entire line Tering, Zoergiebel and Co. are more than revolution, necesarily remains the stronger inbund, but at present ll confine myself to of the Leninbund majority led by him.
meeting the fighting manifestoes of the class, we can ask the question, Did not Rote Fahne half way. After the general a few points.
He took Trotsky theory of the KerenLenin then also represent the bourgeoisie appeal of the party against the prohibition From all appearance, the Leninbund it Bky up side down period as a base. Natural. In reality. Which is what the ultraof the Red Front Fighters, the wrote sell and the International Left wing as ly, we would assume such a period to be Lefts actually claimed at the time of the that all that the masses need is arms and well are passing through a severe critical Nep.
one in which government (the representathe police would be beaten to bits. At the period. In such a period it should be the tive in this reversed state of the proletariat.
With revolutionary greetings, Red October demonstration in Lustgarten duty of the various Left leaders to strive as them, the bourgeoisie) is defending. GORDON the police answered with fighting cordons for clarification, for precision in theory Incompetently the last positions of its of Schupo (police) ready to attack. The and tactic. Unfortunately, we get no such class. But Urbahns does not seem to want STALINIST PROGRESS IN mervousness of the police and the increas picture from the doings in the Leninbund. to think naturally. He leaves Trotsky here Chicago, Ill.
Ang boldness of the lead many outAside from the internal weaknesses and goes back to quote from Lenin against Dear Comrades: widers to believe that the party has somethere is of demarcation from him. Without the slightest understandi few weeks ago a news item was pubthing up its sleeve, especially since it the Rights. In more than one case, articles and in the best eclectic manner, he draws openly and daringly quotes Lenin letter lished in the Dally Worker, under the in the Volkswille might easily have fitted in the self evidence argument of Engels, of September 17, heading Big Anniversary Meeting in into Gegen den Strom, especially those ar which Lenin discussed in State and ReC. Among other things in this account, ticles of a critical nature. But to get back volution. viz. that even after the revolBut from all that is apparent, the or One of there appeared the following: to the Internal troubles. The muddled ution, the classes do not immediately cease ganizational weaknes of the party can be theoretical articles of Urbahns in the Fahthe biggest and most successful mass meetto exist, that for a long time the economdelt. The party lost the cable layers strike, ings ever staged in Kansas City was held ne des Kommunismus remind me a great ically stronger class remains the bourgeolAt failed to organize a militant resistance deal of the party discussion in the be sie, because of its international connecon the anniversary of the Russian Revoluto the reduction of unemployment insurtion. But sadly enough, further on we fore the last convention, where the inge tions, etc.
ence and has not at all reacted on the learn that over one hundred workers atYoung Plan, can put my finger on any.
tended this tremendous mass meeting.
thing definite, but witnessing demonstraJudging from the ability of the Daily Worktions and meetings gives me the impresser writers and editors to exaggerate, it is on that the German Communist Party is a safe guess that there were no more than Do prepared for the task it seems to have 80 people present. Had there been over eut out for itself. hope have a wrong one hundred present the account would Armpression.
In the lockout of 2, 500 Chicago union ple corporation in which the officials wield have been sure to claim over two huncleaners and dyers, lasting for a period To add to this, there are the scandals all the power and finally have it become, of two weeks, during the month cf Nov to all intents and purposes, their private Allowing for the possible ignorance of in which party leaders or former leaders ember, the workers clearly recognized the property.
the story writer, there is no excuse for the have had a hand. This doesn increaseIssue as being the one of the continued ridiculous claim on tho part of the edito say the least the confidence of the life and existence of the union. It thereBoses Declare a Lockout tors. Any worker in or around masses in the party. Outside of that there fore becomes a rather sad commentary is the struggle in the leadership itself.
The lockout was declared, the bosses whose experience in the movement goes Neumann and Remmele vs. Thaelmann. upon the situation to find these workers concentrating their publicity campaign back more than a year or two can recall tack at their jobs on open shop conditions temporary truce seems to have been establagainst the new plant and against the dozens of mass meetings attended by from pending further negotiations. That this ished but the whole affair breathes ill 300 to 900 workers, union president, Ben Abrams. The bosses Between 1918 and could be accepted with nonchalant ease by demanded his removal; even went to the 1925 there were scores of such meetings.
pmens, the officials is, of course, not to be wonBrandler is developing along the lines extent of a cheap police frame up stunt, Seldom were there less than 250 pregdered at.
Indicated by comrade Trotsky ent during this period and on several occathe result of which was rather to increase in his However, one should not forget that various letters. He has established pretty any prestige he might enjoy. To the worksions the Labor Temple which seats about after all, even under open shop conditions Arm connections with the Czecho Slovakian, ers, however, who remembered conditions 1800 was packed.
the union has what the bosses almost look the French (Alsace Lorraine) and the Ausprior to the advent of the union with a Kansas City has a tradition in the upon as the whip in the ownership of a ten to fourteen hour day at 25. 00 per trian Rights, no doubt with Lovestone too.
movement which is second to none and any large cleaning and dying plants, the buildThe strength of the Brandlerists here in week, the issues of this fight lay much worker who took part in these meetings ings of which are just being completed. Os deeper. They know it was a matter of during the above mentioned years will Berlin is negligible. In the province there tensibly this plant and the union presi the very life and existence of the union never forget the merciless persecution of may be a different story. Thalheimer is dent were the issues in the conflict, made malcing a great play for the shaky elements and they stood sold together, Negro and our movement by the forces of reaction.
to appear so by the bosses as a better pub white.
among the party members and the left About two thirds of the member There wero meetings broken up, arrests, social democrats with his national prolic front; but the real issue becomes clear ship is Negro. It was somewhat strange Jailings, clubbings and frenzied press artiwhen one understands the struggle as it gram. which is an opportunist reform platto have the demand for removal of the ofcles galore. The police, the Chambegan in 1927.
form slightly favored with Leninist phrages, ficials cosing from the bosses, particularber of Commerce, the American Legion, In contrast to the Stalinists, who call it the and the press were as one The Bosses Anti Union Drive ly when coming with a lockout notice, the party of Lenin, the Brandlerists speak promising a later return to work withagainst us. No fiercier or blacker persecuAt that time the bosses started a cam out a union, tion of our movement ever took place any.
of the party of Liebknecht and Luxempaign to crush the union. The union countwhere in America. Truly there was a burg. This seems significant to me. There ered with a threat to establish its own coBen Abrams is a type of the of Mes grain of their united front of all reactionaries.
opportunist alms.
operative plant and began active preparaofficial who a little more than ten years Further, they bring forth the point that Yet, through it all the militant worktions to sell stock to its own members ago posed as the Left of the Socialist ers of K, steadfastly refused to be inthey mean to follow Lenin In spirit.
and to those of other Chicago unions. The Party and since went through an evolu timidated. They stood their ground and e. the spirit of Leninism, not its words (as they saw the Stalinists do, with their bosses changed front and signed an agreetion to a complete reactionary position; fought for their rights. And it is well to rement granting the workers the 44 hour one of the type who will sell the interests long quotations. mark here that these meetings were mostweek with a guaranteed seven months emof the workers for a consideration, mak ly conducted under the leadership of those Roy 18 their Comintern expert. He ployment per year, also agreeing to give ing necessary that the membership watches who now stand with the Communist League writes long and demagogical articles, as one week notice before discharging any very closely the negotiations now going (Opposition. equivocal as can be, about the leadership worker and to paying an amount equal to on with the bosses. Yet to join in the Under the leadership of the LovestoneIn the and the about de per cent of the weeky wages into the chorus ol the capitalist press to call this ite Holy Rollers, the Party in not mocratic centralization, organizational problems, etc. On the first point, he is willing workers unemployment fund.
whole fight just another racketeering bat ouly made do progress but rapidly disinteThis agraement was lived up to until tle as the Dally Worker did, is incorrect.
to give the a place of honor grated. Evidently, under the leadership of six months ago when the bosses again beA struggle involving the existence of a in the and nothing more. He begins Bill Foster and his latter day saints, who union of 2, 500 members and their union were selected by Stalin to wear Lovestone by saying that the is quite gan their campaign to crush the union.
Their first act was the employment of an working conditions is not matter of rackcorrect in its line in Russia,. only to end spurs and high boots and who are now up with the old Bucharinist arguments expert union smasher, coming from the eteering regardless of the performances of clumsily aping Lovestone methods, the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, a certhe bosses agents, about the collapse of the financial system, Party there is faring no better when they etc.
tain Clayton Patterson, with a past record are compelled in the 9th period to boast In the negotiations taking place after in the 1919 steel strike and in the breakof a meeting of a mere handful. The workOn the second point, he speaks of each one week duration of the lockout the ers of have voted against Stalinism ing of the telephone operators strike of party working out its own national probosses showed clearly that their effort was St. Louis, Mo. He became the secretary with their feet. The job of bringing the blems and the collective elaboration of the to change the conditions of wages and of the Master Cleaners Association and many hundreds of progressive and radiinternational problems, which means leavworking hours. With several break offs, added some specific features to the new cal workers, who have become disgusted ing a minimum of points for a program of these negotiations are still being continwith Stalinism, back into contact with line of policy. New workers were brokInternational action, or a revival of the ued. The workers are back at their jobs, the movement remains for the Communen into the trade, the bosses going to the some of the most militant ones having been ist League.
pre war Second Internatonal. Number extent of paying their union initiation fee three: he thnks that since the parties, acdiscriminated against under the excuse of of 25. 00, hoping thereby to have one set of JOHN MIHELIC.
cording to Platnitsky last report, have not the slack season. At present the workers workers to rely upon against the older been able up to now to build their organhave no agreement and practically the only unlon members. The union countered with izations on a factory nucleus system, they union recognition represented is the fact WORKING IN GRAND RAPIDS raising the initiation fee to 200. 00, a line will never be able to do so and ought to that there are negotiations on.
Grand Rapids, Mich.
of action in perfect harmony with the conDear Comrades: give up the idea whch would make room ceptions of narrow craft, job trust unions.
Yet the bosses know perfectly well that It was away from Grand Rapids for a for a broad opportunist policy in the trade better way would have been to make the union members, during the period of the few months. Now have returned and unions, real union men out of all and then tell the two weeks lockout, displayed their solldarlfound many copies of the Militant and your Most generally, the writers in Gegen bosses what they could not do.
ty and they did not dare carry their threat letter awaiting me. am glad to read the den Strom (Brandlerist central organ) The bosses stopped any further paythrough to the end of opening up the Militant and distribute it among the Party draw the analogy between the crisis in the plants with scab labor. This makes them ments to the unemployment fund and went members.
First International before its disruption ahead with preparations of their side of hesitant. Nevertheless the struggle is of We are trying to work among some end the present crisis in the Comintern. the fight. The union started to build a milsuch asharp character that only the Russian comrades, have found out that a They seem to predict that just as the First Hon dollar plant to be known as the Sugreatest alertness of the rank and file Russian group was expelled from the Party International broke up because of anarchmembers can serve as their security. The per Method Cleaners and Dyers, Inc. a few years ago. If you will send me some ism, the Tihrd will break up because of funds having been realized from stock negotiations must be watched very closecopies of the Russian Bulletin of the Opthe ultra Leftism of the present line Bales to unlon members. While workers ly. Only the conscious mdlltant elemente position, am sure it will help us among which, they say, is akin to anarchism. Then co operative enterprises neturally have combining themselves and fighting as an the Russian workers. They will be able to they gu on to speak of decades of peaceful great value, it is certainly no selation in organized Left wing can guarantee that understand things better in that way than growth and the need of mass parties for a case like this where the life of the uniton rank and file interests will really ve prothrough my explanations.
whi econd International was found is at stake. Additionally. It carries the tooted.
Fraternally yours.
ed and so on. The birth of the Fourth great danger of becoming pure and stm. rank and file Cleaner and Dyer.